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@R.MartinhoFernandes One day you'll be my age. Then you will listen to the music I listen, enjoy the books I read, share the troubles I have, and shake your head about the young folks like I do now. And this is a gradual move, so it's no wonder you start to be similar to me in some ways already. Evil Grin.
A: What is the name of this operator: "-->"?

SatyendraAs Unary Operators (eg. ++ , -- , ! , etc.) have higher precedence than the Relational Operators (eg. > , < , >= , etc.). So in the code while( x --> 0 ) -- is post-decrement operator, operating on variable x, where as > is relational operator for 'greater-than', in the condition of while loop. ...

> --> is same as tends-to symbol in equations of limit in mathematics; So, please don't be confused with the mathematical while writing any code in 'C Language'.
@sbi speech? about what? where? when? :)
@BЈовић Yes. C++. Berlin. 20th.
@sbi speech? about what? where? when? :)
I must say... Claiming NULL is general pointer is a bit disturbing to me. Then, why did nullptr work (because, nullptr is in fact a generic pointer value). NULL is not a pointer value. — sehe 5 mins ago
@FlorisVelleman Oh, I can! I trust it will be fun, but I'm not much of a traveller.
Oct 16 at 16:39, by R. Martinho Fernandes
The Berlin C++ user group invited me to do a talk about the rule of zero :s
@sbi Wait, is the Robot putting on weight?
Good morning, btw :)
@Xeo Do you know of any parts I can use to interrupt the flow of liquid fuel?
In what way?
I have two liquid fuel engines (and associated fuel tanks) stacked on top of each other
but I don't want the bottom one to drain the top one's tanks
That already doesn't happen if you have a decoupler between them
I have a docking port, but I could make a decoupler
... why would you make it a docking port?
well, at the time, I was thinking about retrieving the lower section
might change that though.
Is there even anything important in the lower section?
probably some extra fuel I wanted to use to get back to Kerbin from Mun
Ah, so you planned to drop it before it's empty
Oh, wait, I can guess - let it float in Mun orbit?
leave it in Mun's orbit, take the lander down, then bring the lander back up.
I see
that turned out to be a bad plan though.
Don't really necessary, I think - especially since you can't control that part anymore
so docking to it would be.. challenging
principally because it seems that I sucked at landing it and 1300dV wasn't enough to handle my "Slam directly down onto Mun" plan.
Peeps. Seriously. Get a room? It's probably me, but this eternal Kerbal talk... It just makes me leave
(Why was it that Kyrostat merited a separate room? Is it my memory or was it never this extreme with Minecraft/Hexagon/WhateverTheFad)
you're probably right.
@sehe It's not just you :/
@sehe It really was.
@sehe It was always this extreme with Haskell :P
^ ambiguous
@Xeo Doesn't drive programmers away in quite the same way
Anyways, have fun


Keep testing the goo
Meh, I have a feeling the discussions will kinda die-out if we shove it to a seperate room. Same thing happened with the Functional Programming room
can i delete my chat message
any one know in
ask a mod if it's more than 2 minutes old
mod means
31 one days old msg i want to delete
What's a good alternative for default?
It's.. a keyword. So I can't use it
@sehe Hi sehe, so I tested on my compiler, it does not have enough chops but typedef works and so I can test and see that f = {} and if(!f) is true, but why do you not like nullptr?
as a function name
@Rapptz default_ :D
@Xeo pass
It literally just inserts formatted text that says "default {0}".format(joined_list(stuff)) :(
I have no good name for this
there is only one issue with rule of zero : you can not forward declare class for unique_ptr :(
besides, isn't it rule of one? you may need a constructor
@Rapptz predefined?
@BЈовић the constructor isn't part of rule of 3, 5, or 0.
