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8:00 AM
@Mikhail Yeah, they don't really exist anymore. Maybe a couple a month.
What will happen if the constructor of an exception that is being thrown, throws another exception? Will terminate() be called?
> If R is a move-only type, you may only call get() once before the next asymmetric_coroutine<>::pull_type::operator() call.
^that requirement annoys me
@Grigory No, because an exception is not active until the throw statement completes. So the thrown exception is the first to be active. It may be more easy to reason about the simplified situation: throw throw Ex();.
Or even some_function(throw Ex()): the outer function is never called, either.
ah, I see, so the exception thrown by the ctor will propagate
that makes sense
@R.MartinhoFernandes you're presence doesn't make any difference. Shit hits fans nonetheless
8:10 AM
@LucDanton I usually open tabs only to declutter, by doing <C-w>T. For highly repetitive things it's usually silent! argdo ..., however for visual inspections I do love to tabonly!|only!|args ...|tab sall and use my shortcuts (<C-PgUp>, <C-PgDn>) to flick through the tabs. If files are formatted similarly, that helps me a lot.
another question, does ostringstream::operator<< ever throw? i think there are some flags to control it, but I've forgotten...
@LucDanton Oh wait, you're look for --remote-silent?
@Grigory No, the stream might though depending on it's exception() flags
8:12 AM
thanks guys
@sehe Don’t think so, I’m usually just running the one gVim. (Well, with in-terminal vims as the need arises but those are separate.)
@Mikhail That implies Wine then
@LucDanton likewise here. Then I'm not sure what "but in an already open Vim" meant
@sehe I’m not fond of windows. What screen resolution do you run? Do you split in a particular direction?
@sehe Since you mentioned highly repetitive tasks: say I want to go over all the include/foo/blah/*.hpp headers to perform some maintenance (that I can’t just sed), and I already have my gvim.
Does anybody think that the momentum approach to speeding up nueral network convergence is a lie? Every time I try step size controls on 2nd order methods I get poor convergence compared to guessing the correct step size...
@Mikhail This isn't CompSci ;-)
Although some here might know about neural networks.
8:17 AM
I just want friends :-)
@LucDanton I prefer vertical (horizontal is for the quickfix/location lists. YouCompleteMe tends to open a preview which I find myself closing often since it interferes with my window navigation. When a window is too wide to display side-by-side is when I do the <C-w>T
I do use vertical when I have side-by-side work.
I guess I meant, horizontal doesn't work for me (Just the qf then). Somehow, mentally I can't "see" where one window stars/ends and it makes it harder to navigate the source
Right :)
8:28 AM
@LucDanton gvim --remote-silent +'tab sall' q/* works for me (although I'd be happy just doing args - vims globbing extensions rock quite a bit
@Rapptz ugh
Is it the second time you type tabs all as tab sall, or is tab sall an actual command?
it is
My mnemonic: show all. I don't know what the difference with :all is (if any) because I've not used it
8:30 AM
I wish Vim had something like Emacs windows.
I’m not seeing one in the help, so it could be here for consistency (e.g. there is an :sarg).
"I wish Vim had something like Emacs" - stopped reading :)
Tabs are terribly useless.
@sehe What’s the q/* about?
I want my code side-by-side, not hidden.
8:32 AM
Vim can't do that? o.o
@rightføld you suck
29 mins ago, by Luc Danton
> If R is a move-only type, you may only call get() once before the next asymmetric_coroutine<>::pull_type::operator() call.
Don't lie to me!
^lies, it doesn’t work for a move-only type anyway
it was my directory with test files (`mkdir q; touch q/{a..z}`)
And yes, that lead to me doing: `:bwipeout!` and `24@:` :)
8:33 AM
@sehe Got it.
I often have six or seven Emacs windows open at once.
actual windows or buffers?
Especially in C++ where I have pretty much three files for every module.
what's a window in emacs terms?
