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You didn't vcs your website?
which version?
some versions of it certainly predate my choice to use VCS
@TonyTheLion What did you do?
UE4 features
@R.MartinhoFernandes You could hire STL. He instantiates templates in his head.
ah, here
the repository does include the old ASPX versions of those tutorials.
I feel like I'm at a point ripe to start speaking German properly. I just need to do some budget cuts on my free time and make a serious push.
German is overrated.
ITT Robot to only speak German during the meetup.
> You've come such a long way with no one to comfort you, to tell you you're needed
@EtiennedeMartel Sounds good.
this is part of the reason why HS is so poorly designed
@Xeo I do believe I can get a decent level of fluency until then if I start a serious effort now.
Why do pairs have a .second member but no .minute and .hour? ;)
Why do they have a .second member and not .minute and .degree?
And Arc-second/minute
@Borgleader Holy tits these comments are dumb.
@EtiennedeMartel Their (!) Youtube comments, what do you expect? ;)
I'm an idealist. I always expect the best.
One day, we shall succeed.
@EtiennedeMartel isn't that an optimist?
As I understand the words, an optimist hopes for the best, an idealist strives for the best
Idealist is optimist on crack
@jalf Then I'm the latter, yeah.
@FredOverflow they can’t wait that long to mate.
@rightfold I'll wait until April 1st ;)
std::pair<Apple, Pear>   // a pair containing a pear, is that recursion?
@FredOverflow And I suppose the Apple is its peer?
@FredOverflow How many hours is that? See? It will overflow, which is UB. Hence.
Fun fact: "comparing apples and oranges" is "comparing apples with pears" in German.
@rightfold Interesting... I think you may be on to something!
Snowdrop engine (Warning: may contain traces of French)
moar engines pls
@Jefffrey maori engine :o
data Fruit = Apple | Orange deriving (Eq)
print $ Apple == Orange -- See? I can compare apples to oranges! No type error!
@rightfold shut up
@Jefffrey shut up
Time to implement hypercomplex in C++.
I’ll need it for Styx.
@jalf I don't know what you are talking about :>
@FredOverflow Wij zeggen: “je kunt geen appels met peren vergelijken.”
@Borgleader Looks ok
I like how C++ is presented as a selling point. You know those good programming languages? Yeah, you won’t have to deal with those, how awesome is that!

>"I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind." -Alan Kay

Alternatively, Google why Linus Torvalds insists on Git being written in C. Or, more precisely, on Git NOT being written in C++.

