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@ThePhD Be warned, their source is an islamophobe rag, not a serious news outlet
am I missing something...like the standard lib?
Because even if it is exagerated, not true or whatever, it is still quite depressing.
I’m just saddened that this made the front page
@melak47 :D
@KonradRudolph I can see that.
What is the difference between a C++ vector and list?
@Pawnguy7 Spelling mostly. And technical stuff.
Glad I could help.
The original comment seems like very reasoned commentary. I didn't read the rest, so I can imagine that it quickly deteriorates from there...
Given that performance is not an issue (looking at < 15 items), which should be used?
@Pawnguy7 random access vs sequential access
@Pawnguy7 We can't tell. Measure, profile and conclude.
@Pawnguy7: Have you performance issues ? If not or worse: if you don't know, you are probably a victim of premature optimization.
@Pawnguy7 Use vector unless you need to keep track of iterators.
None at all. I just discovered a list does not have []
Use what makes sense, what is easy to read and maintain. Everything else will fall into place.
so I built clang. how do I tell it where to find a standard library? :D
And if you ever face a performance issue, then you will have a maintainable code easy to optimize.
@Pawnguy7 It's rather obvious that it wouldn't. Read up on data structures.
I still don't really get iterators :\
@Borgleader: Well, if he comes from another "higher" language where those kind of thing is of less importance, I can understand he didn't think of that.
@ereOn you mean like lists in python?
@Borgleader: Yeah, my thinking exactly.
To be honest, I don't know what's the underlying representation, or if it is even garanteed.
As a matter of fact, I did just come from C#. I never used collections much from using C++ before then. I get the ideas in terms of why there are different types, but I have not really looked at which is which.
I would expect [] to be lists, and () to be vectors
But could be something else entirely, I don't really know.
@ereOn vector is guaranteed to be an array, because you have to be able to use it with C APIs, and well lists are pretty much guaranteed to be doubly-linked lists afaik
@Borgleader I'm talking about Python lists. Are you too ?
no c++
python doesnt have vectors, iirc, its has lists and tuples
Yeah, well for C++ lists and vectors, yeah, I know that.
I was talking about the underlying structures of those lists/tuples actually.
Hmm. Is this valid C++? T const& t = *new T; delete &t;?
I said I did not know if there were specific requirements regarding their implementation
@KonradRudolph: I would say yes, but terrible practice.
@KonradRudolph Regardless of is it valid, why?
@KonradRudolph I don't think you can delete a T const *
But I don't see any reason why the first version shouldn't be valid
@Borgleader Why not? Of course I wouldn’t use it …
@kbok Oh, of course you can. You’d have a big problem otherwise.
@KonradRudolph memory leak?
@Borgleader Well that was my question. And it’s not “regardless of valid”
no you asked if it was valid
is there anything more frustrating that having to compile OpenSSL on Windows ?
@KonradRudolph Oh, right. Why is that?
@KonradRudolph ya
@ereOn configure mingw && make
or configure mingw64 or config mingw64 or whatever it was
@KonradRudolph Yes, it's valid.
@KonradRudolph No leak, nothing
const&t = *new T; /* exception happens */, in comes the memory leak.
@rubenvb I don't use make. It's an old a crappy tool. SCons does a much better job;
@ereOn well guess what, OpenSSL uses make.
@Borgleader A leak is still a valid C++ program, so what
@rubenvb Yeah I know that. Sadly.
I can int main(){ new int(42); } all day.
I didn't say it wasn't valid. I just said it's a bad idea
Of course he knows that
@ereOn the whole FOSS world uses make.
POSIX defines make.
Guess who wrote that :P
@rubenvb Which doesn't mean we have to use it forever.
@Xeo The magical C++ pony of the internet
@kbok Because you couldn’t free a T const* otherwise. Consider stack allocation: T const x; – at the end of the scope x’ destructor gets called even though x is const.
@ereOn once a better alternative comes by, feel free to suggest it to GNU.
@Borgleader lol
Also, everyone derps from time to time >.> robot included
@KonradRudolph I always considered that a stack-allocated object destroyed itself
@rubenvb I think the path taken by SCons is interesting. It has its flaws, but a replacement using that principle would be nice.
@ereOn isn't it Python based?
@rubenvb Yeah, which makes it multi-platform.
No way GNU people are going to use Python in their build system
But that's an implementation detail anyway.
@KonradRudolph Also destructing and deleting are two different things
I am more talking about the "builder logic" principle.
Defining different builders that take specific input, produce specific output and chaining them. I really think it is quite elegant.
