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7:00 PM
> @MartinShkreli @BillGates windows 10 gave me AIDS and I can't afford medication because of you
@ndugger noice didn't know that, but here they're talking about it on snopes so message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=56756
> snopes
stop spamming "no". :)
7:01 PM
@ndugger Look I don't have a med journal payed subscription so we're just gonna have to work with we got, which includes my excessive laziness and short attention span
and the inability to think for yourself
Ours is shorter.
Shreli: 'About to drop a hot unreleased album on my stream right now. Don't miss it.'
The man is dropping a rap album
and he tried to get into MMA
it's beautiful
@Luggage Our what is sh- SQUIRREL!!!!
omg, no squirrel emoji?
7:03 PM
who unstarred my star !
Questions end with question marks
which one?
@Luggage Not in chat, unless there's a unicode?
yea, unicode emoji
@ndugger Not in chat, unless there's a unicode ?
7:05 PM
@Luggage No squirrel unicode unfortunatley. There's a change.org though!
Hey guys, So i'm trying to make a custom overlay in Google Maps JS API, but I want to make it so the img when a User zoomed in and out the Div shrinks and grows. So when the user zoomed far out the img isn't small as shit
hell is not small
@littlepootis better?
7:10 PM
hell = undefined
if there is a hell, we're in it
hell = NaN
@Tarson depends on what you ate that day
nothing is equal to NaN
Do I have to use bounds for an overlay or can I have it place the Overlay at Lng, Lat?
7:13 PM
@KevinB Kind of the point.
Write code that does NaN === NaN;
x = NaN; x === x;
@KevinB noep
with (Number) {
    console.log(NaN === NaN)
is there a way to have my nodejs change its localhost and to be accessed locally via myhost.test ?
7:14 PM
that's the only way to test for NaN, btw
even that's false...
@ndugger you're close, but should be true
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean?
with({NaN: "slidepoop"}) {
    console.log(NaN === NaN);
7:15 PM
that's cheating
it does technically meet the requirements
Of course it's cheating, I asked for ideas for hacky code.
Did you think I was looking for an elegant solution you'd use in real code when I said make NaN === NaN ?
@ndugger I'm going to make an image hosting service with it
I'll tell you what I think after.
but for now, I'm excited to give it a go
I think it combined with some sort of css modules (like aphrodite) would be a good combo
@ndugger really?
That's a ton worse than React, the whole point of React is that you extend JS to handle templates rather than extend HTML to handle logic since the former is a lot more sound since you're still writing JS and all the errors are in JS.
7:19 PM
Yeah, I don't like how React forces you into class based programming.
Replacing React is fine, but you need JSX or some other form of literals.
Doing html templating is a giant step backwards.
@ndugger It doesn't?
@ndugger just how many classes do you think you need in React?
Is this room covers jQuery?
7:19 PM
a billion
there's no way to change localhost to any testing dns name in nodejs?
@ndugger use the stateless function components
@WTFZane we have @MadaraUchiha who is a world class jQuery expert and has W3Schools certification.
it covers javascript
7:20 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum they translate their templates into JS, and diff it that way, seemingly. I think that counts as html templating as much as JSX does
well im just gonna ask about the datepicker
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh god, I'm crying, haha.
@ndugger you don't need any classes in react except if you need lifecycle management - which is rarely.
Is there any easy way how to disable like all mondays?
@ndugger your code and errors are mostly in the same language.
7:20 PM
@WTFZane which datepicker plugin? there are a few
@WTFZane sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays
@WTFZane would you like @MadaraUchiha's home number? I'm sure he'd love to help you with jQuery he's very passionate about it.
I'll do everything I can to defeat this pathetic GMO labeling bill. It is not only misleading, it's toothless. The fight is not over.
@WTFZane I would totally disable all Mondays, worse days ever.
7:21 PM
I dont think so haha
Im just using this template "Avant"
search "jqueryui datepicker disable weekends"
answer will be the same, but you're more likely to find results.
i dont know how to tell which plugin is this
@WTFZane Then that doesn't help.
@ndugger what are you comparing to JSX?
7:23 PM
oh its ok. ive just found a question about it
That butter boy is kind of an asshat
two uninformed people arguing.
both are wrong
@Meredith I can't believe it's not butter.
