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1:00 AM
@TonyTheLion Yeah - I just opened that. It was a bad idea.
Btw, ape said the little German I uttered last night was good. </bragging>
It's funny, I have come to enjoy a sport of evading pointers like the plague and people still casually find a reason for a double-star point0r.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm eagerly awaiting the ape's report on yesterday.
He probably doesn't remember it.
@DomagojPandža I'm using a library that requires a double-star pointer, I didn't want to re-write the code that I am using because it's a quick implementation..
1:02 AM
@DomagojPandža There my be a good reason for it, but I'm not going there. Way outside my knowledge. Doan' wan' no Viterbi shit.
~ as a paramater
@R.MartinhoFernandes Too drunk?
What is the current topic of today's chatter?
put everything you can on stack (local variables) is what I have been told. It is faster this way, you don't have to delete anything and there is no pointers involved
@ProfPickle Blending people to fit in the ambulance.
1:03 AM
Blending ambulances to fit in the people
It sounds as interesting as Her Majesty's wombilly jumblies
@Telkitty ..till you have to communicate it to another thread.
Immutable values are best when multithreading is involved
So just copy it~
Somebody change the topic to something ambulance-related.
1:04 AM
@CatPlusPlus I concur.
ITT Blending double pointers with people to get ambulances
Fuck copying.
All who second the motion say aye.
@CatPlusPlus Pssst, did it work? :o
@MartinJames did mention everything you can ... if you can not, then don't do it >_<
1:05 AM
Copy that shit, value semantics
@ThePhD I'll try later, I'm trying to go to sleep now
Failing but trying
Well okay.
@TonyTheLion Wot? All 26 MB?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Something about ambulances. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
Except if the shit is a 40k verts model.
1:05 AM
There, ambulance related.
OK, thanks ;)
@DomagojPandža Why would you need to share a mutable 40k verts model among threads?
@CatPlusPlus Sleep well Cat-san~
Both throw and noexcept require a runtime check. Should this have a measurable performance impact? I can't reliably measure a difference..
@R.MartinhoFernandes We do what we must because we can.
1:06 AM
@StackedCrooked noexcept does not really need one.
Or in EDI's parlance: "That was a joke."
@R.MartinhoFernandes It should terminate if the contract is violated.
@StackedCrooked In the zero-cost exception model, only the throwing paths have overhead.
I see.
Anyway, unless I get some sleep, I may need mobile blending equipment, so g'night all.
1:07 AM
So you just set the throwing paths to std::terminate, and voilà.
I still meet people who don't use exceptions.
Silly people.
Should blend an ambulance into them.
Why do SQL DBMS' always think it's a good idea to accept date input as strings instead of having a fucking MAKE_DATE(year, month, day) function.
@DomagojPandža Fuck them as well.
@StackedCrooked It's basically equivalent to try { ... } catch(...) { std::terminate(); } around the function.
1:09 AM
Fuck stringly-typed languages.
I remember reading throw() was sometimes used as way to improve performance. But I can't see how.
The latest in line of such people:

"What was the word you used in your previous sentence... Something about exempts?"
- "Err... Exceptions?"
- "Right, is that one of those design patterns?"

Closest translation I can give you.
SQL dbs have a date type
exempts, haha
Isn't the first lesson in a C++ book, "Every program needs an int main() function"? — Rapptz 25 secs ago
I'm actually impressed
1:12 AM
@StackedCrooked noexcept can be used because you can test for it statically and provide different algorithms based on that. But you can't do that with throw because it is not testable.
Yes, but theres a way to make void ListaCircular::RegistrarUnaInclusion() as the main function, and i dont know how to do it — Roberto Hernandez 36 secs ago
@Rapptz Erm. I'm voting that as too localized.
@Ell yes but they are constructed from strings, which sucks.
Yeah same here.
I don't want DATE '1994-12-23', I want make_date(23, 12, 1994). I want integers, not a string.
1:14 AM
@DeadMG I'm putting up my company's website soon on the Nerve architecture, would you mind if I reference your site's tutorials or do you need more time to work on them?
Roberto is martinhos dyslexic twin
I get a lot of questions how to get started and your tutorials aren't shitty to begin with.
2013-03-10 02:15:21 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Detected leaking worlds in memory. There are 4 worlds that appear to be persisting. A mod is likely caching the world incorrectly

2013-03-10 02:15:21 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The world 634fd55e (world) has leaked.

