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I love Sony. they give more jobs to kids than McDonalds.
@ThePhD Oh wow... (i hadnt read all of them i skimmed to see what the Eve online ones were about)
Also, I think CCP is the first MMO developer who openly sanctioned griefing of players as a game feature.
Hee hee
On FanFests, they have big presentations where big corporations present their spoils and how they made some guy sing the national anthem of Russia with his wife for their entertainment (begging to keep his vessel, no doubt).
@DomagojPandža I died warping to a stargate, a pirate had setup a bomb right around where you get out of warp speed, it killed both my ship and my pod. I was not a happy panda.
it also happened to be the only gate out of the system >.>
A bomb?
mine? wtv you call shits that blow up when you go near them
If it was forever ago then it could've been a mine
They're long gone though
I made a lot of money making fake contracts to null-sec systems with locked stations, huge collateral, rich noob - bam!
do any of you still play?
I play Skill Queue Online lately
I haven't played in quite a while, but I'd be willing to team up and form some sort of griefing Lounge Squad.
Woa. EVE: the MMO for assholes.
@EtiennedeMartel We're nice people.
Lounge<Seek(and destroy)PlusPlus>
@CatPlusPlus Yet another fancy name for eve?
I loved skill queues. Died waiting for my Orca.
@Borgleader Yeah, I'm just changing skills when the queue expires
I'm curious what's the state of the PLEXes on the market nowadays. Before, I was quite a margin pusher on them, considering I had 13 billion ISK. Still do, for that matter.
I should get some money and move to a market hub for skillbooks but effort
I remember we pushed them well over 450mil per piece.
They go around 600 normally now
Nice. I remember the days when they were half that much. Ahahaha
Hmm the map changed quite a bit since I last took a look at it, I cant find the region the alliance i was part of used to have
Afterhaving finished reading that list of dick moves,
Ah, found that quote.
> My theory is that it's either a glorify, space-themed chat room for the nerds who are what to nerds what nerds are to normal people or an executive toy for high-powered businessmen who are too busy to play a real game, something that you run in the background and occasionally mess with in between negotiating mergers, neglecting your spouse, and becoming emotionally dead.
I really don't want to make an MMO anymore. :D
> But then again, there are apparently people who could stay awake long enough to join and run player corporations. Either they're all Bizzaro people who wear shoes on their heads or I'm underestimating the appeal of having a second job you have to pay for.
This blog post is going to be a monster.
@ThePhD Make an mmo that rewards friendship and cooperation :) (GW2 does the cooperation part quite well)
Dark Souls actually does Friendship and Cooperation well.
There's a defined avenue for assholery and a defined avenue for JOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLY COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPERATION!
Ahhh found it! It was Fountain. Now to remember the name of my alliance...
@CatPlusPlus Get Dark Souls already dosh. :[
I wish CCP had some sort of profile lookup on their website...
If I ever make a multiplayer game, being nice would be more rewarding than being an asshole.
@EtiennedeMartel People pay for EVE? lol, I steal my subscriptions from carebears.
@EtiennedeMartel I would make being an asshole equally as rewarding as being nice.
That way, it's player choice.
And if I happen to sneak the most OP spell in the game to the nice guys, well...
@DomagojPandža It appears they did back in 2008 when that ZP review came out.
I paid for current 3 months because I'm too lazy to shoot red crosses
@ThePhD Yeah, but one of those choices harms the community.
@EtiennedeMartel Can't imagine it'd work.
It's the "individual vs society" thing.
@CatPlusPlus I must teach you the Ways of the Scam, Backstab and Internet Spaceship Debauchery.
What I'm saying is: I'm a socialist, so screw all those selfish dickwads.
Well, that's why you give people the ability to opt-out of it entirely.
Oh we have entire guides for that
@ThePhD Bad descision
But it involves talking with stupid people
Also, if you give your game asshole chances, you make it so that they can't speak.
Or chat to one another.
If people can choose between good and evil on the internet, and both have equal rewards, what do you think they'll choose?