Like I'm not gonna get into right vs wrong here
But he should probably stop interacting with people
7:24 PM
how your food is grown (and where) is important. Not all GMO is the same. A lot of food is modified genetically in some way and it doesn't mean it's harmful at all.
For everyone's sake
I think he's funny
I'm not saying he didn't say it, I'm just hinting at how easy it is to just put someones name on a quote on the internet
The overwhelming majority of Americans agree: GMOs should be labeled. https://t.co/KM1FWPg3wR
fair enough
7:25 PM
@ndugger Then what does that say about you?
that I have a sense of humour, you twit
I just saw a picture of text, then a contradictory tweet.
Actually I think non-GMOs should be labeled. That's how everything else works.
Which it is
that's a whole different thing
7:26 PM
Organic GMOs
@veronica they are, they are labeled farmers market and located in very odd places
Organic foods are overpriced crap.
even then might not be properly labeled :P
@littlepootis So will non-GMOs be soon
@ndugger Organic just means like no pesticides and shit
7:27 PM
@littlepootis mostly. but paying for growing methods isn't automatically bad.
@rlemon Still more complicated
I'm just nutshelling it
@rlemon just some types of pesticides.
Most of the time GMOs are a good thing, and people need to stop being afraid of their shadows
7:27 PM
I work in Agri. all serious farming is GMO
Interestingly, if organic beef farmers are unable to get organic feed for their cattle, they are allowed to feed them whatever is available and keep the organic label.
in Canada and the US at least
GMO Food is bad for you
@ndugger Yeah, and non-organic, and especially fucking gluten
7:28 PM
sure it is
air is bad for you
water kills
depends what the modification is.
Organic Gluten
You should only eat organic food
Do people typically use angular's emitters, broadcasters, and listeners? I'm only just now learning about it and i have no idea why
7:29 PM
you should only code organic js
Sun is bad for you.
Organic Red Bull
@rlemon worldwide
And never use a fork and knife, the metal in that can kill you - only chopsticks
7:29 PM
Also, no meat, or anything heated
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll gladly pay more for food that is grown in a more sustainable or healthy manner, but the organic label (at least here is the US) is bullshit.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Chopsticks can kill you too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you heathen, eating with tree penises? that is bad for you
tree penises makes you gay
you need to eat with your own utensils recycled from your own finger and toenail clippings
7:30 PM
proven fact
@Luggage Way back when I was a kid, the grocery store I worked at had in the back a big thing of apples. Half would go into the regular apple bin in the front, and the other half we had to wrap in these green styrofoam things. Those ones went to the "organic" area and got sold for 1.5x
@rlemon no, the chopsticks have to be made from steel which is not technically a metal but an alloy - alloys are good for you.
@Luggage what's more healthy about it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum make sure you add at least 40% lead by weight.
@BenjaminGruenbaum who uses steel chopsticks... they'd be too slippery. Wood all the way!
makes for a healthier meal
7:31 PM
and potholes are good for your alloys
@rlemon lead is great
what's more healthy about what? I wasn't pushing any specific methods.
we should add it back to gasoline
The problem with a lot of food is that they favor shelf life over taste and it ends up tasting bad, I don't mind paying extra for good produce but I don't have any illusions about it being less or more natural.
Then again, veggies and fruit in the US taste like shit - it was one of the things that surprised me the most when I got there.
I avoid buying food in cans.
7:32 PM
lead is fantastic when you're working with radioactive substances
Berries are decent, but tomatoes etc are pretty bad.
room topic changed to JavaScript: GMO-Free & Organic: Topic: JavaScript, ECMAScript. Read this: javascriptroom.github.io/rules. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | devdocs.io Documentation™ Helps. Room meta discussions: github.com/JavaScriptRoom/culture [ecmascript] [ecmascript-next] [javascript] [node.js] [rlemon] [stop-flag-abuse]
in the summer, when possible, I buy all produce from the Mennonites. cheaper
@rlemon Yeah I usually buy it in restaurants or grocery stores
@rlemon yes we should ffs
7:32 PM
like, a lot cheaper.
I just make a point to avoid palm oil
@rlemon except for beer
@BenjaminGruenbaum beer isn't food you silly goose. it is the lifeblood
7:33 PM
@rlemon challenge accepted
The question is not helpful in my case. btw. im using bootstrap-datepicker.js
@WTFZane hey, I have a jQuery question can you answer?
