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There has to be more than one language.
And then you devolved into stupid philosophical garbage instead of just doing some research and asking a new, specific question.
Theory has much more room for simplification than practice.
At the very least one with dynamic types, one with strict types.
@nil +1
Correct, I could, but I won't, because what I would need to expound is at least several weeks worth of knowledge, if not months or years.
@LearningSlowly alright: we can't explain how to program a GUI. It's long and complicated. Get a C++ book.
But he's already got a book!
@LearningSlowly a book that teaches how to program a C++ gui
I am not interested in writing a Dummies book for you.
I imagine most other folks aren't either.
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are released every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a good C++ book...

I'm not getting paid, so no.
C++ GUI Programming Guide
@LearningSlowly "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield | Prentice Hall PTR Published in 2004" seems to fit your desires
Ok. Daar gaat ie dan. Dat is een.
Και αυτό πρόκειται να είναι χλιαρή προσπάθεια μου στον αριθμό γλώσσας των δύο.
И, наконец, я буду выполнять закон «троек» на русском языке в том числе и этого скромного начала к разнообразию.
You speak Greek and Russian? That's cool.
Dear god this is mind-numbing.
It's called Greek, not Great.
@sehe it's a member of a template parameter, and it hasn't gotten to the instantiation part yet. I have no idea what the problem is.
@MooingDuck Qt 3? You butter be kidding.
Wow. "Please be a C++ GUI programming guide"
Who comes up with that shit
@MooingDuck MSVC?
@sehe Somebody who makes commercials for Apple.
@CatPlusPlus the only one on the page with "gui" in the name
IIRC, Jeff Atwood has a blog post where he has the same book for his baby. :P
Lol video tutorial on C++.
No, it's not.
It's a video tutorial on C++.
It's a tutorial on C++.
It's on C++.
@CatPlusPlus Hey, STLs tutorials are nice!
Two facts about C++: people don't know C++, people don't know how to teach C++.
Exceptions are very rare.
And people don't know how to learn C++.
@Xeo Yeah, but he's one of 20 people who actually know C++.
Your first GUI for C++ for the first few months will be the console
@CatPlusPlus I prefer exceptions to return codes
Fault is in what you expect.
Its probably for similar reasons that possesives get they're spelling mutilated so frequently. — sehe 26 secs ago
@LearningSlowly Better start cracking
1 year, minimum.
Smoking crack for a year?
That's not healthy.
@LearningSlowly Reminds me of abstrusegoose.com/249
@LearningSlowly I think the recommended route is tetris, breakout, mario
Apr 25 at 14:49, by sehe
[03:55] <vipejc> does anyone in here have hockey programming skills?
[03:56] <vipejc> i know
[03:56] <Oluseyi> you don't program hockey
[03:56] <vipejc> ur so slow
[03:56] [Drevay] yah, you program games
[03:56] <Oluseyi> your question is malformed
[03:56] <Promit> "does anyone in here have hockey programming skills?" -- omg.
[03:56] <vipejc> ur brain is malformed
[03:56] [Drevay] vipejc, i think this is a vice versa situation
[03:56] <Promit> ...
[03:56] <Ainokea> I gotz mad hockey programming skillz
^ s/Hockey/Mario/g
@LearningSlowly that... that'd take at least three or four years to learn enough to get started.
But Mario is simple, right?!
It's just jumping and stuff.
How hard could that be.
After all, you can explain it simply.
Eh, this is funny and all, but I really should go to sleep.
@MooingDuck Nah, half a year.
@LearningSlowly You want to make it in C++.
@CatPlusPlus Nighty night cat
So that will take some time. If you want to do it quickly use Game Maker.
@LearningSlowly Would that bother you, if we couldn't?
The first semester at the Games Academy is restrained in their projects and they usually pull off quite a nice platformer within half a year
@LearningSlowly And you believe them?
@LearningSlowly Nice!
@Xeo With or without learning the language?
@CatPlusPlus With, there are many coders that don't know C++ when they get to the GA
@LearningSlowly Well, some of us would do a good job. Multiple of the frequenters here actually work for game companies. Others have proven their worth by posting their projects on github.
@LearningSlowly I freely admit: I've been programming in C++ for about 9 years, I got the highest scores in my programming classes, I work as a professional C++ developer, and I definitely could not program mario.
@Xeo Do they know programming?
