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There is no server in this case anyway. :P
@rightfold are you making units as separate processes? :D
What are units?
like the ones we talked about earlier
Oh, I’m not writing a game.
I was talking about Erlang back then, with processes for entities and messages for communication, but that’s something completely different as what I am doing right now.
What are you doing now?
I am designing a protocol.
Are you going to finish it?
Probably not.
at least you're honest :)
I'm piggy back
@TonyTheLion Wondering why my life feels so empty
@DeadMG I have wondered that recently too
probably lack of a discernable personal or professional future
@Jefffrey sup
@DeadMG Because you do not eat enough.
eating too much makes me sick.
and by "too much" I mean "Right now I'm having to scale back from 800 calories/day"
Gonna take a shower, brb.
this female hockey match is awesome
USA 2 : 2 Canada
damnit, I also have to take a shower tonight
gonna play some MC
mumble anyone?
@TonyTheLion sure
I've never been told not to and the compiler doesn't complain. May I ask why? — redkat85 2 hours ago
Header-only libraries are based around #including .cpp files :v
They are where the difference between 'header' and 'implementation file' is non-existent (no, the extension really doesn't matter)
why does it feel like having code with lots of if statements or for loops is bad?
@Crowz because it makes the code harder to understand
just feels flimsy to me, like something is definitely going to get through those conditionals
Better close the doors
our students group started unofficial signups for groups in a google spreadsheet
so much fun
they refused to use comments and we talk in the spreadsheet using unicode arrows pointing to the field you respond to
installing the latest version of Mumble, requires me to close all damn things I have open. WHY??
@TonyTheLion nah, it's just a recomendation
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Of course we did ;)
@Borgleader ta regardé le match?
le hockey feminin c'est plus violent que le masculin
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Non, jai rien regardé des olympiques.
le dernier match de hockey feminin vaut la peine... battu en overtime
le but pour rester en overtime a une minute de la 3eme manche
@BartekBanachewicz, will the server be able to handle 31 villagers?
@Jefffrey wat?
villagers in villages? I guess.
in a single village, yes
I don't think it should be a problem
I've allocated 1GB of RAM for the server but I can give it more if it starts misbehaving
ok good, it shouldn't be anything special anyway
@BartekBanachewicz Hello
I'm writing a profile about you for the magazine, so what should I put?
Thanks ;)
@BartekBanachewicz 1GB for a MC server? :v
I start with 6
TeamCity can barely run with 1GB, let alone Minecraft.
+ increased permgen size
@rightfold they really optimized memory usage in newer releases
@TimTimmy let me get on skype
@CatPlusPlus we don't run Lua computers though
Even vanilla I wouldn't run with less than 4GB
Also pregenerating the world is p helpful
@CatPlusPlus I run it with about 3.5, on a 4 gig server, so you know
there were a few JVM options that really made the difference for me
@CatPlusPlus didn't have any issues thus far
Oh, I misremembered, I run client with 6
Server with only 3
not sure how much I run my client with...
@CatPlusPlus my client really doesn't get above 250MB these days
maybe I don't have all those fancy plugins
Xmx is the max mem right? what is the min mem?
oh my, been running with 2 all this time for my client. Time to ram it up to 6 :D
@Ell Fedora jokes are almost as bad as Doge
@Rapptz sir, I take my cap of to you.
any way, time for some forced free TV
Q: Array of object (Class)

user3334513I'm using C++, and I created an array of object. So I have a free memory problem. That's a part of code : class node { //private : public : int num_node; int nbnr; int nbnf; int *NR; int *NF; int BI; int BS; }; node *TN; node * evaluate (node ...