Unless they accept the request to do so.
Simply because they can't do it in real life?
Being evil is fun
@DomagojPandža how do you do that?
I mean why do you play MMOs
It's a crappy grindfest no matter what game
You need to have some fun
@Borgleader Easy, being evil™. I think I've only paid for the first few months of EVE and then basically vampired off stupid people. :D
I always played nice... which means i always payed :(
so i payed to be nice?
@Borgleader Broken dreams and promises
@CatPlusPlus That's the core problem.
It's the metagame, Etienne. You must enjoy it.
Tis my character I believe
And it can be fixed by not playing Excel: Space Edition.
@DomagojPandža I'm used to metagames where behaving like a gentleman is the norm. Like StarCraft.
Incidentally, I also don't play League of Legends.
Also what's the metagame of Starcraft?
The ranking?
Wrong use of 'metagame'.
@CatPlusPlus If you want me to talk about that, we're still gonna be here tomorrow.
EVE has a whole political scene
Politics in an online game.
Cat Plus Plus and me combined could be the biggest blight New Eden has ever seen.
Oh I think my Alliance might have been Brutally Clever Empire, anyone remember them? (i doubt it though, pretty small)
You know, there should be an optional "Asshole Mode" that would cause your real name and location to appear.
Damnit I wanna play Excel now...
@EtiennedeMartel But it's a game! You're not necessarily evil if you're evil in a game.
Damn you nostalgia
@EtiennedeMartel You keep piling on terrible 'ideas'.
@DomagojPandža The way you guys talk about it, it looks more like a night job to me.
It's role playing~
@LucDanton Yeah. I would be such a great game designer.
To me, being an asshole should be a "high risk, high reward" route. It shouldn't be that easy to gank or scam other players.
If I were a real starship captain seeing an innocent barge getting decimated by pirates, I'd help out. But in the game, I'd probably kill the pirates, only to warp block the victim and ransom it for ISK and lolz.
@EtiennedeMartel So, you've never played EVE then?
@LucDanton I thought that was obvious.
meh. I don't know what I've messed up >.< pastie.org/7675634
@EtiennedeMartel It's not easy. Some plots take years to complete. The EIB scam was a prime example.
@EtiennedeMartel Ganking is not that easy, and scamming is only easy once you find an idiot
@DomagojPandža My god, it really is a second job.
Wait, you're telling me ganking is easier in WoW than in EVE?
Well, well.
Ganking? In wow? not worth doing imo
Ganking in WoW is meaningless
not enough lulz to be had
Oh no we teleported you back 10 metres
What a horrible loss
In EVE, you can lose everything. That makes ganking awesome.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Don't you?
Speaking of high risk, high reward, dying is only a problem for certain player builds, is it not? For some, it has no consequences.
@sbi Hello :)
@LucDanton In EVE or WoW?
@Borgleader World!
@CatPlusPlus Former.
Fuck, everywhere I go, everything tells me "get money to start farming those PLEXES NOW!"
Cost of actual dying scales up with skill points
Being able to get permanently owned is what makes EVE fun. It keeps you on your toes, but also provides mechanics for various other things. You can form an alliance of corporations which control a part of lawless space, instigate a personal police force which protects your space, even intelligence agencies which infiltrate other corporations and win their trust, only to be decimated. If you don't upgrade your clone, you could lose precious skillpoints, not only ships, money and goods.
But it's a fraction of what assets cost
At the most basic level you've got your medical clone that can hold X skill points
That's the base cost of dying
First thing I was told when I started to play Eve: always have insurance for your ship, always
Then there's implants
Then there's ships and ship modules
Then there's cargo
Yeah, I'm gonna put that in the "not my kind of game" category.
That's what a lot of games do wrong, they make it too easy on the player because they don't want to alienate casual players. Food and water in games is useless if you don't force a mechanism that makes you thirsty and hungry, or threats of dehydration. EVE does that very well. A lot of real life facilities make sense only if there's a fear of loss, death and stuff.
