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@R.MartinhoFernandes How long do you work this Friday?
Which Friday?
@FredOverflow What an odd question. As much as any other day?
I was wondering if there'd be time left for a beer before I leave :)
@FredOverflow Is Fred coming to Berlin, mayhaps?
@FredOverflow I can make arrangements to leave as soon as 16 if needed, but usually 18.
Yes, and I still haven't decided when to leave. My current plan says 20 Uhr.
> Across a sea of Java induced vomit, I shall sail forth to run you through with C++!
lol /cc @thecoshman
Ah, cool. If you don't want to discuss specifics here, you can e-mail me.
I have no problem discussing specifics here.
@Jefffrey the pictures sucked me in. I just lost an hour.
@Pawnguy7 lost? you gained inspiration!
In what neighborhood you will be on Friday?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It only checks out odd if you forget to see the question mark (crc32 <(echo -n 'How long do you work this Friday?'))
Technically true :D
But I need to get stuff done.
@sehe This one.
Thanks buddy
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have an appointment with Udo B. at 13:30 :D
@StackedCrooked What a filthy desk. Time to clean it!
@FredOverflow I guess the Ape reeled you in?
@StackedCrooked Just drag one onto the waste-bin icon
@rightfold lol I just did. It's filthy by nature.
@FredOverflow Sorry, I have no idea who that is :S Do you know, say, the nearest train station?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Some guy who works at your company.
Hmm, no.
@FredOverflow He doesn't work there anymore.
I don't work with @sbi.
Oh, I thought you did.
You couldn't stand the C++03 limitation, right? ;)
I used to work where he used to work before I worked there.
Can I extract deleted comments from Stack Exchange's query thingie? Rumour is that mods can still see them, so they must be there somewhere...
@StackedCrooked I wish I could have a desk that clean :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Rafael :-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't get it.
@FredOverflow But I know where he works.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit bookmarked it (SEO?)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, wait, sbi did ask for interest in his new company
@Jefffrey you should have seen it before I cleaned tonight
@EtiennedeMartel dat or-joke.
@EtiennedeMartel lawl
Epic bait and switch.
@sehe I think "testcase" is hard to optimise. I typically do "kera.name testcases"
I think my little ponies are for girls.
runs away
@R.MartinhoFernandes This is kind of a letdown, I was hoping we could form a stackoverfow master race at the same company :-(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I googled "nobody writes tests anymore". Didn't remember "kera"
@Ell You so backwards.
@sehe or "testcase"
@Ell They are.
We can still grab a beer at some place.
Just not necessarily or exclusively
Though that is a bit far from almost everything I know.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ikr. What happened to meta tags
@R.MartinhoFernandes A beer?
Een beer.
"Some place"
@rightfold Jawohl?
Target acquired: Robot's flat.
Kick the door, raid the fridge.
No beer.
Well, not mine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So how long have sbi and you been "divorced" workplace-wise?
My flatmates might not be too happy.
I read that as “Robot’s fist.”
@FredOverflow Since ever.
@FredOverflow I got a job at a company he had left.
Ah, so you're his successor.
@R.MartinhoFernandes He doesn't need to know
is there a "number system" to represent the square roots of primes like there are "imaginary numbers" for sqrt(-1)
Square roots of primes are real numbers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No they aren't?
Yes, they are.
they are irrational aren't they?
Say, square root of two is some 1.414-something.
@Ell That doesn't make them surreal or something.
@Ell Real numbers are either rational or irrational.
Pi is real.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh feck yeah
I feel like there should be some system still :P
Now I feel stupid :(
but sqrt(13) doesn't exist o.O
that is only an approximation
okay I guess it's like pi then :3
ignore me
I'm thinking aloud.
you're being irrational
or unreal
But it's an approximation to something.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The thing after the 555, is that a telephon number? :)
auto myLambada = []() { ... };
Yes. I hide my mistresses' numbers in irrational numbers. No one ever thinks to look there. Also, I don't date mathematicians.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Too sexy for mathematicians.
