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Posted 2 months ago, I found it to be too much vitriol when I completed it, even if it is not serious... So I just left it there to rot. :D
@Borgleader It's a fun series. And there's a new ep every Sunday so I thought maybe you referenced it.
I havent watched anime recently :(
The manga for One Punch Man is also quite decent.
@Borgleader good call I should finish mine
but crap it's 18 already
15 episodes to go
don't think I can finish them until I have to sleep
Don't sleep then.
Sleep is for the weak.
I've been watching though Pokemon :\
I have to work tomorrow
if it were saturday I'd just go to sleep at 8
(like I did yesterday)
Sleep is for the week.
Sweep is for the leek.
Just let it leek, bby.
Leeks are for the sweeps
Steaks are for the leeks
oooh, leeks slow fried in butter
Cakes are for the l33t
wt do
speaking of steaks, I'm hungry
@Elyse i'm so bored :(
@ElimGarak ...what
@Ven me too.
maybe I'll try to figure out how to fix GNU APL's SCREEN SECTION.
@ElimGarak speaking of stakes, im bloody
I played Terraria all day.
@Elyse is broken in gnu apl :(
@melak47 Let's just hope we never end up on ED. :D
I don't think we piss off enough people to end up on ED.
> OpenGL is a graphics library that was created in the early '90s as a preemptive strike against the world of gaming. In truth, OpenGL wasn't really made by anybody, as it just sort of came out of nowhere when Silicon Graphics was spitting out monitors. OpenGL is currently at version 4.2, which is magically irrelevant to most OpenGL developers, who prefer to work with 1.0 and 1.1.
@AaronGill-Braun Welcome to the Lounge!
@fredoverflow Autogenerated readmes on GitHub come with an uppercase README
@ElimGarak lol
What. The. Fuck. Not safe for Work/Life/Existence.
OMG I just realised.
The AMD logo resembles a lowercase A.
@ElimGarak lol
> Trolling AMDfags: Say AMD is for poorfags, post phenom 1 benchmarks compared to intel quads, mention company financial losses, compare phenom 2 to i7
> It is well known among the hackish elite that Intel is an evil company that makes satanic chips. Indeed, it does not take computer literacy to see this; the brand name of Intel's chips is Pentagram. Intel even rates its chips on clock speed, a measure of how many goat heads it can generate each cycle.
> Post the last thing you fapped to (pics, gifs, videos, whatever).
I missed you too 4chan
/posts corpses
/posts elim
/posts C++
> At least 100 years ago AMD decided to change their marketing strategy and appeal to "economically challenged African Americans". Thus they cleverly coined their unlocked processors as Black Edition. In addition they made their processors more affordable.
Wow, they really go all out.
@ElimGarak you got that glowing VS look down pretty good :)
@melak47 Every resize, compute shader regenerates the shadow, along with a sharp border (with some softening on corners, 1px worth). :D After that, it is just reused. :D
TFS you wreckmess
gonna be an hour to clean things up tomorrow
@ElimGarak do you have multiple windows to achieve the effect? seems like VS does. The content itself drags behind the frame and leaves a transparent hole :v
can even be lost data
@melak47 Ah, I use D3D12 and have a slightly expanded window area (custom chrome on top of WS_POPUP). :D Something most people can't afford for GUIs, but for world editors and stuff like this, magic. :D
and this plays nice with windows 10's 1 pixel border "hack" ?
@melak47 It is a bit nasty, but that you hide in the bowels. Isn't much of a chore as you have to make special interfaces which retrieve the proper client area as well as UI widget transforms. Initially, the whole thing was based on Direct2D (which is a layer on top of D3D11), but with the advent of D3D12, it was easier to leave it behind as you need to use D3D11on12 and stuff to get back to D2D and it is a hassle to juggle everything.
it's actually a layer on D3D10.
It was until some update.
they had a similar problem when D3D11 came out that D2D did not support D3D11 devices.
