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> [Note: [...] It applies even for references in expressions that are not potentially-evaluated. [...] -end note]
eh "hoping" that software works in the way you want it to
as seen on tv Stack Overflow
@refp That would be very very silly
@Xeo I'd prefer that it meant that the function just isn't generated by the compiler, not that it's actually deleted
@Xeo because it doesn't make sense really.. I can't write struct Foo { Foo& operator= (int) = delete; /* and then change my mind */ Foo& operator=(int) { } };, right?
woho ARM joined dEQP
too bad I'm not at work today
@Xeo with that the function isn't implicitly deleted, it's just not there.. if you see where I'm going with this?
It's still very very silly
after reading the standard more carefully it's kinda silly
void foo(int);
template<class T>
void foo(T) = delete; // invalid for anything but `int`, disallow implicit conversions
sure, but I don't see how this is relevant to.. what I was talking about
12 mins ago, by refp
@R.MartinhoFernandes the rules are already there because of what the standard says about unions and implicitly deleting special member-functions present in it's members
@refp The same applies for member overloads
@Xeo I know the same applies
okey, so js.global.x = nil fails
that's not what I said..
You lost me, then
@Xeo what I said was, and this is wrong as we have pointed out; that I don't think it would be silly if "implicitly deleted" by the compiler doesn't neccessarily mean the same as "explicitly deleted" by the programmer (see my previous message)
@BartekBanachewicz what is global?
@Xeo that implicitly deleted would imply that the function just won't be generated by the compiler, instead of it meaning the same thing as if the programmer wrote func_typedef = delete;
@Xeo I see now that this was a rather naive thought pattern and that the standard isn't that nice about these things
@rightfold well take a wild guess
window or process depending on the environment? :v
struct X{
  T member_that_causes_implicit_deletion_of_copy_assign_operator;
  template<class U>
  U operator=(U const&); // will get called for `X(another_x)` instead of causing an error immediately
@refp ^ if we apply your rules
@rightfold exactly, depends on environment. In browser it's simply what you have inside <script> .
on node it behaves differently IIRC
anyway assigning nil failed sooo
@Xeo mhm, truthfully I see nothing that's really bad about that
I've made an issue, but now I'd just need manual workaround
@refp Welp, make a proposal then.
@Xeo nhaa, instead I'm going to fix the problem you guys pointed out about my poc
I have another idea that isn't invoking, explicitly or implicitly, a deleted member
just need to think about it for a while though..
Tell us and we can shoot it down immediately, saving you hours of despair. :P
fuck yeah fixed the bug and it works
I like having hours of despair
@BartekBanachewicz \o/
            "       package.preload[name] = { loadstring(source)(); }" +
            "    end" +
            "    return package.preload[name][0];" +
@ArneMertz can you spot it? ^
eh I've spoiled it
@BartekBanachewicz well it's not a language I know so no, I can't. wrt the spoiler: no zero-indexed arrays in that language?
It's a crap language.
@ArneMertz or rather, arrays start by 1 by default
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've eaten my morning portion of sugar already, you won't make me angry :)
I'm not trying to.
Arrays starting with 1 is quite ridiculous, and it actually surprises me that a language that was designed to be embeddable in C does that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't see why it's more ridiculous than arrays starting with 0
natural numbers start with 1
and the fact of embedding in C is irrelevant
@BartekBanachewicz Or with zero. No one knows.
also IIRC Haskell let's you pick if you want 0-based or 1-based
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah. But you number things starting with one ein
@BartekBanachewicz It is totally relevant. It implies the designer was familiar with C and with how arrays are indexed from zero there.
That's why it's surprising.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it also implies he didn't blindly copy the convention of the language Lua is engineered in
So he blindly went against it?
not saying that either.
he chose that basing on many factors.
Lua's not the first language in which arrays start with 1
I mean, I doubt those factors are meaningful enough.
@R.MartinhoFernandes have you read the recently-popular article about the topic?
Someone wrote about that recently?
@R.MartinhoFernandes "recently-popular"
Why array indexes start from 0: http://exple.tive.org/blarg/2013/10/22/citation-needed/
here goes the credit of finding it, I guess.
Do it like Perl and make it configurable through a global.
I don't care about historical artifacts.
That the best option has some whatever historical reason to exist doesn't make it any less or more better.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is performance impact of calculating array index a historical artifact?
FTR I don't feel particularly inclined to prefer one over the other. I feel equally comfortable using both.