Good question, for some I got the feeling they cheated their way through the entrance "test"
@LearningSlowly Many games are written with C++. More games are actually written in a mixture of C and higher level languages IYAM
wait, Mario couldn't have been written in C++... was it?
@LearningSlowly But is is a mix as well. It used to have unity script, now uses C# for behaviour/modeling
@MooingDuck probably assembly.
My team actually did a space invader-like clone mixed with guitar hero music stuff in the first semester. 2 coder, both relatively new to programming (I only did theoretical stuff before that) and with C++ and Ogre.
A: What programming language was Super Mario Bros. written in?

AttackingHobo6502 Assembler Here is a forum page about hacking the ROM. http://forums.selectbutton.net/viewtopic.php?t=26956&sid=1a883209e1ba63877bcd58c007bb63ae It should contain any code references you need as well. A few posts down there is a link to a zip file that contains these items needed to ed...

hah. of course, everything's been asked before
Shitty website; gamedev.se.
According to wikipedia, C++ appeared in 1983, and Mario Bros. was released in 1983. So no, not written in C++.
Could be C.
<teacher-mode>-1 Wikipedia is unreliable.</teacher-mode>
Nice answer there ^
@LearningSlowly no, but it makes a lot less mistakes
@LearningSlowly No. The plusses can't be capitalized in most (if not all) locales
Phew, much better.
@LearningSlowly Oh no, I thought that it signified something. After all, you are quite eloquent, I automatically assume that the choice wasn't aribitrary.
Misunderstanding, no issue :)
I admire you people
You are all so patient
I hate people. People suck.
@LearningSlowly There are problems and causes.
@NikiC just the ones still talking
@NikiC notice that DeadMG hasn't said anything
@NikiC We just don't care.
@sehe that too
I’m sooo sooo sorry for marking the flags as “invalid” … taken out of context they seem so innocent
@NikiC But thanks anyway. I must admit I have seen things get out of hand sooner.
With or without prime numbered user names
@KonradRudolph Bad you.
@MooingDuck aaaarghhh raaaeegggeeee kill all non-canines!
You butter be sorry.
wait, whats going on?
@KonradRudolph No need to apologize. We're a selfconfessed bunch of anti-flaggitarians
@DeadMG say woof
woof woof
@DeadMG louder
now I've debased myself for someone else's amusement
@sehe I fucked your mother like a whore and at the end she said "woof woof"
Now you need to rebase yourself.
@LearningSlowly Ah. you were away reading bios. Get a life
is that louder?
@LearningSlowly Or, more likely, he's just incompetent
@DeadMG No, come on we have a guard dog here to scare people off
@DeadMG :) I love how you fucked my mother 'like a whore'. You didn't have to take that role, really.
yeah, that's me, the guard dog
Now, bark up, or it won't work :)
I'm gonna go back to watching pseudo-myself get hideously and endlessly embarassed on Peep Show
@LearningSlowly Always. Generalize more. It becomes you
@LearningSlowly Most programmers can write anything after a few years, in any language. Don't worry too much about that.
This is not a forum.
So, yes, go to gamedev.net. You're in the wrong place right now.
They have a forum.
yeah, right after they learn the multiline comment delimiters, they can literrally write anything:
/* ---fuck off--- <embed shakespeare here> */
And IRC.
@DeadMG Is that some TV show?
What's your problem with crowded? It's not like you mind derailing a conversation.
Or two
@StackedCrooked yes
> Peep Show is a British sitcom starring David Mitchell and Robert Webb.
That says everything.
No, they mean someone else have explained it already.
That's why we have books.
@LearningSlowly How come they're all so dumb. It must be contageous. Perhaps, if you ask in a book store, because of singularity, they will accidentally start explaining everything, because mentioning books would be a little bit... obvious there.
So people don't have to waste their life explaining the same things over and over again.
@LearningSlowly Nobody is obliged to explain anything. Asking nicely and coherently helps a lot.
Because this is chat, and we do not answer questions here if we don't feel like it.
It's not a hard concept.
There is no such thing as a Simple Question.
Just stupid people :)
@LearningSlowly Nope. Because it ain't so much fun. Also, there is reason to doubt whether it would have the intended effect.
Or any effect beside further questions.
Great, now I'm reading Mario disassembly. Thanks a lot.
What was the question? Was it about Mario?
> One fool can ask more questions in a minute than twelve wise men can answer in an hour. --Nikolai Lenin
I have no idea what the question was. Any answer is ignored by the troll anyway.
