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@R.MartinhoFernandes wow, two IDEs make that same mistake?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm sure there is some wise saying about following track records...
I'd buy more .NET tools but I'm poore
@thecoshman What?
@R.MartinhoFernandes :P
dotMemory looks cool
What two IDEs are you on about?
@CatPlusPlus re: redundant
@R.MartinhoFernandes go back to sleep
Go back to being sober
I honestly don't understand what you mean.
@VáclavZeman yeah, it won't accept mingw64, which is super annoying.
Looks clicky :(
@LucDanton It has emacs-y shortcuts for pretty much everything. Same as other tools of theirs, if you're familiar.
meh emacs :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes As usual with the pirate's mouth poop.
I need to make a CMake project.
Clicky or pinky?
Ctrls and Alts and Shifts.
@Rapptz It means "normal" for you non-vim people. Most things have emacs-y shortcuts.
Oh I like it so far
Yes I like this a lot
I will use it
As usual, default inspection settings are insanely noisy.
> Be Warned
It is important to distinguish EAP from traditional pre-release software. Please note that the quality of EAP versions may at times be way below even usual beta standards
Gonna take some time to get to acceptable levels, but it's the same with all their tools.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's usually nice to raise awareness. It's easier to interactively dampen the noise, than to start with an airtight space-ship, unable to fathom a vast universe that lies beyond
Luckily all the inspections can be disabled on sight with keyboard shortcuts.
Macro guards are gross
No need to spend an hour going through the options menu or something.
@Puppy lol
:< vim mode plugin does not have time travel.
I can't use any of the vim emulation nonsense
It just doesn't work
at least I managed to make the jetbrains account thing list my name as "woof woof"
:< does not understand decltype in struct is_callable<Fun(Args...)> : decltype(is_callable_tester::test<Fun, Args...>(0)) {};
Interesting. They should have used libclang :)
(hint: I know, they don't and it's on purpose)
Out for lunch.
dunno why people insist on not using Clang for this stuff.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I fully expect the intellisense/live diags to be on the same "level" as the R# EAP for VS
it was literally written for that exact purpose and rolling their own is just suck.
@Puppy There was a blog post. It'll answer that.
Why did they not use libclang? o.O
yeah, I read it, but it just raises further questions.
@Ell Something about we already have our own Java parsing framework blah blah.
not like your bog standard LALR(1) parser can parse C++ anyway
@Puppy Mmmm. actually I misrecalled that. It was obviously a post about not migrating to Roslyn because their own CLR engines are way more optimized
and I fail to see how "Write your own parser with some code re-used" is better than "Don't write a parser at all".
@Ell They based it off of clang.
@Puppy the keyword might be "framework" (what with code DOM representations and incremental updates)
it's true that Clang cannot really handle incremental updates.
that shit is super annoying.
I wanted to support incremental analysis for Wide but wtf am I gonna do for C++ TUs.
@Puppy Nothing you can do really is there?
@Puppy Then there's no choice.
It's not an option.
@Puppy Although YouCompleteMe works plenty fast on live edit buffers for me (and yes, that includes Spirit parsers). OTOH, I've seen failure modes when my 16GiB tmpfs was filled with YCM "preamble" files
I could hack it together so that I serialize the AST and then deserialize it on each "increment", I think.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Plugins for text editors manage fine though
That was rare (maybe 3x over a year)
so if you didn't change any of the C++ code I could re-load the TU fairly fast.
@Mysticial Is it your fault that I start making typos like LogLevel::Criticial?
Yes, and they manage just fine to do something very far from what all JetBrains tools do.
@Rapptz They're usually just limited to syntax highlighting/paren matching and they just "bottom out" - knowing that it looks fine usually
what typo? fat fingers, no need to explain
@R.MartinhoFernandes I kinda disagree because IME, Clang can re-parse a single file pretty damn fast, and I think that their AST serialization/deserialization might be able to handle it. I mean, I know that Clang was explicitly designed to be plugged in to IDEs and such, so I think the devs already tackled this problem somehow, just not entirely sure how.
JB has been doing tools for this forever, so I bet they kinda know what they need :v
@Puppy wouldn't you just get a new AST?
Btw, what IDEs/whatever out there that integrate with clang, actually provide smart code manipulation features, and not just the lcd?
Qt Creator since 3.0
There's a vim plugin that does code completion IIRC
@Ell That's not really a big deal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes XCode, I think.
@Puppy lol, yeah, no.
Xcode is shit
I've never used it.
My boss uses XCode. It's crap.
It's nearing close Eclipse in terms of how shitty an IDE can get
In my experiments Xcode seemed better than QtCreator 2.x at autocompletion for type traits. That was a while ago though.
I find the C++ JetBrains IDE quite nice at first few clicks.
Eclipse isn't so bad, whoever complains about it should try older version of xcode
honestly I haven't even tried it, no mingw-w64 support is a bit of a deal breaker.
@Puppy I have used Cygwin64 toolset instead.
fuck dat cygwin stuff
obtw isn't non-w64 MinGW the branch that's totally dead?
or am I thinking of something else
You ask now, after leaving a comment.
Puppy style!
@Puppy I think MinGW is dead. And MinGW-w64 is alive
well, I'm pretty sure that it's w64 which is alive and non-w64 which is dead.
but it suddenly struck me that it was a long time ago that I learned it and I'm not really that sure.
Ask rubenvb
Ask me
Ask anyone
Well, he did.
Was rubenvb the one writing a build system?
I can't remember
@Ell rubenvb threatens to write a POSIX shell for windows in his spare time, so...
> This repository isn't designed to be used by others but in case you want to.
Basically all my repos because fuck releasing shit
Also StringTemplate C# docs are nonexistent so THANKS OPEN SOURCe
@PolymorphicPotato I, too, back up my code on github
Why is this rucola so spicy.
It's not rucola
Q: Calling virtual function from member constructor