ITT indentation
unsigned int blocks long
(like my dick)
Poles sure like to polish their poles.
jokes found on facebook for $300
come on, I just thought it's something Cicada would write
I blame my French ancestry.
Stack Overflow has no Site.ChildMeta defined
is this supposed to be a joke? (I can't click it)
what do you mean with this ? — user3334513 8 mins ago
I don't know why oh-my-zsh enables history sharing by default
It's terribly annoying
sudden flurry of awful code questions in the last half hour
I love Perl.
I can't do it any more; I'm abandoning for the night. Ugh.
Hey, Great Britain got bronze in women curling. Nicely done. Canada got gold though woop woop.
GLSL Global illumination with Oculus rift / http://glsl.heroku.com/e#14342.1 http://t.co/9WXnwsoOZi
When do you prefer !x || !y over !(x && y) and vice versa?
Assuming x and y are Booleans.
when it reads better
if(!str.empty() || !str2.empty()) reads nicer than if(!(str.empty() && str2.empty()))
unless. :P
this SmallPT thing is pretty cool
@Rapptz Not so sure
@Rapptz Looks like someone took the "Don't use tables for layout" a tad bit too far...
time to fix that "broken" branch
@Rapptz I wonder about constexpr bool neither(bool a, bool b) { return !a || !b; }. Loses short-circuiting, but gains readability, I think.
Variadisable if needed.
Why would it lose short circuiting?
@R.MartinhoFernandes use a macro~
Oh wait never mind
@Rapptz sequence points
@BartekBanachewicz Nope, too broken.
I dare you to get neither(foo<int, double>(5), 10) to work with a macro.
Only with added parens
I wish there was a __FILE__ macro that identifierised it.
Oh wait.
Maybe I can use templates for this.
Or not. Linkage fucks up. foo<__FILE__> would not work, IIRC.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh god what are you trying to do O.O
Maybe I should write a proposal for __UNIQUE__ or something.
@Borgleader Getting more uniquer names for my benchmark registrators.
Oh, gl with that
There's one comment in one of my reporters that will totally break the build if you remove it whistles
It exists to artificially increase the line number (even though it seems legit)
use __COUNTER__
everyone supports it
Not cross-file-y, though.
I get cross-file-y issues.
If mash things into a single-header __LINE__ is unique enough.
Maybe I should do everything that way.
__LINE__ + __COUNTER__ * 256 for extra coolness and fun
And __TIME__[7]!
@R.MartinhoFernandes You could add additional identifier argument to the macro
BECHMARK(id, "description", []...)
@CatPlusPlus That's my last resort.
It has a benefit of making diagnostics potentially better
But I'm totally up for that __UNIQUE__ thing. A UUID or something would work fine.
Making a note.
there was thunder snow here earlier
was pretty cool
D: I wish we got that
Wait, how do I get cross-file issues if this has internal linkage?
Oh, nevermind.
hm, okay
damn @Xeo is not here
__LINE__ is at file scope, not TU scope, so #include <onething> #include <anotherthing> breaks it.
He probably hasn't woken up yet :v
@BartekBanachewicz I want one of those :(
@CatPlusPlus after what?
Not a problem for benchmarks, but a problem for reporters.
@R.MartinhoFernandes mmm. Calls for #line abuse :)
He lives in a different timezone now
I think I actually can use hoistState here
@CatPlusPlus what?
what did I miss
You're bad at jokes and keeping up with what's happening
Lemme check if __COUNTER__ is per file or per TU.
Per TU would be enough.
Per TU probably
@CatPlusPlus :F just tell me wtf already
Docs don't say. Nice.
hmm lenses should work in MonadState. exactly.
so I can create a dry userstate run myself
wait can I.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then it's per TU
Cool, it's TU-ish.
Let's check MSVC.
Who knows.
> Expands to an integer starting with 0 and incrementing by 1 every time it is used in a source file or included headers of the source file.
Explicit enough.
TU Delft.
TU Eindhoven
hoistState :: Monad m => State s a -> StateT s m a
hoistState = StateT . (return .) . runState
should be in the stdlib.
Haskell'14 please.
> Nonius: Affected Platformses
lol, automatic pluralisation
So you didn't do that on purpose :v
I added a custom field named "Affected Platforms" and it created a new bundle of possible values named "Affected Platformses"
btw I nuked some states I thought were not-very-useful (e.g. Submitted before Open)
@CatPlusPlus Sounds good.
lol, MSDN lists __cplusplus under "Microsoft-Specific Predefined Macros"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hah, that's what you get for using software coded by silly Hobitses
Q: Disabling down vote option for their first question by new users

VinothbabuI don't know whether this is the right form to put this up. Why don't we disable the down-vote option for questions created by new users. I see a lot of down-votes immediately coming for new post's from new comers to the stackoverflow, when the question is not appropriate/proper. Instead of d...