8:34 AM
@rightføld oh you mean, separate toplevels. There are some plugins that emulate this in vim, IIRC. I don't care enough.
I thought /you/ were the one raving about tiling window managers :)
@rightføld F9 switches between them for me. That's plenty
@Rapptz There are four windows here:
@rightføld Same here, except it's VS windows instead of Emacs.
8:36 AM
Oh. I call those buffers.
Buffers are something else in Emacs.
@LucDanton right here vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/windows.html#buffer-list. Apparently it's short for split * and that's why I prefer it. It's indeed more consistent when used without :tab
I use Origami to get the same in Sublime Text.
I agree with you that it's pretty useful.
Makes sense.
8:37 AM
@Rapptz They are windows in vim, but I don't see what Vim's missing in that respect
Sublime Text apparently calls them 'panes'.
Which is more descriptive name, actually
@sehe oh thanks didn't know that feature existed.
> The initial cloning will take at least 45 minutes on a 3.0 mbps Internet connection and will consume roughly 1.5 GB of disk space.
Might as well switch back to Vim then.
8:38 AM
From paragraph ‘Installing Modular Boost’.
And only use Emacs for Clojure.
Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E and Ctrl+K are invaluable, though. Luckily there's a Vim plugin for those.
There’s no open bug that there is some missing support for move ops is Boost.Coroutine :v
Missing support meaning that e.g. while(c) { c.get(); } doesn’t work, but for(auto& item: c) {} does.
Is there anything vim can't do?
8:46 AM
I'm sure it could if anyone really had interest in it
If it's not Emacs, it can't Lisp.
Emacs is EmacLisp which isn't exactly "Lisp" as far as I know... I mean Lisp as in CommonLisp
@rightføld o.O
@LucDanton It does take this time and those resources. INdeed
@chmod711telkitty are you prophet or something? I presented it to an auditory of 15 people approx and there were a lot Post-Docs, one were even Post-Doc in Med :D
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I mean editing Lisp, silly.
8:50 AM
@sehe So much for modularity, no? :Þ
I should delete my Vim configuration and start over.
@rightføld github.com/kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim might help you
there are other plugins but having the rainbow parenthesis it's pretty cool. Use a package manager like Vundle to help you install plugins if needed
Yup, also need a proper indentation plugin, ParEdit and CIDER please.
I don't know ident works for me
this thing is quite cool to keep indent active
@LucDanton You can get them in isolation. But that would make it hard to contribute (it's not inconceivable to get one lib and symlink it into any release boost tree)
I think they're trying to document the "most common usage pattern"
8:57 AM
If I wanted a big ball of Boost I already know where to find it, is my point :Þ
But that's very different. Good luck bisecting your regression on that static ball of Boost. Or switching branches while disconnected
Oh my. std::map<const void*, std::shared_ptr<void>, std::less<const void*>. That's a new one stackoverflow.com/a/26400163/85371
@sehe See, I would have thought the most common usage would be to just get a piece.
Mmm. Perhaps you can simply git clone --depth 1. That way you get the structure (which is helpful because the scripts assume this) but not the cost. You can always deepen the historyper submodule
I’m not trying anything btw.
I found the documentation while looking around, and went on a tangent.
Oh, the starboard is still full of drama.
9:03 AM
Stars take a while to fade :|
I treasure my local clones of boost. It really costs a lot to get a fresh one
(cc @Rapptz, @Ell, @aclarke, @Borgleader) OK, so here's one attempt to reply to this. It might be long and maybe winded, but I don't have the time to condense it.
Indeed, he's rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, and I guess nobody will be surprised to hear that I'm among them. However, it's not because he lashed out at me, or because I felt threatened and intimitated by him. In fact, the last few times we've rubbed our noses against each other it was me who was calm, and him who was enraged. (Like yesterday, or that Saturday night when the room owners were dethroned and I took over.)
It does.