@rubenvb Ahahaha who gives a fuck about GNU
@kbok Sure but for this purpose the arguments are very similar, and deleteing implies destructing. In fact, if it didn’t, why would delete on const objects be a problem at all?
@CatPlusPlus Not many people care about GNU, but GNU cares about their precious build system.
And that's not going away anytime soon.
Please read back.
@rubenvb It can stay and they could accept modern alternatives. I don't understand why there could be only one build system.
@CatPlusPlus So?
@rubenvb Nobody cares about GNU, and only GNU cares about make, hence no-one should care about make.
@Griwes POSIX cares about make.
Everyone building GNU software needs make.
I should start writing that mine silly makesque something one day, heh.
@Griwes such careful logic...
That's all I'm saying.
@rubenvb Who cares what POSIX cares about?
There already are better build systems and GNU being backwards and recommending outdated shit is not very relevant
GNU will always recommended old, crusty software.
@Griwes The C people.
@CatPlusPlus Which one(s) do you use and think are great ?
@rubenvb That's not a reason to use it for anything else that stupid, idiotic, outdated, stubborn project.
@rubenvb Who cares about C people?
@Griwes GNU duh
It's a circlejerk of bad tooling
Heck, make cannot into sane multithreading.
That alone is a reason to drop it already for anything serious.
@ereOn SCons or waf though I'll probably be moving towards ninja
@Griwes i think you accidentally a word
@KonradRudolph Here's how I saw it: An object decides when it should destruct itself. (end of scope, throwing constructor, or deleting). The owner of an object may decide to delete it, but the object destructs because it's been asked to delete itself. Hence deleting is a mutable operation, and destructing... Not so. Of course I'm wrong about this :)
I am currently using it, but only because I am not writing anything serious yet.
@Borgleader No, I didn't.
If you want to use make use ninja
There's literally no reason to not do it
@CatPlusPlus ninja is like a CMake replacement, right ?
Other than "blah blah build dependencies and POSIX and hurr durr blurf"
@Griwes then wth does "cannot into sane multithreading" mean
Yes, building shit can have dependencies
Stop being bad
ninja files are recommended to be generated by some other buildsystem, no?
@Borgleader You obviously cannot into the internet.
@ereOn more like a make replacement
@kbok But deleting only does two things: destruction (no problem as you said yourself) and freeing memory for a now-defunct object. Why should the second be a problem? It’s not the memory that’s const, it’s the (no longer existing) logical object
Yes, it's a make replacement
A base build engine but done right this time around
@Xeo What are the differences ?
make sucks, ninja doesn't?
Anything that doesn't use that retarded tab-identation-based language is already infinitely better than make
@ereOn make isn't a build system. It's a command executor with special features for GCC and dependency generation crap.
Damn, markdown cannot into urban dictionary links :F
It's funny that you're talking about POSIX defining make and then describe GNU Make
Some people just cannot into differences between POSIX and GNU, eh... (Yes, I shall stop using "cannot into" now :F)
@CatPlusPlus point taken.
@CatPlusPlus I always think of the robot when I read that name
That looks nice, but I want my build system to be reliable, THEN fast. Not the other way around.
There's a lot of wrong is_base_of implementations floating around SO
@ereOn Wut
@CatPlusPlus: I should explain that better. Ninja's first claim is to be fast, which is great. But I'd rather it be complete (understand: having perfect dependencies)
Is that the case ?
It's a dependency resolver
You're responsible for creating the graph in the first place
That makes sense.
That's why it beats SCons in speed then.
Though it can use generated depfiles I think
error C2079: 'stream' uses undefined class 'std::basic_stringstream<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>'

^creating a stringstream. I... I don't know where to begin.
CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set==> Yeah, that was INTENDED...
I hate OpenSSL...
@Pawnguy7 #include <sstream>?
Got that. I thought iostream included it. Fixed now.
its not in iostream because sstream is neither an input or an output
@Borgleader std::stringstream is both.
It outputs or inputs to/from memory.
Normally when I use things I didn't include I get errors like undefined, not... that.
@rubenvb i meant standard input/output obviously (keyboard, console yknow stdin, stdout, stderr)
@KonradRudolph Sure, no problem with that. My concern is more about the lifetime: scope-end destruction has been determined at the construction of the object (ie its lifetime is not mutated). OTOH deletion is an arbitrary mutating operation from the caller. My point with deleting/destructing is that the operator delete may be overloaded to not destruct the object.
@Pawnguy7 iostream has ios_fwd which forward-declares a lot of things
@Borgleader And, static_assert(is_base_of<std::ostream, std::ostringstream>(), "Duh");
stringstream, amongst others.
