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@DeadMG or reference. Not that they cannot be passed, it is just a lot of parameters, or a struct of seemingly random ones.
Wait a second.
How do you recommend fixing Resource?
not now
wth is Resource, and what's the problem with passing stuff around?
@DeadMG What? Really?
// yeah, right.
@DeadMG space sick? :/
probably just ate something bad
Basically, SFML has several ways to load things - images, audio, fonts...
Ok, I'll get back to you guys in an hour. Let's see how this goes.
This was my attempt to put them in one place.
@Pawnguy7 why does everything have to be in one place? :E
Given my screens.
I have to pass them all anyway.
Might as well be together.
@Ell Oh, you added it already, turns out Coliru doesn't really link with boost_iostreams when so instructed. /cc @StackedCrooked
A: Boost Iostreams zlib_error with Custom Source

seheI think you can use just any stream, like stringstream: std::istringstream iss("hello world\n"); filtering_streambuf<input> def; def.push(zlib_compressor()); def.push(iss); boost::iostreams::copy(def, std::cout); or to decompress: std::string const rawdata {'x', '\234', '\313', 'H', '\315', ...

@Pawnguy7 I don't know how your screens work...but if I had a different screen for each, well, screen, why not let the screen own it's resources? :E
"See full example Live on Coliru" just links to Coliru homepage
@sehe Your "Live on Coliru" link links to the homepage.
I made this mistake a a couple of my bookmarks..
@melak47 well. Screens are like states. Imagine different places in a menu.
Take fonts. They all draw text.
So they all need the font.
And it would be odd to load the font more than once.
@StackedCrooked Fixed
@StackedCrooked It happens because I basically never use "compile&run" - hence the mistake
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fixed, thanks
@Pawnguy7 why not just class MainMenuScreen : public Screen { vector<Image> button_images; Font button_font; Font title_font; /* two fonts! :o */ Image background; /* ... */ };, or something
I should probably fix this. One day..
continuously got bitten by I don't know what ...
@melak47 Well, it probably had something to do with not wanting to pass in 10 arguments.
And additionally.
You must pass all the resources.
why? why can't the screen create its own resources
As this never varies, why not pack them together?
@melak47 the problem is twofold
First, it would be loading them twice.
As these are created in the moment, not one-time things.
Second, imagine you are playing music.
How do you transition across screens?
@Pawnguy7 fade out, fade in
cross fade, whatever
I suppose that would work.
Still seems odd.
Not to mention lots of duplicate code.
not saying this is a great idea, there probably are other ways to do it :p
Do tell.
how would I know
"There are probably other ways to do it."
If you don't know any of them.
How do you know they are likely?
Experience....there are always more than one way to solve any programming problem
because I don't know a lot, and if I already knew all the ways to deal with this, then there'd nothing be left to learn :p
Well, tell me if you figure it out.
one thing though, the duplicate loading doesn't have to be a problem, you can create a resource cache (if you must, one cache to rule them all)
don't really see the big deal about loading a couple fonts twice :p
Not certain what that means if it wasn't what I did.
Loading things take time.
Aww, is pawnguy confused? :D
Also, the fadein/fadeout idea.
music, I suppose. images?...maybe. fonts?
Is terrible when you switch screens, but not setting.
@Pawnguy7 hm?
You might fade out when you are entering gameplay.
But not on individual part of a menu.
@User17 flees? It's what happens when you have kittens
@Pawnguy7 sorry, I have no experience whatsoever about designing a good system to keep state in a menu system
Neither do I.
so, what is 'tilde approximation' in algorithms supposed to be?
@Pawnguy7 so like... if you had 1+1/N^2, would it be O(1) ?
No clue.
All I know is how to google it :D
google wasn't helpful ._.
@Pawnguy7 are your screens like, on a stack?
@Crowz Looks like it. It's pretty much like big-O, big-Omega, etc., but without trying to separate worst case, best case, etc., like they do. When most people use (what they think of as) big-O notation, it's probably closer to this tilde notation. For example, people routinely refer to Quicksort as O(N log N), even though it's actually O(N*N) [just that worst case is fairly unusual].
@melak47 I wanted them to be, but right now, no.
maybe you could let screens pause or stop or do nothing to the music of screens "below" them? So MainMenuScreen plays some music. You go to the NewGameOptions screen or whatever, and since it neither stops nor pauses the music, it keeps playing
What owns the music?
the copyright holder :p
So, what is this cache you speak of?
@JerryCoffin So like, if you had N+N/2... would it just be ~N?
@Crowz Sounds right.
@Pawnguy7 idk, map of filename/asset name/some unique identifier to shared_ptr?
what's the order of growth when an inner for loop has it's condition set to less than n? Ie, for(i=0; i<N; i++) { for(j=0;j<i;j++) { ... } }
I feel like it is logarithmic for whatever reason.
your feeling is wrong
@Crowz It is just sum of terms of finite arithmetic progression, which is "quadratic".
@melak47 is it a singleton?
@DeadMG also I editted the thing slightly
your feeling is still wrong.
@Pawnguy7 why a singleton?
even if you made it an ugly global, it doesn't have to be a singleton :p
something seems off. That's way too easy
it starts with an O(N) loop.
how could it possibly be logarithmic?
@melak47 I don't know what it is, that is why I am asking
@DeadMG I'm not really basing anything off the algorithm itself, but this homework only has O(N) and O(N^2) algorithms in it. SOMETHING is off
oh well that's just shitty homework, nothing new.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Image>> image_cache;

