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@StackedCrooked It always does. Newton's third law.
Or some other conservation law if you prefer.
@JerryCoffin yeah, but weather is unpredictable enough that you can't really plan for it in advance and usually just ensure you have a window of a couple of days, but launching a month early just for that seems excessive. True about Earth's tilt though
@StackedCrooked Only temporarily. As the satellite is captured, it's slowing the earth a tiny bit -- but when it flies away again, it's pulling forward on the earth, so that energy is transferred back to the earth.
And it's less mass on Earth! :P
@Borgleader Oh, more detailed site for Rubicon. Time to look into what they revealed since I last looked.
Mobile tractor units :O
@Griwes Yeah they just updated it (it popped up on my RSS feed just now)
I think this library is setting my ifstream to write hex...
My Eve The 2nd Decade CE is supposed to show up any day now
OK, everyone - after a coffee, reading @Jerry post, it almost makes sense now. Please go back to kerbals, file data mysteriously turning into ASCII text, whatever :)
Cant wait :3
@R.MartinhoFernandes At least in theory, the loss of mass will slow the earth minutely. Keep in mind, the earth is basically like a pendulum. The mass doesn't affect the period of a pendulum directly, but as the mass goes down, the gravitational pull between the sun and the earth is reduced, so the earth (theoretically) moves to an orbit slightly further from the sun. That increases the length of the pendulum, which does increase its period.
Too bad I cannot afford to pay those 150 eur for it :F
(It really means "too bad Poland doesn't use euros yet", because it would be far more affordable to me then :F)
I could not resist the artbook and the tiny ship :(
That depends a little on how you measure things though: the period of rotation would increase, but (if memory serves) the linear velocity also increases.
@JohnKugelman Why the "lazy" approach to the edit? I mean, you can just turn it into a positive attitude. This implicitly shows everyone how to improve. Thank you — sehe 12 secs ago
@Griwes Yeah right
@Griwes Huh
My code doesn’t work and I have no idea why.
@rightfold There's a magical thing you can do. It's called "debugging".
@Griwes Debugging templates is a pain.
@rightfold Obv, or you would have fixed it already.
@rightfold Yay!
@Griwes Interesting. Why is that?
@Borgleader Nah, if he knew, he'd be procrastinating implementing the fix
The worst thing is that I don’t even get compile-time errors.
I get a runtime bug because my template machinery is wrong.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How much is 150 eur for you?
@rightfold That's good. This means you have a real problem, not just some "invented" problem (like, a missing semi-colon - who cares)
@Griwes About € 150? And for you?
That's a silly answer.
It isn't.
For me, it's more than 600 pln.
You're assuming you'd earn more in EUR.
Guess what, nope.
@Griwes I dunno how to answer that. What kind of answer do you expect?
How do I inherit from either true_type or false_type depending on whether T has a member? This always inherits from false_type. :v
150 eur is about four times as much as I left on an ATM.
150€ is what I spent two weeks ago
@Griwes You're talking about consumer spending/buying power. This is not related to currency (only tangentially: because different currencies might have different rates of inflation)
how come the fucking Kerbal never grabs on to the ladder and just flies away every fucking time
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's ... awkward
Rotate the rocket so the hatch faces upwards
@DeadMG Do you press F?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I spam it like it gives blowjobs and cookies.
Well, prograde
You can press it repeatedly if you are paranoid. Detaching is Space.
> “I wasn’t lying, you didn’t ask the correct question,” Ford told reporters, most who have asked dozens of questions to the mayor’s office about the crack cocaine scandal.
^ A proper politician
Pressing it more than needed only results in him boarding again.
@DeadMG Oh well.
@CatPlusPlus Then he just falls off the top instead of the bottom
It works for me :(
Try EVAing on stable orbit
that worked fine.
They’re visiting somebody on TV at about 6 o’clock in the evening and the lady opens the door and says “good morning.”
They also have an incredible ability to hold on to ladders and resist atmospheric drag.
@DeadMG Wait. Should I be spamming my wife? I'm doing it entirely wrong!
I'm trying to get EVAs over various Kerbal biomes.
Instead I installed her a spamfilter...
Eh, I wouldn't bother before you get planes
well that attempt to get home went well... knew I didn't have enough fuel, all I did was smash him into the Mun at high speed
Rockets are unwieldy for flying around Kerbin
yeah, I noticed
@R.MartinhoFernandes Reminds me of "Gravity 3D"
but I'm 70 science short of the parts you said I need to go to Mun.
You can make it to the Mun with the starting parts man :P
Do you have radial decouplers?
@DeadMG Toss something into Mun orbit and get cracking. No need to land, just grab the science.
5 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
user image
Then you should be able to get there
@R.MartinhoFernandes TIL, @EtiennedeMartel is one of the world's fore-most drama queens
@sehe Of course.
Well, I knew about my drama queen status, but I was unaware I was this famous.
Sooo... I quickloaded my failed Mun landing and converted it to successful Minmus orbit + hopefully landing
That's what I thought
With more than enough fuel to get back, theoretically
even with two stages and the first stage was three of my most powerful engines with all the fuel they could lift, I could barely make it into Kerbin orbit.
maybe some kind of slingshot thingie?
@DeadMG Too much weight
@DeadMG On which body?
@DeadMG just make it smaller, basically
@R.MartinhoFernandes Around Kerbin.
I got 3 stages now - 1 is 6 solid fuel BACC thrusters, which get me to ~5km, from there 3 T30 + 3 T400 tanks (each) for orbit and corrections, and then the 909 + 1 T400 tank for ... everything else
also, you may be going too fast, getting hurt by air drag
@DeadMG Oh gosh, you too?