Ah. That makes sense.
Shit, is_base_of is a bitch.
@kbok delete ends the lifetime of the object
lol, even GCC's __is_base_of intrinsic gets it wrong
Is there a MinGW 64 official installer now ?
@ereOn no.
(Last time I checked was 2 years ago, had to use TDM dragon)
@KonradRudolph Just discussing hypothetical incorrect implementations here :)
There's lots of useful packages you can just unzip though.
like mine
like mingw-builds
like Nuwen
like TDM (but that one has a stupid installer as well ;))
I even have a cmd script to open up a command prompt with a nice title
huh, coliru's __is_base_of works better than my local GCC 4.8's
ah wait
> Assertion failed: (isValidElementType(EltTy) && "Invalid type for pointer element!")
Q: Handling private inheritance in is_base_of

rubenvbI'm trying to devise a non-intrinsic way of writing a SIMPLE is_base_of type trait. This is what I got so far: template<typename Base, typename Class> struct is_base_of { static void foo(Base*); template<class F> static auto test(int) -> decltype(foo(declval<F*>()), true_type{}); template<

Private inheritance is composition, why do you expect is_base_of to be true
Anyone knows how to install Msys nowadays ?
(Oh god I miss my Linux...)
1. Don't
2. Problem solved
(Also it's literally running the installer what's hard about that)
@CatPlusPlus: It doesn't seem there is one for the latests versions.
Up to MSYS 1.0.11, all components of MSYS were distributed in one single installer you downloaded and ran. While convenient, this made it difficult to update individual components. So, all the MSYS components are now available as separate downloads managed by mingw-get (see Getting_Started (currently alpha release).
Latest versions of what
Then use mingw-get
@rubenvb You should take a look at boost::is_base_of, they got some clever technique in there.
Which is provided... where ?!
Not sure if that was to get private inheritence working, though :P
It's already a pain to develop on Windows, but they managed to make it even more painful.
And the implementation of is_base_of is actually readable and quite commented as opposed to the other traits.
Having a package manager is opposite of painful
@CatPlusPlus: Having a website when once has to scroll during 5 minutes on 3 different pages to find a link to an installer that will install a package manager that will then install MSys is the opposite of painful ?
@CatPlusPlus Wait a minute.... You're right, again.
no wait
got them switcherood
git-scm.com/downloads => "Click download -> Choose your operating system -> DONE." That is the opposite of painful.
@rubenvb The strings don't match
but then with the strings with the right text
the template stuff is correct
I'll check Boost.
But I seem to remember quite a roundabout
If I make a .exe using VC++
It's a mudpuddle of compiler workarounds :(
I need to have some sort of redistributable, right?
@Pawnguy7 Wrong.
You need the VC redistributable matching the version of VC++ you used.
Which may, or may not already be part of the operating system.
@ereOn when is it part of the OS?
@Pawnguy7 You can also set the CRT to static link.
@DeadMG does that include the C++ library?
@rubenvb When some other program installed it before. Which is quite common.
@ereOn which is not "part of the OS"
Trying to link CRT statically is always a lot of fun
@ereOn But you have to ship the redist just in case they didn't.
so your only two options are ship redist, or link statically.
@DeadMG I never stated otherwise :)
So, if I don't link it statically, then it needs the runtime?
@CatPlusPlus Never had trouble with it.
@rubenvb It is installed in the operating system. If I put a teddy bear in my car and tie it to the seat, it is a part of my car.
Your terminology is weird and wrong
@ereOn but if I go check out the same model car somewhere else, it won't have a teddy bear.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, but its mine.
@ereOn It is not a part of your car, it is attached to your car.
Nothing you can do about it. I can be wrong, pretend otherwise and keep getting more wrong.
So if you sit in your car you're part of it too?
@DeadMG It is my car, I can say anything about it.
@ereOn You seem adamant.
@CatPlusPlus Exactly.
@GamesBrainiac I am. It's one of my defect.
otherwise my trait would work.
@ereOn You have other defects?
Stupid web sites.
@GamesBrainiac Yeah, I'm non-violent and tend to slap people in the face.
@rubenvb Reminds me of cplusplus.
private inheritance seems like a superfluous feature to have.
@rubenvb why?
@rubenvb Yeah, why ?
@rubenvb it's nice
@Xeo because it uses exactly the conversion the link says is safe and doesn't need a cast to check inheritance.
> From a member function or friend of a privately derived class
@Xeo what's the difference with: class A{}; class B { ::A A;};?
@Xeo ah. I should learn how to read.
@rubenvb You not needing to reimplement shit if you want to forward functions to A.
