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@khajvah Ninja is low-level
I want to produce vcprojs
The only alternative I know is babe and it's something I wrote
Maybe I'm the only one who needs this vOv
@khajvah lol
the new intern looks like she's 15
@Mr.kbok too bad, her age is not on clock.
on clock?
This looks cool as hell
Why do they push everything to Web?
Waste of time I will say.
Because all you have to do is go to an URL to have it work
Way easier than creating a bunch of different builds, testing them. People are always willing to visit a website, way more than downloading and installing a program
STL just said the VS team is implementing two phase lookup :o
STL just said VS2015 will have achievements for each ICE you get
gotta catch 'em all
@MaiLongdong is two phase lookup defined in the standard at all? or would it just be a compiler specific feature?
It's specified in the standard
And VS did it wrong
@Prismatic Looks like every 3D editor ever
@Prismatic It will be slow.
My neck hurts.
Besides, installing is just one time deal
@CatPlusPlus its in a browser though
I want to play Minecraft.
That means it's probably more primitive and also more annoying
Unless they invent something better than JavaScript, this kind of big apps are pointless in the web.
@elyse Let's write a C++-remake of Minecraft.
lol C++
@Columbo It already exists.
@khajvah they're working on it. And it starts from techcrunch.com/2015/06/17/…
No. Write it in Unlambda.
@elyse Why not Wide
@MarcoA. That will be nice.
@MarcoA. Having a binary format doesn't bring you shit other than less bandwidth usage.
> JavaScript is the most famous programming language in the world today
@Prismatic yes, although not with that specific term I suppose
@MaiLongdong RIP world
If you still provide awful type systems and APIs it won't be any better.
goodbye cruel world
@elyse it solves a lot of problems though
things like UE4 are having a hard time working on the hacky asm.js pseudocompiler IIRC
No, it doesn't, really.
@elyse It gives a way of having different programming languages.
Text formats are for the dumbs (aka humans)
Ofcourse you can compile shit to JavaScript but still.
> On the other hand, JavaScript is well-suited for embedded device programming. It supports asynchronous function calls and I/O which are useful for event-driven hardware programming.
what the fuck
get out of my internets
@MaiLongdong tell me you made that up
JavaScript is literally Lee Harvey Oswald.
@MarcoA. nope
@MarcoA. Binary format doesn't change anything there
It'll still have JS semantics
@MaiLongdong idiotjs?
good one
jerbascript wink wink
Thanks. doing my best here
@CatPlusPlus doesn't it allow not to rewrite an application from scratch? That would also be useful
Uh what
What's the point of doing jabbascript if you're not rewriting everything from scratch and disrupting the way we use toilet paper for a brand new world class experience of pooping
did I get the buzzwords right
I'm a noob with web technologies so I might write stupid things from time to time. I'm not holding my point, just asking.
get out you filthy native peasant
and ask your colleagues how the fuck they do indirect branching on that goddamn gpu
@MaiLongdong I've registered poopingjs.io, let's get this show on the road
@MaiLongdong thus making the world a better place
> Security researcher Cody Crews reported on a way to violate the same origin policy and inject script into a non-privileged part of the built-in PDF Viewer. This would allow an attacker to read and steal sensitive local files on the victim's computer.
> Mozilla has received reports that an exploit based on this vulnerability has been found in the wild.
It has little to do with web technologies
web is good because you have so much control over the deployment that you can make people pay whatever you want
it's 0% better in terms of technology
What about the cross platform part? That's 'technology'
write once, run everywhere
Never been true, never will be true
For anything
There are degrees of truth, its not a universal truth. But obviously its better at cross platform ease of use than C or C++ for example
oh lol someone posted on meta a feature request about chat flags
poor guy
@TravisJ What message was flagged?
just about every fucking message
@Prismatic Depends on how you define a platform
Browsers are terrible platforms and it's harder to make something that works universally in all browsers than something that works universally on all desktop OSes
@MaiLongdong Are you serious?
yeah someone goes and flags (or stars) innocuous messages
Only mines or both mines and LRiO's?