It was updated some time ago, but DX10 was the interface unification. Wrt to D3D10, D3D11 was mostly a superset. And D3D12 is pretty much its own thing and we've been informed that Microsoft has no plans to port it any time soon (especially as they invested time in a special interface, D3D11On12).
@ElimGarak btw, meant to ask you. does your GI solution have multiple bounces? :D
@melak47 Two tops, but when the material allows (high roughness), omits the second one. :D
Last time I tried nvidia's stuff in unreal engine, it only had one bounce. which was a bit disappointing :(
The Gameworks VXGI or something?
@ElimGarak Do you do the bounces in screen space?
pretty much kills reflections unless everything is receiving direct light
@Lalaland No, special acceleration structure which prefilters the scene and is used for lighting computations, it is offloaded and loaded as needed (D3D12 facilities for volume tiled resources).
@ElimGarak Some sort of structure optimized for ray tracing?
diffuse illumination was pretty good, but reflections aren't great (screen space on the left, just VXGI on the right)
@Lalaland Not exactly, we use volume tracing nowadays as the structure is prefiltered, like cones for example. And then you use how fat its base is at any point to sample into it, the particular level of the acceleration structure containing the prefiltered contributions of its children).
@melak47 VXGI uses a really small acceleration structure and even so, accumulates glossy information at less than half of the rendering resolution (upscaling and edge preserving filtering). So the reflections are pretty blocky and mushy shit. Kind of defeats the purpose for me.
bby u wanna c my glossy accelearation structure
it upscales p well
no rough edges
off to bed, night :( monday already
@ElimGarak yeah, but that could work for less glossy reflections if it picked up some indirect lighting at least.
one week less to retirement
Unreal actually marketed their variant of it, something like ASVO... They sold Unreal 4 on top of it and I remember telling Puppy that is never going to be part of the release back in 2012 or early 2013.
@GregorMcGregor night
@GregorMcGregor night bby <3
@ElimGarak SVOGI
or something
Oh, right, Sparse Voxel Octree GI, which is basically a cheeky variant of the proposal made by Crassin back in 2011. They ran a test on a 690, but given how badly VXGI performs on a GTX980 at half the quality, today I am calling bullshit on it.
Have you tried the uhm Apollo 11 test?
stopped working with some driver update some time ago :p
@ElimGarak Maybe itll run well on Pascal :P
Yeah, Nvidia changed stuff during development of D3D12 drivers and compatibility was broken for some reason. Probably did some stupid unsanctioned Nvidia-specific shit. Man, I hate GameWorks so much.
for future me: go with gentoo and not funtoo
since when are 60€ price tags acceptable for PC games?
People not voting too much with their wallets, most likely. Bethesda uses 12 years old tech and churns out fairly similar shit all the time, earns $600M in a week and then rinse/repeat.
@thecoshman I know.
Honestly when you think about it, games have been like 60$ for like ever
@melak47 people are free to charge whatever they want
I'll just send enough data needed to render the entire screen.
I'm surprised it hasnt risen before
customers are free to buy whenever they want
N times per second.
@ElimGarak If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you mean by "the structure is prefiltered"?
I assume you have some of octree?
@Lalaland Yup, you fill the data into the leaf nodes (one way is voxelization) and mipmap the data from the bottom up. Most solutions rely on a single structure for the entire scene and it is usually huge for the state of GPU memory today (think 512x512x512 and each node taking some 16+ bytes). Although, halfassed solutions today like the one from Nvidia are far more low res and are still performing poorly.
@ElimGarak I assume these types of solutions work best for small rooms?
Open world type scenarios seem like a bad case.
(Well, I guess you could segment an open world into smaller areas)
@Lalaland Yup, it is highly limited, even though it can move around, requires reprocessing.
@Borgleader Sup?
Also, don't octree structures require a lot of indirection?
@Lalaland Highly linearized and fixed in GPU memory, but generally speaking, yes
@TonyTheLion nm nm, you?
@ElimGarak Isn't there also a lot of branches involved for working with them?