Just using A::shit in the public part
Is the main issue in building it while linking statically that the libraries need to use this as well?
@Xeo why would that be different in my example?
lemme try it first
You need to write an extra function to do it?
With C++11 it's obviously not as much of a problem anymore (you can just use perfect forwarding and decltype), but it's still a hassle.
OK, I see your point. It's pretty stupid this doesn't work though.
I feel like "private inheritance" shouldn't be called "inheritance"
@rubenvb Have a base-class A too.
@Xeo that would defeat my point you were disproving.
oh woops
Also, have multiple A members
not interesting
What is interesting is how to catch this without 20 lines of SFINAE.
compiler support
Some traits simply can't be implemented without it.
libc++ does it without, not sure if it's perfect though.
it also has an intrinsic which is preferred.
@Xeo which ones for example?
@Ell I'd guess for sure is_enum, is_class, and is_union.
Those can be faked.
@rubenvb Yeah, but the workaround is incpmplete
Especially for is_standard_layout
If there's no intrinsic, it's basically the same as is_scalar
OK. I'll give up then :)
@CatPlusPlus Can also be faked, I think
Nah, can't
@rubenvb: Also, all the is_trivial* traits
@Xeo yeah, true. That's memory layout related. Unless a compile-time memcopy and memcmp could be devised :P
Does anybody know what DLLs I could include so the user does not need to install the redistributable?
hm. My unicode chars aren't displaying so well
@Pawnguy7 msvcr*.dll, msvcp*.dll. There may be more. Check dependency walker.
Putting them in the same dir as your exe works.
Dependency walker?
You should ship the redist
Think so?
Yes, you just give the user the redist and prompt him to install it.
You can install it in the background as well.
No need to bother the user.
Where would I find the proper redistributable? Just download it from... microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679?
Also, I don't know how I would automatically install it.
@Pawnguy7 In your VS installation.
Run a silent install during your installation
Also, VS has a way to create all that installer crap for you.
Don't ask how. I don't know.
Or make a launcher that doesn't depend on it and can detect whether it needs to be installed
Well, it is basically just a simple console application, not some sort of full application.
Also Windows Installer is awful
@rubenvb Any idea where, precisely with VC 2011? It doesn't seem to be the same path as 2009.
@Pawnguy7 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\redist
Installers are in 1033
DLL's are in their arch's subdirs
I have no VC. I have Common7 or XML.
Found 1033 though.
I don't recall, but if it decides that for you, it is likely.
Why are you concerned with deploying anyway, you probably don't even have anything to deploy yet
Well, I want to show what I have done with xinput so far, but... in a way they don't have to build it.
MsEnvMui_Brand_3E8_2000.dll in in 1033.
@Pawnguy7 I meant if your VS installation is 64bit
Because then you won't get happy in "Program Files (x86)"
Good point.
@Xeo I thought there is no 64bit VS?
I don't know if there is an option to choose.
@bamboon Sure is
@Xeo hmm
Ok, nothing in program files.
@Xeo are we talking about something different? stackoverflow.com/questions/13603854/visual-studio-2012-64-bit
There's no 64-bit VS on DreamSpark therefore it doesn't exist
I chose the top. That is all I know.
Why the heck does my ISO have _x86 in it then. Ohwell
@Xeo _x86 is 32 bit
I know
_x86_64 is 64 bit
I wonder why it's in there at all if there's only 32bit
Because Microsoft.
@Xeo ah yeah ok, indeed somehow confusing.
@Xeo They mark all of their products with CPU
x86 is 32-bit x64 is 64-bit
So - anybody know what MsEnvMui_Brand_3E8_2000.dll is? Google has no answers.
x86_x64 is both
@Pawnguy7 Nothing relevant
@Pawnguy7 Oh hey, I had to go earlier but about the static variable, you think it might be wrong to initialize it in the cpp file? ;x
@Don No. I said, I think it is an error to initialize it in the header
It gets declared twice, I think. (or x times, either way it shouldn't happen)
I tried it and it did give quite a few errors lol
I am feeling it is compile error. Anyway, cpp should be good.
Mhm, sweet. thanks again :)
What in where
The circled item at given link.
Any ideas?
Yes you can throw that in there. And also there, there and there too
But don't throw it in there
Or there
Can you tell me what to make of what you just said?
@Pawnguy7 Looks to me like he's giving an answer carefully designed to be as understandable as your question.
Ah. Well, I was thinking, I can include the installer for it in the directory, and just have them run it. I just don't know which installer.
waiting_future didn't make it. ~thread joining instead of calling std::terminate() didn't either. #cxx #wg21

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