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Somebody should make a parachuting game.
"Parachute Tycoon"
I wasn't aware parachuting was an industrial activity.
@Pawnguy7 Parachuting isn't, but making parachutes is.
I feel there wouldn't be me enough variation there to make it fun.
OK, I may have had a few beers, but I'm getting fucking really pissed off with morons who think that fucking print statements are a fucking substitute for a fucking debugger.
Maybe I should go to bed.
What is being debugged?
I think print debugging has some uses.
Fucking merge sort.
why the fuck do you need to debug merge sort
I don't think that is one of them.
the only error I could ever imagine are fencepost errors, which debuggers suck at anyway
and then again - why are you implementing merge sort?
Print/logging DOES have it's uses, absolutely. You need that AND a debugger.
just copy/paste the battle-tested few lines it is
@Pawnguy7 fencepost error = off-by-one error
I am not:
like, if you're implementing mergesort just as a learning excercise
for the love of god
stay the fuck away from C or C++ and do it in something like Python
I will admit, I probably have misused it sometimes. I cannot remember why, though...
I feel it was laziness somehow, though I am not certain why.
> ('&%:9]!~}|z2Vxwv-,POqponl$Hjig%eB@@>}=<M:9wv6WsU2T|nm-,jcL(I&%$#"
What is it?
looks pretty random to me
> named after the eighth circle of hell...
I can see why.
"However, weaknesses in this design have been found that make it possible (though still very difficult) to write Perl programs in an organized fashion."
I was watching an Elementary episode and Sherlock needed to have an decryption team to understand the above message.
Guess what it really is?
hello world
I'm off to bed before I lose my F12 key to headbanging again. BFN:)
you just took it straight from the wikipedia page
nice try though
I did anyway.
"A secret message"
@Jefffrey and just for realism, no "decryption team" on this planet could EVER decipher that without having hundreds of similar messages, with some known messages in there
But Sherlock immediately recognized it was Malbonge.
Because.. Sherlock.
yet he needed a "decryption team" instead of "download a malbonge interpreter on his computer"?
It is supposed to be modern day?
@Pawnguy7 no of course not
@Pawnguy7 the paper is a wrinkled and shit
Which is it?
No, the show.
@Pawnguy7 there's at least 2 cups of coffee on it - it must be old
@Jefffrey Did.. did you google this right afterwards?
I don't see how you would have noticed this.
@Rapptz In the show Sherlock says the name of the language. I googled it and found out that that code is an "Hello world" code.
That.. brings up more questions.
How do you make that a plot element?
Like that Person of interest episode in which there's that genius kid that found out some sort of perfect algorithm which is... a C++ hello world.
I can code in that language too btw
"".join(a[random.randrange(len(a))] for _ in range(60))
@Rapptz In the reality of the show that would have been translated to an equation to predetermine numeric codes of a bank lock or something, which is randomly generated.
> [citation needed]For each ternar
It's ironic, in popular media whenever a "hacker" or "computer specialist" or whatever is in the focus it's either this:
why is the citation needed in the beginning of the sentence
May 6 at 3:23, by Jueecy.new
user image
Not exactly hello world, but surely not a special algorithm.
@Rapptz haha exactly
@Rapptz "isolate the node and double the firewall"
the cringe is too much
I think my favorite is seeing 3D buildings from a 2d picture.
that scene's awful
@Jefffrey the person that wrote that just doesn't give a fuck
@Jefffrey just include <stdio.h> in the middle of a function
May 6 at 3:24, by Jueecy.new
lol wut? kid you should include headers before using them!
the entire C/C++ module system is fucked up though
literal inclusion of files...
What language would this be?
That looks like one of those dev consoles you see in games
Also, I spotted a "null" somewhere.
like in quake or hl
@Pawnguy7 lang-pseudo-hack.
set variable "file001" = (cosign..
Not sure where you spotted the NULL.
lol at cosign
@Jefffrey not in that picture, but it was similar green text
Ahah, got it.
@nightcracker god damnit not the zoom thing again
@Borgleader worse
@CatPlusPlus: You still awake or just lurking?
Ah, the zoom thing.
A classic.