PuppyI'm curious as to the behaviour of the following: #include <iostream> #include <string> struct A; struct B { std::string b; B(A& a); }; struct A { B member; virtual std::string f() { return "Hello, World!"; } A() : member(*this) {} }; B::B(A& a) : b(a.f()) {} int main() { ...

clang and GCC both print expected result, but Wide gives undefined behaviour in this case.
Wrong answers by incompetent people in 3...
Arduino Beginner Class ... sounds interesting ...
Have not programmed a microcontroller for ages ...
@Puppy That's going to break in a very funny way with virtual inheritance, I think.
base and derived classes don't matter in this context.
reading 12.7/4 it should be ok
is just what got posted in an answer.
I see. Well, I agree with the answer
I might just change the ordering to make this well-defined behaviour in Wide.
A: Calling virtual function from member constructor

Debasish JanaThis prints: Hello, World! A().member.b creates an A object, that calls implicit constructor of A, A::A() that in turn calls B::B(A& a), that calls a.f() i.e. A's f() function

epic fail
@PolymorphicPotato predicted it
@Puppy NO, REALLY?
I can't leave a snarky comment there so I'm leaving it here
@CatPlusPlus yes you can
@Puppy took me far to long to work out where in chat it is a pattern thingy but when I click it, I see your mug
I wander what industries I could move to...
I hear there are always openings for homeless... sounds like easy enough work, not sure about the pay though.
wow! clang even supports #pragma comment(lib, ...)
Damn, I've been lazing around for 4h already...
I should start actually doing something
Clion EAP is out!
@Abyx beat me to it :(
we know.
@GamesBrainiac and it's unusable on Windows.
@Abyx die you stupid bird!
@Abyx oh, who's gna use it on windows?
You have resharper for that.
ooh, head of ICT at some childrens hospice in Wirral...
that's not terrible sounding...
sudden realization (after seeing the splash pic): CLion = Sea Lion
@GamesBrainiac Who's gonna use MSVC on Windows?
^ that
ergh, I hate that I want to look for UK jobs, as it makes wanting to drive sort of stupid. If I do pass soon, but then move to UK, I can no longer drive again... though I should confirm if it is true that way too...
@thecoshman are you in ireland?
@Ell no I just wanted to get an Irish licence to make life awkward
You never said irish license :L
oh, maybe the Irish licence is ok right away.
@Ell ah, was that not well known?
Well, that's why I asked if you were in ireland :)
I think you should get an irish one and as soon as possible get an english one
why get both?
from the looks of it, I might be able to just get an Irish one, and be good for all of EU.
The UK one has some stupid 2 year thing before you can go abroad
Get a German one.
German licenses don't expire.
but you have to be in said country to get it
Should have done it at the unconference :P
do they do 0->100% day courses?
@thecoshman I thought that all EU driving licences were valid everywhere in the EU.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Point taken.
@Puppy they are, but AFAIK the UK one you have to have for two years first
@thecoshman Probably not.
I have applied for an internship in berlin
I think all licenses have some sort of restriction for the first two or three years.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought so too, but canny find anything about it
> Internal compiler error: Error reporting routines re-entered.
I think I’m past the best before date for my compiler snapshot :s
huh, in theory new drivers have to have N plates... I don't think I've seen a single car with those
I don't remember if there was any restriction on being abroad, but for the first three years of mine, there were a bunch of things I couldn't do, and on any grave infraction it would expire immediately.
@LucDanton lol, that one again.
it seems here for the first two years, you have half the points you can get before you get temp-ban
> A person granted a first full driving licence on or after 1st August 2014 must display N-plates on the vehicle for a period of 2 years
Yeah, that's similar, except for us it's three years, and it's not a game (there are no points).
@thecoshman N for Noob.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :'(
//conplile error.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you nade a nistake
doesn't this lead you to think that the day you pass, you can go abroad (driving)?
yeah, & cow says noo
@R.MartinhoFernandes The points thing is just so that the police can ban you from driving without having to get a court's approval.
@thecoshman Not sure. What does "full license" mean?