I mean, sure, yeah, a lot of games are written in C++. It’s unrealistic (heh heh) to expect that Unreal Engine will be in anything but C++. There’s a lot of history and legacy in there and I imagine they have better
@Borgleader that's nice
@Rapptz What part specifically?
@Rapptz obvious troll is obvious
nah, it's not a troll
I can see bait from miles away and I know this isn't bait or trolling :v
people just love to hate C++
@Rapptz You can only see my bait because it's so fucking obvious.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Rare cards are more powerful than non-rare cards.
The worst type of pitfall.
I also like how it's always the same two quotes
@Xeo Yeah I was thinking about that a few days ago.
Especially the Alan Kay quote is just BS
Who even cares about OO?
@EtiennedeMartel Can I be introduced to Magic and get four of every card that has ever been printed?
Pretty please?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
@Jefffrey <3
@Jefffrey Go nuts.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@Rapptz Alright. Try this: stop going on 4chan for a full month.
also, nice, switching tab away from youtube and Flashplayer decides to enter an infinite loop or something
I'm sure you'll gain a positive outlook on life.
Too late for me bub.
Anyway, I'm sick and tired of the whole "4chan is evil" trope
4chan is 4chan
The only people who say that are the people who don't visit the site
@Rapptz It's not evil. It's just a repository of assholes.
Apple a;
Pear p;
a == p;   // error: invalid operands to binary expression ('Apple' and 'Pear')
@rightfold Neither can C++ ;)
How do you know?
@FredOverflow Define operator==(Apple const&, Pear const&) and operator==(Pear const&, Apple const&).
Also, I think out of all threads there you'd probably like agdg
(amateur game developer general)
@Rapptz Because the fetid bullshit that seeps out of there is horrendous, so I guess it's even worse if you're in there.
But look, I also think that Reddit is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, so.
there's /b/ and then there's good guy 4chan
Maybe it's just my standards.
What standards?
Anyway, I browse for the hell of it. It's a decent place for discussion.
At least in /vg/
Can't really say the same for /v/.
@Rapptz ISO/IEC 14882:2011
@rightfold How about an implicit conversion from Pear to Apple? Just cut off the top :D
hypercomplex is easier to implement than I thought it would be.
@Rapptz You mean there's multiple boards for the same topic?
See? You don't even browse the place
And here I thought /v/ was the only one. That might explain why I was expecting so much shit.
/vg/ actually discusses video games (or in this case, game development)
And /v/ does what?
shitpost about console wars
Sounds like /r/gaming then.
/r/gaming is slightly worse
I find that hard to believe.
But sure.
/r/gaming has a very creepy hive mind mentality.
@Rapptz lol, "Given this information, I see why Hearthstone is so popular. It does a lot these things right." from the comments.
There are a few things HS does decently, like disenchanting cards.
something you can't do irl
well you can actually do it better irl
since you can trade cards
Hearthstone doesn't have much human interaction
That said, I stay away from Internet discussions about video games. Doesn't take long before the debate gets swarmed by idiots who claim that casualization is "ruining" gaming.
@EtiennedeMartel Those debates are old man. People have transcended those arguments and have went on to dumber things like console wars and feminism and/or social justice ruining video games.
Anyway /v/ is the worst board on 4chan so it's no surprise to me
@Rapptz They might be old, they still exist. The discourse has changed a bit, but in the end it's the same "They've changed it, now it sucks" mentality.
@Rapptz What does that mean?
You can turn your cards into "dust" and with that "dust" you can make new cards
(hint: not very effective way of making cards)
Dust allows you to make a sand attack card!
Throw it in their eyes and they're blinded for ONE WHOLE TURN.
anyway I wish HS had more human interaction
there's no chat, no trading, no anything
@Rapptz It's an online game.
So you can shitpost if you win? :3c
Yeah sure
Anything is better than playing with humans that feel like bots.
@Rapptz Well met!
also when the hell did "toxic player" become a thing?
is this an LoLism?
@Rapptz Since DotA. Because they're quite common in there (and in MOBAs in general).
I've played DotA1 and I never saw anyone get called toxic
@Rapptz Oh, right, the term itself.
Well, Riot uses the word officially to denote bad mannered players, so maybe it is.
People get really upset in MOBAs. I'm not sure if the same happens in other games.
@ThePhD Easily upset people are attracted to MOBAs.
It's like what the road does to people.
Riot releases stats that claim that toxic players usually have lower win rates. Their point is that being toxic makes you lose. I think toxic players are the kind of people who don't learn from their mistakes (because they're always blaming somebody else), so they suck, hence why they lose.
@EtiennedeMartel I hope they keep playing LoL and stay away from Heroes of the Storm :P
Lose a MOBA game? "fcking kill urself u shity fgt"
The parallels are uncanny.
@ThePhD A toxic player can on his own ruin teamwork and make the team lose
I've received death threats a few times while playing StarCraft 2, so it's not just MOBAs.
is "kill yourself" now a death threat?
I know, Internet threats, but still. It's weird.
> internet threats
@EtiennedeMartel 1v1 or team games?
man I'm getting old
@Rapptz I don't really consider "kill yourself" a death threat
@Rapptz Only if there's a "go" before it.
It's more the "I'm going to fucking climb in your window and shank you you piece of shit kid" kind of things.
I remember receiving threats from "lawyers". Good times.
But I wonder what can lead someone to wish harm on someone else over a game.
I mean, calm down, man. It's just a game.
@EtiennedeMartel could it be... moronity?
@presiuslitelsnoflek The GIFT, mostly.
I usually just laugh if someone tells me to kill myself
@EtiennedeMartel is that an acronym-i-haven't-heard-of-yet-but-will-soon?
@EtiennedeMartel I remember reading an article about two guys who get in an argument on XLive and one guy gave his address to the other saying "come at me bro" and the guy did show up (i cant remember if he killed him or hurt him enough to land him in the hospital)
@presiuslitelsnoflek It's a song by Seether.

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