@nightcracker oh god.... all the cringe
yknow, when they dont do anything computery that show isnt so bad
According to a comment, old people have no grasp of what death is.
theyll find out soon enough /hawhaw
You know
It is possible to make a GUI app in VB that tracks IP addresses
doesn't VB.Net have fancy networking modules
except she says GUI interface using VB
top comment
G(raphical) U(ser) I(nterface) interface
"I'm just a hobby programmer right now... but this made me want to castrate myself with a GUI interface using Visual Basic."
@Borgleader So? PIN number, ATM machine.
Dont get me wrong, I like the show (most times) i just found that to be cringe worthy. I mean yes its possible but nobody just whips that up on the spot
ok guys, who's feeling adventurous?
I'm going to bed.
go to google, and search for "aimbot wallhack call of duty black ops free keygen no survey no virus 100% free", download and execute the first hit
thats not adventurous, thats stupid
Look at these pokemanz instead
they're not
I've seen those a million times too
The individual pictures, or stringing them together?
i really like them :3
@Rapptz would you stitch all those pictures together using paint?
@Borgleader Their sweaters looks like their acting like pokemons, and it makes them cute.
Theyre "wearing" their evolutions
I completely missed that...
@Borgleader Oh right. Damn that's creative.
@Rapptz random spots on faces?
So I have a git problem...
@Pawnguy7 it's called jpg compression
Image not found
@Code-Guru You should git out! :P
@Rapptz Oh. For some reason I assumed it wouldn't have problems on black and white, I don't know why now that I think of it.
What is this Kerbal thing?
I previously created a .gitattributes file with * text eol=lf and a few exceptions for some binary files.
meh fuck
@Mikhail Kerbal Space Program, it's a game you should play.
@Mikhail Kerbal Space Program.
I thought I fixed all the files to LF line endings, but since then discovered a couple that weren't fixed.
So I created a feature branch and committed those files with LF line endings.
Now when I checkout the devel branch to merge the feature branch into it, git automatically converts the files to LF line endings and then complains that the files have been modified.
Any ideas how I can do the merge?
why are people so obsessed with git rebase?
git rebase rocks!
it's like you can change history
@Code-Guru I had an internship where the compiler front end was based on some EDG stuff. They wanted Boost support, and insisted on fixing the error that is thrown when files aren't terminated by new line characters. Then they wanted to upstream the changes.
Is the Kerbal game demo something like 30 days trial or is it like preview.
> with several restrictions of course
just made the first successful flight of the Asparagus Two and forgot the damn photovoltaic panels.
@Mikhail the whole boost library? /facepalm
Sandbox or Career mode?
@Mikhail Fortunately, this is my own small personal project. It's about 20+k lines of code and previously had mixed LF and CRLF line endings. I'm trying to standardize on LF.
I'm just picky about that kind of thing in my own projects. I think I'd just deal with it in other projects.
407eee8 HEAD@{0}: commit: Fix bug with sanitising of paths
0680500 HEAD@{1}: commit (amend): Sanitise paths to use / instead of \
my commits in a nutshell pretty much
Forgetting things?
I am good at that.
@Rapptz Just sneak them up in major changes. :)
Now that I'm older, I do wonder how hard it is to make a sonic game
I mean, the maps for the 3D sonics are huge or at least they appear to be yet you quickly go through them.
feels like a lot of wasted textures
You can tell when they reuse them
they make it obvious.. I guess
I feel lonely tonight.
@Jefffrey you need lady friends
GLUT must be old.
or male friends, if that's your thing
@Pawnguy7 Qt is kinda nice as long as you don't need to multithread your OpenGL calls
you should never multithread your OpenGL calls
For setting up stuff, GLFW is way simpler to use.
but GLFW is pretty much the way to go
To date, I have only multithreaded one thing, and I don't think it really counts.
@nightcracker I'm afraid I'm unconsciously too full of a mix of catholic and homophobic culture to even consider it.
@Jefffrey what...
@Jefffrey night time relevations
I think I wrote that in the wrong way because you are not getting what I meant.
I was thinking of... what do they call it? Orientation?
In any case.
Well it's hard to argue with that logic. Mainly because it's so frakking stupid
@Pawnguy7 GLUT was actively maintained for years -- and even so, the last time it was updated was over 10 years ago.
You wouldn't do it anyway, is what I am triyng to say.
Sorry, not replying to anything in particular; just felt like saying that
Night :)
@JerryCoffin Yes. Feels odd seeing references to Solaris.