@Puppy Yeah, we have the same, just no points.
Templates.stg 14:60: invalid character '>'
Templates.stg 14:58: premature EOF
Templates.stg 27:36: '=' came as a complete surprise to me
Actual Errors(tm)
I like how it detects premature EOF but then goes on anyway
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, notice that slight fuzzyness. not sure.
JetBrains C++ IDE is available to mere mortals!
we knooooooooooooooooooooow
damn :-\
my bad; sorry
also it's currently useless
how come?
doesn't work with mingw64
@thecoshman Seems to mean "normal license": ndls.ie/en/Driving-Licence/about-the-licence.html.
That page makes me believe the non-full one is just the learner's permit.
not sure about this 'novice' status though...
that seems to still be a full licence though.
Gee ffs people, reposting is kinda bad, but sure, you can't read all ten thousand pages of transcript. But reposting pinned stuff? I'm hereby making it a bananable offense.
I oppose the motion
> A person granted a first full driving licence on or after 1st August 2014 must display N-plates on the vehicle for a period of 2 years
I was excited and wanted to share the happiness!
This seems to imply that it's still a full licence.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, so it's not like you get given a novice licence, that after two years becomes a full licence. It is full form the start, thus you can travel from the start.
@thecoshman So, yeah, I'd say yes. Still, ask at the driving school to be sure. They'll know.
@thecoshman Yeah. In Portugal the license is called "provisory" for the first three years, but in those pages they seem to call it "full licence" even in the noob period.
@Ell You have hereby been bananaed. Enjoy your bananation.
yeah, so it seems like it's worth me continuing to try to get Irish licence, even if I do shortly move to UK
Hehe, you'll be officially a noob.
I'm not qualified enough for that!
oh, "'ll"
@BartekBanachewicz If it matters, I can't on 13th.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hint: it's not going to happen
It's my myriadversary.
I won with StringTemplate
@R.MartinhoFernandes ?
@thecoshman I'll be ten thousand days young.
yay, xkcd book apparently arrived today
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, 'myriad', you and you're silly numbers... wait... what?
I've used flimsier excuses to celebrate.
A myriad (from Ancient Greek μυριάδες, myriades) is technically the number ten thousand; in that sense, the term is used almost exclusively in translations from Greek, Latin, or Chinese, or when talking about ancient Greek numbers. More generally, a myriad may be an indefinitely large number of things. == History == The Aegean numerals of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations included a single unit to denote tens of thousands. It was written ☼. In Classical Greek numerals, a myriad was written as a capital mu: Μ, as lower case letters did not exist in Ancient Greece. To distinguish this numeral...
> yay... I erm, beeped!
> included a single unit to denote tens of thousands. It was written ☼.
That's "masterwork", not "myriad", you dumbasses.
I see...
@R.MartinhoFernandes interestingly, milliard ( is related to myriad (even though myriad is 10k)
do you play DF with the 'classic' ascii look to it?
@AlexM. Er, no. It comes from French.
@thecoshman Not anymore.
@thecoshman I did when I played it. Didn't really see much reason not to. But that was a while ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes shit, numberphile lied to me
So just letting you know, balpha is in the JS chat and they're actually implementing room owner access control. Thought you guys would care. Asked us to comment on meta.stackexchange.com/questions/229905 .
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nice trolling.
in JavaScript, 3 hours ago, by balpha
@BenjaminGruenbaum Could you (and/or anyone else who's herding the crowd in this room) weigh in on this? Once we have a built-in method, we probably won't allow 8k-galleries anymore, so I would like to hear opinions from people administering the JS room.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I presume you still play, what with then?
12 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Pro DF tip: don't let your legendary spearman go insane while clad in nigh-invulnerable armor and wielding a spear that can cut through anything like it was butter.
Yes, I still play.
I think I'm using Phoebus now.
I just grabbed the Starter Pack and went through the graphics sets it came with and picked the one I liked the most.

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