Thatswhatbradsaid plays 'Treasure Hunt' by PawnGuy7!: http://youtu.be/xwpNnkNQRaQ?a via @YouTube
wat @Pawnguy7
@Ell pi is worse, because it's not the root of a polynomial (as opposed to sqrt(13), which is the root of the polynomial x² - 13).
@FredOverflow that is called non trancendental, right?
That's no polymoonial. It's a space equation.
x^2 + 0x + 0 = 13
@R.MartinhoFernandes How about now? :)
Not gonna change my joke.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was with you for the first three sentences. Then you spoilt all credibility with that last claim.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait, did you misspell "polymoonial" on purpose?
@R.MartinhoFernandes The one time when 'equasion' would have been sound spelling
@FredOverflow moon ... space ...
@FredOverflow ...
@Jefffrey Link doesn't work for me.
@FredOverflow I think that's the point
Why am I not getting anything today?
@R.MartinhoFernandes that still has awkward aspect ratio
@FredOverflow Ask your gf
@sehe But it doesn't have any weird stuff in the middle.
(Surely you didn't mean to check whether I realized it's a YT onebox...?)
Hey, I'm making jokes, not getting them, ok?
@Jefffrey ¬_¬
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does your job involve C++?
I rarely touch C++ nowadays
What do you touch mostly?
@FredOverflow C#
I don't regret leaving C++ in the background.
I wonder if I can license patches as CC0, even if they are patches to a project with a more restrictive license.
It can be a right pain in the arse
i.e. distributing the whole deal I quite certainly cannot, but surely I can distribute my bits however I please.
I know nothing about licences
Awesome bug I found in German code today, triggers infinite loop:
for (double x = -20; x < +20; x += 0,05)
    // ... draw some pixels ...
does it?
Yes. You have to look very closely.
I'm thinking about learning one of the C languages (C, C++, C#) once I'm done learning Objective-C, which is next on my list. I know java. What do you guys/gals think I should learn?
One of the C languages?
You need better goals.
Those languages have very little in common. You might as well throw other languages into the mix that don't start with the letter C.
@Jefffrey What a nice comma.
What about some Cobol?
@EtiennedeMartel Ouch.
That's a C language.
@AndrewG C is dead except for legacy maintenance. C# is cool. C++ is becoming cool with C++11 and the ensuing hype.
@EtiennedeMartel OMG, I even looked at the comma and I didn't realize that it was out of place
@R.MartinhoFernandes How about Ceylon? I've heard it's going to be the next Java.
And thats why I came here @FredOverflow lol. So what are the main differences?
@FredOverflow Oh I remember that.
Other than their "coolness"? lol
My Dutch kicked in, where comma is actually valid in 0,05 (ie 0.05)
@AndrewG Let's just say the only thing they have in common is a small part of their syntax.
@TonyTheLion in the italian metric system too
@AndrewG I you want to learn a language in one week, pick C. If you have a month to spare, pick C#. If you're okay with having no life for the next 5-10 years, pick C++.
I see.. lol
@FredOverflow A month? Only with a copy of C# in Depth and a ReSharper license.
Idiot Question: Which, if any, are objective?
@AndrewG What is that supposed to mean? C# is probably the "most OOP" of them, if that's what you mean.
Yeah Objective Languages VS Procedural Languages.
lol, objective.
Learn something different
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah you mean in the vid. Yes. Very weird. I was specifically talking about the still
Something that you don't know about yet
Cue Haskell. It's an H language.
@AndrewG If you love objects and you want to keep loving them, pick C#.
@R.MartinhoFernandes H for Hot?
@FredOverflow C++.
Gotcha. And yeah, I don't think I'll ever be able to go back from objects lol. @FredOverflow
Or Erlang if that option is available.
@AndrewG Well, that was an easy choice then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you need a will if you want to be sure of how your bits will be distributed, though
Hmm, Catch is header-only, but it's quite Java-ish.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was specifically not going to say that :<
Yeah. Or maybe I should learn LOLCODE...
@sehe I'm even more dissapoint.
@FredOverflow coma operator
@R.MartinhoFernandes Catch is Java-ish, why?
@TonyTheLion I did not deserve that
@sehe kommazuipen
It's all interfaces and virtuals.
