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I don't think that tuple should be inherently copyable, but be copyable in a context where the copy ctor is accessible or something. accessibility should basically flow down the scopes. if the top-level where it's used has access, below levels should have too. but that is likely hard to implement
time to go back to ... moar tests.
@Xeo Actually, it's really not that hard to implement.
I think.
then do it
I was thinking o that because things like make_shared in C++ have that problem. those things might be friended, but not what they actually use to create an objsct
which is why in Wide I intended to introduce transitive friendship.
make it 'transitive accessibility', not just friendship
well, yes.
I meant that if you are a friend of X, then you can access everything X can access.
but I figure that I will leave fine-tuning accessibility for the future.
oh, no, not that
that sounds rather dangerous
I think that right now I am in a more C-with-classes kind of state because there's not much generic support in the language
and without virtual functions you can't even abuse inheritance
Q: How can I make MSVC warn or fail if a switch case falls through?

PorkyBrainI would like to get a warning/error if one of my switch statements has a case which does not break. Is this possible? switch (i){ case 1: cout << "one"; //forgot to break here, I want to be warned about this case 2: cout << "two"; break; }

Sorry about that! It's such great code, and I'm so noob, that I couldn't see it. Thank you so very much! — Gracchus 19 mins ago
I figure that my next step is gonna have to be to enter templates.
then start digging down the rabbit hole of stuff like concepts.
I mean, I already implemented something not too dissimilar by accident once so
I did implement accessibility for modules though, so you don't have to have detail modules.
That's good
> The benefits of standardizing common existing practice include wider portability and better specification, which existing libraries, even portable ones, seem to somewhat lack as compared to having a library in the standard.
@BartekBanachewicz Because Ruby may be a better tool for the job.
@R.MartinhoFernandes linkage?
For example, there may be a Ruby library that solves your problem but there is no Haskell equivalent, nor is there time to develop such an equivalent.
Or your team is more competent with Ruby than with Haskell.
just use C, it has all the libraries :V
@rightfold sometimes it's better to reimplement the thing
TIL ruby has an ffi gem
it has all the libraries, it's just that many of them are almost completely unusable.
@BartekBanachewicz But not always. :)
TIL Ruby is terrible.
@TonyTheLion It's not terrible! :P
@TonyTheLion what makes you think that?
@TonyTheLion Ruby seems to be hated by pretty much everybody here except Ell.
@BartekBanachewicz He's used it once.
@MartinJames hah
@DeadMG and Jefffrey
@MartinJames I have used it
that's not even a lie
We have one Ruby file in the code base.
Rakefile :v
but I was really just trolling by joining the hatred club, because lulz
we don't use Ruby at Intel
@TonyTheLion Of course. You have to use something once to understand the terribleicity factor.
thank god.
man I suck on guitar so much
Eeek, you made me realize I have used PHP
I'm incredibly sloppy
I am watching this and crying
I like ruby
it's beautiful <3
@BartekBanachewicz TUNEEE
@Ell it has funny concepts, but poorly implemented
Funny concepts?
decorators and stuff
meh Idk what a decorator is
wait maybe it doesn't even have that and I am thinking about a library that does it
A decorator is something that decorates.
well the fact that you can implement decorators as a library is nice itself then
@BartekBanachewicz What is it?
@Ell Even the gemstone is bad. Aparrently, it's red because of traces of Chrome, so I could never wear one in case it crashed.
I just looked it up
We’re two weeks in this project and I think it’s time to install a DBMS.
anyway I like static analysis
@rightfold inb4 'Two days installing and configuring this crap and still not one table'.
Ugh. DBMS fails to start.
> java.io.EOFException
@rightfold What a surprise...
do you ever think that maybe the whole hurray-encapsulation thingy is just bullshit?
I think you just made it up
What is a hurray, and why are you encapsulating it?
I mean, it works great when you are at the bare-metal level (with char[] for example) and you want something that you can work with (like std::string) and you don't want the user to care for whatever the implementation is
OH, that hurray..
it works everytime when you want to provide an abstraction
but let's be honest now... when you are high enough (:P) you can just expose your data however you want
you almost convinced me
you should expose the data in a way that minimizes the risk of potential misuse whilst still keeping the extensibility
try just a little bit harder, please
if, say, any valid state of a vector of things is a valid state for your app, then sure, expose it directly
@BartekBanachewicz if you have a risk of potential misuse maybe you have bigger problems with your coworkers than your program
@Jefffrey no.
your arguments are so valid I can't debate
we create abstractions to make using things easier and producing software faster.
I mean "no.". How can you beat that?
if the API allows taking actions that don't make any sense whatsoever (that result in imminent segfault, for example), it's leaky
@BartekBanachewicz how is vector.push_back(x) easier than an ipothetical push_back(vector, x)?
it's literally the same thing
> make interfaces easy to use right and hard to use wrong
@Jefffrey this example doesn't illustrate anything
@AndyProwl why
@Jefffrey because Scott Meyers
it just compares use of a free function to a member function.
@BartekBanachewicz it illustrates the OOP way and the functional way in comparison
@AndyProwl lol
@Jefffrey no.
Okay, maybe not.
OOP and FP don't differ by "member functions vs free functions"
And maybe vector is bare-metal level to medium level so that's not a great example
Yes, that was a bad example FFS, I get it
encapsulation prevents clients from messing up with and/or depending on stuff they don't need to know.