@BЈовић it refers to the number of special members you define
@ScottW hm
@BЈовић ~T(); T::~T() = default; still counts
besides, isn't it rule of one? you may need a constructor
(Or, really, T::~T(){}. The idea is that you don't have any special handling in the special members.)
sorry for double posts, my internet connection is shit today
I guessed as much
ok, right. constructor is not part of rule of 5
@DeadMG why are you using docking ports for decouplers?
@thecoshman read on
too bad it is not possible to just forward declare whatever goes into unique_ptr
@Xeo I did
without having destructor that is
@BЈовић Your internet connection must be really shitty if my other message still isn't in.
3 mins ago, by Xeo
@BЈовић ~T(); T::~T() = default; still counts
2 mins ago, by Xeo
(Or, really, T::~T(){}. The idea is that you don't have any special handling in the special members.)
@BЈовић why wouldn't you? Of course, in places where the unique_ptr is used you need the definition of the class.
@Chemistpp It's a matter of principles. For this type, fine, you might happen to know that indeed it amounts to the same. I'd say: use what expresses your intent best. In this case, I'd say the intent is to "create an empty function" (not: to mutate a function into null-ness)
@Xeo In principle, yes. His mother is away for three weeks, so he lives with me all this time. But for this weekend he had asked me if he could bring a friend, to which I agreed. Then he asked if it would be Ok if they went to his mother's apartment, where his room is bigger. To which I also agreed.
On Saturday night he called me up if it would be Ok if they went strolling outside in the evening. That was at 6pm, though, so I agreed to that. Fully aware that I wasn't at home and the boys weren't to come home to me either, I advised him to be sensible in his judgment when he asked when he was to be home — which leaving the house around midnight to go into town clearly violates. (He was also clearly aware of that being so, because he tried to lie to me when I called him.)
@Chemistpp But consider e.g. unique_ptr<> or shared_ptr<>. Doing a default-construct may do different things than doing .reset(nullptr) (think of deleters). So use what fits the purpose best.
@MSalters NULL is implementation defined, and should be an integral constant expression prvalue of integer type that evaluates to zero. On many implementations it has traditionally been an alias for 0. — sehe 3 mins ago
@sehe Since he usually spends all his day at the computer, I doubt he has any means to do so. ICBWT.
@sbi That would seem like the ideal recipe, no? At least, I'm putting on weight and using the same approach :)
@sehe Yeah, but you take the time for lunch breaks and such. I doubt he concerns himself with such mundane things as preparing and eating food.
@sbi oh, ahahaha - I'm not in hurry to meet those days. Anyways, if their "hanging heads" explanation covers the whole story, then it's probably rather benign and even amusing (in a few year's time)
@sbi wee saying "give them an inch, they'll take a mile"... or for you stupid Europeans who can't fathom such units, "give them a centimeter, they'll take a kilometer" (though doesn't quite roll of the tongue IMO)
Oh, so sbi is on chat answering spree again
@sbi oooh, he's one of those "I eat to sustain myself" sorts of people...
@thecoshman nothing wrong in using these units jokingly, just don't try to actually measure anything with them
When? I don't remember me taking time to breath.
I sort of ... dislike the fact that my new workplace has "collective" lunch time. It's gonna take some getting used to. I mean: I can't just stop what I'm doing at any time of the day, can I?!
(read: I usually went to lunch at around 3pm, or just grabbed something quick so I didn't fall over on my way home)
@thecoshman What do you mean "European?" Last time I looked, Ireland was part of Europe, too.
And here it is: "Give them the little finger and they take your arm."
@thecoshman Maybe he's more of a "I try to focus on what I like doing most" kind of person robot?
@sbi have I not explained this one before?
@sehe I see no way how it can be anything but zero. It also has to be a prvalue.
@sbi "give them the little finger"... that sounds wrong...
@thecoshman I dunno. Maybe you tried. But you could not explain away facts anyway, so why bother?
@sbi mentality
@Rapptz Not the point. Expressing intent doesn't concern itself with the implementation. Also, one day you might have c++20 which adds behaviour. Or you might switch to Boost Signals 2 etc.
