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1:01 PM
@sbi hmm turns out I misread your analogy. A better response would have been "You don't have to park your Harrier Jump Jet in your bike shed." Git isn't a monolith. You don't need to use filter-branch ever. And yes, if you consider using it, better get your Pilot License first.
@sbi They're not GUIDs, they're SHA1 hashes.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah I'm sure @sbi will find it a lot more readable knowing that :)
@ereOn I don't remember installing any of that and I used it from PowerShell.
@RMartinhoFernandes What @sehe said.
But the truth is important!
1:07 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes: So do I now. But I guess the "official" installer does install msys. Am I wrong ?
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, maybe it's better now than it used to be a couple of years ago.
What would be the advantage of using git over using hg?
@ereOn Maybe. I do remember it having some strange screen to choose between evil and eviler.
@sbi I only used git to clone stuff from existing git repos.
I really like the absolute addressing revision numbering scheme of hg/git/... No fuss trying to find out what that commit was on this branch, no fuss trying to work out how to address a revision on a branch (granted, SVN is already quite nice in that respect)
@RMartinhoFernandes Perhaps the choice between TortoisePlink and msys ssh or something like that
@sehe "...trying to find out what that commit was on this branch..." — waddaya mean?
@sbi If commits are numbered local to a branch, the same commit will get different ids on different branches. Well, not so big a problem when your VCS squashes all commits into one on merge by default, and perhaps not as bad as CVS style nested numbering scheme, but still
1:11 PM
@sehe Ah, that. Yeah, CVS' local version numbers were a mess. SVN's global revisions are a lot better.
I like to get a sha1 (e.g. 123ab4 and just say git checkout -b issue002 123ab4 to start a branch on that particular commit
@Collin both are "space" dimensions
@sbi It's the thing I liked most about svn - aside from atomic changesets in the first place
@rubenvb I guess I don't understand what you're fft-ing then
Is this image processing?
@Collin It's for a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
1:13 PM
@Moshe yea, whats up?
so, I FFT the field in the aperture, get the far field image
@sehe Atomic changesets were the SVN feature.
@rubenvb Interesting.. I know a tiny bit about signal processing just from working with signal processing people, so I sorta get it
you get something of a 2d fft when processing GPS signals, with frequency and time being the axes
Really, who the fuck ever thought of non-atomic changesets?
Surely not a programmer.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's what you get for free. Doing atomic changesets requires work.
1:18 PM
@Collin Yeah, well, this isn't signal processing (at least not the direction I'm looking at). But I know signal processing people are very specialized in FFT's and all kinds of tricks.
If you ever have to convince anybody about the usefulness of atomic changesets, give them a try on Visual SourceSafe.
@RMartinhoFernandes That and tree delta transport
@rubenvb Signal processing guys wield deep magic
@Collin No they fling named terms around and use fft.
Quantum field theorists, they wield deep magic.
Yeah, magic!
1:19 PM
@ereOn I'm not sure but it wouldn't surprise me if VSS 2005 silently added those. Not that UI exposes any of that
Anyone know how to define a perfect triangle by distance to its center?
@sehe Right, you get it for free: exactly nothing.
@sehe: There is a VSS 2005 ?!
oh wait. Idea: use the complex 3rd root of a number
@sehe My previous colleagues used it and if it had atomic changesets, they weren't aware of it.
1:21 PM
That gives me the verteces
@ereOn Sadly, I'm still using that at work. I just checked, no atomic commits indeed
> Starting with VSS 2005, Microsoft has added a client–server mode. In this mode, clients do not need write access to an SMB share where they can potentially damage the SS database. Instead, files must be accessed through the VSS client tools - the VSS windows client, ....
@sehe: So did I. That's what made me change job.
I could not bear the crappy tools, old code-base and not-willing-to-change behavior anymore.
Over here, the code base is alright. The tools are alright (aside from VCS) and the willingness to change is there.
Sadly the client is a largish semi-government body and they slow down things and the supply/demand dichotomy stifles change
So you corporate kids, is it rare that a company rejuvinates it's codebase ? Say, replace some old stuff with new cpp11 features and such ?
Lucky you. I had to insist to give my collegues a 4 hours lecture about how and why to use std::string.
