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12:00 AM
I don't want to risk fucking the partitions up and being unable to boot OS X anymore since it takes ages to install that.
And nothing of value was lost
You're wrong.
I'd replace OSX with Linux the second I could
Well, I wouldn't because I'm not ever going to buy Apple hardware but still
@DemCodeLines Seriously, how old are you
@CatPlusPlus 18
And how old are you mentally?
12:03 AM
I want to make one thing clear. I am not looking for a girlfriend.
@rightfold 2, like me
except shy guy 18
Hm. Taking some icecream out of the freezer and forgetting about it turns out to be a bad idea.
@DemCodeLines Uh and you spend 2 hours musing about this why then
Woohoo installing Python 3.
12:04 AM
@Xeo ...unless you keep your living quarters extraordinarily cold.
Feel a freezer be a freezer
@JerryCoffin When it's that cold inside, I scream ;)
@CatPlusPlus I didn't. I don't think whatever help I asked for would only apply to girlfriend-boyfriend stuff
Help with what
12:06 AM
@DemCodeLines That makes it much easier -- if you talk to her and she doesn't like you, you've lost nothing. Seriously, everything about your situation says you have absolutely nothing to lose and quite possibly a lot to gain by talking to her.
I seriously have no idea what the hell is this about now
@JerryCoffin Its just that I don't have the guts.
Okay, you don't have the guts.
I had guts to ask a girl to prom. But I don't have the guts for this. I don't know why, but I just don't.
So shut up already. =l
12:08 AM
Get drunk
@DemCodeLines Force yourself to do it anyway. Seriously, I know it's tough -- but that's how life is sometimes.
Call her at 2AM
And be creepy?
You've been looking at her for 2 years she probably already has a restraining order ready
But no, she has been looking at me. Its almost always her who starts the looking thing.
12:09 AM
@DemCodeLines Don't get drunk and call her at 2AM. Talk to her before or after class.
@DemCodeLines Ok. I understand :P
Its like a daily thing now. I expect her to look at me now. The situation has arrived to this point.
or get really drunk before school idk
Listen to Jerry he's old and sometimes wise
You're seriously being me, complete with overanalysing and overthinking and generally being retarded
Don't be me
12:13 AM
> resolv.conf
That abbreviation.
> creat
Jerry is to the Lounge what Yoda is to the Dagobah system
Yeah, only Cat can be Cat
@CatPlusPlus I am not trying to overanalyze or overdo anything
12:14 AM
@Borgleader Old, decrepit, a fugitive in hiding who can never leave?
Its just that I am not comfortable with popular girls
27 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
Shy, no friends in that class, she has two friends, has talked to 1 or 2 boys, she used to look at me a lot, it has toned down a little, her friends have started looking at me. She is fairly quiet except talking with her friends who sit right next to her.
@StackedCrooked: Any more issues?
unless they are friendly and talk to me themselves.
@DeadMG There was a complaint about a QualType
12:15 AM
Stop thinking start talking
I believe I simply had to include Type.h
21 mins ago, by DeadMG
:9331791 In Stages/Semantic/OverloadSet.h, change #ifdef _MSC_VER to #ifndef _MSC_VER.
should have been it
@DeadMG Haha possibly :P
ow, right
Hey it seems to build now.,
Still busy though.
But you should provide Makefiles or something portable.
Ok, a few build errors remain
12:19 AM
@StackedCrooked Huh. What revision of LLVM are you using?
seems like they changed that part of the API recently (I pulled just a couple weeks ago for LLVM and Clang).
but it shouldn't be too big of a change, I think
#define CLANG_VERSION 3.4
yeah, that's more recent than mine
llvm::Linker link("", main); => removing the "" probably
12:22 AM
change link.LinkInModule(&impl->mod); to std::string err; link.LinkInModule(&impl->mod, llvm::LinkerMode::DestroySource, &err);
@StackedCrooked Yeah, and cut the releaseModule() call.
that should do it
Compiling over ssh with high ping is awkward..
138 link.LinkInModule(&impl->mod);
^ What about this one.
2 mins ago, by DeadMG
change link.LinkInModule(&impl->mod); to std::string err; link.LinkInModule(&impl->mod, llvm::LinkerMode::DestroySource, &err);
not sufficient?
Sorry, I didn't see that.
Every 5 minutes my vim doesn't respond anymore and I simply close the terminal and start a new one.
./ClangExperiments/Stages/Semantic/ClangTU.cpp:138:27: error: 'class llvm::Linker' has no member named 'LinkInModule'
12:26 AM
@StackedCrooked something about KeepAlive in .ssh/config and/or use screen/tmux
@StackedCrooked they changed it from LinkInModule to linkInModule.
annoying fucks.