Yay, a day of writing documentation. Can't wait to get started!
It's just a preference, and @Chemistpp asked about it. I explained it
@Xeo if you do that, you do need to do the same for other 4
@R.MartinhoFernandes Waitaminute. I thought the lion runs that Twitter account?
Oh, I get it.
@Xeo embrace - extend - extinguish
@sbi I should read the message you replied to. Urgh
@sbi No, he runs LoungeCPPAsylum.
My mistake
silly monkey
@Rapptz Og sorry, you were responding to the NULL comments
@thecoshman So you admit to being mental?
@sbi you being obtuse or ignorant?
For the first time ever, a manager at work has actually taught me something about programming.
@thecoshman false dichotomy
@sehe aka, 'it can be both'?
@TonyTheLion This company here is hiring.
@TonyTheLion You're life has been fulfilled. Now, go bath in the Ganges
@thecoshman Hey, you started the dirty-word-slinging :)
@TonyTheLion LOL? what?
@thecoshman Have you ever walked with a 2yo grabbing your finger for longer than 2mins? They can certainly make you feel like they're pulling it out of its socket.
@sbi lol, oh yeah, I know what you mean. Sticky little blighters
@TonyTheLion What did he teach you?
I would be wary of anything a manager tries to teach me about programming.
He taught me two things: 1) Use exception handlers to handle exceptions 2) When using SQL databases, use SQL to do as much operations at the database end as possible that involve large datasets. SQL is good at large datasets. (Unsurprisingly)
@TonyTheLion so... what did he teach you?
I should have known these, but for whatever reason I'd never put any try/catch's in my code. :/
The reason is usually "too much effort"
@thecoshman Urgh.
Especially if a library is littered with annoying / useless exceptions
@TonyTheLion you need to catch at the point where you know how to handle the error
just remember, exceptions are for things that are exceptional. Things like "no results to return from that database" is not exceptional, the database having melted on you IS however.
@Xeo True. Unfortunately where I work its unacceptable for anything to crash without knowing why.
@TonyTheLion uhm. is there some sarcasm or irony in that revelation?
@ArneMertz Why?
Because it should have been obvious, I know, but apparently I didn't do the obvious
@TonyTheLion (hint: it's not exactly revelationary news)
FFS, you're all useless
I'm trying to tell you I learned something, that doesn't mean that it will BE NEW TO ALL OF YOU TOO
What is an "exception handler"? Does it simply mean a catch block? Or is it something more advanced?
Do I have to explain everything?
@StackedCrooked catch block.
@StackedCrooked Error monad!
How else would you handle an exception?
@TonyTheLion "use exception handlers to handle exceptions" - I would have thought that to be the most obvious thing for anyone who knows what an exception is.
@TonyTheLion Hey, it's new for me (mostly the second part, as I quite never did that much about DB)
@TonyTheLion exactly
@ArneMertz Gee. Let's just congratulate him for his revelation (and laugh at him in secret - we're the Lounge, after all).
4 mins ago, by Tony The Lion
I should have known these, but for whatever reason I'd never put any try/catch's in my code. :/
I thought you'd be happy that for once I didn't say "Urgh, fucking terrible job, grump grump grump", but hey, I can continue on that train if you prefer me too.
@StackedCrooked "exception handler" is the official term for what people refer to as "catch block"
@TonyTheLion and we are trying to make you feel bad about not knowing everything already :D
@TonyTheLion some people let the program handle exceptions for them :D
Dat bunch of hipsters : "HA you learned something AFTER IT WAS COOL".
@TonyTheLion let it crash out :P
@thecoshman Not acceptable where I work
@thecoshman I'm not Google or the Robot
You don't need to catch exceptions unless you can meaningfully handle them. In my experience there are only a few places in a program where you need a try/catch block.
@TonyTheLion what does your thingy do then?
@TonyTheLion than there is just one other alternative (besides handling exceptions in an exception handler): don't throw exceptions.