@nightcracker It can help if a thread needs to change a texture when a user loads a file. I don't like message queues.
let me make this very clear
OpenGL is a fucking finite state machine
one simply does not multithread a finite state machine
@Borgleader lol
infinite state machine
@nightcracker Dude, like, the universe is a finite state machine.
@Borgleader please someone have a graphic for this
@nightcracker A CPU is an FSM too.
OGL4 supports it as well as D3D11, I believe.
Ah.. balls.
@JerryCoffin it's multiple - each being a single-threaded core
@JerryCoffin hurr
@nightcracker Shared memory?
boost filesystem doesn't sanitise quotes around paths
@DeadMG Some support in D3D 10 too.
nightcracker hasn't heard of time-sharing OSes from the 1970s and beyond
like the one he's fucking using right now
@LightnessRacesinOrbit FURN
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ...and before the 70's, for that matter.
Fail to UndeRstaNd basic logic?
@Jerry yes
@nightcracker Out of order execution too.
speaking commercially
@Rapptz: cos they are not part of paths and therefore should not be present in the first place
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Control Data had some (horrible) time sharing systems going back to the mid-1960's.
@MarkGarcia Intel atom?
the 60s don't count for anything
path p("\"stuff/stuff2\"") results in keeping the quotes
it assumes the quotes are part of the names of nodes in the path tree
not some shell shitting all over it
@Mikhail Heh. Trying to trick me? Wikipedia says it's an exception. Cheap cores they are.
man I hate quotes
it's worse than / vs \
can I quote you on that?
go nuts
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Only straight quotes
I will tab indent your quote, just to piss you off
because, hey btw, did you know, tab indentation is the best.
tab indentation in vi.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The 1960's count for pretty much everything when it comes to CPU micro-architecture and/or OS design. A brand new Intel i7 is pretty much just a CDC 6600 with a different instruction decoder (and a lot bigger transistor budget), and nearly everything interesting in a current OS came from OS/360 or MULTICS.
@Jerry I wasn't being serious but okay
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I didn't really figure you were, but reversing the wording was just too juicy a plum to resist picking.
@Mikhail I think I need to flag such a homophobic remark.
A: C++ explicit template for destructor nested classes?

Lightness Races in OrbitThe answer is: don't. When I have a container of pointers, I do not expect the container to own the pointees. In fact, nobody expects this, and the standard library containers do not work this way. If nothing else, you're making a big mess of memory management by making illogical assumptions abo...

13 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
Night :)
At least std::string has front and back.
@Rapptz As bloated as it is, it has a backside about a mile wide.
I created a window, and was wondering why it closed.
Then I realized it was a temporary.
@Pawnguy7 new it and it sure would stay. ;)
This is true.
@MarkGarcia Also detach the process, then I assure you it won't go away!
> visited 493 days, 452 consecutive
you need a holiday without internet
69 consecutive
We need a <math> header hm.
We have one o.o
No, we have a math.h and cmath.
Just like we have <limits> instead of <climits> even though they provide the same functionality but with a slight difference.
ok then,
// <math>
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
I was thinking about [[pure]] and how all the cmath functions wouldn't work because they set errno
so I figured it'd be neat if we had our own math library
oh, yeah
errno is stupid
Make a proposal!
It has just dawned on me.
Haskell has a pretty heavy mathematical background but it has no math functions.
There's no Cos, Sin, etc.
stupid haskell
That is surprisingly weird to me.
I'm like, actually amazed.
Oh yay!
There are.
It's in a separate package.
And Prelude :D I guess I'm just retarded today
Everytime I see an OS dev question i just want to answer: "just drop it, you don't want to do this"
time for some good ol' print debugging
their offices are awesome o.o
LOL when is stackoverflow going for IPO?
The status says "VC funded"
Thought VC would like some decent return on their money
@User17 Depends on what contract they signed with the contractee when giving them monies
@User17 I say this because I've seen some companies that have done VC funding but made a sate-light company so if things go tits up, the sate-light company never really owned the software but rented the IP from the real company. Not imply this is happening here, just seen it time and time again.
@Chad It is not IP that's concerned here ... unless their career site is making them a million+ a year, SE is making a loss each year. IPO is a way to ensure a huge pile of capital behind a popular idea.
I could be wrong of course
debt is never an option unless you are surely making money ... and well above a certain threshold.
this is something I never understood
let's say your company is a decent size

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