shared_ptr<Image> my_image;
if (image_cache.count("images/background_002.png") == 0) {
    my_image = load_image("images/background_002.png");
    image_cache["images/background_002.png"] = my_image;
} else {
    my_image = image_cache["images/background_002.png"];
I don't know what is better about this.
you didn't want to load stuff twice
I think our teacher might think my class is full of idiots. But that's fair because that's not completely inaccurate...
You are not passing this, right?
how do you load stuff? free functions? class constructors?
For SFML, something like so: Thing thing; thing.loadFromFile("thing.extension");
so... void thing::loadFromFile(string filename, Cache<Thing>* cache = &bad_evil_global_default_cache); ....or something. Like I said, I haven't done any of this stuff myself
Globals? Ew.
@Pawnguy7 Good reaction.
If I was going for that, I might as well use my world-famous static classes :D
those aren't globals
hey rapptz
can I bother you with (another) medical question
I think I picked up some stomach bug thing, felt pretty shit today, and I took some Domperidone (anti-emetic) which is working better than I expected
the packet says, "Take 1-2 tablets every 4-8 hours".
does that necessarily imply that if I take 2 tablets, I must wait 8 hours?
seems like an ambiguous phrasing to me.
Here's something I realized today. In the code given to us for one of my assignments. There's a class named CVar (all class names in the code start with C btw). Not only is it a singleton, but it only contains public static variables. Saying I facepalmed would be the understatement of the year.
epic fail
@DeadMG The range can be specified as 4 <-- least amount required waiting, 8 <-- safest bet IIRC.
so if it's been more than four hours and I'm feeling kinda desperate, then I could take more
if you want
I personally prefer labels that give you an upper limit.
"Do not take more than x in y hours"
that works for me too.
I found for this drug "Do not take more than 8 in 24 hours", but that was online as opposed to on the packaging/documentation that came with it
@Pawnguy7 well, if you don't want to pass stuff around everywhere, you'll have to put it somewhere where it's accessible to everyone who needs it.... or you could store functions with that argument already bound. or you could force someone else to give you an answer, because I don't really have any for you :(
@DeadMG 20mg 3 to 4 times a day is what I found
@melak47 It isn't hard for me to see why people use singletons and such things for these.
ITT Rapptz M.D.
Is a singleton ever valid? Or static class, in my case, for these things?
why a singleton?
@Borgleader maybe one day :P
I don't know really.
I kind of use the terms synonymous.
@Rapptz They're 10mg each, so that's fine.
@Pawnguy7 No, not really.
I don't know how I would do it better, then :\
What was so evil about Resource?
Judging by the name, it's too generic?
I just don't understand the design of it - every screen needs exactly the same resources? and you..pass around one instance of this resource blob? or what?
I guess I could call it ImagesMusicSoundsFontsCollection.
@melak47 yup
@Pawnguy7 god class
Um. Why?
@Pawnguy7 MultiResourceCache.
^ a little more seriously, this
Could work.
I am more interested in the design than the name though.
Although, I think I personally would make a cache for each type of resource
@Pawnguy7 if you switch screens, and you load a different font, and then go back to a screen that wants to use the previous font...what happens?
@melak47 Well, everything is loaded beforehand.
It lives before the screens do, and throughout their existence.
@Pawnguy7 but how? your resource only contains one font slot
There is only one font currently.
Also note the lack of music.
I have this
which is pretty old.
but it worked well
@Rapptz but then he has to pass it or bind it or make it global, or store it whereever he stores the screens, and he doesn't want that :/
What does a default move do?
@Pawnguy7 nothing on MSVC I think :)
I put it in comments
// implicitly delete copy
Anyway, I have nothing against passing it.
I was just told I should pass every resource by itself.
Like your initial function.
I should probably fix that get function
it's bugging me now
@Pawnguy7 well if you let your screens create their own stuff, you wouldn't need to give them all the resources :p
I thought we went over the downsides of that.
I would rather give them everything than them make it on their own, in any case.
so what does a screen actually do
Just a state, I guess.
Updates and draws.
Back before I knew of such things.
I had these monstrous one-file programs.
Meh, first Mun landing and poor Melfrid is just stranded there now
Like 10 deep eventually.
Stupid engine blew up on landing :<
Welp, sleep time
so, all screens have the same resources, and they just draw those resources...what makes the screens different?
> const Snake const& snake() const;
I love const.
The first const is redundant
Oh wait.
Should it be: const Snake & const snake() const?
I'm not sure what you were going for
The second const is wrong now
Snake const& const snake() const?
I want to express "a constant reference to a Snake const".
@Jefffrey const references aren't like pointers.
The second const is still wrong
there is only const Snake ref
@Xeo I know.
@melak47 Oh. So a const T& x = ... does not allow x = ... later, right?
@Jefffrey I don't know what happens when you have a const T& operator= (const T& other) const { return *this; } :p
I hope that's not even allowed.
Everybody calm down.
Raindrop is in the house.
struct Snake {
    const Snake& operator= (const Snake& other) const { return *this; }