@ArneMertz STL and other libs can throw.
@ArneMertz in C# exceptions get thrown from places you have no control over
@thecoshman in many projects exceptions just never™ happen
like the library etc
@ArneMertz .... yes...
and its those you have no choice but to catch, unless you're happy your program just dies when one gets thrown that's unhandled
@TonyTheLion Always have a catch at top-level
Now I do
I didn't before :/
@TonyTheLion except for logging that the exception has happened, there are many cases where that is a viable option, e.g. memory allocation errors and other things where you just can't do anything sensible about.
I comment out the top-level catch when debugging. This way the debugger breaks on the throw point.
@StackedCrooked doesnt it break at throw point anyways?
or can't you configure the debugger that way?
I just asked myself "Why is this guy passing a pointer to a basic integer?" until I realised that it's actually C.
@ArneMertz valid point
GDB has the "catch throw" command which breaks on all exceptions.
But usually I only want to break on fatal exceptions.
At the end of the day, you're all a bunch of tossers, aren't you? :)
@TonyTheLion you got it all wrong, it's not that we are tossers, but that you are stooopid :P
No, I'm smart enough to realize that I don't know everything.
13 mins ago, by Xeo
@ArneMertz Gee. Let's just congratulate him for his revelation (and laugh at him in secret - we're the Lounge, after all).
What is considered an exception handler?
@StackedCrooked well I usually break on any exception because if an exception is thrown, that means something bad happened that should not. At least that's how it should be to my understanding.
@TonyTheLion smart enough indeed
is that a fancy term for catch?
@ArneMertz but even then, depending on the application, you may want to try to terminate more gracefully (even if only showing a message box telling the user that "oops, we're crashing")
@Rapptz apparently so, pretentious I would say.
@Rapptz It's the technically correct term for catch
first time I've heard of it actually
@jalf "Shit no work!"
And here I thought "exception handler" was common terminology
I use exception handling but I've never verb'd it (heheh) or did any transformations to it.
@TonyTheLion Look: For the first time ever, you have actually taught the Lounge something about programming!
@TonyTheLion I wouldn't use that term, but I would assume that is what they meant.
@Xeo ... what's going on here? National be nice to the lion day?
@jalf indeed. But that is normally achieved by a top level catch somewhere in main(), and in many projects that top level catch has been written eons ago when the project started and never has been seen again. So with that single exception (!) projects run for years without writing any exception handler.
@thecoshman Do you take pride in being an asshole?
I just realized I do that in my code but... is it shocking to put multiple things in a struct just to pass it around (like a tarball, but in a programming language...) ?
@TonyTheLion at times :P
oh you
@TonyTheLion well at least it's standardese. §15.3 ("Handling an exception") only talks about "handlers" that "catch exceptions", and only the syntactic element at the top of the handler is referred to as "catch clause".
@JBL if you pass those multiple things around they must be used together in different places, and if that is the case, it's only natural to stuff them together into a struct. It's way better than passing them around one by one each time.
@ScottW C++
I'd be surprised if the terminology would be much different in C#
@ArneMertz Mmh, yes, dunno why but it felt weird.
@BЈовић The rule of zero is not about unique_ptr :(
God-fucking-damn it.
@ArneMertz Hmmm that may be where I got it from. But, IIRC, I got that term from reading some Win32 article on exception handling.
Yeah, it's about shared_ptr.
Once upon a time
There was a little pointer
@User17 was it a smart pointer?
@ArneMertz well, we have to find it out, don't we ...
@StackedCrooked It's actually about weak_ptr and how it wishes to be stronger. It's one of those good ol' movies.
~knock~ ~knock~
"Who is there?"
I'm tired.
@R.MartinhoFernandes From your article, it is about using unique_ptr or shared_ptr (depending whether you need copy or move semantic), and not implementing copy/move constructors and operators+destructor
@Rapptz It can be nullptr.
see, value_ptr not existing makes people think shared_ptr is good for copying
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wrong reply?
