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10:01 PM
no good story ever starts with moderation
I have to inject .5ml of air into each infusion pump module line to make sure it complains and doesn't allow people to get bubbly veins
hehe sounds fun:D
Running suites of unittests is the new "It's compiling!"
The bubbles keep breaking up and it doesn't alarm. Take note, if you want to murder someone with an embolism, tap the iv line and make the bubbles break up into smaller bubbles
Or simply inject the air downstream of the iv pump. But that would be too easy
hi guys, a quick question, i have two arrrays, I appended an array to another a.append(b)

now i want to do something like "if a.append(b) do something" basically i want to do something if they are appended and if not i want to do something else

i tried if a in b, didnt work
is there a quick way to determine if a is actually appended to b
10:13 PM
Aside: did you really mean to do a.append(b)? That adds the b array as the last element of a.
no i meant otherwise sorry, anyway i tried both ways
Nobody has given a sufficient answer to this question of mine: stackoverflow.com/questions/30961846/…
@TanMath you could open a bounty...
@AaronHall what about remote copying/uploading? (now known as "Internet is down")
@Fischer: but a.append(b) will always succeed, so it's not clear what the condition is.
10:17 PM
@TanMath Make an attempt or add the code that you've written so far.
@Fischer What if I don't want to?
@tristan But if I don't know what to do, what attempt can I even make?
@TanMath edit the question to include a clearer case model/use case/question (if you edit it it will show back up on active posts)
@JGreenwell really? I have tried to do so for other posts but that didn't happen...
@TanMath "I was thinking of doing polynomial regression in scikit-learn using their LinearRegression model." make an attempt
Can anybody here answer my question anyway?
10:20 PM
That's not the way this room works.
@tristan sure, but what will be my input for this function.. I don't know how to format my matrix to input it into the function..
If you put more effort into your post, perhaps with your best effort at solving it yourself, I'm sure someone will come by an answer it for you.
@DSM if it always succeeds then I have a problem basically i am trying to remove duplicates before writing to file

for i in range of x
if row not in row2
then write to file
elif row in row2,
do nothing

thats the basic logic but not working
@tristan In fact, I am not sure whether this function can take such an input
@TanMath I think your asking for a matrix where each element of the matrix is a matrix itself? Its hard to understand that question. Also, yes editing a question puts it back in the active question queue
10:23 PM
@JGreenwell No, I have some matrices, which are really the output of this matrix function.. I want to find this matrix function by regressing each matrix element I want to directly input the matrix but I am not sure if that will work
@DSM so for each value of i, im checking if an array is contained in another array, if true, pass, else, make a copy of it in array2 and write to a file
@Fischer: even in the code you've sketched out there, you don't need or do an if some-condition-involving-append. And using row for a row and row2 for a list of rows is just going to confuse things.
what like a hat matrix?
@DSM is my comment confusing too?

if row_dup not in(row):
writecsv.write(str(row) + '\n')
cant indent in chat
Your variable names look backward to me. Don't you want if row not in row_dup:?
(And it's better to use a set than a list for membership testing, but that can wait.)
10:31 PM
@JGreenwell i guess.. except the predicted and response values are in square matrices (7x7)
@DSM thanks i didnt notice, changed all the code except that :) blind me
You might also be interested in the csv module. If row is a list, str(row) is going to have brackets on the outside.
@DSM true, im using the csv module, the output is like this [5, 7, 12, 1, 2]
@Fischer: it doesn't look like you're using the csv module. write is not a method of csv.writer objects.
hmm...put the math (or mathematical concepts; like I'm trying to implement a multiple regression matrix, 7x7, that... ) in your question it might help others understand what your asking: there are a lot of people on SO way better at this then me and it will interest them
10:36 PM
@DSM im using it for reading, not writing, i'll use it now, was just testing stuff
your current images are very generic and could apply to a number of models
Time to flee. Rhubarb for all!
actually, in this case might be better putting a use case as this may be an X/Y problem
rbrb @DSM
@JGreenwell I gave an example alreadt..
@JGreenwell so if it does, I don't mind if people use those other models
@JGreenwell and what is an X/Y problem?
@davidism thanks.. I saw meta was down too but it is back up
@JGreenwell I edited it.. is it better and clearer?
Also, quick question, is there a python-matlab interface?
also is there a python-wolfram interface?
11:01 PM
Cabbages, peaches and pears
nvm, I found how to do so...
Any of you guys getting a pyboard?
11:36 PM
anyone see a reason for why 'fCellList' is appended with a single 'myfile' rather than all the files in 'files' in this??
for fIndex, myfile in enumerate(files):
    f = open(fileDir + '\\' + myfile)
    fRows = f.readlines()[6:]
    for fRow in fRows:
        fRow_split = fRow.split(' ')
        for num in fRow_split:
            if num != '-9999.000': #and num != '-9999.000\n':
            for n in CellList:
                if n == '-9999.000\n':
11:51 PM
@AF2k15 Hmmm
@AF2k15 Please format your code with PEP 8 - at least make your variable names lowercase instead of camelCase

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