1:24 PM
@ereOn o_O
And many of them still believe it is some fancy stuff used only by college boys.
facepalm (You can count this one in too, @sehe)
@ScarletAmaranth Yes. That's rare. But over the last months I've been tasked with a full rebuild of the core component of our project here.
@ScarletAmaranth: The most difficult thing is to make your boss understand why the change is needed.
Very often, when things work and nobody (no users) complains, they don't see why code should be rewritten
And I can't blame them.
"if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
1:26 PM
@sehe I've been thinking of quitting the college here, make some money and go finish studies abroad, but i don't quite feel like doing C-C++ish archeology in someone's outdated codebase. What are the odds that a well known company (that being "Eset") has trash old code :) ?
@ScarletAmaranth: Avoid big companies.
How do I erase from an std::set<std::unique_ptr<T>> when I have a T*? children_.erase(t); doesn't compile, obviously.
@ereOn helps!
@ereOn They are not big really, but you may have heard about eset antivir ...
if you're going to work for a big company
you're going to have to put up with shit code
1:27 PM
@ScarletAmaranth Learn a different language and then you won't have that problem
@ScarletAmaranth: I haven't actually.
@ScarletAmaranth about 100%. But the trash code will average about 60% of the codebase, is my guesstimate
@classdaknok_t You could search for it using unique_ptr<T>::get() == T*
@Pubby Sorry i dunno what a "different language" is :P
@sehe: Was that sarcastic ?
1:28 PM
@rubenvb using std::find_if, right?
@classdaknok_t I think that should work yes.
@ereOn Does honest estimate count as sarcasm?
@rubenvb Thanks, I'll try it.
90% of everything is badly written code
@sehe: Not sure what that means :p
1:29 PM
@sehe thankx
@ereOn I think that would be called cynicism
@ScarletAmaranth: The thing is, as a fresh out-of-college boy/girl, your chances to find a job where someone expects you to write code from scratch, without using some badly-written company library are rather slim.
The problem is not just that the 'bad code' works, a lot of people a used to it. They know almost instantly where to look to update it.
@rubenvb thanks, it works!
Hi Guys, can i bug you with a noobie RAII question ?
1:31 PM
@sehe: Actually, when I got out of college, I wasn't aware that big companies were a mess. I honestly (naively ?) thought those companies had structure, experience and a well designed codebase which was the reason for their success.
Anyone know the name of that popular free/Linux icon set? It's not part of a DE.
@ereOn It was exactly what happened to me. However, I don't think it was wise :)
@Dev2rights shoot!
@Dev2rights ask.
@Dev2rights: We can try at least.
1:32 PM
@ereOn I haven't finished my college, i actually don't want to finish the one I'm currently in, it's a colossal waste of my time :) So I'd be a fresh out of high school programmer boy ;)
@classdaknok_t awesome. I'll try to remember the trick ;-)
@Pubby farenza, that (is what I think) is the name of a nice one I use. icons are all rounded squares
Say i have an array of a struct (yes i should probably use a class) how would i use RIIA to create an element of that struct.
defintion of array
Origin2D *fontRenderPositions;
@ScarletAmaranth a degree looks a lot better then no degree
even from a shitty uni
@thecoshman Na, that wasn't it. The folders were blue.
1:33 PM
instantiation of array in memory
fontRenderPositions = (D2ROrigin2D*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * (numCharWnH/2));
@Dev2rights is there a reason you are not using std::vector? It gives you resource management for free (also through RAII).
@Dev2rights: That's not an array, that's a pointer.
@ereOn that
@thecoshman I want a degree, but not from this uni :) Ill get one later ;)
I just typed std::movie instead of std::vector. I don't know why.
1:34 PM
@Dev2rights: You might want to consider using std::vectoror std::array depending on what you intend to do.
@ScarletAmaranth you will find it a lot easier to just suck it up and get the shitty degree now
@Dev2rights: Also talking about malloc here is the best way to get enemies quickly :p
digs up the ol' rifle
@class actually no thats a good point
std::unique_ptr<D2ROrigin2D, decltype(std::free)>  fontRenderPositions((D2ROrigin2D*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * (numCharWnH/2)), std::free);
1:35 PM
@Dev2rights my god man! what sort of bastardised code are your writing?