@BartekBanachewicz Give me an example where encapsulation is important and the class is high level (means, no std:: or boost:: thingies)
@Jefffrey They are the same thing
you're misunderstanding what an abstraction is
2 mins ago, by Jefffrey
it's literally the same thing
A vector is a vecter whether it's vector.push_back(a) or vector_push_back(vector, a)
That isn't what it's about
I know.
I was fucking wrong, I got it.
The vector is the abstraction. If you didn't have vector_push_back or vector.push_back you'd be fiddling with memory, reallocating
Okay, sorry
@Jefffrey my chunks in minicraft wrap around std::array. They provide an interface to access the elements that uses strongly-typed coordinate classes. This helps avoiding issues with out-of-bounds, for example
@BartekBanachewicz what do you mean by "strongly-typed coordinate class" and how does that prevent issues with out-of-bounds?
@Jefffrey I encapsulated the index calculation in linear array inside my chunk class. The coordinate class is an unsigned int triple. It has to be explicitely converted into from world coordinates (so I don't accidentally use world coordinates inside a chunk).
Encapsulation is about invariants.
Now shut up.
what the hell.
> A language construct that facilitates the bundling of data with the methods (or other functions) operating on that data
@R.MartinhoFernandes <3
@BartekBanachewicz that has nothing to do with encapsulation?
In programming languages, encapsulation is used to refer to one of two related but distinct notions, and sometimes to the combination thereof: * A language mechanism for restricting access to some of the object's components. * A language construct that facilitates the bundling of data with the methods (or other functions) operating on that data. Some programming language researchers and academics use the first meaning alone or in combination with the second as a distinguishing feature of object-oriented programming, while other programming languages which provide lexical closures view ...
it has totally nothing to do with it
at all.
To be fair bundling data doesn't hide it :3
ITT nobody knows what encapsulation means
So encapsulation is a language construct?
Who cares.
The whole point is still invariants.
There's nothing to encapsulate if there are no invariants.
maybe if you said that instead of stating that "WE ARE ALL WRONG" it would have better effect
oh Bartek
I lol'd at the robot saying "YOU ARE ALL WRONG"
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes, encapsulation is a way of expressing invariants in a computer program
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hm, what if I have a structure with a string member and a boost::signal member, and I want the boost::signal to be fired every time the string member is modified? I would encapsulate the setting of that member into a member function so that it sends the event. But I don't think that "firing the event everytime the member is modified" qualifies as an invariant. Or does it?
I thought encapsulation was information hiding
@Ell Still focusing on the mechanism.
The mechanism?
Python works just fine and it has none of this "information hiding".
Everything is public.
It does o.O
You make stuff private by convention though
don't you?
Do you? :S I don't do python >.<
Surely you document it at least
how do you keep invariants if all the information is publicly accessible?
surely you don't just go modifying objects data willy nilly
@Jefffrey you use underscore prefixes
@Jefffrey You describe the interface. Done. That's how encapsulation works.
Encapsulation is about enforcing ways to work with some data, and one reason for this is to ensure invariants are respected all the time, but it's not the only reason
(That's not "drop a bunch of signatures and call it a day"; I quoted something from the Asylum about this earlier today)
@R.MartinhoFernandes you mean you document the interface?
I kinda agree with Robot that it's not about "enforcing"
it's more about "establishing"
36 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
> The benefits of standardizing common existing practice include wider portability and better specification, which existing libraries, even portable ones, seem to somewhat lack as compared to having a library in the standard.
"better specification, which existing libraries, even portable ones, seem to somewhat lack"
@Jefffrey first you are supposed to create it reasonably
if you create a shitty API, documenting and enforcing it won't make it good
@BartekBanachewicz You're still hiding the information
doesn't matter if it's hidden or not
@Ell The C++ standard exposes some information solely for the purpose of specifying its interfaces.
@BartekBanachewicz of course...??? your point is?
@Jefffrey that your original inquiry was slightly off
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think the Robot was saying encapsulation is not about enforcing. Or maybe I misunderstood.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well of course you don't hide all information because then you can't operate on it
@AndyProwl Why not? It's a bit harder to express it in a logic language, but it's still one.
@BartekBanachewicz I said that if an API is shitty, documenting it makes it good?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Like a "behavioral invariant"?
@AndyProwl I was.
@Jefffrey no, I meant the one that started the discussion.
22 mins ago, by Jefffrey
but let's be honest now... when you are high enough (:P) you can just expose your data however you want
and the point is "no."
@R.MartinhoFernandes OK, I misunderstood then.
@BartekBanachewicz I can't correlate the whole "shitty API -> good documentation -> still shitty API" thingy with my initial statement
@Jefffrey "expose the data in a shitty API" <=> "expose the data however you want"
@AndyProwl postcondition: event was fired?
@AndyProwl Say, "number of times event is fired == number of times this function was called" would work, I guess.
@Xeo I don't think post-conditions are invariants. They include invariants
Method of description is not important, though.

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