@Lalaland GPUs are much better at branching nowadays. But once the preprocess is complete, they're only just read from with very trivial mapping.
DX12 has volume tiled resources, which allow me to have an arbitrarily sized structure which I can shuffle over the PCIe links and with multiGPU, I can actually utilize N GPUs solely for GI computations, then inform the master card of the results. Homogeneous configuration, node-masked selection of GPUs (single device abstraction).
@Borgleader just sorting out stuff in my flat, that I've left for way too long
@ElimGarak but where ARE the screens?!
@ScarletAmaranth I need to create a test scene worthy of it, which I am currently doing. This is the most labor intensive part. :D
@ElimGarak I shall be waiting... :P
@ElimGarak Would you say your work is similar to on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2012/presentations/…?
@ElimGarak I've also heard that you're an ugly motherfucker, would you care to comment?
@Lalaland That's what Unreal's SVOGI and and Nvidia's VXGI are based on (Crassin, 2011), mine has diverged quite a bit from it. The result of that one is 15 FPS at 1080p. We have different ideas of realtime. :D
newtype World = World [[[Block]]]

world :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Block -> World
world w h d block = World $ block <$ [1..w] <$ [1..h] <$ [1..d]
<$ rules. :D
@Puppy True, I don't really consider myself particularly attractive. But then again, obviously, if I were, I'd be out chasing girls, not pixels. :D
Sometimes I ask myself whether I'd rather be every girl's dream or just plain old me and kinda prefer the plain old me. Although, I admit, that must be really fun.
[[[Block]]] has got to be the least efficient data structure possible.
Researchers often are really bad at efficiency, most of them just showcase ideas. :D
@Lalaland I couldn't care less.
It is easy to optimise it to [Block] or Seq Block.
I modified GLFW to process WM_COMMAND events for menu items, and it works. :D
Ah, people who think sarcasm is not meant to antagonize anybody. My favorite people.
@edition hands a cookie
@ElimGarak I remember this one guy tweeting something along the lines of "dear graphics researchers, stop giving performance figures in FPS, thanks"
@ElimGarak lol what is that even from
@sehe Encyclopedia Dramatica, of course. :D
Hi guys.
That thing is so fascinatingly offensive.
@Nooble hi bear
@Nooble hi
@Borgleader Yeah, we've been advocating that for years, but they're slow to change. Although, new papers do try to give frame times!
@ElimGarak You should've played GTA V with @melak47 and I yesterday. An adventure of door-breaking, parallel-parking, and civilian-shooting fun.
@ElimGarak I just looked over Crassin's paper and I don't really see how any obvious ways to improve it. What's the primary way you sped it up?
@Nooble parallel parking fun
@Lalaland Mine is no longer based on it (volume tiled resources changed everything). It never really was, too static and too slow. Which is a lesson which both Unreal learned (dropped SVOGI and VXGI is mostly an adhoc experiment). :D
I'll share the paper once it is ready, if that is okay. I think we annoy folks here with long paragraphs on any subject. :D
@Borgleader It's actually really hard to do. Or I just suck at driving.
@ElimGarak post it here
Maybe both, probably both.
@Borgleader Anybody lives there? :D It would be pretty cool if we could get a subset of the Lounge there. :D
Last message: .
@ElimGarak ah I should try to remember these sites
subsetting the lounge has never worked out
@ElimGarak Its mostly a link dump. Anything graphics related & interesting goes there. :)3
attack :: Int -> Mole -> Mole
attack = (moleHealth -~)
Inchworm on a stick operator!
@Morwenn Hi :)
@Borgleader Hi ^_^
check the calendar
still 2015, phew
Heels and skirts ahahh
Isn't it bad language design to have four ways to say the same thing?
@Borgleader I think someone just wants to see a girl with skirt and heels in their office.
@ScarletAmaranth dont worry be happy be plonky
@PravasiMeet Closed as primarily opinion based.