@Rapptz so it's like a shonen manga?
Check what I replied to
Oh. Wait, now I get it.
okay, time to sleep
@StackedCrooked Yes.
Though you are right that I should probably /cc @sehe
@sehe It's not integral. Any null pointer constant works.
A null pointer constant is an integral constant expression (5.19) prvalue of integer type that evaluates to
zero or a prvalue of type std::nullptr_t.
> The macro NULL is an implementation-defined C++ null pointer constant in this International Standard
> Thank you for reporting this content. I've passed the information along to the person at our company who handles such issues. It's the diligence of users like you that helps us stay valuable! Thank you again, the Stack Exchange team.
@sbi Oh come on, that's not true at all.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right, you spend the majority of your time getting drunk. :)
@Xeo well most people prefer getting drunk to getting fat ;D
@R.MartinhoFernandes fine, you get up to pee once a day
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wait is that site just copying SO content?
@ArneMertz typical
happens quite a lot
how would one go about in writing a patch to implement those unimplemented traits missing from <type_traits> (gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/manual/status.html, scroll down to "", "Type Properties")?
okey fuck time to tackle this once and for all
I'm not sure why they haven't been implemented yet (no extra compiler feature is neccessary.. it's just a matter of writing code using compiler things already present)
this project is already taking more time than planned
@BartekBanachewicz, @Xeo: could you guys give me a push in the right direction?
@BartekBanachewicz uh just noticed they actually say that at the bottom. But where's the sense in that?
@refp Do they actually have those compiler hooks?
@refp are there no "new contributors guidelines" or something? You might also want to contact someone from dev team directly to check if noone is working on that already
and are they actually working?
@Xeo they are not needed
Uhm yes they are. You need compiler magic for the is_trivial checks
@ArneMertz there's none.
@Xeo no, the compiler already knows this stuff because of the rules regarding unions
Yes, but how would you check that in a trait?
I wrote a POC for the guys in ##c++, ideone.com/SF6gIJ
@Xeo simple SFINAE
but now I need to figure out the right way to actually patch this up, I've never done stuff like this before and I'm kinda curious about the whole machinery so I thought; "hey, why not - it's for a good cause"
@refp The whole point of the traits is that they are not feasible in the language.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well see the code I wrote, where is it not being handled correctly?
@R.MartinhoFernandes the rules are already there because of what the standard says about unions and implicitly deleting special member-functions present in it's members
@refp How would that not function for any type that can be assigned to an rvalue?
@DeadMG sorry, I don't understand what you mean
@refp How does your trait prove triviality?
as opposed to merely having an assignment operator with a specific signature?
@DeadMG because what the standard says about unions and the rules about them
@DeadMG if a member of a union has a non-trivial <insert special member function> then that <same special member function> = delete; in the union
= delete means hard error in C++11
if that <same special member function> = delete in the union the decltype-sfinae is'nt valid and.. well, you get the rest
(fixed in C++1y I think)
@Xeo not sure if this is a remark to the implementation of is_trivially_copy_assignable, if it is.. I don't see the relevance
care to elaborate? (if that's the case)
If a deleted function is ever referenced at all, it causes a hard error.
for SFINAE, you need a soft error
@Xeo so both clang and gcc are wrong to accept the code I wrote?
1 min ago, by Xeo
(fixed in C++1y I think)
And they likely implement that fix
Point is, C++11 needs magic to implement is_trivial checks
let me see what the standard says about unions and ` = delete`
never mind
I don't think = delete causes SFINAE in C++1y, but instead counts as a soft error when within an SFINAE context
@Xeo so when the standard says that a function is "implicitly deleted" this means that it cannot be used in SFINAE?
> A program that refers to a deleted function implicitly or explicitly, other than to declare it, is ill-formed
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was hoping that "implicitly deleted" (by the compiler) would follow another set of rules than those of explicitly deleted (by the programmer)

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