Why, yes, it is. It's irrelevant these days and compilers can do it just fine.
zero-based or one-based both make sense depending on how you think about it.
Of course small bugs like the one I've just made are bound to happen because of context switches
@BartekBanachewicz And it happens in a context switch that was a core motivation in the design of the language.
so if the whole world could pick one that would be great, but since it won't, I guess we have to suck it.
Do you see my surprise now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah, it makes more sense, indeed.
A: Why do Lua arrays(tables) start at 1 instead of 0?

DeveloperThe real reason is that the language is an implementation of the definition in a law of Portugal and the major development centre was in Brazil and their preference is to avoid the use of zero or empty or nothing as an index or subscript. However the language does permit the use of a start index ...

@R.MartinhoFernandes mmm is cppreference wrong? Oh well, I'll accept that it's not so clear
Even if this is true, it is not at all relevant to how Lua was designed. — lhf Apr 20 at 11:59
too bad he didn't really write anything about it himself :(
> Defines the null pointer constant, which is an integral constant expression prvalue of integer type that evaluates to zero or a prvalue of type std::nullptr_t.
Have you been reading the C part of cppreference?
> Expands into implementation-defined null-pointer constant.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nope
I don't see any lack of clarity.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Kerbal has left the building. [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [no-questions] [no-quidditch]
@R.MartinhoFernandes "or a prvalue of type std::nullptr_t isn't applicable with tr1, but I guess you're right in that... it doesn't have to be integral. I thought I remembered as much from earlier discussions
> Lua is descended from Sol, a language designed for petroleum engineers with no formal training in computer programming. People not trained in computing think it is damned weird to start counting at zero.
@ArneMertz yes, it's a scraper
@ArneMertz Well they don't have to write any content of their own, and there's tons of it, and they can put ads around it. Though I can't actually see any
@DeadMG why [no-quidditch] ? :(
@ArneMertz I didn't add it, it was already there.
@DeadMG you didn't remove it either. So why did you leave it?
@BartekBanachewicz Anyway, indexing is bad to start with :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes agreed.
map and fold FTW
oh come on @kripken
Lua functions called from javascript can't return values :/
@ArneMertz I didn't even notice it, and I don't give a fuck anyway.
log_(ns::log_level::info) << " ";
hello gents!
var result
Lua.execute ("js.global.f =  function () js.global.result = 5 end")
function $$ (f) { f(); return result; }

I am mad and sick and twisted and why am I even doing that.
@ScottW :| we're going to annihilate
lol @ anti-bartek
@R.MartinhoFernandes not sure since when the fact that coupling increased or not is a matter of opinion
Which one will be still there after the two particles hit themselves ?
a lot of energy
and a white dwarf? :E
anyway fuck it I don't need to return anything to JS
not sure how to interpret this
@BartoszKP FWIW, I think that in a small surface API, it's nice to be able to test smaller internal bits. Makes it easier to pinpoint the error sources from test results.
okey rendering from Lua works
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe, as long as you're sure that they'll remain small and you won't refactor them. But usually this is not the case. This inhibits refactoring, and thus leaves you with the first version of what've you come up with. Which usually can&should be improved.
Programmatically line all the components up on the GUI is so much "fun" I want to kill myself @ moment ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes sounds a bit like debugging during unit tests. otoh the whole question reads like he wants to do exactly that - which is not what unit tests are for imho
Ahaha, today's Dilbert. Always fitting.
@ArneMertz I think of looking at test results as the first stage in debugging. The more information I can glimpse from that, the better.
@BartoszKP I think it can work with some discipline if you treat it as two different APIs, a bit reminiscent of git's porcelain/plumbing interfaces. You have an internal API that you use to build a nicer public API. I am ok with having different levels of implementation details when you are the implementer.
@ScottW Never heard of that.
Is it a band?
@R.MartinhoFernandes granted, but I agree with Bartosz that unit tests should be on the public interface, so all information that a unit test should be able to give is the public (mis)behaviour of the class. Peeking at the internal behaviour is more like the second stage of debugging
Oooh, "genres: lo-fi".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know what you're talking about - I end up with something like that when I'm not sure what is the public interface. But also, this always led me to fragile tests eventually.
@ScottW I'll check it out. Thanks.
I've listened to it twice already
I've listened to it before it became popular :0
ergh I have to manually unpack lua arrays into tuples to pass to JS functions arguments
it is now apparently
JS, ahahaha
well it is, but lua.vm.js is experimental as fuck
i.e. nothing works
seriously Lundi is more powerful
Is repeated select-ing on a non-blocking socket with usleeps in between each call that yields no data significantly less performant than select on a blocking socket?