@sbi I've responded to the Robot here chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/10?m=19448857#19448857 - with the request to let it rest.
I've also tried to talk with Lightness, but I've yet to receive a response from Lightness.
How the fuck do you guys write messages that long.
There's no limit if you add a newline.
Ow. Thanks.
9:08 AM
@sehe I know this. As you can see, I have read the archives. But this isn't about you. As I said yesterday, I don't think it was you who started this and that makes it neigh impossible for you to make it stop.
@Sofffia I type them on my keyboard, of course. How else?
@sehe That might be because he left.
For now, forever; no one will know.
@Sofffia Really. Maybe, after all this time you've been around, you should go and finally read the newbie hints?
I read them. I just have goldfish memory.
This placed you to be about you guys answering MY question, now all I see in the chat is drama. How humbug.
@Rapptz Read again what I wrote. He always came back.
9:10 AM
@sbi Agreed. I was mainly pointing you at the isolated spot so it would be easier to find
@sbi Sure. He came back the other times but you can't just go on based on previous experiences alone when dealing with a person.
@sehe There wasn't much to see in last night's transcript. Whoever found the robot's message would have a hard time missing yours.
@Rapptz That's just sad. I don't know why he doesn't want to talk to me. Or perhaps he doesn't get my messages because plonk.
> Well, you know how it is with old men: They think they've seen it all before and know it all, put such people into the drawer labled "assholes" and are very reluctant to revisit their decision.
@sbi I didn't notice, because it was on separate tabs in my browser :)
9:12 AM
@Rapptz He said he'll still be lurking in .
@Mikhail Are you joking? This place is not about answering questions.That's Stack Overflow
@MarkGarcia We're talking about chat. So that is not very relevant.
@sehe Yeah, the long compile times are getting to me ;-)
@sbi I do not follow the lounge too closely. Was he banned or something?
@MarkGarcia Of course. He still is a rep whore after all :)
9:13 AM
@Rapptz Eh, I mean in the context of sehe attempting to contact him. Can still do in the main site.
@VáclavZeman Left on his own accord.
@VáclavZeman He left "voluntarily"
@MarkGarcia Bringing Lounge drama to SO main is a bad idea.
@VáclavZeman Jerry and I started to talk about the reason sehe left, openly saying what we thought about the guy, and he ragequit.
@Rapptz Ah.
@sbi I see.
Well, I used to frequent ##C++@FreeNode. He used to go there with the tomalak nick. He was the same then as he is now. There is no reason to believe he will be different. :)
9:17 AM
@VáclavZeman Yep, I had a look there when he and Johannes talked about it here a few years back. Seemed to be (or have become) exactly the place for him.
@sbi My 2c. I don't really see how he managed to rub so many people the wrong way here. I think there are other regulars in here who manage to be a lot more annoying (not gonna say any names here). Like you said, there are many people in here who are snarky. And I do believe there are people in here who tend to be condescending too. A combination of the two are available as well. So IMO I don't think it's those personality traits in general that manage to get people rubbed the wrong way.
@sbi Jerry taking a stand on this is quite surprising.
@MarkGarcia I'd rather leave it up to him
17 hours ago, by sbi
@JerryCoffin Wow. The two of us go back way more than a decade (Usenet), and I have probably seen you take sides in such issue no more than half a dozen times, if at all. Translating this to your usual level of interference with these things, there must be quite some contempt piled up there. Well, maybe it's just us elders then. :) /cc @sehe
@sbi Although, I didn't leave. I dropped ownership /cc @VáclavZeman
9:19 AM
@Rapptz Yeah, I noticed you thinking so. I think different and have explained why I do, and you haven't changed that by repeating your opinion.
Ah okay.
Funny how before he left the starboard only contained messages against tomalak, and after he left few positive comments starts to rise up and more and more people say they don't get why he was hated on.
@sehe Yes, that was said very incorrectly. Sorry, @Václav.
what happened to Lighness ?