@CatPlusPlus The dead tree version might be more restful for the eyes
@LearningSlowly ... than to Rot in a corner Reading a book
But if you rot13 twice, you're yourself again!
@LearningSlowly That's basic survival: they don't want others to compete for food
Now who's feeling superior.
@LearningSlowly Or it might be they have learned that the name of the joint doesn't actually matter
16 KLOC of assembly. Madness.
A better analogy would be, someone with no dining experience, or indeed table manners, ends up in a five start restaurant and asks what the cutlery is for. When given blank stares by the restaurant personnel, he starts offering them money: "How much would it cost for you to hold my cutlery". "O, it's for cutting the meat. I didn't know that was meat. Perhaps you can do that for me? Would $10 be reasonable"?
Silly waiters. That damn cook couldn't/wouldn't even answer a simple question.
@LearningSlowly When it's eaten, you can't pay enough for more.
Is this still going?
@nil Yup. I just laid another log on.
Gosh, guys, can't you just give him the secret answer and leave him be now?
@LearningSlowly Yeah, crooked analogy. I hope you enjoy it anyways
@nil He's getting it subliminally
@LearningSlowly See, now you're starting to get it
I love boost::value_initialized.
Makes sense to me.
It tastes so good!
Wait, no. That was from the World of Goo.
@LearningSlowly Well, I know a few persons (myself not excluded) who would be, shall we say, rather out of place in such a restaurant.
People do need dining experience. That's why we teach children to use forks and spoons and knives and knives and knives and knives and knives and later guns in some countries.
I'd love boost::optional if it had a fucking move ctor.
@LearningSlowly You certainly do if you eat in a restaurant where you have to know what the fourteen different types of forks are good for ;)
fucking move clittor
If you disturb the other patrons, however, that means you don't get to eat somewhere.
@nil I teach my children to program. They make tiny animations. In GIMP. Or Pencil. Haven't gotten round to C++ yet, because they can't read BOOKS yet.
How old are they?
@RadekdaknokSlupik What happens with a copy clittor...?
@RadekdaknokSlupik 4/6
@sehe it works.
@sehe ok, then I understand it. :P
C++ zou een trauma brengen.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Well, I suppose they'll start of with lisp. Hehe. Less syntax to learn
@sehe That's pretty old for icebears :)
@NikiC True
@sehe If they do actually make little animations, that's pretty dang awesome.
@sehe teach them daklang :P
The language without spec or implementation TM.
The imaginary language I'm writing a compiler for.
@nil I help them. It's because they like drawing a lot, and I scan things. Then I show them how to cut 'items' to different layers. You know how it is, they start dragging those around and - kids will be kids - they make up a little story.
Sounds like what my parents did for me when I was little, which is more or less how I ended up doing game art and whatnot.
Put the animations on YouTube and look at the comments you get. :P
Though they gave me tracing paper instead of a computer. Then I'd try to draw things myself over and over.
We actually visited a museum a few weeks back, and now my oldest comes up with many varieties of 'oerbeest':
Which museum?
That's unusually neat looking
@RadekdaknokSlupik Nah, I won't. My wife does share some things on facebook 'privately' but I hate the thought, really.
Looks like a sofa.
@nil That's Karel Appel, for reference :)
@RadekdaknokSlupik When you go there, (Cobra museum) you get to ask yourself whether it is children's drawings all around :)
I often go to painting musea. I like abstract art.
Anyway, it's midnight, and I think our friend is studying cutlery and Victorian Etiquette by now, so I'm going to head to bed
I went to one in The Hague a few weeks back.
@sehe Welterusten.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Yeah, I should go there once.
@RadekdaknokSlupik :)
@LearningSlowly Cheers
Can't wait till tomorrow.
@RadekdaknokSlupik *(why?)
I have now learned that Karel Appel draws the best nightmare birds.
I can continue working on my parser tomorrow, and maybe start with the code generator.
At least I think they're birds.
@RadekdaknokSlupik What, your compiler is on strike? Or does XCode have a daytime-only license option?
@sehe I need sleep too.
@LearningSlowly Way too old. It's not even funny anymore. I'm over twice Radeks age, and he's already in his decline :)
I'm a young whippersnapper.
@LearningSlowly Work with me
@LearningSlowly 18.4
On that note, I snore you farewell
I'm 23, less than 30 is young.
I'm 21
Too young to drive a car.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Iei, my age too :)
You can drive a car at 15 over here in Idaho. It scares me.

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