@TonyTheLion I wouldn't mind either... hides
who doesn't
@Borgleader: why?
because you didn't read the rules
@ElimGarak heheh :)
@ElimGarak: what the hell is this?
1 message moved to bin
Please read the rules
@TonyTheLion that ones a rickroll though :P
the real rules are on the starboard
@Borgleader Yes I'm aware, but rules are quite clearly posted at the top of the starboard
@Borgleader Thanks :) <3
@Borgleader: why you think it as primarily opinion based ?
So, Sisko just bought a shitload of land on Bajor. With what money?
@ElimGarak how do you calculate if a given point (x,y) is perpendicular to a line?
points cant be perpendicular to a line
@TonyTheLion Oh man I should know this.
@TonyTheLion Well, a point can't be perpendicular to a line :P
I think he's asking if the point is on the line.
@ScarletAmaranth maybe that was the... point? badumtss
@TonyTheLion as long as the point is not in the line, you can draw a perpendicular.
well the point given lies on a line, and you have to find a line perpendicular to it
does that even make sense?
I can't math :/
gives lies?
that bastard point!
Ah, a line is defined by a point and a slope.
Perpendicular lines have slopes that product to -1 iirc.
@TonyTheLion so you have a line L1 with a point P on that line and you want a line L2 perpendicular to L1 that goes through P ?
@Borgleader yes, the perpendicular line couldn't possibly also go through P no?
The slope of the perpendicular line is the negative reciprocal of the slope of the given line.
So you can simply do new_slope = -1/old_slope.
@Nooble Thanks :)
Actually, I am stupid. Using the cross product is much better.
Because the cross product doesn't have a surgical case for zero.
That's what I don't like with slopes.
@TonyTheLion do the cross product between the the line and (0,0,1)
@Lalaland I have only one point on the line though
guess I could still figure it out
well if its 2d you can use this trick: if L1 (x, y), then (-y, x) will be perpendicular (the dot product will give -xy + xy = 0), then you "slide" L2 until it goes through P
I will have to draw a picture. Wait a second.
@Lalaland cool
I like pictures
wtf GHC
Prelude> :t let S x = S "Hi" in x

    My brain just exploded
wait thats an actual error message?
Prelude> :t let S x = S "Hi" in x

    My brain just exploded
    I can't handle pattern bindings for existential or GADT data constructors.
    Instead, use a case-expression, or do-notation, to unpack the constructor.
    In the pattern: S x
    In a pattern binding: S x = S "Hi"
    In the expression: let S x = S "Hi" in x
> let S x = S "Hi" in x
not entirely sure what that is supposed to do?
I don't think GADTs are a full replacement for dependent types
@Borgleader love that meme
I feel like that a lot
@TonyTheLion actually just use borg's formula.
@Lalaland :)
That formula is derived from the cross product.
@TonyTheLion Read this I could relate to so many of them
@Elyse I think you could implement both sigma and pi types with that
@Borgleader this one
so annoying when you browsed something to shop and then you didn't buy it, but you get continuously inundated with it through ads
Ever since I clicked on a condo ad a while back, thats pretty much all I get these days
Also amazon sends me almost exclusively emails for Bluray sales
I hate advertising.
cuz I bought like The Walking Dead Season 1 on bluray and a few BBC documentaries (Wild China is a must see, OMFG so gorgeous)
It's such a waste of space, time, and energy.
Whoa whoa whoa.
You bought physical copies?!
@Borgleader ohhh I love watching documentaries, I guess I gotta watch "Wild China" next
@Nooble lol
@Borgleader that reminds me I need to start thinking about buying a flat
fake, but hilarious
> 3G
@TonyTheLion I'm saving up for a derposit
This is cool /cc @ElimGarak
best viewed in chrome
@TonyTheLion <3<3<3<3
:D :)
@Borgleader oh man those autocorrect ones are funny though
I mean I have died several times over from laughing so hard when reading them
yes, i love autocowrecks :)
there used to be a site dedicated to those, i forget what it is
ah, right. Thanks
the site is terrible though
they've added too much junk
better to use Google Images to find these
> Ever wondered how the planets like Jupiter formed? NVIDIA Tesla GPUs helped researchers solve the mystery of gas giant formation.