@thecoshman You have no idea how shitty it is :)
@ereOn im here to get shot, abuse is how i learn best
a good slap for a more experienced developer when misbehaving never caused any harm
like parenting :p
@thecoshman I've spent the whole first year converting base 10 to base 2 ;)
@ScarletAmaranth: And I'm pretty sure you will enjoy the next 100 years. :)
@ereOn Yeah i'd rather stab myself in an eye with a fork ;)
1:36 PM
@thecoshman im moving from java to obj-c then now im learning c++ on my own back so its a newbies piss poor approach to a very definitive language
@Pubby thanks ill work that out :)
@Dev2rights at least your heading in the right direction :D
@thecoshman ive doen bits in the past over the last 10 years but nothing definitive so paying myself to write my own game engine
@Dev2rights You'll need C++11 support for that code to work
@Dev2rights: No offense, but Pubby's solution is not the first thing I would have tried. If you intent is to have a dynamic array, use std::vector.
Yeah, std::vector is much nicer
1:38 PM
@Dev2rights don't write an engine, write a game
@ereOn yeah i used std vector in all my other sound , image e.t.c. managers i dotn know why on earth i didnt use it here, my mind wandered off into C for some reason
what does std::array do different to std::vector?
Eh, engine can refer to the game code, it doesn't have to be a Game Engine
@thecoshman ive writen a lot of games, but a game doesn tjust magically rin on android , iOS and blackberry by itself :) Also there is a game thats being writen as the tech demo
@thecoshman: std::array is very close to a raw array: static element count, can exist on the stack.
1:39 PM
@thecoshman std::array has a constant size.
iOS allows C++? (is iOS the iPhone or the OSX?)
@Pubby yeah, why not? It allows anything that can be compiled for ARM.
@Pubby Yeah Vanilla c++
I thought you had to use ObjectiveC
@Dev2rights no, it allows complete C++, including the complete standard library.
1:40 PM
@all thanks guys for the slap, i might come for some abuse
@Pubby that silly rule was removed a year ago.
@classdaknokt use it supports STL and i sue STL all the time but apples implementation of it is refered to as vanilla, i dont know why but it is refered to in apples docs
Where in the docs does it say that?
So for super clarification: C++ can be used for iPhone developement?
@Pubby yes
1:42 PM
@Dev2rights You mean STD?
@Dev2rights slippery enter key?
Oh, and does anyone know how to get a preview image in gimp?
@Pubby: Close it, then start Photoshop 8-)
@Pubby Yes. Apples's APIs are defined in Obj-C, so you need at least an Obj-C wrapper for interfacing with the OS. But behind that, you can have as much C++ as you like
1:43 PM
I'm on Linux :(
STandard Library
@sehe I mean the Standard library
Stephen T Lavawabajaba
@Pubby What do you mean? Preview of what
1:44 PM
@sehe Like the image at 100%
my acronyms may be wrong so more slaps recived the better
@thecoshman Bending the facts somewhat
@Pubby: I love Linux, I wish I could use it at work, but I would miss Photoshop I have to say.
@Pubby set the zoom to 100%
@Pubby I use 1 and Ctrl-E. Is that what you mean?
1:44 PM
@thecoshman I want a preview so I don't have to keep changing view
@ereOn I miss paint. I'm doing pixel art and it's way harder than it needs to be.
@sehe That'll do, thanks, although it's no preview!
@Pubby Shift-Ctrl-J appears to be for 'Fit into window' (if that's what you mean)
you want a short cur to zoom to 1005?
what 'views' are you changing?
Could I get anyone to help me upgrade my arch install
I'm running into problems around every corner
@SethCarnegie o_0
@Pubby It's no preview? It's a friggin' Wysiwyg graphics editor. Anything is a live preview
@SethCarnegie nuke it, start over?
1:46 PM
@sehe lolno
How would I go about erasing the first element of a std::forward_list, given that it only provides erase_after?
@sehe Paint has an option where there's a separate window showing the image at 100%. That's what I want.
Oh my, someone is using forward_list. o_o
I was right to refer to the standard library as STL , or is it STD ? Im confused now
It's standard library.
1:48 PM
+1 ^
Officially "standard library", but nobody cares which term you use. Except for some stupid pedants.
STL = STandard Library
Well, I'd rather have an STL than an STD if you ask me.
@PaulManta pop_front?
1:49 PM
STL = Standard Template Library.
@classdaknokt we redefined it
#undef STL
#define STL standard library
I was quoting what stroustrop uses in his book
@EthanSteinberg Thanks.