int main() {
    Snake Jefffrey, Pawnguy7;
    const Snake& snakey = Jefffrey;
    snakey = Pawnguy7;
works :p
I feel I over engineer things...
I see Snake in one file.
@melak47 lol
Actually it makes sense that that example works.
it does nothing ^_^ but it allows x = ... :P
Yeah, I read it as a normal operator= which actually assigned things. I don't know why.
Where the heck do I find the include/lib paths clang++ is using, I wonder.
this, however, does not do nothing :)
struct Snake {
    int snakeid;
    Snake(int id) : snakeid(id) {}

    const Snake& operator= (Snake& other) const
        Snake& self = *const_cast<Snake*>(this);
        self.snakeid = other.snakeid;
        return *this;

int main() {
    Snake Jefffrey(0), Pawnguy7(1);
    const Snake& snakey = Jefffrey;
    snakey = Pawnguy7;
Never mind. Found out.
@melak47 You are evil.
your const can't save you now!
So many birthdays in November ... one on every weekend
What is the latest version of clang?
Google says 3.4
tnx, google!
Just a quick glance here b4 we goto bed... there are no rightfold starboard entries!
we should fix that...
@MartinJames there is now :P
16 hours ago, by rightfold
@BЈовић Here is the best C++ tutorial.
Time to go to bed.
Good night all.
Good night and good morning.
@Borgleader lol. True for all earphones I've used.
For the mathematically inclined @Mysticial maybe?
@Borgleader I am inclined, though only on the other way. :P
@Borgleader Saying that I know math is like saying that I know C.
@Mysticial But you're asian! </stereotypes>
@Borgleader goddammit...
No but seriously, I mean... ycruncher -> you know math
plus it's DCT things for video codecs -> you work for youtube
so cold
and sick
So many design issues :\
How about this one:
Design is always an issue
I wanted to make it so you could make something fullscreen.
But how do you switch back? What holds the old size?
@Pawnguy7 I suggest you encapsulate the window. Or wrap it in a struct together with the data.
Tell me: I am in the centre of the city, surrounded by people, why am I still scared when reading a horror fiction?
inferior coding logic? :'(
@User17 Surely not my fault. VC++ surely doesn't know C++. Still has most of it in C. sigh
I didn't say whose inferior coding logic >_<
@User17 We both know it's theirs. ;)
@Ell My job cracked down on non-work-use-of-internet
what's up?
@MarkGarcia you gave it an invalid iterator? Or the type in the vector has errors
@MooingDuck I'm using brace initialization for the value parameter. It sometimes fails on that.
@MarkGarcia what does that have to do with vector?
were you actually asking for help/advice?
@MooingDuck Because the vector's emplace methods doesn't work, which made me use insert with list init syntax.
Or it might be an issue with the struct type. All I know is that it's all VS's fault.
It should have given a proper diagnostic message instead of crashing!
oh, an actual crash? That's rare
and vector's emplace methods work. Is the struct simple/short?
@MooingDuck Two members short! The reason I can't do struct_type(arg1, arg2) is that one of those arguments is nullptr and VS complains that it can't find a constructor accepting nullptr_t as the second argument.
@MarkGarcia can you post the struct here: stacked-crooked.com ?
That's why I'm using list initialization, which, sadly, seems to make it crash.
@MooingDuck I'll try.
:12757700 not unless you have a history and seriously good references
Does it make sense for me to look for a 3 week contract job? I'm just a student who wants to spend my 3 week winter break earning money from software programming.
@MooingDuck thanks!