@AlexM. I've only ever wonder how pointar is formed?
@AlexM. Sounds like a group of particularly foul smelling employees :P
@Borgleader the nvidia diet is heavily based on beans
mole :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Entity
mole x y health = Entity update attack needsRemoval
    where update dt = mole x y health
          attack hits = mole x y (health - hits)
          needsRemoval = health < 0
wow such game
I love closures.
@Morwenn do you like Strapping Young Lad?
@TonyTheLion I've never heard of that.
@TonyTheLion are you asking her out? :P (s/Strapping Young Lad/me/)
@Borgleader neat.
Strapping Young Lad was a Canadian extreme metal band formed by Devin Townsend in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1994. The band started as a one-man studio project; Townsend played most of the instruments on the 1995 debut album, Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing. By 1997, he had recruited permanent members; this line-up, which consisted of Townsend on vocals and guitar, Jed Simon on guitar, Byron Stroud on bass, and Gene Hoglan on drums, lasted until the band's dissolution. Containing elements of death metal, thrash metal, black metal, progressive metal and industrial metal, Strapping Young Lad's...
@Borgleader hahaha
@TonyTheLion Oh, so that's a Devin Townsend project. I guess I like it then :p
Devin Townsend is pretty notorious for having a lot of projects, right?
TIL SYL is no longer together :(
@TomW A bit like Arjen Lucassen.
Yay finally found a good anime in this season. (Apart from One Punch Man of course.)
@StackedCrooked hot chicks
not really
what do you know, you watch OP
there's just one girl atm, but she does have cat tail and ears!
OP has the most unhot chicks ever
@StackedCrooked I see 5 on the cover
I've only seen ep1 yet.
Anyway, I suppose I'll watch the new episode from One Punch Man now.
@Morwenn covers are out of the dryer, i am now a warm burrito
@Borgleader Now eat yourself :3
I order imports lexicographically.
But int8 coming after int32LE is meh.
can you order them cryptographically?
@Borgleader so delicious
@jaggedSpire not as much as these two
@Borgleader :D
@AlexM. 2anime
@jaggedSpire :D mini @ScottW
@Borgleader :D
such large ears he has
its so he can better listen
where did this meme originate?
the internet
you, tony, morwenn, more (?) exchanging 9gag pics
all day
its not a meme, we like cute animals
I take most of mine from /r/aww
you didn't always, it had to start somewhere
I'm curious who was the origin :P
Might have been me and @jaggedSpire liking red pandas or something
how can you not like them :3
We're just sharing the love <3
yes <3
Okay then. The youngest's first arduino programming: paste.ubuntu.com/13198348 (with more than a little bit of help of course)
love can be shared through cute animals
I think there was an argument that was getting a bit out of hand so I posted a video of red pandas playing in the snow
@jaggedSpire nice :)
@TonyTheLion concur'd
@sehe cute name <3
Very weird to use Dutch in identifiers
@sehe :D
Also, why does the toolchain support c++11 but not come with libc++ and boost :)
@sehe yea that was my thought
@sehe my money is on bad reasons
Good thinking
I farted
if (++teller > (1u<<10)) teller = 0; is this some weird modulo? ^^
it's weird alright
@ScarletAmaranth Yep. teller = (teller + 1) % 1024
yeah I was wondering why it was done the strange way
it's from the thing sehe had linked a moment ago
sin(teller * scale)
@ScarletAmaranth If youre doing modulo by a power of two I think you can just do x = (x + 1) & 1023;
i think
@Borgleader ok I can't edit to prefix with >, it's just pasted from the thing...
@ScarletAmaranth Because modulo is too readable
@Borgleader Don't
there's this thing called
modulo operator
leave that shit to your compiler.
actually clang doesnt optimize modulo well, didnt you watch cppcon? :P

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