@Borgleader Always have an up-to-date clone is kinda more important.
@Borgleader There are some ships where insurance doesn't pay off very well afair
T2 mostly I think
@Griwes later on yes, but when you start no
The ability to lose all that is harsh.
Because insurance is based on mineral cost
But then again, I know how all that feels.
1.5 million souls in Dark Souls ;~;
And it wasn't even an enemy player. The game itself dropped me through the floor.
I'd probably break something if I used those souls.
@Borgleader You must be doing things very wrong if you loose your ships before needing a better than alpha clone.
@Griwes Even tutorial kills you nowadays
If you don't die with an alpha clone you're doing it wrong
@CatPlusPlus In one mission, when your mission is to fly a ship and detonate it, IIRC.
There are at least two missions that you can't win
@Griwes I got to high missions pretty quickly i started playing when it was the old creation menu with all the religions and military paths and shit. I took specifically what i needed to pilot an apoc asap
Also you can be killed anywhere at any time
Heck, first time I've died with a character created less than a year ago was SoE arc.
Where I flied destroyer into a frigate oriented mission.
s/died/lost a ship/
I did almost entire SoE arc with a Thrasher
Also missions are boring
Yeah, me too.
Except one, when I had to switch to Rifter.
Witnessed Richard Smith implement C++14 features in Clang *as they were being voted in* today. #zerolag #cxx #wg21
Then you did something horribly wrong :v:
@jalf lol
I wish MSVC had CLang's speed. =[
Clang has come a long way in a very short time...
But Clang hasn't been around so long that it needs to backlog a million compatibility problems or handle Dinkumware's shit.
Starting to look like Clang might implement C++14 before @visualc gets C++11 support (or even completes their C++98 support)
Visual C is becoming less and less relevant because it's still trying to support major corporations and other individuals who are still using Visual Studio .NET 2003. ._.
@ThePhD "Dinkumware's shit"? Erm. WTF? You're talking about one of the best std lib implementations.
@jalf nice
@ThePhD You are a student, aren't you?
@sbi Yes. No. Maybe. >_>
Why are you asking? <_<
Because you're going to be maintaining old crappy code and it will eat your soul
Tip of the day: fuck C++
@sbi Yeah, but isn't it oooold?
@ThePhD Because it shows. If you had ever been in corporate environments, you would know that VC is getting anything but irrelevant.
@ThePhD ... they update it ;)
VC++ is basically relevant for one reason only. It's the "native" toolchain for Windows. It's the safe choice if you want your application to run well on Windows. And most companies do want their products to do that
Very very slowly
it also has a nice debugger :)
@ThePhD Dinkumware's std lib was written by PJP and Pete Becker (and for VC, STL hacks into it), and is constantly maintained.
also hi @sbi, sounds like you had fun at accu :)
If you want to talk about ooold std lib implementations, look at what GCC is using. Still uses a CoW std::string because backwards compatibility. Even though it (a) sucks, and (b) is prohibited in C++11
@sbi I'm not saying corporations don't use it. What I'm saying is corporations still use it and they have code from ages and ages and ages ago, relying on weird things like how the old VC++ used to not-optimize base classes and other such legacy cruft, which in term makes it hard when you're getting high-priority bug reports from high-paying customers for very old versions of a compiler that don't need to bother with things like C++11.
@jalf CoW ?
copy on write
Is this stuff really that good?
Hm. No idea what that is. I'll have to look it up.
A friend of mine drove all the way to Germany to get it. :v
@jalf Oh yeah, that I did. Having breakfast next to Mr Stroustrup finally getting to know Francis Glassborrow, chatting with Dietmar Kühl and Nikolai Josuttis in the lounge, declining a game of pool with John Lakos... Oh yeah, and there were a few fantastic talks.
@sbi I never knew. :O
@ThePhD I'm not too sure about that. Our code base compiles perfectly under various compilers, but we still use VC++. Not because it's a great compiler, but because it's the safe option that's guaranteed to work well with every aspect of Windows
@Zoidberg really?