I suck too at jquery
@rlemon It's cheaper for the exact same reason stuff from China is cheaper.
7:33 PM
You must also suck at using google
pretty much
@WTFZane Great, please answer - are wood chopsticks better than steel ones or should you make your own?
@VeronicaDeane maybe, but they are setting the prices at least.
road side stands and the farmers market
I suck at sarcasm too
This is one of those topics where you can't put any importance on the way food is grown / distributed without someone with an anecdote about someone charging more for "organic" without any value. The world is full of people looking to fool you into paying more.
7:34 PM
How much is a pound of tomatoes over there?
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my Erathostenes' Sieve? It's not sifting at all.
I don't have anything against Indian people, but for FUCK'S SAKES, if you're a client and you know your accent is so thick that you're impossible to understand over the phone. PLEASE, just send the email you were going to send.
@BenjaminGruenbaum dunno about weight. farmers market I can get like a 4 quart basket for $3
@Trasiva then how will they practice?
@Luggage In person, with their coworkers.
7:35 PM
> with their coworkers
there are online places to practice language.
I don't have one offhand, but a co-worker learned spanish that way
for free*
@littlepootis Well, I don't want to waste five minutes to get that their name is Nasbing and they're looking for -my- boss.
@SvetanDimoff That's not even close to the Sieve of Erastothenes
For the record, I'm still not confident that was his actual name.
Probably not.
7:37 PM
@Trasiva on the same topic, will everyone in the USA living in the corn belt please learn how to speak proper english. "welllheyatheremanameizjimbobandwegotsssaproblemshere"
uhhh what?!
@rlemon I live in the corn belt and i am sure you can understand me perfectly fine
@rlemon The fuck part of the corn belt are you getting that from?
@HatterisMad clearly I'm speaking of the farmers
@rlemon hello
@Trasiva dude, Iowa's got some hicks
7:38 PM
@Trasiva you better start getting better at understanding an Indian accent then
@Trasiva My coworkers generally don't talk English unless they're talking to a native English speaker.
~ 1 in 8 people is Indian, if you don't plan learning a language they understand at least try to respect the efforts they make when they learn yours
@rlemon Oh, I won't argue that, but for the most part, most of the farmers around my area would put half these college kids to shame with their grammar structure.
Lol I totally missed Markers Google Maps I can use svgs for that lol. I think that's what I'm more looking for, fuck me. Just spent 4hrs fuckin with overlays
I saw a video a few weeks back of a Thai airways hostess making fun of an Indian womans english accent and ridiculing the indian girl in english for not being able to speak properly.
7:39 PM
racism is ok in other countries
@Trasiva and most Indians would put the same kids to shame. like Benji said there is a LOT more of them. statistically, you'll get pissed off more by them than by other cultures just because of the numbers.
The funny thing was the Indian girl had been living in England for many years and spoke nearly perfect english with a good accent
@BenjaminGruenbaum Look, I get that, I really do, but at the same time, don't get frustrated when -I- can't understand you.
The indian girl couldn't understand the Thai girls shit english.
I can't understand an english accent sometimes. :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Does that also mean that 1 in 8 developers is a jquery expert as well?
@Trasiva how many languages do you speak? I get the point you are making. it is frustrating in the moment. but god damn, for them to learn how to speak our language as well as they do... you can't really ask for more
@luggage she had a tint of the english accent but it was mostly plain accent, very easy to understand for most things she said.
@veronica what material are they using for shingles o.O
> a tint of the english accent but it was mostly plain accent
o_O ?
@veronica what
@rlemon I speak a little spanish, and a touch of german. Nothing fantastic, but I've been making an effort. I guess I was mostly venting, it's been a shit couple weeks and quite frankly, I'm about ready to just walk off and go off on a tear.
@HatterisMad What is "plain accent"?
@Trasiva if you are on the news, wave to us.
@VeronicaDeane Ben Stein
7:44 PM
@Luggage Better yet, have a contest, like Matt and Tom
@rlemon fuck lol
@veronica thought it was a thing? Been told many times that certain areas in the states have a plain accent and are best for TOEFL instructors because of this.
@Luggage That's not how I operate. Generally I just get a mess of 151, lock myself in my apartment, and drink until I'm bored.