2013-03-10 02:15:21 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The world 7e7f0b4e (world) has leaked.
You are playing with forces beyond your comprehension!
1:16 AM
Screw those worlds. I'm not sure they're even supposed to be here.
Anyway, those do sound like the kind of message you would want to log at the FML level.
What's a leaking world?
Martino/Roberto Fernandez/Hernandez Good At c++/Noob at c++
Memory leak?
1:17 AM
@sehe @Xeo It's up and running.
A: How to call a function in C++

Nayana AdassuriyaDid you try to search your error in Google? I'm recommending you to follow this tutorial before start to write your next C++ program. Because I think your are missing general knowledge of programming. In simply you must need main method for any program (not only C++ also most of the other langua...

Entropy makes sure Earth leaks quite a bit of shit.
@Rapptz lol
@LucDanton Wokay. Nice. Should I snapshot on the git level first?
@sehe Dunno, tbh you're the only one dealing with that :p
Go on
1:19 AM
Oh aha - will do.
y u write code in your native language? :(
@LucDanton And starting again
@DomagojPandža Who?
This guy who is trying to write a program without an entry point, Rapptz's link.
void ListaCircular::RegistrarUnaInclusion(){
ListaCircular *Lista=new ListaCircular();
I think committing every compile would be useful
I can forgive comments. But doesn't it just itch your brain when you write identifiers in non-english?
1:21 AM
@DomagojPandža It's Spanish.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know, irrelevant. :D
int hrvatskaFunkcija( int prvaGlupaVarijabla, float nestoStoMiTreba ) {
    // Ova funkcija je smeće.
Just... Wrong.
At least I can understand Spanish :(
But yours.. I cannot.
But I guess we should be grateful they're not typedefing types to their local language equivalents.
I write code in almost native languagw :D
@DomagojPandža "prva" :)
1:24 AM
Colour -> Color
but color is silly
@DomagojPandža #define :)
typedef long long alto alto
int -> cijelibroj
float -> plutajuci
double -> dvostruki
string -> niz
Polish is crazy
Hey, Scott! How's work?
1:26 AM
float -> flotar, int -> numero, double -> doble, string -> cadena
Nov 28 '12 at 19:42, by R. Martinho Fernandes
classe le_vecteur {
    taille_t la_taille;
    taille_t taille() const { retourne zisse->la_taille; }
A classic from the Lounge.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Made me smile, have a star
Portuguese is like French and Spanish mixed
Robot is so sneaky. His thirst for stars was too high so he rehashed a successful star mine.
And it's working!
1:29 AM
 razred jebeniVektor {
      velicina_t jebenaVelicina;
     velicina_t velicina() konst { vrati ovo->jebenaVelicina; }
That's like class the_vector. Did you mean class du_vecteur?
There's the Croatian equivalent.
I'm watching Top Gear UK on Netflix. Jeremy Clarkson is hilarious o.O
And also a dick xD
1:31 AM
klasse de_vector {
    grootte_t de_grootte;
    grootte_t grootte() const { retourneer dit->de_grootte; }
Why not Dutch?
I see I'm the only camelCase kind of guy here. :$
I am too.
PascalCase ftw
Actually I have silly mixing rules
Spanish isn't pretty
clase el_vector {
    tamaño_t el_tamaño;
    tamaño_t tamaño() const { regresar este->el_tamaño; }
1:33 AM
C++ standard library uses snake case for like everything but std::ios_base::Init. lol
Does anyone know how get g++ to allow the C extension ##__VA_ARGS__
@DomagojPandža camelCase masterCase :)
inb4 robotRage
it works with the cpp preprocessor, but for some reason g++ doesn't use that
@Borgleader lol
@Rapptz lol, "regresar".
1:34 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
snake_case for local vars and parameters, PascalCase for class names and function names, mSomething for data memebers
The biofuel is flowing!
@Ell I don't give my class members weird names like data_ or m_data, I just use data
Hungarian notation sucks with modern IDEs.
But then you get name clashes with parameters
1:37 AM
@Ell I use camelCase for variables/params, PascalCase for types/classes, and members_
s/ with modern IDEs//
In C++ I use snake case for everything but template parameters. Template parameters are Pascal case. :P
@Ell Not everything is private.
Just pure, simple, to the point, expressive identifiers are enjoyable to me.
Cryptic identifiers are enjoyable
like crosswords
1:39 AM
What I really dislike is misspelling abbreviations or proper nouns in identifiers due to casing conventions.
class HttpServer // fuck this shit; it's HTTP not Http.
Yes, I also bump acronyms to their legitimate caps, alpha male status.
Oh gawd, so laggy
Why does Http bother you?
1:44 AM
I need a new PC, ASAP ;_;
Lots of capitals bothers me :L
@Ell Because it's incorrect :(
It's HTTP not Http
HTTP is an acronym for HyperText Transfer Protocol. Http is a retarded word-like thing.
At least, it offends my brain. Maybe yours can live with it. :
Or an acronym cased for convenience :3
Well, nobody died because of bad naming conventions...
Fired, yes.
Died, no. Not yet.
1:48 AM
What? Which astronauts?
(FYI unmanned vehicles don't carry people in them)
Only astronauts I recall dying are the Challenger crew, launch detonation. And the Columbia crew back in 2003. due to termal shielding plate failure during reentry.
So unmanned does not mean castrated?
@StackedCrooked I lol'd hard. Thank you, kind sir!
Crew complements on both were like... 7?
1:50 AM
unmanned means becoming very hot & sexy women
Not bad for 30 years of STS flight.
@DomagojPandža There's more. Soyuz 1 and 11, and then stuff like Apollo 1.
But none of those were due to software errors.
That's because software was a foreign term to space agencies in those times.
@StackedCrooked ontmand :)
Onboard computers on many of those crafts were dick-sucking bad, even STSs had the same lousy hardware.
1:52 AM
unmanned craft = hot, sexy feminine craft
They called it "stable and battle-tested".
I called them technologically scared pussies.
During the Apollo landing, they managed to almost die because of a retarded gimbal lock problem.
Silly gimbal lock
Gimbal lock is a funny concept I find
@DomagojPandža I think you are exaggerating a bit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, "managed to almost die" sounds a hell of a lot better than "they had a hiccup" :D
At least it was managed.
1:57 AM
It wasn't anything unexpected either.
It was something they actually considered and designed for.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but still they ran into a pickle. Although, this problem has been eliminated with modern gyro designs.
104:59:35 Garriott: Columbia, Houston. We noticed you are maneuvering very close to gimbal lock. I suggest you move back away. Over.