I didn't notice until just reading the docs
70 ./ClangExperiments/Stages/Semantic/ClangTU.cpp|138 col 58| error: 'llvm::LinkerMode' has not been declared
oh, it's llvm::Linker::LinkerMode.
12:29 AM
@rightfold yeah. Who the hell abbrevs .configuration-settings to .conf !!?
93 /usr/local/include/llvm/Support/DataTypes.h|49 col 3| error: #error "Must #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before #including Support/DataTypes.h"
94 || # error "Must #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before #including Support/DataTypes.h"
 92 || + g++-4.8 -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -D__debugbreak=__builtin_trap -c -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-reorder ./ClangExperiments/Stages/Codegen/Statement.cpp -ICl    angExperiments -IClangExperiments/Stages -I/root/stacked-crooked/LLVM/Clang/build/include/llvm -I/root/stacked-crooked/LLVM/Clang/llvm/tools/clang/lib -o ./ClangExperiments/Stages/Cod    egen/Statement.cpp.o
 93 /usr/local/include/llvm/Support/DataTypes.h|49 col 3| error: #error "Must #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before #including Support/DataTypes.h"
This avant-garde poetry is getting out of hand
@StackedCrooked Oh, that shit again. It's some GCC C99 compatibility... something. Just #define the macro.
In the build command?
12:31 AM
I believe that just defining it is enough, it doesn't have to be defined TO anything
is the best way to calculate the n-dimensional cross product just using the determinant definition?
Will trigger a rebuild off all files though .. :D
I'm going to use xmonad so I set USE to… -qt4 -kde gtk?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Excellent counterpoint. Lemme think of a contra-subject
If there's one thing I hate,
it's that C++ doesn't allow operator[] to take multiple types.
12:33 AM
....... ?
Such a waste of potential. :c
^ i agree there
@rightfold Sounds reasonable. However, it's possible that this deconfigures "interesting" features in common packages (like, vim)
then again, I don't like type checking to start off with T ^ T
@DeadMG Just like this: -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS
12:33 AM
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Wrong room
should be
@sehe What is the default for USE? Say some package requires coreaudio but I don't put that in USE, can I still install it?
Ah there are two macros.
What if I specify USE="-coreaudio"?
./ClangExperiments/Stages/Wide.cpp:7:27: fatal error: Parser/Parser.h: No such file or directory (Which exists in /usr/local/include/clang)
12:35 AM
Let's RTFM.
@rightfold It will fail to install packages that require it, and will not compile any optionally configurable feature that's switched on it
@sehe ah, so I would need to do $ USE="$USE coreaudio" portage …, right?
@rightfold Sounds a bout right. I remember compiling a rather large USE="..." flag myself. But really, you can just one-off for an individual emerge IIRC
@sehe what room should i go to?
12:36 AM
@rightfold Not in make.conf
No, but when installing.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf PHP sounds about right
@StackedCrooked Odd, because just above that is an include to Parser/Builder.h, which is in the same folder.
@DeadMG Oh, waith, that's "Parse/Parser.h"
When running the command from Z shell.
12:37 AM
@StackedCrooked I have a Parser/Parser.h. If a Parser/Parser.h exists in Clang, that's just a coincidence.
@rightfold When installing the base system? Only make.conf really counts (assuming you're gonna emerge world as-is
@EiyrioüvonKauyf I read your name as "Eyjafjallajökull".
^ thanks?
@DeadMG Clang has "Parse(!)/Parser.h"
12:37 AM
@sehe When I have Gentoo fully installed and next year I want to install package X which needs Y in USE.
Can I then do $ USE="$USE X" … from Z shell (i.e. as an environment variable).
@DeadMG You have "Parser/parser.h"
Or do I have to edit make.conf?
And my Linux fs is case sensitive,.
@StackedCrooked Ohh, that shit again.
12:38 AM
@rightfold I think it's enough to just do USE="bla" emerge ... and portage will merge the USE values from make.conf
@StackedCrooked It's not so much that, it's more that VS changes the file name you see in the IDE but not the actual name on the filesystem if you change the casing.
OIC, thanks.
USE isn't only for installing Gentoo, right?
@DeadMG Nasty.
12:39 AM
I might be misremembering and there might be an option like --use="basdasdl instead, but there is certainly the ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="" emerge ... override option
But with that last error fixed a whole new burst of errors was unleashed.
@rightfold Certainly not. It's basically there to give general preferences so you don't need to keep specifying your default preferences (like "tiff" on all the packages with optional tiff support)
> Let us take a look at a specific example: the kde keyword. If you do not have this keyword in your USE variable, all packages that have optional KDE support will be compiled without KDE support. All packages that have an optional KDE dependency will be installed without installing the KDE libraries (as dependency). If you have defined the kde keyword, then those packages will be compiled with KDE support, and the KDE libraries will be installed as dependency.
