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Heh electric poles still have a fuel value
now I'm wondering if the surface will prove to be good enough at writing and if I should get one if it will
Their Android devices come with Samsung Hub, Samsung Apps, etc which is just bloatware I don't want updated. I like Google's vision of Android the way it is. Their Windows devices come with underpowered CPU's and low RAM only for them to abuse the hell out of that with their unwanted apps
I needed an alternative to my heavy laptop to carry around everyday anyway, hmm
surfaces run the desktop Win8, right?
Only the Pros
right, so I'd need one of those
@RonaldMunodawafa tell me about it
I have bloatware from my carrier that gets installed with each Android update
lol, Google's vision of Android.
not only that but HTC insists on installing this folding@home client on their phones
Well, Samsung are not the only offenders but they are among the worst
they say it only runs if you give it an approval and choose a project, and the phone is charging
Google are among the worst.
but I don't believe them
Their bloatware is on every Android device.
I'm sure they use my cpu cycles to do naughty things
Not just their own.
And what do you think about Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and friends expecting C++ programmers to migrate to Go
@RonaldMunodawafa buahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahalol
The target group is not even similar.
When I had a look at the language
I liked the concurrency model
You can't get C++ programmers to migrate if you commit the sin of garbage collection.
However, I did not like the arbitrary feeling the language had. There is nothing new that they did. C# did what they were doing ages ago but because they are so political to them C# is a copy of Java and Java is a sane C++
I just sit back and grab my popcorn
@Alex the only one you want is SFP3
@Ronald both claims are patently wrong
How did C# do what Go is doing ages ago?
The concurrency model
That is the essence of Go
It is nothing worth writing home for
I used C# for years.
Must have been the wrong C#.
Basically async, await and delegates
Yeah, not that at all.
They just took a design pattern and made it syntactic
1) Not at all the same thing; 2) Those are 2-year old features in C#, Go's model is 5 years old.
So they must have copied Erlang somehow
@RonaldMunodawafa wat
They failed to attract the C++ programmers so they went for the Java and Python programmers and I have to say the did pretty well
async crap is clearly distinct from Go's wonderful model.
Hence why I said I liked their concurrency model
I learnt something though
But C# doesn't do what Go does. You said it did.
Yaay optics.
It taught me something that the functional programming community (most of it at least) does not appreciate
concurrency != parallelism
Uh anyone who knows what they're talking about knows that
Well, from what Rob Pikes was saying in a talk it appeared as though the functional community did not appreciate that
That makes about as much sense as anything he does
It gave the impression when he made comparisons to functional programming
So you're just parroting that?
I was not expecting that.
Also p sure Erlang didn't invent green threads
It's all old stuff.
omg they copied research how could they
Well, someone as respectable as Rob Pikes wouldn't indulge in the act of making false reference
You can't even spell his name right
Also lol
@CatPlusPlus green threads?
Who copied research?
Everyone does. That's kind of the point of sharing it.
Someone's trolling?
Maybe so
What do you think of the future of C++ beyond 2017
@RonaldMunodawafa Still no modules.
@rightføld factorio?
Or at best modules badly done.
@thecoshman C++. This is the C++ Lounge, after all.
I think C macros are fine
Okay so uh.
In Factorio, if I just put two turrets full of bullets next to me can I go downstairs to eat without dying?
What happens if you die anyway?
@rightføld Very deep.
You have to reload a save, duh
Ah, I see.
Well then, time to eat!
@CatPlusPlus Scumming!
It seems Bjarne Stroustrup wants to start appealing to first-time programmers
@R.MartinhoFernandes wait? that's what C++ stands for?
You should kick him for that C macros thing
For good measure
I saw a book of his which was on an introductory shelf in our library
I think it was titled Practice and Principles but did not really have the time to go have a look at it
yay! blue science is on the product line!
now to ramp up crude oil collection :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dying is inefficient
So don't do it.
Who told me to use pen and paper
I just realised Pablo Halpern = Jeff Goldblum in disguise
Someone told me about going beyond the bounds of the array
That was so naive of me
Something so subtle
That was very stupid of me
I did tell you that two hours ago
both of those things
@Lightness you solved a stupid problem a whole class could not solve
I should reason more clearly next time
@CatPlusPlus oh shame. Still... handy for your self.
@RonaldMunodawafa I'm pretty magical
BTW these are basic fundamental debugging steps and you should tell your friends
I agree. LESSON learnt in chat today: for every light bulb that is on you should be able to account for whom flipped the switch.
Damn, I can't get to the point in some answers.
Q: Linker error for variadic template

Craig PI have a program with variadic templates and a helper function: #include using std::cout; template<typename... Ts> void fooImpl(char const *cp, Ts... args); template<typename... Ts> inline void foo(const std::string &s, Ts... args) { fooImpl(s.c_str(), args...); } void fooImpl(char c...

^ Like this one.
@Lightness if you are not yet making mainstream products please consider doing so if magic is your game
I permanently try to TL:DR things, but it's hard.
And then people like Lightness complain about walls of text... :(
haha you post on snack overflow
@CatPlusPlus Haha you're a cat
Hold on, cats don't talk
You must be a supernaturally intelligent cat then
And that's not funny at all but rather depressing, considering the fact that you have to endure your conspecifics mental inferiority on the internet.
I think the C++ community is the best community on the planet. I like C# as a language but I detest the community. I like C community as well but the C++ community has an aesthetic that is ideal for a community I can't really put my finger on. You guys are awesome
Time to get back to business!!!
@RonaldMunodawafa my magic is used for niche industry tech
Is it just me, or does anyone else get nervous when they see a question begin with something like "I'm trying understand how inheritance works..." and posts an example of what they don't understand that starts with class **Aircrew**: public Person.
Haskell community doesn't have Vlad though.
Mmmh inheritance is a simple concept
@frasnian not just you
@RonaldMunodawafa Yeah but so is binary search
hey it's not as if I could write binary search in my sleep. i couldn't. i'd almost certainly have an off-by-one error somewhere the first go around
i suck at algorithms by rote (mostly because I honestly couldn't give less of a shit about them)
std::sort hth
I hope you don't use std::sort for binary search.
no of course not
I use std::sort for search. when I assuredly need binary search I ensure that I'm using it
that's pretty rare
We are not allowed to use anything from the std namespace for now
std::find I meant. duh
I had to learn some algorithms for a maths exam
and the container-specific members
just shush
quicksort, bubblesort. binary search
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hahahah
I don't like cramming algorithms
one reason I avoid technical interviews
just got rapped by bitters from no where!
So I am writing making a tiny handbook I will use to look up algorithms when I need them with cautions on implementation. The first entry is Merge Sort + Binary Search
nobody ever asks stupid sort during interviews (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogosort)
I think the only thing that should be learnt in an introductory course so people can move on with their lives and remember what to say and write when they go to technical interviews is: pointers and recursion <=== that defines a career
while not isInOrder(deck):
do I call it game over or try reloading...
Everyone here knows what bogosort is.
No need to repeat it.
@thecoshman They're musicians?
is it because you've all used it at least once in production code?
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh god! that's even worse!
I am sure there are better pseudorandom sort algorithms out there
new game
this time I'll make sure I put up deffences
In other news, what is the story behind the types char and string and utf-8 in C++
and not just trust my low pollution
@RonaldMunodawafa crushed rumble
Awesome yay
Bullet factory

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