104:59:43 Collins: Yeah. I am going around it, doing a CMC Auto maneuver to the Pad values of roll 270, pitch 101, yaw 45.

104:59:52 Garriott: Roger, Columbia. (Long Pause)

105:00:30 Collins: (Faint, joking) How about sending me a fourth gimbal for Christmas.
Guess everyone is not so privileged to enjoy quaternions. :D
Doesn't seem like a big pickle to me.
(That's from the official transcripts of the mission hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/a11.postland.html)
better than almost managed to die ... would sound like such a failure
2:04 AM
There are more monkeys sent into space than humans probably:
Before humans went into space, several animals were launched into space, including numerous monkeys, so that scientists could investigate the biological effects of space travel. The United States launched flights containing primate cargo primarily between 1948-1961 with one flight in 1969 and one in 1985. France launched two monkey-carrying flights in 1967. The Soviet Union and Russia launched monkeys between 1983 and 1996. Most monkeys were anesthetized before lift-off. Overall thirty-two monkeys flew in the space program; none flew more than once. Numerous back-up monkeys also went thr...
Ha. Good stuff:
> "So I was like, let me trace this, yo" [....]
> Sex & the CityHash [....]
> Enter Murmur [....]
> Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I rewrote your bloom hashes, so merge me, maybe?
^ Pull Request done right (TM)
u drunk?
> 100% Pinkie Pie approved.
@sehe He works at GitHub
According to his profile
2:14 AM
@Rapptz I found out. I'm still reading
Good night, good people. See you tomorrow. <3
> ..., concerned about recent studies showing that an average of 6% of men will commit a sexual assault during their lifetime, and that nearly all sexual assaults are committed by men on their own or in groups, are urging parents not to let their sons go out at night unless they are accompanied by a mother, sister, or trusted female friend. here
@DomagojPandža Good night
@sehe lol, there's a guy commenting all over the code suggesting to replace *4 and /4 and so on by shifts...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah I noticed. I cringed
Someone else subsequently took angelic patience showing that gcc indeed does optimize that. Well, duh
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because compilers are too stupid to make those "optimizations" by themselves if needed
2:26 AM
He works at Facebook, hm
@Rapptz The micro-optimization guy? Lol
All that PHP must be sapping his brain.
@sehe Doesn't Alexandrescu work at facebook as well?
package com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.factories;
import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.printers.StringPrinter;