That's racist
That's homophobic
That's homosexual
7:45 PM
That's the way
uhh huh uhh huh
I like it
uhh huh uhh huh
@rlemon you like little children?
that escalated swiftly
@HatterisMad yea. my area speaks the same 'neutral accent' you hear on TV.
neutral accent maybe that is the better term haha
7:47 PM
@luggage where do you live
Britain has its own neutral accent
@VeronicaDeane agreed
@HatterisMad that is an odd question
7:47 PM
It even has a name
@VeronicaDeane true, but supposedly british sounded more like modern american in the past
they intentionally made themselves sound all different
Well supposedly so, but I don't see how that's relevant
@rlemon Wasn't a question, google kc a little bit more
well the question mark indicated a question. otherwise I'm not sure what you were implying
7:48 PM
so 'neutral american accent' is more universal..
so you're implying that by referencing a band of which a member was a pedophile, I am by proxy a pedophile?
jokingly yes, but i guess we can't do that in here
not even jokingly, no.
quite a shitty thing to even imply
i could imply worse if you would like
7:51 PM
you could. and I could just remove the conversation if you would like.
probably for the best
@Abhishrek Hahaha, when I got the promotion email, it scared me too
I did this as direct response
echo " amazon.in" >> c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
7:55 PM
@VeronicaDeane o_o
I actually met Jared Fogle once. Our Delta Express flight from Indianapolis to Atlanta was struck by lightning
@taco Two cool stories, bro.
@VeronicaDeane ?
you met jared fogle, plane struck by lightning
Those are 2 seemingly unrelated stories
And they're both cool
and you're a bro
8:01 PM
I understood it as he met Jared on the plane, which was subsequently struck by lightning
Like I said before, you're odd Veronica :d
There's an even Veronica?
Veronica % 2 === 1
I also talked to Jared about meat
@taco Did he show you his special salami?
8:04 PM
@taco Were you of the age of consent?
@VeronicaDeane yeah I could say mommy daddy
@Trasiva He couldn't, people were queued up behind me to get on the plane. We actually talked about the Atkin's diet (don't do it, it was horrible)
what a little bastard
@Luggage what could be the output of a mod operation? and why === ?
@rlemon That's when you put some double sided sticky tape on top of it.
@CSᵠ === ensures that the types also match.
8:08 PM
@Trasiva indeed it does
just saying
@CSᵠ Seems to just be a good habit to get into, don't show @rlemon any code that uses == or he'll bring the wrath of a thousand Canadian Geese upon you.
a mod operation results in an integer output
== is just lazy and non specific
@rlemon dude, don;t be greedy :)
8:10 PM
I always use === unless I know I want my types seduced.
I mean coerced.
I mean confused.
@rlemon How's your garden doin'?
I haven't asked in a while. I assume apathetic
8:13 PM
in fact.. i need to conifgure eslint to warn me about ==.. even though I have enough warnings already.
@rlemon I'm joining your club in a week
homeowners club?
Congrats! o/
8:16 PM
although it'll just be field owners club for now
the home will be built on it
get a big box and sleep in it the first night
claim the land for your own
make sure to pee on every tree
dude, there are 20 trees, I ain't gonna pee on all of them in a night
not with that attitude you arn't
I'll get help from Robin
you the kid and the wife can probably get it all done in a evening
8:18 PM
let's do that
How far are they apart?
You may be able to do multiple at once
imgur.com/gallery/HvFYkgM well thats just fucking adorable
8:19 PM
@VeronicaDeane I guess I can do a couple at once, yeah
also it keep local animals at bay
highly recommended
@SterlingArcher Stole your link and posted on facebook
not my dog idgaf
was on reddit today
probably on like 100 sites now if not more
@rlemon the field is right at the border of a forest, I'm afraid they don't care about pee
8:21 PM
@FlorianMargaine you should put in a pond
I can help
over skype
:D or something
@SterlingArcher Oh my god.;
I lost it on the first shock
@SterlingArcher If I ever party with you, and you pass out on me, that's what's going to happen to you.
8:46 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=Jsx7ZvEwEhU nsfw but fucking hilarious
Get out of the sink, Elliot!
Get your bum off our tap!
@SterlingArcher Oh..oh no. THis can't end will.
The power washer? Oh my god.
not a great idea, that one
Oh my god, I can't believe they were roommates for so long.
These videos are amazing.

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