@User17 yeah that's the best summary of that pseudolanguage
Ok, next bug: "When zooming, lines wiggle"
@R.MartinhoFernandes what
This will take a while.
@BartekBanachewicz It's quite descriptive actually.
@R.MartinhoFernandes heh still
function drawLine (from, to, width, color)
    js.global.drawer.drawLine(from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y)
so much fun
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not sure if usleep yields, but even if yes, some cycles are wasted for meaningless function calls in your thread I suppose : )
I could perhaps metaprocess it a bit
@BartekBanachewicz I suspect a floating point issue somewhere.
but :effort:
@BartoszKP I guess I'm mostly concerned about excess system calls - more selects (potentially) and the new usleep
Not so bothered about the data-receipt latency that will be added
@LightnessRacesinOrbit indeed, that seems more load
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think that probably depends on your throughput. How likely is select to produce no data?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It'll vary. Sometimes there will be a ton of incoming UDP packets (on the order of 40KB within a few seconds), but then potentially seconds or even minutes between expected data
(sorta rhetorical though—I don't know an answer, but I think it's important information to get one)
Is this enough for an SO question, do you think? Or am I going to get spammed with "profile it u dik" comments?
If you care about performance, then you should be using epoll instead of select
@LucDanton Hi, what's up?
feeling a bit sick, not much else
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well, why don't you profile it? : P
My head aches.
The bug is getting around I imagine :v Friends coming down with all sorts of ailments as well.
urgh I know that sooner or later I will just rewrite Harvest in JS TS or CS
but fuck that thought is so annoying that I want to push it as far as possible
Also, it appears I hurt my wrist somewhere, sometime.
@BartoszKP I could do
but I want more than numbers because this will need to scale really well and I can't test at scale right now
The good kind of hurt that heals, not the insidious kind that burns all night long I hope :|
@LightnessRacesinOrbit seems like a valid argument, but still profiling would give you some insight
@R.MartinhoFernandes try some wrist yoga, like here I do this often
@BartoszKP It would
urgh web developer tools for VS require 1.02GB
@BartoszKP Gosh, no.
That will only intensify the pain.
> poll and select are basically the same speed-wise: slow.
@CatPlusPlus I gave up after I've realized I can't call Lua functions from JS and give them parameters
@BartekBanachewicz Heh
they are replaced, everytime, everywhere, by a table as such { index = 1 }
so now I'm installing this web dev thingy for VS to get typescript and I'll prolly just rewrite the whole thing
where rewrite is copy, paste and modify until it works
Emscripten can compile LLVM IR to JS, but it won't give you magically working JS FFI
@CatPlusPlus well lua.vm.js is more than just raw Lua build, of course. But kripken didn't actually put much effort beyond basic working. Still, if the project was moved forward I could actually use it. I got the renderer, dynamic require and dofile and pretty much everything to work
@ScottW :DDDD
soo this typescript thingy
@BartekBanachewicz cluelessness driven development?
@ArneMertz it's more like, the code will be extremely similar
this.element = element;
wow, I can deploy to chrome
that's cool
soo let's write some typescript
I will deploy some scrambled eggs into my stomach
lol new ts file is filled with nice stuff
@ScottW I had a DB dump, no problem
eh Pascal-like type definitions are a bit annoying
anyway so far the language seems alright
@BartekBanachewicz It's literally JS + (some) static type(checking), no?
you can change the Bartek's TypeScript Adventures log severity in the options menu
Morrrrrrrrr - ning.
@Xeo no.
well I won't answer you just now, let me get harvest working in it so I can form a real opinion.
> TypeScript [...] is a strict superset of JavaScript, and essentially adds optional static typing and class-based object oriented programming to the language.
That's just what it is
well fuck does it copy all the quirks and === and whatnot too? :/
It compiles back down to JS
well that I know
but that's really irrelevant, innit
@BartekBanachewicz That's what "strict superset" means
@Xeo so much fail
You can just compile .js files with it
well let's try it nevertheless
@BartekBanachewicz eh
It's trying to get some sanity into JS
@Xeo yeah why not some more
Because it would never really be picked up if it wasn't fully compatible
@Xeo coffeeScript was
The idea is that you can gradually move a project from JS to TS
is it?