I am doing something like that in VS. The insert fails.
LINE 16 is a syntax error, you have to use {}
wait, which visual studio?
@MooingDuck Yeah. That's just annoying.
@MooingDuck 2013
Hehe. Wouldn't expect a "production quality" compiler to fail like that. I'm submitting the bug.
@MarkGarcia Why would it succeed?
@DeadMG The code or the compiler?
@MarkGarcia The code.
@DeadMG It should because it works in GCC. And AFAIK they support brace init syntax.
VS2013 just implemented that feature, a few bugs are to be expected
tp x{iptr, nullptr};
v.insert(v.end(), x);
@DeadMG not in a production quality compiler
bugs occur in production too.
@DeadMG that seems like a big oversight there
^ I'm doing it now like that. At least it now works.
I'm not sure why it's grabbing the initializer list overload of insert
well, they do have a common type- nullptr_t.
@MooingDuck If it is, then it should report a type mismatch error or something.
Don't know, don't care.
@DeadMG but tp doesn't
@MarkGarcia it is reporting a type mismatch: cannot convert from 'initializer-list' to 'tp'
sorry I'd forgotten VC had one online too or I would have linked to it the first time
I promised my wife the computer though, so I'm out
well the Standard does provide lots of "Always prefer initializer_list" wording.
it may be that because those types can be deduced as an init list, the Standard says they should be.
@DeadMG I was thinking that, but GCC made it work. Not sure if that's standard
I've been awake for 28 hours now :(
or just not horribly sick?
the icky gutspocalypse I was expecting didn't quite end up occurring
Had buffet for lunch, currently having 1.5 litre of aloe vera juice + 1.25l of sparkling mineral water ...
sadness ...
will have to go for 2 hours jog this evening ...
which is never going to happen ... probably will end up with an hour jog as usual
Hi guys!
Should I avoid C strings? Is it hard to deal with for everyone, even for advanced programmers? — user2418202 49 secs ago
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
Good morning !
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Out of curiosity, what test have you used to test your distribution?
Hey! I needed to make a REST api for my C++ program. I am looking for library which would help em do it. So far I found libmicrohttpd, but it is in C. (And I would not like to mix the two, unless someone can point to a wrapper library.) Is there any other one I could use?
> why sizeof…(T) so slow?
> I think here is slowly.
@Xeo because his PC is super slow :P
@MarkGarcia Have you used it before?
More importantly, can I use it in Linux?
@digvijay91 Yes. You'll need Boost.Asio for that.
@MarkGarcia I'll require Boost.Aiso for using it in linux or otherwise also?
@digvijay91 Sadly, no. But it is promising, and I'm willing to use it if need arises.
@digvijay91 Asio's only needed for Linux I think. Just see the docs; it knows more. ;)
@MarkGarcia Alright thanks =)
@MarkGarcia The SDK is used to connect to HTTP servers, using the same REST api I believe. But I need to start one of my own.
@rightfold are you going to respond to that everytime you get in here?
It was in my inbox. vOv
Q: Getting errors in boost library c++

ali AminI am getting errors in boost library when using it.These are the list of errors i am getting: error C2665: 'boost::iostreams::basic_array_source::basic_array_source' : none of the 5 overloads could convert all the argument types h:\mycompany\projects\thrdev\include\boost-1_54\boost\iostreams\st...

What a total idiot.
What do these people even expect?

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