Woah... -2 between click and post.
Noise. Already the first answer at +5, q -9
@Mysticial Not this again...
Bloo bloo my delicate feelings were destroyed by downvotes
@CatPlusPlus awww poor you
@CatPlusPlus I believe you
> A simulation game where you cheer up helicopters and everybody in the game speaks in broken english.
@CatPlusPlus You kinda get that in any Anime where the characters try to speak any English.
@Mysticial They cheer up helicopters?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe not helicopters. But I've seen a lot of weird things. And that's just what I've seen.
> cheer up helicopters
enough internet for today
flips table
room topic changed to Helicopter<Lounge>: Cheer it up [broken-english]
Were the helicopters sad?
or fully depressed?
@Mysticial The pain train is still in motion, -16 now
@CatPlusPlus lol you're still doing that
getting mentally prepared I see
Never stop generatin
@Code-Guru They were so uplifting, but then they kinda got stuck spinning in circles, not getting anywhere
too bad that theme generator we gonna use doesn't have a seed input
@Joe: You added a clear valid point to the question, just edited the question to add your comment. — Vinothbabu 2 mins ago
So reasonable
oh well, it was easier than I thought
@Joe: we need to have an upvote/down vote option separately in meta to classify people in agreement/dis-agreement. — Vinothbabu 2 mins ago
The magic number for me is -147. And +147 for that matter. Yes I'm a snooker fan. And no, we don't start with a free ball :) — sehe 5 secs ago
do you like this Doorknob guy?
I think I voted for him
but he sounds like a child
@Jefffrey He is a child.
wtf is snooker?
@JBL oh wait, he is really 13
@Jefffrey Apparently he's 13
Something to goodle for you
@Jefffrey I'm actually not going to vote for him because he's a bit delete-happy. But I'm not going to vote him down either.
ahh...a billiards game
thaksfully he isn't in the top 3
@Jefffrey I dunno. I found his nomination decent (as well as his behavior). Without mention of his age, I'd not have guessed he was that young.
have the primaries finished?
@JBL yeah, he fooled me too with the nomination, that's why I voted for him
There's no proof one way or the other as to whether or not the ponies in the show have estrus or menstruation
outside of that though he doesn't seem much professional
Well I didn't vote for anyone.
He's right.
@Code-Guru Not yet
He is definitely knowledgable about his areas of programming.
in bold with a huge font size
like, seriously?
@Jefffrey Like I said, he is right, and many people miss this point. So that's actually quite relevant.
sounds like a kid waving his arms for attention
@Jefffrey aren't we all to one extent or another?
I generally don't worry too much who becomes moderator. I'm pretty sure anyone who gets elected gets brainwashed in the mod room before they're allowed to do anything. But then, occasionally there are people bad enough that I'd rather them not get that far.
No, sounds like someone stating the obvious with a bold and big font for those in the back who missed it.
-- Why does this work?
let objects' = everyX `over` change $ objects
-- And this one doesn't?
let objects' = execStateT (everyX %= change) objects
@Code-Guru maybe
The only difference mod make is being able to close this room
I really don't give a shit what they do on main site
Gosh, now that I think about it.
@JBL and that's behaving professionally in front of a legitimate question from a new user?
@CatPlusPlus Mod deletes Cat's account. Cat doesn't care. Oh wait... cats never gave a fuck anyway.
gods forbid you behave ~~~~unprofessionally~~~~~~ on this internet website
@CatPlusPlus 1°)Nominate yourselves for mod 2°) Promise to close the Lounge<C++> 3°) ???? 4°) Profit
@Jefffrey Not really. That would be it if he had just selected some minor pet peeve. But he nailed the heart of the issue. Of course, he might have spared a few words explaining how so
@Jefffrey Professionnally ? We're not businessmen here and SO isn't a company (well the website, of course)
@JBL as if Cat would get elected!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The "Yourselves" was generic, I didn't meant Cat specifically.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's what the ???? mean
@CatPlusPlus Not on my internet. Again. God. I just tidied it
@sehe Your internet seems horrible. I prefer mine. It has more ponies.
damn it
I don't get that error
I'm not saying you cannot be funny, but that is neither funny nor an actual answer to the issue
@ScottW Who are we? The Muppet Show?
he just states the obvious in literally 7 words and move away
@BartekBanachewicz weird, most people complain more if they do get the error
Brevity is something something
@sehe I mean I don't understand my mistake
that's not a behavior people should take as an example, IMHO
@Jefffrey Or.... He recognizes that the question is going to provoke a lot of long-drawn debate and bargaining over details, whereas the simple logic is right there.
If I had to apply for election, I'd do it like the rhinoceros party: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
> Repealing the law of gravity
@BartekBanachewicz I hope you didn't think I couldn't not misunderstand :S
Oh, nothing more ?
@jbl > the Rhinoceros Party's basic credo, their so-called primal promise, was "a promise to keep none of our promises."
@sehe of course. I am just thinking out loud and trying to get to the bottom of that
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I totally read that as "apply for erection, you'll like rhinoceros pastey" :)
Oh well, at least it sounds way more realistic than usual parties' promises :)
(%=) :: MonadState a m => Setter a a c d    -> (c -> d) -> m ()
over :: Profunctor p => Setting p s t a b -> p a b -> s -> t
@sehe you need more sleep than I do
that looks a tad different
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Or less drugs. Kind of depends on the PoV.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix lol
> Changing Canada's currency to bubble gum, so it could be inflated or deflated at will.
@BartekBanachewicz beautiful. Only one letter wrong, I think. I think it was Jonathan Pobst (not pabst) who did the PSTAB debug information for mono
^ only vaguely remembering. It's probably just PDB on all platforms, but hey :)
@Mysticial I don't even remember that
I don't get what's the difference between %= and over sans the state
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Inflation is just one breathing away !
I am running it in state so why does it think the types mismatch
@BartekBanachewicz Without looking at it, I'd cheaply suggest 'lazyness'
If a b > c where c > 0 then neither a nor b can be 0, right?
It's always lazyness with them Haskellians
@Mysticial +8931 rep. nice.
this time it's the state
ITT rightfold can't even basic logic or induction
@sehe he can matrices though
I need to get that type inspection thing cat sent me
@rightfold right
> Ending crime by abolishing all laws
this one is one of my favorite
@Mysticial You and your neverending fountain of rep T_T
@HamZa Then the standard deviation of both position and momentum can neither be zero according to the uncertainty principle, right?
Wank wank Overloading the member operator talk by Sebastian Redl
I don't know what principle you're talking about. I just use "my logic".
a b > 0
Which means
a * 0 > 0 which is false
the same goes for a = 0

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