1:49 PM
I wasn't.
STD=STL=Java right ?
there is no """"" STANDARD LIBRARY """""" in java , just the JDK
If by STD you mean Sexually Transmitted Disease, then yes, that's equal to java.
Fully transitive and symmetric.
There is a standard library in Java.
1:50 PM
@ScarletAmaranth haha
Haha, I was just trolling :)
@ScarletAmaranth no, you have to use the Equals method
he did it wrong and they're not at the same address
can't use ==
@CatPlusPlus there is but thats not the name of it, same as a function is called a method and all kinds or herpies like filth in the terms
Ah I got arch upgrading, just needed to remove a bunch of stupid haskell crap
1:55 PM
sure. stupid. crap. no projection going on. haskell crap is the one projecting :)
(in all fairness, externalization would seem a more fitting word. But commenting in parens is more fun then using the backspace key)
> In Freudian psychology, externalization is an unconscious defense mechanism, where an individual "projects" his own internal characteristics onto the outside world, particularly onto other people.[1] For example, a patient who is overly argumentative might instead perceive others as argumentative and himself as blameless.
Yup, more apt (haha, pun intended)
Dear UI programmer: if you want to make a "cool" UI that searches as you type, make sure you don't search in the UI thread, because that means I can't fucking type.
@RMartinhoFernandes download a faster computer or Internet connection.
@classdaknok_t Some programs can't get fixed with that.
Eclipse sucks.
2:00 PM
Random example: Eclipse.
@RMartinhoFernandes Really? Eclipse UI in general WINs. IMO.
@classdaknokt it is even worse when using the CDT plugins
@Dev2rights I have to agree there. CDT doesn't feel like a nice fit to the eclipse RCP
NetBeans ftw.
@sehe That's not my experience.
2:02 PM
@classdaknokt that is the IDE to use
Netbeans isn't any better than Eclipse.
@RMartinhoFernandes Based on ~2 years of java there. Still like it when I need to do some quick java stuff
Well, the update screen search field is broken (see rant above).
@CatPlusPlus at least it has a decent user interface.
It's less configurable.
Besides, it's an IDE.
2:04 PM
I prefer a good UI over flexibility, but that's my opinion.
I prefer good UI and flexibility. But I demand flexibility (which in practice means, I do without UI)
I also prefer both, but a good UI has higher priority for me. I don't want to get frustrated by software that doesn't do what I want.
I don't see where Netbeans UI is better than Eclipse's.
It's pretty much the same.
Tiny crappy text editor pane and lots of useless things around it.
@classdaknok_t That sounds like you want either flexibility, or custom-made software.
2:07 PM
I dislike Eclipse's practice of keeping a local copy of my files.
"Is my butt is too big?" my girlfriend asked, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Sensing a trap, I fell to the ground and played dead.
Really? For me it's just two editors (one for the header file, one for the source file) next to each other and the project pane on the left-hand side.
The debugger is only shown while debugging, on the bottom.
@RMartinhoFernandes The 'does my butt look big' variation is more subtle to deal with, IMO
@StackedCrooked where do you usually edit your files then?
@CatPlusPlus huh. move things around. Define perspectives. Maximize editors. Hide floating windows. Whatever
I like the default layout of VS.
Or, alternatively, use vim.
Which I do.
2:11 PM
@CatPlusPlus With the risk of getting slapped again for mentioning java , the best IDE is intellij Idea for Java
I like that. Oh and yeah, ignore the include guards in the C++ file.
Except for the fact that it uses a white background.
Shut up.
The best IDE is vim.
There's no questioning it.
for java ?
2:12 PM
For anything.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, you did forget about the fact that "real programmers" use Emacs.
@ScarletAmaranth Real programmers use ed.
Apr 12 at 15:18, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Real programmers suck.
Real programmers use the editor that they like and don't care about the opinion of others. Now stop bashing.
@classdaknokt raises a good point
2:13 PM
@Fanael Real Programmers philosophize. They don't need to touch code. It materializes from their brains
Integer programmers > Real programmers
@sehe try telling your project manager that
I'd venture that all humans (and many other species) suck
On occasion
I'm an imaginary real programmer.
Im an irrational programmer
2:14 PM
I knew a real programmer in college. He spent more time writing code to configure emacs than he spent writing project code.
not sure i should admit that
@Dev2rights He already knows.