Although we have considered mingw before, and quite a few of us are keen on Clang getting to become a viable alternative
I hope Clang keeps going, because I'd like to use that for both Linux and Mac OSX.
@bamboon about 160 km. :|
For windows, though, VC++ all the way.
@ThePhD Oh, using VC as a modern C++ compiler is a major pain in the neck, no doubt. (I had to do this for a decade, so I know that better than you.) But that doesn't mean it will become irrelevant anytime soon.
@jalf Once MSVC linker managed to link in both release and debug CRT DLL for me
also, for all my talk of VC++ falling behind on C++11 support, they're not the reason we're stuck in C++03-land at work
That's GCC's fault :(
It was caused by one header include
@Zoidberg Depends on your taste. They are certainly one of the most famous candy in Germany.
Make of that what you want
Dat <regex> support in GCC...
I like Haribo Goldbären.
@Zoidberg they are better than nimm2 (IMO)
@CatPlusPlus Sure, the toolchain has plenty of dumb flaws (I could mention a few that are worse than that) :)
Why don't they just lift any one of the GPL-based or LGPL-based regex's written out there and put it in GCC ?
... What even is GCC's license?
@ThePhD gplv3
which is why Apple switched to Clang
lol CLang
@ThePhD GPL v3 with an added clause.
GCC switched from GPLv2 (which Apple was ok with) to GPLv3 (which they weren't)
It has plenty of clauses
@jalf Automatic copy constructor generated for move constructor / operator. ._.
Are GNU licenses are jokes.
Say that again.
All GNU licenses are jokes.
GNU licenses are the worst to deal with. ._.
They take away all your freedom!
Anytime anything even barely mentions GPL or LGPL I drop it like a sac of bricks.
lol LGPL.
@jalf I know that feeling. Our buildservers run GCC 4.3 IIRC. We're planning to switch soon, though, already running a 4.7 build on a newer buildmachine
@Zoidberg No, no, you've got it wrong, they BRING you your freedom! </sarcasm>
Which is also why I do my best to steer clear from public Github repos, though lately I've seen less GPL repos and more MIT/zlib-png/Public Domain code on Github.
I do MIT. ^^
Also that other 3-clause BSD or BSD-derivative sounds really nice.
lol C++14 table
> This afternoon in Bristol, UK, the ISO C++ standards committee adopted generic lambdas, dynamic arrays (an improved version of C99 VLAs), variable templates, reader/writer locks, make_unique, optional<T>, standard library user-defined literals, and a number of other language and library improvements – and approved the result as the feature-complete Committee Draft (CD) of Standard C++14 to be distributed for its primary international review ballot.
[21:38:25] <d0k> Xeo: zygoloid is using boring meetings in the best possible way
@Xeo yep, nice ^^
Why didn't GCC get tweeted about being "feature complete"?
Well, that game was easy.
@Rapptz <regex>
vs a silver dude.
@ThePhD stdlib vs core
(FTR, silver America is equivalent to bronze Europe, IIRC)
@ThePhD Just like Luc did to me. Not what it meant
@Xeo Oh. So GCC is core-complete?
No clue :P
You did that to yourself!
I did indeed.
> Minimal support for garbage collection and reachability-based leak detection
@Xeo Same with Clang
@ThePhD I always had a soft spot for the WTFPL licence :)
@Rapptz zlib ftw
@Rapptz I bet they did, but since you had to render all your own software's features GPL if you retweeted that...
@jalf <3 WTFPL
@sbi lol
Also also, question to everyone here: When you don't explicitly write in your license file that you're not responsible for anything going wrong with the code, are you legitimately legally liable for the use of the code?
Ask a lawyer
Or is that just computer programmers being careful for no reason?
@ThePhD asking software developers for legal advice has always worked out super well :)
I don't know, but I would guess yes.
I'm not asking for advice, it was more of a "have you had any experience with this?"
Isn't she a beauty? :D
@Pawnguy7 Guessing is never right when it comes to legal stuff.