@sehe @sehe, @sbi, OK.
9:20 AM
@Sofffia I haven't stared anything in eons.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix who is that?
@MarkGarcia Yes, I was very surprised about that, too. I have known Jerry for at least a decade (on Usenet), and I don't think I have seen him take sides in conflicts thrice. If even. And certainly never so openly. That was quite a thing for him to do.
@sehe I grew up here being used to have your name in italics. It feels weird seeing as it is now.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Why don't you just scroll up a few messages, or look at the starboard??
@MarkGarcia Yes, and he's usually quiet about these things. (as am I) Which says something. In my mind, it's a pretty clear picture on why Tomalak gets treated the way he is. But I'm not particularly interested in voicing it. Especially since Jerry and sbi seem to have hit the main points.
9:22 AM
@MarkGarcia Be more like me! I don't notice the italics in the first place
Oh! The italics signify the ownership? I thought it was some sort of cleverness with Markdown in the nick name...
And I've been a regular before the italics for a long time. I enjoyed owning the place :^ but it got old. Perhaps I'm not cut out for politics
@sehe I'm already a non-owner. :P
@sehe IMO that makes you a prime candidate for room ownership.
9:24 AM
Anyways, 2:30 AM and I have a long day tomorrow. night.
@sbi I read your long message, I wasn't there when Tomalak
@Mysticial Good night. (and that's quite early for you to sleep :) )
@sbi who's Tina?
@sbi Who knows, in the future. Let's give it a while. I intend to try to learn from the best (Jerry, you, Luc, Robot, perhaps some others) before that
@sehe I heard power ruin people
9:26 AM
I think I'll just leave. See you gals later.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Hey, that was a reply! Just follow what it replies to. Or go to one of last night's starred messages relevant to this. Then scroll a bit up, see another relevant reply, and follow that. Repeat this enough and in about 90secs you'll be at the heart of yesterday's drama.
@sbi is it worth it?
I searched and I don't get it... you guys had a bad day apparently
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix no, that was a good day, since in the end Lightness quit
I don't have anything particularly against Lightness
unfortunately I wasn't here to say my "get out"
9:38 AM
@Sofffia What application is that with such super gems of knowledge?
Let's get the C back in there, shall we :-p
How do I append the output of an arbitrary Vim command to the current buffer?
Like :set guifont?.
@Abyx ow. I don't think that counts as good
@Abyx I spotted one.
@sehe it was before he announced his ragequit
9:45 AM
@rightføld :redir @" then :set gf? and :put. Or, you know in insert mode <C-r>=&guifont (even have tab completion while doing register expansion with a variable expression
Nice. :3
Oh, don't forget to :redir END if you use it (I don't, unless it is for reading debug traces or e.g. :dig)
> Already at newest change
@rightføld redir != redo
> <C-r>
9:48 AM
> Or, you know in insert mode
Oh nice.
It's a pseudo completion mode
Word of the day: omphaloskepsis
Love it
I don't understand :filetype plugin indent on.
9:56 AM
How does Vim know that after/ftplugin/scala.vim contains indentation settings?
Does it ignore all indentation settings from that file unless you do :filetype plugin indent on?
if the ftplugin contains those that's probably non-Vim style
what exactly happened with tomalak n bartek?
@chmod711telkitty bartek took a vacation from the lounge, tomalak quit and hopefully will never come back
10:11 AM
@chmod711telkitty you have enough time to figure that out. You forgot to ask about the pope too
@Abyx Please, Abyx. Can you try to keep it civilized? We've heard you. In fact, you can say it again and I'll star it for you, so that you don't have to keep repeating it
@sehe uhm what? I was just replying to the kitty
Yeah yeah. Nice try
Haven't been active on the chat because the construction project, the new app, family & friends things etc etc ... & I have been taken too many mini vacations ...
how do I make this monstrosity easier to read: const Char*& str
or is it fine as-is.