Even really basic stuff like I don't know
in Bar<C++>, 11 hours ago, by ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ
Some people miss you there. Not all of them, but some do.
I'd flag that
Very funny flag good joke 10/10
shit I accidentally disapproved a flag on a message by LRiO's
who the fuck is LRiO
@MaiLongdong your dark side
at full moon we hear the wolves howling and you transform into lirio
Q: Employer wants work-loving employees, and not paycheck-loving employees

AlecDuring previous salary negotiations, I've heard that my employers will often use the following argument: We want our employees to work here because they love the work, and not because they love the paycheck. With my negotiations coming up, I feel pretty prepared, but not for this. In my mi...

huh... you can't ping cross room via msg ids
^ hahahahah
you can ping across different rooms using @(name)
Once I was kicked out of a room, I cursed the person who kicked me here, he received the msg, came here & cursed me back
9gag must die already
You can type any name in @ but you only get pinged if you've been here in past N months or so
9gag is silicon valley's finest elite startup
It's like the spirit of internet
@Mr.kbok I thought that was hackernews?
@FlorianMargaine HN is not a startup...
hackurrr noooz
all dis jerbascrit
sooooo vebscal
but the verbols not purformance enough?
need more async io prefetch cuntinuation passing style
yes sorry but it's friday evening here
why you still at work
I finish at 7
let's go to the JS room
You can't leave earlier on a friday? It's august
It's Friday?
p sure the people will start leaving at 5 here (the boss is off)
lemme check yes it is
Huh it is
> This is Niloy Neel, he used to post about atheism on Facebook, now he's been decapitated
damn hackers
@elyse Headbook
Well it's kind of not-so-smart to preach about atheism in deeply muslim countries such as Bangladesh or England.
... England?
England isn't a country.
You must be confusing it with the UK.
how is UK a "deeply muslim country"?
> Hi, I'm Pat Condell. I don't respect your beliefs and I don't care if you're offended.
I love this guy.
@FlorianMargaine lol do you live under a rock
Aussies live under a giant rock.
yes because "florian margaine" totally sounds australian
Floryan Margayne
Floorien Mar'Gain
why is the chat so dead
come on people let's all have fun
@R.MartinhoFernandes At work?
And disappointed. I overslept my blood donation plans :(
Can't you go like any other day :w
Sweet Jesus I'm so sleepy
...I overslept my 'getting to work on time' plans.
@MaiLongdong I was going with a friend.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll have one next Monday. I'll be in zombie-mode for some hours
She went there alone.
I should donate blood
I overslept my eating cereal plans
Also it's fucking hot in here.
I used to donate blood regularly until I learnt it was illegal for me to do so
But now it's legal so I'll do it again
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess that is true everywhere in Europe.
@MaiLongdong ? do you use drugs or what?
Good thing I had a contingency plan; which was "eat breakfast nevertheless and be late for work"
...maybe except UK.
A flawless plan for sure
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ do it if you can. You get regularly checked and right now in Italy there's a blood-supplies shortage. Especially plasma
@MarcoA. trolls aren't allowed to donate blood.
2 hours ago, by khajvah
I cum here oftern
@MaiLongdong WTF
@MaiLongdong I always thought that was an urban legend
99% prejudice
Not fair, but not entirely wrong
@Mr.kbok No, and it's a lifetime ban. Once they detect you, you get a national number that prevents you from donating ever again!
Man I had the worst blister on my pinky toe
@Ell Keep us updated with pictures
leaving for lunch people
Bon appétit.
@Mr.kbok enjoy.your lunch
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ my whole little toe was a blister
I don't get it.
Why don't they just check your blood for HIV and call it a day?
I pierced it. Now it feels like a deflated balloon
Shouldn't they be doing that already anyway?
@R.MartinhoFernandes the gay sex thing?
I think because just asking about gay sex is effective enough
@R.MartinhoFernandes They do it already. The policy dates from a previous scandal where blood from prisoners was improperly tested and infected thousands of people, I suppose the rationale was "let's ban all risky populations", which isn't entirely stupid, I suppose, although flawed. Besides, if you donate just after having been infected, it will be undetectable.