@Dev2rights Duh. Show me a rational human :)
@sehe Good point
@SamDeHaan "De Haan" sounds Dutch. Are you from the Netherlands?
@Dev2rights Why? It would be very very irrational to not confess irrationality
2:15 PM
@sehe and pretty stupid
Oh, i did forget to mention that NOONE use pyco ^^
@classdaknokt The name is dutch, but it came over on a boat a few generations back.
@SamDeHaan ah cool.
In a 3D game, how would I store rotations? Two directions?
A matrix?
2:17 PM
That reminds me, what's the best resource for learning quaternions?
I can plug the equations in, but I don't understand them.
lol Doxygen
@CatPlusPlus I'll try to learn how they work. Thanks!
@classdaknok_t That's one emotional response to Doxygen I don't often witness.
Well, I don't. Implementation details.
But I need to know how they work in order to implement them.
2:23 PM
Use Eigen.
I'll take a look at it.
You know what's surprisingly difficult? Creating a 2D logical equal-sided triangle.
centered on the center of a 2D grid
You know that all angles are 60º, right?
Doesn't sound that hard
I want deriving (Eq) in C++. :.
2:38 PM
@CatPlusPlus what do you mean?
I mean I don't wanna write operator== manually if all it does is compare all data members.
You mean liike operator==(.....) = default;?
(does that exist?)
That works?
I dunno
2:40 PM
error: 'bool foo::operator==(const foo&)' cannot be defaulted
@classdaknok_t you used the wrong image for that :P
@thecoshman why?
@Pubby, @classdaknokt this is the code I'm using now, it's OK, but far from perfect (indexing starts at 1): pastebin.com/zp8g4QPL
@classdaknok_t FYI never looked into haskell, but I imagine it without the ask
@rubenvb You could just make a function draw_regular_polygon(sides,x,y,radius);
2:45 PM
@classdaknok_t If it eliminates stupid boilerplate, sure.
@thecoshman weehoo
@rubenvb what's a binary triangle?
To me triangles are always ternary. Otherwise you'd have a biangle.
@classdaknok_t gelijkbenig?
@sehe I see.
@classdaknok_t 1's inside the triangle, zero outside
2:46 PM
Oh, nvm then
Not sure, but it'd be my guess (binary: 2 unique angles or 2 unique sides)
so I can multiply it with something and get a cut out shape (or in my case, the field inside the aperture, which I then FFT to get cool far field images)
A binary triangle has both sides and angles.
I don't get it
all the English geometry terms are very confusing
and hard to remember
Dutch ones are much easier
2:48 PM
I'm eating pizza today.
@sehe I worked that out all on my own :)
@rubenvb prog.hs:2:0: parse error on input %%'` ideone.com/NlMSO
That code doesn't look like Haskell to me.
lol, never said it was haskell. It's Matlab.
The coolest tool for simple-to-intermediate numerical problems
@rubenvb aha
2:49 PM
But I use Matlab in a functional way
if that's at all possible
the @(x) things are (anonymous) functions
Matlab is cool?
@Pubby once it works, and you get all the kinks out, it can be mean fast.
@Pubby google is your friend
Unfair fast really.
> Yes you can work out if you have diarrhea but you probably won't want to. You need to recharge the electrolytes in your body.
2:51 PM
@sehe Googling gets me here: koen.ytmnd.com
@sehe lol
@rubenvb What's so difficult about it?
@Pubby Duh. I did 'reply to an earlier message'. As always
@sehe Oh, I need to check what message you're replying to more often.
@RMartinhoFernandes my impl seems to be not quite symmetric.
but I say again, good enough for the current situation I need it for.
^ And that's how scientific software is written.
2:54 PM
(r*cos(a), r*sin(a)) for a in { 0, π/3, 2π/3 }?
@RMartinhoFernandes those are verteces, not a way to determine if a point is inside the triangle.
Ah, you only mentioned creating the triangle :)
well, yeah, with 1's inside, zero's outside.
My pizzas arrived. Später!
Next problem: do another FFT of a part of the FFT'd thing. Result: FFT of 100 grid points -> take out ~30 -> FFT 30 points -> uncredibly bad resolution (<- this is a guess)
2:59 PM
@classdaknok_t plus tard!

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