All in all, it's certainly better than raw JS
so let's see if it's good enough to make me let go off Lua in this project
Q: Am I potentially shooting myself in the foot by making this UDP listen socket non-blocking?

Lightness Races in OrbitI am building a system that sends and receives UDP packets to multiple pieces of remote hardware. A function mySend passes new information to send to a third-party API that I must use to construct the actual UDP datagram. The API locks a mutex during its work constructing and sending the datagr...

@Xeo have you seen constructor syntax?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit asking for downvotes?
class Color {
    constructor(public r: number, public g: number, public b: number) { }
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@BartekBanachewicz public function arguments?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit note how the class has no public member variables
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Note how the class has no obvious members
@BartekBanachewicz lolz
oh don't tell me
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why you don't use boost.asio?
@Abyx Randomly adding another library isn't going to answer the fundamental question
when you try to make, say, public r : number; it won't let you - Visual Studio crashes
(But I guess the real answer is the C-like 3rd-party API I'm using)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I haven't had enough coffee to analyse just how bad that design is yet.
..but it does have an immediately-detectable suckage-field.
@MartinJames Their UDP controller is not fit-for-purpose; they'd pulled it together just for some example or demo. The 3rd-party API usually interfaces with SPI, and that's where all the good code is. So for UDP it's rather weak in this area.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
> Multiple constructor implementations are not allowed.
lol, you're so miserable : D
I hope just not "cute" as in brokeback mountain
yea, but bartek and me are two programming cowboys, adding cute to it made me feel.... uncomfortable ; 0
well it's not that bad
constructor(public r: number, public g: number, public b: number, public a?: number) {
    this.a = a || 1.0;
well to find a bright side at least a constructor is called simply constructor not being hidden by some strange nicknames like in other languages
never watched Brokeback Mountain. I'm totally comfortable in my sexuality but I'd rather not be slapped around the face with theirs
yeah, me neither, poster was enough
@TonyTheLion wtf?!
although I've seen recently a polish movie about priests, and some scenes were rather explicit : | (the point of the movie was that most priests are gay, and that's why they're becoming priests)
Did you just throw exceptions and let them terminate your program?
Oh, man... you're shagged :( — Martin James 2 mins ago
thanks mate
@BartoszKP They showed the eating of the flesh and drinking of the blood?
@StackedCrooked unfortunately not in this way (I've added more explanation)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, multithreading 101: 'don't make calls that can block inside locks, unless you really like piss-poor performance and/or deadlocks'
@MartinJames Quite
having to write this. all the time is kinda annoying
Don't write it then.
@StackedCrooked it's required
Stop writing it.
Stop it dammit.
i have to write it
@BartekBanachewicz Where? Inside methods?
Well, I've written the hack for the 3rd-party API hack and it works as expected. Now to wait and see whether SO boffins can get me out of having to use it.
@BartekBanachewicz OCD?
Sorry - 'member functions' :)
@MartinJames yes
@StackedCrooked it doesn't compile if I don't
If you have to put 'this.' in front of everything, you may as well go back to C :)
@MartinJames C doesn't really run in the browsers well
lol @ google translate in polish it means "abortion is all right"
@BartoszKP :D
urgh I'm installing WebDev package to 2012 because 2013 is useless :/
@BartekBanachewicz Use CoffeeScript.
@rightfold I want to give both a try eventaully
apparently I have to use 2013
fucking shit
Boost.python is taking way too long to compile :(
okay so my file crashes the fucking compiler
you need to write more gentle code
okay I've removed the matrix library and it went trough
@BartekBanachewicz but at least you can rest assured that if you file a bug report on it, it'll only be two months or so before they read it and respond by closing it as WONTFIX
@jalf :cripes:
@BartekBanachewicz CoffeeScript is syntactic sugar heaven.
Also LiveScript.
full beauty project - it's art not pornography. Maybe NSFW, you are warned
Yum. Ham sandwich.
@User17 yummy! I'd fuck all those pleats!
Check fridge... no ham :(
I just bought ham at the supermarket.
And butter.
@rightfold yesterday I bought a whole giant pizza with ham! it's waiting for me in the freezer :A
obviously there is no correlation between the full beauty project & craving for ham ...
Check freezer - no pizza. I guess I need to do some shopping.
@MartinJames if your freezer is empty it's wasting its fpu cycles!
and brain power
brain works much slower when the fridge is empty
@BartoszKP It's blocked on shoppingSemaphore. Need to add some units.
@MartinJames can't you use a delegate for this task?
@BartoszKP No -she's visiting family :(

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