@Ell Effective against what? Gay sex?
> This is where we start running in to problems. If you ever want to change your name on your commits, say you have been married, divorced or chosen a name more congruent with your gender identity, you have to make what is called a "destructive action".
against being donated HIV positive blood
@Ell Yeah, isn't there's a much more effective way, like say, ban HIV positive blood?
I mean, that having gay sex is a Strong enough indicator to HIV positive blood that testing for HIV is not worthwhile
Setting up SharePoint 2012 is unbelievably hard.
I underslept my sleeping plans
This AppFabric prerequisite resisted quote a long time to all my attempts to install and configure it. And the the SharePoint 2012 installer still says it is not configured properly and it will not install.
@Griwes WTF?!
@Ell It fucking is worthwhile. You're doing this the wrong way around. That behaviour X makes you more likely to have Y only means that a large portion of the X population has Y. It doesn't mean most of the Y population does X.
@Griwes Are employers really going to judge the use of a pseudonym as unprofessional?
@Ell You have to fucking test it because I don't want to be given HIV positive blood from anyone whatsoever.
Non-swappable identity is annoying
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe testing every single sack of blood is too costly?
They do test blood in batches
IIRC they mix several bags and test those
Wait no
They test individually
They don't test every signle sack every time here I think.
You get like 1 full analysis per year.
Because when they detect a virus they contact you
@Griwes Can't you use a tool to modify a git repo
So they must have a std::map :D
If you want to change an author's name
@Prismatic Then you've rewritten history and that's a destructive change.
That rewrites every commit with that name
That is the only valid point of that post.
And also every commit after that
It's p much impossible on a large project with lots of people
The rest - namely "this is a problem!!!!11111" - is complete bollocks.
I mean... are emails also patriarchal?
Because you can't change your name on the mails you've sent already!
@R.MartinhoFernandes The whole article is retarded. And I say that as authority because I got my name changed twice (!), also got divorced and I can handle the different names in the commit history just fine. There are many other things that are much much worse. Git history name changing is not one of them.
Impossible is nothing
Generally speaking, create a new account and fork your old projects. You're done.
@Griwes Even if you take the stance that it is a problem, the assertion that this is of a "patriarchal nature" is still nonsense.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes.
I/O is patriarchal because the I (clearly a phallic symbol) comes before the O.
@wilx "And I say that as authority [because I am an anecdote]" makes no sense.
You can;t retroactively change something magically without modifying it
Like, what does that person propose as a solution
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ That's patriarchal because the l (clearly a phallic symbol) comes before the o.
A problem is still a problem if there's no solution in sight.
@Griwes olo
even more phallic!
@R.MartinhoFernandes That l still comes before an o. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? Are you blind? I am saying I have experienced all of what she says and seeing different names in Git history is not a problem, really.
@Prismatic A separate identity database would work
WTF, really. You make no sense.
"I have no problem with it therefore it's not a problem"
@Griwes Also after. You could say the o is sandwiches between phalli
@CatPlusPlus If I were black and I said "I do nothing racism is a problem in this country," would you dismiss my opinion so easily as well?
@wilx It's still just an anecdote.
@CatPlusPlus s/nothing/not think/
It's just as dismissable.
Why would I not dismiss it when there's overwhelming evidence to the contrary
Being true by happenstance has nothing to do with it.
ugh dear docker-compose why do you pass the env variables at runtime, but not at build time? :F
You're not an authority of what other people find to be problematic in their lives
Regardless of whatever the fuck happened to you
@Griwes They're for the equivalent of docker run -e
@Griwes docker build doesn't support external variables
fucking bullshit software
They made it by design
You don't have to use docker build to build containers though
Well, images
I know.
This is still bullshit.
Dockerfiles are geared towards Hub-autobuilt images
You can try Packer for building the image
> Old Faithful is sometimes degraded by being made a laundry. Garments placed in the crater during quiescence are ejected thoroughly washed when the eruption takes place. Gen. Sheridan's men, in 1882, found that linen and cotton fabrics were uninjured by the action of the water, but woolen clothes were torn to shreds.
reddit is bad now?

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