RTFMing helped. :)
12:39 AM
@StackedCrooked Hit me with them.
I'll keep as few keywords in USE as possible.
> USE="bindist mmx sse sse2 gtk -qt4 -kde coreaudio"
For now.
@StackedCrooked GCC's std::hash won't hash enumerations?
12:40 AM
@rightfold Sane idea. Allthough, you will find yourself re-emerging packages since you find out later that you missed, say, libflac support or got the wrong kind of threading support etc.
I'll take a look at what optional keywords Vim supports.
I'll mostly be using Z shell, Vim, Chromium, xmonad and some music player.
@rightfold Don't forget CFLAGS to match (-march=native -tune=native -O2 does wonders)
12:42 AM
Dankjewel @sehe.
ah, two-phase lookup
@rightfold vim, mplayer/vlc are the worst in terms of conditional features
MSVC is more permissive with finding templates declared later than GCC is.
@DeadMG More wrong, you mean
cat make.conf
12:43 AM
@rightfold Cheers
Shit, wrong keyboard.
@rightfold Also, MAKE_OPTS="-j" if you want to heat up your room
I have MAKEOPTS="-j3". :v
Disclaimer: quoting all details from memory. I last used Gentoo ~2004
12:44 AM
I have two cores and four hyper-threading thingies.
Oh well, I can always change it.
Yup. You'll be plenty annoyed with waiting anyways. Allthough, it won't be as bad as when I was compiling KDE back ~2002. That was the tuffies.
I had a dual-socket AMD board back then. And it would still easily take >16 hours to compile a base system
Has someone nicknames to suggest, that doesn't contain gay and derived?
@StackedCrooked: I added some declarations and a specialization of std::hash for the enumeration, pull and tell me how it goes
It seems I need to merge.
12:49 AM
what did you change?
oh the LLVM linker stuff.
keep that, I haven't had time to rebuild LLVM yet
The forward declaration of
@Jueecy.new I suggest using your real name.
@StackedCrooked I added one, so you can drop your local changes to that file.
@Jueecy.new regavid?
@JerryCoffin I was thinking of going back to Jeffrey but it doesn't show personality, does it?
12:51 AM
@Jueecy.new Are you saying I lack personality?
@sehe ?
@Jueecy.new you asked for nickname suggestions
> error: C compiler cannot create executables
Well fuck.
Seriously, personality comes from what you really say, not your nickname.
12:51 AM
@JerryCoffin I like to think "Coffin" isn't your real surname but some way of showing that you are a smoker ...
@rightfold permissions, libraries. If it's a stage1 install, check mount points
@sehe where does that come from?
(specifically: noexec flags on /tmp)
@Jueecy.new My imagination.
@sehe does it mean something?
@Jueecy.new Wrong on both counts -- it's my real name, and I've never smoked.
@StackedCrooked Oops, I forgot to const qualify operator() in the std::hash spec. Look at the bottom of Lexer/Token.h
@Jueecy.new Not consciously, allthough I'd associate it with royalty (regal, david, regavit smacks of "He has reigned" in pig latin)
@sehe > unrecognized option '-tune=native'
12:54 AM
12 mins ago, by sehe
@rightfold Don't forget CFLAGS to match (-march=native -tune=native -O2 does wonders)
@rightfold -mtune?
Fuck you nano I entered "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj".
Honestly, -march=native -O3 is my preferred way. But hey, it's been a long time
@StackedCrooked As for the other errors, I added declarations in my commit that should resolve them. Did you drop the remote changes for Parser.h?
@rightfold Fuck nano
12:55 AM
@sehe I don't know, would you associate me with it?
@sehe Manual says that -O3 is dangerous system-wide and I don't want to fuck up.
@DeadMG I did now.
TIL building Wide is hard as balls
@ScottW inb4 timezones
@Jueecy.new hahaha, who's to know
12:55 AM
@sehe Yes, it works with -mtune=native. Thanks.
@Rapptz Nah, it's super simples, it's just that I don't regularly build Wide with GCC (and Clang is a lot more tolerant of MSVC's idiosyncrasies)
@rightfold I have terrible memory for details. But I always know the gist
@sehe Good idea! Put the details on Gist so you won't forget them!
@rightfold Yeah, I sometimes do that these days
12:57 AM
Ik ook.
@StackedCrooked Alright, srsly. There should be declarations of ParseExpression and a couple friends at the top of the code in Parser.h. There are in my local copy and on bitbucket
42 template<typename Lex, typename Sema> typename ExprType<Sema>::type ParseExpression(Lex&& lex, Sema&& sema);
so wtf is GCC complaining about

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