@sehe Yeah, it took me about two minutes to find it, which is comparably long for finding bugs in beginners' code.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah. I hate that code. I can only live with it because it's not the end-user facing bits. But the "tag" and "pattern" filtering bits are somewhat annoying. And very badly documented
@FredOverflow lol
@FredOverflow indeed. -Wall -pedantic -Wextra
@FredOverflow bonus points!
@rightfold I'm pretty sure they didn't put the bug in there by intention :)
Commas that are not followed by whitespace are inherently terrible.
@TonyTheLion really? I don't use that. I'm Dutch. But I never write a comma as decimal separator
@AndrewG The Objective languages are simultaneously the Objectionable languages: ObjC, ObjC++
I always use the comma as a decimal separator when writing Dutch texts.
@sehe I was taught in school that was what the decimal separator was, and until I came to the UK, I knew of nothing else.
I never write Dutch texts
@sehe also Objective-J.
@sehe oh you
@sehe I do it when I write e-mails to my Dutch colleagues or when I chat with friends.
Well. honestly. I was even gonna write my Sinterklaas poems in English :/
@rightfold English spoken companies.
@AndrewG Java it is
@sehe You speak English at work?
@TonyTheLion Yup. Have done for many many years. Well, some clients were Dutch, but even then, I tend to "think code" and this implies "think English". I have to practically translate to Dutch
Cool :)
I tried to speak Dutch at work, but no one understood me. :P
I never thought this remarkable. At work I currently find myself straining to understand Ukrainian English over skype.
@TonyTheLion lol
@sehe Its remarkable to me, because when I worked in Belgium, we always spoke Dutch, except to one or two coworkers, who wanted to speak English with me so they could practice their English.
Oh. Belgians. Purists.
I prefer English.
Belgians value Dutch way more than the Dutch. Well, with the exception of @rightfold
I think you do have a valid point.
I find it very frustrating when I'm in Belgium and I'm forced to switch to Dutch, because they refuse (and some speak English) to speak English
My social life has degraded.
I have no social life
I'm spending my time telling people on Omegle to Entertain me :V
Oh god Omegle
@sehe omgnederland<3
The Netherlands is the best country in the world.
@TonyTheLion That's how terrible it's gotten.
@rightfold oh you
@MohammadAliBaydoun Why would you even go there?
I'm clueless, as always.
What is Omegle
A place you don't want to go.
It is a website where you can chat with people you don’t know.
Kinda like Lounge<C++>.
Its a chat that allows you to chat with completely random people, anonymously
@TonyTheLion Where else can I go and ask people to entertain me? ;_;
@rightfold Except that here the regulars know each other.
@MohammadAliBaydoun You're in the right place here. :)
@TonyTheLion Entertain me Tony~
I've come to this very Lounge for a few years now, merely to be entertained :)
@MohammadAliBaydoun hmmmm
What do you like doing?
I wish I knew.
I thought I liked programming.
@TonyTheLion s/to be entertained/for Scott/
So entertaining
@rightfold oh my baby.
@sehe so much funzies
@sehe oh Polar Bear :)
@MohammadAliBaydoun How is that possible? Did it underflow to 4294967295?
If you want to see pictures of pretty woman (ie porn stars), then this might be entertaining NSFW
@rightfold Scott is part of the entertainment but he's only been here for months, not "for years now".
@TonyTheLion Ah, like chat roulette. Which I only know from South Park. Where practically everybody masturbates in front of the camera :-)
@FredOverflow I don't go there.
> Kyle, this is the way the world works! If you wanna find some quality friends, you've gotta wade through all the dicks first!
I'm looking at pretty woman right now :)
@FredOverflow I don't know at all ;_;
@TonyTheLion The movie, or an actual pretty woman?
@FredOverflow Actual pretty woman
Internet or real life?
I posted it earlier. (Internet) NSFW
People are terrible at Entertainment.
YouTube comments can be entertaining
omegle is very slow
Or porn video site comments.
I've received the first "Hi" after three minutes.
oh gawd
I can't believe y'all went onto Omegle

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