public interface StringPrinterFactory {
    public StringPrinter createStringPrinter();
2:36 AM
@sehe ^ seriously.
@Zoidberg 584 lines of code.
Fail. I see no XML.
I can write FizzBuzz in three LOC.
@Zoidberg No shit
How dare he call it "Enterprise" without a single XML tag?
2:37 AM
-1 not enough Javadoc.
you made it sounded like Enterprise and online giants are made of mainly PHP and XMLs
Anyways. I liked it. It somehow looks "realistic". Which is the painful part. XML-be-damned
TIL HTML5 has willful violations of the HTTP spec.
One day I am going to write a software that automatically does all the upgrades for you
Language version updates that is
2:44 AM
^ had never seen this. looks a tad exaggerated IYAM. Stumped
@Telkitty: your avatar... it burned my eyes
Apology for the "Keep Calm and Rape a Lot" T-shirt fiasco: solidgoldbomb.com/pages/our-apology
publicity stunt
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... Uh. So they accidentally made a shirt, and everyone's giving them shit for it?
2:57 AM
cheapest way to get publicity is to create controversy
How did I get wget on Windows?
Did it come with MinGW? I don't get it
Gotta love JOIN.
Hm. I wonder, with the Maybe monad (as an example) and a long chain of binds, is it possible to actually have short-circuiting behaviour?
Haskell is lazy.
@Xeo yes
3:08 AM
@Rapptz just curl -O http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gnuwin32/wget-1.11.4-1-bin.zip
@Xeo consider Nothing >>= _ = Nothing and the fact that lazy evaluation is the default.
@sehe I mean I already have it. I just don't know how.
I don't remember actively downloading it
Hm... true, lazy evaluation will only go to the first Nothing when you evaluate the chain and check for Nothing.
It must have came from somewhere..
@Rapptz security audit logging :) no idea
3:10 AM
ITT when drunk, Rapptz downloads random *nix tools.
@Rapptz Well, the location where you found it should be an indication
I guess that would be a bit harder to do in C++ then, huh
Hm since it's in my path I can see what it is
False && _    = False    -- short-circuit!
True  && True = True
@Xeo I don't see why.
3:11 AM
@Rapptz No shit!
@Zoidberg (&&) = const False -- shorter circuit
Dammit, now I am the idiot.
Nothing too fancy there..
@Rapptz If it's in %SYSTEM32% I'd suspect a virus. They have a tendency to use wget, tftp and stuff like that to download payloads via backdoors
@Xeo The second argument to bind is a function, so you simply just don't call it.
3:12 AM
data Singool = Nope
(&&) :: Singool -> Singool -> Singool
_ && _ = const Nope
Anyhoops. Off to bed. Cya around
@Zoidberg OMG, you fail so much.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Welp, I was thinking normal C++-style ex_a; ex_b; ex_c; which would require full evaluation of each step, although anything after Nothing would be wasteful
@sehe Night
3:13 AM
@Zoidberg You cannot even write a worthless function without bugs.
It's because I'm confused.
(&&) _ = const Nope
So if you ever did a monadic binding chain in C++, you'd likely overload operator, to bail prematurely if possible... hm.
Fuck it, I seriously need to get that function-lifting proposal out.
That would change so much for the better.
You don't get the same level of laziness, but good enough.
3:15 AM
@Zoidberg No linky, since no proposal yet
(i.e. m, long_function_that_returns_a_function() would still call the long function, but could skip calling the result)
Oh. :P
lifting_proposal :: a -> Maybe Proposal
lifting_proposal = const Nothing
Of course, expression templates and shit.
3:16 AM
@Xeo win
I'm not good at Haskell, I have an excuse.
I'm not good at Haskell either.
> Whenever new technology becomes pervasive, but doesn't support certain features, it can create pressure to remove them.
But I got my SQL to work!!1
3:20 AM
okay so TIL of where
@Rapptz Where?
I did where wget on the console and it output C:\MinGW\bin
what the hell
Oh, so which
I was looking for an equivalent for Windows
3:21 AM
SQL builder monad.
Hm, I guess cmd doesn't have inline invokation, huh
@R.MartinhoFernandes Btw, the idea was return do[ _a = maybe_get(x), _b = maybe_get(y), _c = bind([]foo, _a, _b), return_(_c * 5) ];, or something along those lines
@Luc tried that before, FTR.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, linky?
Dunno. I think he gave up.
3:26 AM
Also, I should continue / finish this blog post
@Xeo what's your blog? I've never seen it
I'm invading the robot's blog.
Aka I have none :P
Just received my fourth yearling badge.
Time flies.
3:31 AM
Happy 4th Birthday
Q: Why Java doesn't support <<< oprerator