I'll have to learn to let things slide. This is exactly why I think that dropping ownership is useful for me
10:14 AM
@chmod711telkitty oh really? I didn't notice that
@Abyx that's because I have tried very hard to find time for you guys
@Rapptz it's fine (though Char cons*& is better :))
@Rapptz std::add_const<std::add_reference<std::add_pointer<Char>::type>::type>::type str
@Rapptz const Char *&str; // much better. decls read from the inside-out. I despise the new fashion which pretends that's not so.
@chmod711telkitty thank you for staying with us. the room would be very different without you
10:15 AM
lol bartender is back
I hope you were not being sarcastic :x
@aclarke What did you change?
@Rapptz but seriously... what's the issue?
Aside from spaces
heh - shifted the space over 1 - puzzled as to why there's an issue with that simple thing
10:16 AM
lol swap(@BartekBanachewicz, @LightnessRacesinOrbit)
@aclarke it looks ugly
that was a good deal
@Abyx did he quit or what?
@BartekBanachewicz yeah he ragequit
10:19 AM
@Abyx oh come on.
from SO or just Lounge?
Tomalak quit? This is the best birthday afterparty ever!
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix That depends on you as much as on the event, of course.
Well, I guess I gotta start working now. I am sure std::basic_string has 739 member functions and needs several thousand tests to have them all covered. Plowing on...
17 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
This will be perceived by some as a "rage quit", because it fits with their chosen narrative. It's not one. I believe pretty much anyone would take a Lounge break given all the above. Heck, Bartek took one for no reason at all! But I hope that, while you're being fed lie after lie about me, by those who would deem themselves morally superior despite evidence to the contrary, you try to remember some of the good times. But I shall find a new home. So long!
as to how he rubbed people the wrong way - I think it was the intensity that pushed his words to a truly intimidating level. There's no build-up, no circling warriors growling and feinting, deciding if it's worth the risk of escalating. He just goes straight to DEFCON 9 to make a point.
I'd have to look back at some personal instances (probably can't be assed) to make an explicit example, but I think his intensity drove him to full rip-shit-or-bust mode too easily. Sorry to keep poking the coals...
@Rapptz I learned very early in my C career that the intention was for declarations to mimic the precedence and layout of actual usage in expressions. Thus, you ALWAYS read from the inside-out: 'str is a reference to a pointer to a const Char'; the new fashion is trying to pretend you are declaring a Char * like a piece of Pascal
10:24 AM
so people would make the mistake char* xp, yp; to much hilarity
but yeah, the syntax sucks!
@Sofffia What about it?
I don't get it
Actually Pascal's declaration order had great merit. Mr Wirth had a very sober eye for detail.
Do you get it now?
I think the point is that the compiler need to give a signature to `fn`, so what it does is it sees

print $ fn (1 :: Int)

and it says: "Ok, so `fn` is `:: Int -> Int`". But then it sees `print $ fn "String"` and doesn't know what to do.
When you apply a polymorphic function (such as >>=), it's made monomorphic.
10:33 AM
ok, but this fashion started even before C++ had reached version 1.0 - so it's not a C++ thing; in fact, you yourself called it guly!
not because of that
because of *&
@rightføld Does not load for me
anyway I have to go to sleep now
typedef was the wisdom of the day; build up a typedef and keep the steps simple. Also don't mix declarations with different indirection levels.
@Sofffia fn is monomorphic.
10:34 AM
also with decls being legal at nearly every point, it also tends to keep down the milling crowds of declarations in big lumps
In the moment is it declared at fn <- h?
Oh fuck I gotta go
heh - "Whenever something is a matter of taste, discussions can drag on forever" - the most important sentence there. Ultimately, we just have to accept with the fact that the syntactical legacy sucks
Oo, thought you said 'sit'
~here doggy doggy~
10:38 AM
@BartekBanachewicz ahh w.b.