Kerbin's gravity will not help you getting out of Kerbin's gravitational influence.
oh well
@R.MartinhoFernandes unless you ask it nicely!
but yeah, smallish rockets are much easier to get into orbit (or beyond). Don't overdo it
Ow. I was just typing a nice reply when... 10k+ deletion...
@Xeo Hmm, the solid fuels didn't really impress me.
and throttle engines to control your speed and save fuel. Need to stay around terminal velocity for optimal fuel usage
their stats implied they should be more powerful and efficient than liquid fuel, but.
@DeadMG Yeah, but they give a nice starting boost
my magic hex text came from me messing up std::string's construction
I did std::string str(' ', 4) instead of std::string str(4, ' ')
Yay for implicit conversions
@DeadMG They burn quick, which is good because you're left with less mass quickly, and a nice boost.
Messing up a string's constructor? Been there, done that.
Just make sure you ditch the dead mass
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, I have been.
And make sure that ditching the dead mass doesn't also ditch the one still burning.
I'm surprised that single string managed to make my entire text file into hex. :s
Not that it ever happened to me.
@Rapptz Ow.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, of course not :)
Also get Kerbal Engineer, it puts its informational part into start tech node, and it'll show you your TWR and deltaV
Messing up the stage deployment order is a common theme in my launches.
@Rapptz how does that work?
@Pawnguy7 I do not know.
Seems for most of these problems, I never find out either.
@Rapptz By hex you mean hex text, or binary garbage?
I wonder what characters 0 and 4 are.
@R.MartinhoFernandes binary garbage
0 is null, and 4 is EOT. (the Ctrl+D on Linux shells that terminates stdin)
but if you translated it to hex and then to text you'd get the proper string which was weird
in comment thread, 23 secs ago, by sehe
Stack Overflow could be less hurried, and thereby avoid being "accidentally negative"
Mmm nuclear engines :getin:
is it just me, or is translating to the radial de-attacher things sometimes really fucking fiddly?
detached my second stage without burning it first :P
6 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Messing up the stage deployment order is a common theme in my launches.
Welcome to the club.
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about idunno and I am trigger happy. — PeeHaa 1 min ago
playing around with setting up stream stuff if anybody would care for it. Will probably just test stuff for the now, attempt Mun landing and maybe something interplanetary later on tonight
ahaha. The "making websites is so easy" thing has gone too far, but I find it funny nevertheless.
@DeadMG Show me your tech tree
@thecoshman Dxtory is awesome
@CatPlusPlus linux?
Then I don't know
didn't think so :P
found what looks like a good script to do it, just can't work out how to get it to work :P
¬_¬ as in I know how it is supposed to work, I just can't get it to
@Xeo Hmm, I tried a similar design, but controlling it turned out to be a bitch.
the thing span pretty endlessly.
Enable SAS before start
aaaand successful Minmus landing!
Not on a blue spot, though :<
ooh, 50 science for the goo
and 25 for crew report
Bring SC-9001
32 for eva on the rocket, 40 for eva on the ground ... 150 for sample, fuck yeah
Now to get back
@Xeo No flowers by request.
I just got an offer for a startup from Stack Careers. Their start-up shop takes pride that write everything in node.js/javascript/mongodb, and everything is easy to do with javascript. I am afraid.
@Nican Oh gosh.
Hipsters everywhere
@Nican I'm so sorry.
One of the guy I was being interviewed by told me that he was just learning Java and PHP. Then I felt shame.
okay, first things first - I need to get Melfrid back into the command pod
I like KSP's quickload mechanism - makes sure you don't accidentally do it
I wish I had scales.
I tried to attach an engine, but it's upside down.
Turn it on.
I'm home and I'm tired
one of the things I definitely like the least about KSP is the vehicle assembler.
it's quite fiddly when you're going radially.
So, stage 1: pod, chute, landing struts, science stuff, stage 2: 2 FL-T800 tanks, engine, stage 3: radially 5x 2 FL-T800 tanks, engines
> nobody reads this crap
@TonyTheLion write a template metaprogram.
I just read it
@TonyTheLion dat bio
Should have enough dV to orbit, then transfer to Mun or Minmus
And maybe back :v Not landing though
Might need wings also
I'd buy KSP, but I don't want to spend $20 on something I'm likely only to ever play once
I only have the first-tier wings.
they were pretty shit last time.
@TonyTheLion Frankly, I torrented it. But then I'm legally too sick to work, so.
hmm... stream does not seem to look onto the application, rather just part of the screen
so if the window moves, or is no longer on top, other stuff is shown instead,,,
@thecoshman It's the most basic way of streaming
Yum. Bonbons.
@CatPlusPlus yeah, and it sucks...
If you had Dxtory you could use it as a virtual camera :v
might have to settle for it though
will look around a bit more first
it is especially bad as I still only have one monitor at home
are you guys doing a large multiplayer?
Am I the only one who sees two reasons why this YouTube channel is popular?
ponies & porn
I think you did not click the link.
@EtiennedeMartel I see 3 reasons
games, close enough
I think the joke flew right over your head.
don't care
I'm talking about her tits.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm talking about her tits and her ass =p
so who's joke flew over who's head? =p
@EtiennedeMartel ¬_¬ it's not even subtle... why can't people just watch some proper pron?
my outermost three engines keep falling off on the launch pad.
@Code-Guru Tony.
@thecoshman Excellent question.
"Wow this banner has tits. I bet the entire channel must be pandering to the lowest denominator and all its watchers only care about the breasts"
using namespace MainSpace
    class MyMainClass : public MyTestClass{}
Best C++ code ever.
@EtiennedeMartel oh...I thought you were talking to me lol

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