user1857Why doesn't Java support the <<< operator but instead supports the >>> operator?

this was tagged as C++ at first
so I was confused
In comparison to C++ probably
why left shit operator is not supported in java please tell me with example if possible i am a beginner.. — user1857 2 mins ago
What an idiot.
The answer tells that in bold font.
> why left shit operator
3:45 AM
@Zoidberg to be fair, he commented before that line was bolded
Still, it was there. :P
@Mysticial haha
Flag it as offensive!
@SethCarnegie To be fair, the answer is short enough that it would be hard to miss that part anyway.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, my comment was directed solely at his comment that it was in bold
3:51 AM
@user1857 I don't think there is any language with a left shit operator. Maybe Perl, though. — Zoidberg 3 mins ago
^^ brilliant :)
Btw Robot
I think I still need a good name for the ranking stuff - rank<N> kinda works for the overloads, but then I also want a nice name for the argument you pass.
Maybe select or switch_
And with switch_, the ranking type would be the obvious case_, although it doesn't quite fit.
Hmm... namespace ranking{ template<unsigned N> struct choice; using select = choice<0>; }, maybe
4:09 AM
Btw @R.MartinhoFernandes, in your "more type traits" post, how about Invoke<decay_reference<T>>? :P
Ugh... I can't make a good closure vs parameter example in scala for performance comparison :(
@Xeo Hmm, good point. I got used to not use Invoke on the posts before I introduced it, and I missed a spot :)
Hm.. also, do you ever talk about the problem of overlapping conditions in a post? I'd like to include a reference to that, if possible.
[rmf@persephone flamingdangerzone]$ grep -R disjoint _posts
_posts/cxx11/2012-06-01-almost-static-if.markdown:We need the two overloads to have disjoint conditions because to avoid
[rmf@persephone flamingdangerzone]$
Oh, it's in that one
4:14 AM
It's just that one sentence.
I only wanted to do a quick summary of SFINAEing with enable_if, so I did not go into excruciating detail.
I am reading a page titled "A composite approach to language/encoding detection" that is full of � all over.
It's on the Mozilla archive, so the most likely explanation is that their data store is Unicode-broken.
4:36 AM
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Do you ever link to an answer on SO in your posts?
I think I did so once or twice.
Just gonna leave that here in case some of you did not see it.
4:49 AM
You and your video links. :c
It's late, shouldn't you be sleeping?
Its not even midnight
ThePhD has a bedtime.
Ho ho, his mommy set him a curfew did she? :P

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