'mornin all. Has all the blood been cleaned up? How many regular Loungers have died since yesterday?
Orite. swap() has been called on Banana and Lightness re-entered Into Ocean.
Strange idea of a birthday party:(
Funnily enough, swap(@BartekBanachewicz, @LightnessRacesinOrbit) is good syntax in Delphi, (where '@' is the address operator).
10:53 AM
@MartinJames if the police ain't called, it ain't a pardy!
the lounge likes to live dangerously
@AlexM. yeah, often we stay up to at least 11:30! Mummy keeps saying we'll get burnt out!
@aclarke lol, I always try to keep cell time to a minimum when partying.
The lounge is on a one-way moped ride to oblivion, and we're not telling our parents what time we'll be back!
10:55 AM
@jalf XCOM!^
@R.MartinhoFernandes Guy at end of table looks like he's losing, badly.
@R.MartinhoFernandes the next big thing will be Cage XCOM
There's a mead booth here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooh - with fair maidens serving?
11:08 AM
@rightføld guys...
it might take a while for the smoke to clear...
until then, distract them with pictures of serving wenches and chamber maids.
@Sofffia I literally don't get it :) Page doesn't load
@aclarke Actually, those images are very removable for me
@sbi so much for a basic_string
@sehe ?? even without the italics?
11:14 AM
@aclarke I consider that NSFW
@BartekBanachewicz hmm - yeah could be right. who can delete it now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes, clean up in aisle 3 please
or @Rapptz
@BartekBanachewicz so how have you been spending your last week or two? Stopping and smelling the roses?
@aclarke yeah
I was doing embedded C programming
and stuff.
11:21 AM
@BartekBanachewicz it is a bit imo
stuff is good. feeling more relaxed?
@AlexM. yeah, for people working in Serious Places. and yet some genius has starred it
Man. This Alien Isolation game looks pretty scary.
"X is feasible", "X is fuckable", "X is considerable".
So, "X is Y-able". What is there to explain
11:28 AM
@aclarke I'm not in a serious place, but still.
@aclarke you know, remember who posted it :)
It's not every mistake that needs be undone.
We can just learn and move on
@BartekBanachewicz I've had some bosses who'd laugh, and some who would not... I'll try better next time.
@sehe You've carried yourself very well in the last day or two. Kudos.
now, let's talk about butterflies, science fiction and toboggan holidays
11:33 AM
El Niño is associated with a band of warm ocean water temperatures that periodically develops off the Pacific coast of South America. It is a phase of 'El Niño Southern Oscillation' (ENSO), which refers to variations in the temperature of the surface of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean and in air surface pressure in the tropical western Pacific. The warm oceanic phase, El Niño, accompanies high air surface pressure in the western Pacific. Mechanisms that cause the oscillation remain under study. Developing countries dependent upon agriculture and fishing, particularly those bordering the Pacific...
That thing kicks australia in the guts on a regular basis
Peru gets floods, we get droughts. Why you post?
Because: butterfly-effect is the one thing that connects science fiction and toboggan holidays.
Duh :)
@sehe ahhhh - yes, sooo obvious.
it's real to us! Damn real, sir!
11:48 AM
Do people who never had breastfeeding also like boobs?
Depends on the boobs. Also, not all people who did necessarily "like boobs"
@rightføld yes, it's innate. Baby mammals must be drawn to boobs or they die. The urge never goes away because it gives no evolutionary advantage.
Baby human's don't.
We have substitutes.
whaha drupal.org/SA-CORE-2014-005 @CatPlusPlus
11:51 AM
@rightføld only because they are so neotenic, they are incapable of even moving. But actually, bubbas do their best anyway.
actually, wrong choice of word rthere, but I'm not sure what to replace it with
@rightføld lol that patch
@BartekBanachewicz C? Heretic!
Fixed by five people.
11:56 AM
@rightføld If not many of the men born in the 70s wouldn't like them, So I conclude they do.

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