"I don't know but let me talk about it anyway"
Ask a lawyer
@ThePhD probably not, but it's a fairly big "probably". Best to err on the safe side ;)
@ThePhD I think the boost guys once asked a lawyer about the sense in all those standard formulas in licenses, and as a result they got one of the leanest and cleanest license.
Of course, ask a lawyer. Although... do you lose anything by pointing in the generic liability clause?
And usually you don't write that you're not responsible for anything. You carefully copy/paste a license which has been written by or approved by an army of lawyers
@sbi Ah... well, even boost's license has that "it's not our fault if it breaks" licensure, so. I guess it is necessary.
Boost's license is nice too
It is nice.
> Why is the "disclaimer" paragraph of the license entirely in uppercase? Capitalization of these particular provisions is a US legal mandate for consumer protection. (Diane Cabell)
posted on April 20, 2013 by Herb Sutter

The Bristol meeting concluded a few hours ago, and I just posted my trip report on isocpp.org: This afternoon in Bristol, UK, the ISO C++ standards committee adopted generic lambdas, dynamic arrays (an improved version of C99 VLAs), variable templates, reader/writer locks, make_unique, optional<T>, standard library user-defined literals, and a number of other language and [...]

@ThePhD Perhaps. It could be there just to appease corporate clients which want to know exactly where they stand. Even if the license tells them "sorry guys, you're on your own if you use our code and it breaks", they might need that explicitness before they'll use it
@Griwes lol
@Griwes I bet that's done so that it is less readable.
@Griwes Why not just make an ALL-CAPS SHOUTING PUBLIC LICENSE? :)
Sweet, so we got dynamic arrays, generic lambdas, and other stuff.
@jalf WTFPL?
@Rapptz Is nice, but I don't think it includes the warranty clause?
As fun as WTFPL is, it's a gimmick, and serious people will probably won't want software licensed under it
Although the validity of the WTFPL has not been tested in courts, it is widely accepted as a valid license. Every major Linux distribution (Debian, Fedora, Arch, Gentoo, etc.) ships software licensed under the WTFPL, version 1 or 2. Bradley Kuhn (executive director of the Free Software Foundation) was quoted saying that the FSF’s folks agree the WTFPL is a valid free software license.
MIT license is proven and permissive
good evening
Does the BSD-3clause (or any BSD license) require that you put the License.txt if you're just shipping executables?
That's the only license I'm never sure about if it needs to be in there or not.
move capture syntax looks ugly
Anyone knows if it's the same as brace-or-equals initializers, so you can go e.g. u = std::move(u)?
@bamboon generalized capture syntax, please
@LucDanton ya
@bamboon what does it look like?
Smart move.
@jalf [x = y, z = std::move(w)]{ ... }
@ThePhD Yes
"Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution."
Allowing renaming and moving and all kinds of shit
It's really not that cryptic
I think I'd even abuse it for let-style bindings
@CatPlusPlus Oh, dear.
I really wasn't paying attention. Dx
I should sleep.
But... must get... 1.5 million souls, in Dark Souls...
@ThePhD that is a lot of souls... :)
@Xeo ah ok, that example makes more sense.
Playing NG+, I'm guessing?
@jalf Regular, actually. I got 1.5 million in regular mode.
Then I lost it all q_q I hate you floor.
Because he decided to drop them through the floor
@jalf Just to see what it does.
That's not how it happened! D: !!!
The Floor dropped me, damnit.
@ThePhD you know what sucks? Losing GFWL connection while standing on an elevator so it boots you to the main menu. And then when you log in again, you're exactly where you were when you logged out... but the elevator isn't
GFWL sucks. Which is why I'm using the Dark Soul's Connectivity Fix.
GFWL is still there, but the connectivity in some cases bypasses that system altogether.
@ThePhD haven't tried that. I don't think it was around when I mainly played
<3 instant connection with people I want to connect with.
@ThePhD sounds good
do you still go through GFWL if you buy it on steam?
@jalf Yeah, it's fresh.

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