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4:00 PM
I guess I should get working on part 3 soon.
> reddit is under heavy load right now
@TonyTheLion Probably.
could anyone explain this?
@DeadMG first snippet is your code :P
error C2661: 'PassData::PassData' : no overloaded function takes 4 arguments
4:04 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Interesting. However I would also like to see some numbers. :)
Reddit is down :(
@TonyTheLion I'm down too : (
> Author starts out by assuming a non-existent problem, then tries to convince the reader that his half-assed compile-time sorting of type sizes will somehow magically resolve the non-existent problem he initially proposed.
The articles provide no benchmarks of before and after, just a lot of metaprogramming hand waving and "trust-me it's all good" sentiments nothing else.
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Hmm, does that mean that you are aiming at knapsack problem solver in templates?
what a dick
4:08 PM
@wilx How so?
my mother wants me to search through our rubbish for a three-week-old piece of plastic that broke off my chair
what the fuck
oh have fun :P
it's three weeks old, it'll have been collected long ago, and no way am I gonna search through our rubbish
There is a well-known algorithm for finding the optimal layout, and that is described in part 1.
4:09 PM
Oh, I have only skimmed through.
the usual reddit trolls
@lizardbill You suck man! Any good question I see on SO is closed by you.
oh ahahahaa
@TonyTheLion funny you should notice
@wilx Basically, you put types with stricter alignment first. That is a well-know trick for getting structs with the minimal size.
@sehe lol.
That is far from solving knapsack.
@sehe I think Bill is one of best mods.
4:11 PM
If robot solves the knapsack problem than that means knapsack must have been solved before in order for a robot to be able to solve it in the first place, cause else how did robot get programmed to solve knapsack?! Knapsackception.
I guess you are right.
Of course I'm right.
who do you think I am?
Mr. Wrong?!
I think my brain died.
4:15 PM
Good morning peeps.
@TonyTheLion So, you mean there's porn on Russia's iTunes Store?
Oh, wait, it's a bug.
I wonder how much an .xxx domain costs.
Dat feeling when no matter what you do, the errors keep coming.. ;F
@R.MartinhoFernandes 85 euro
4:18 PM
@EtiennedeMartel That sends me to Google.
@GamErix I found them for 75.
@R.MartinhoFernandes here
Fucking expensive.
@EtiennedeMartel wat. I need brain bleach.
@TonyTheLion Tumblr is full of weird stuff.
There's also a sizeable otherkin base there.
anyway is there in c++ a limit of two iterator arguments per funcion or something?
4:19 PM
@EtiennedeMartel yea. I would have thought that belonged on r/wtf or something
@EtiennedeMartel Soon GoDaddy will be broke assholes
At that rate anyway
@GamErix What?
I get an error when I pass 2 vectors .begin and .end() s
4:22 PM
@GamErix There's no.
@GamErix std::copy takes three iterator, for example.
@Fanael why doesn't the C++ compiler give me error that there is no appropriate overload : /
@GamErix Because you're doing something wrong.
@GamErix Cannot answer without more info (what is Polygons? How do you call it?)
@GamErix Show the call site.
4:23 PM
@EtiennedeMartel NSFW much?
@TonyTheLion Depends on your definition of "safe".
I wouldn't consider it safe here
when I remove the Polygon vector
and polygon argument Pbegin Pend
4:25 PM
then everything is OK
@TonyTheLion It's friggin text oO
@TonyTheLion I decided that I don't need an excuse. I've got some vacation days saved up, why not go somewhere for a week or two? :)
Unless your boss knows 4chan and recorgnizes the image style, I can't see how that's NSFW :P
@jalf Good idea, I don't blame you.
@TonyTheLion Because of the image of two people kissing?
4:26 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Perhaps borderline
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because 4chan.
@EtiennedeMartel ???
@kbok Tumblr, according to 4chan.
this is tumblr as seen by 4chan folks?
Well, the weird part of tumblr.
4:29 PM
I don't know that part and I'm glad about it
Google for "otherkin". It's the tip of the iceberg.
Oh, it looks like some kind of new religion
It's deeper than that.
You know, those people who feel like they were born with the wrong gender?
Well, now we have people who feel that they were born with the wrong species.
Well, there's a guy here who thinks he's a robot after all
well.. using std::vector<cell>::iterator and removing the template<> fixed it
4:35 PM
@GamErix Wait.
That does not sound like a fix.
More like a hack.
/*template<typename Iterator>*/ PassData(std::vector<cell>::iterator begin, std::vector<cell>::iterator end, int extraid_, cell MoveCost_, AMX * script_, std::vector<float>::iterator Pbegin, std::vector<float>::iterator Pend)
    : Paths(begin, end),Polygon(Pbegin,Pend)
@kbok And another who thinks he's a dog. And another who thinks he's an ape.
And another who thinks he's a lion.
@R.MartinhoFernandes i'm hacking and I don't know it, wow.
And another who thinks he's a programmer
@GamErix Haha. Silly. Do the types of Pbegin and of begin look the same to you?
std::vector<cell>::iterator and std::vector<float>::iterator?
4:36 PM
@kbok That's not exactly the same thing. Unless we're talking about non-human programmers.
Then why did you write them to have the same type (Iterator vs Iterator)?
Well, many people consider that another species
@R.MartinhoFernandes no difference?
You need two template parameters.
@GamErix Sorry, typo. Fixed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes tut on templates plz? :P
4:37 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes ye i know that <float> and <cell> aren't the same, but in the end they're just iterators O_o
> I’m super glad these conversations are being had around tumblr. It’s important to realize that every identity has value. I finally feel confident in coming out as a transplant transcontinental transparent. That is to say, despite my passing cis-appearance, I truly feel I am a rhododendron. And Australia. And your dad.
template<typename CellIterator, typename PolygonIterator> PassData(CellIterator begin, CellIterator  end, ... PolygonIterator Pbegin, PolygonIterator Pend) ...
aah :D
@GamErix But they are iterators of different types.
template<class CellIt, class PolyIt> PassData(CellIt first, CellIt last, ..., PolyIt pfirst, PolyIt plast)
4:38 PM
Couldn't sleep. Spent all night thinking about Unicode.
What a shitty way to ruin a night's sleep.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cool.
@ThePhD wstring?
@GamErix Calms down. No, Mr. Erix. No.
4:39 PM
@GamErix Hahaha, good joke.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There's even wheels in there?
@GamErix lol
What is that cis-something stuff?
@ThePhD a few bits of this, few bits of that, some additional bits, fuck it up (read: put in blender), voila, now represent it
@EtiennedeMartel That's why the robot said @Stacked is awesome.
4:41 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Since yesterday.
@Xeo Do you think if I mature it he'll even put my engine in there?
> warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'float' to 'cell', possible loss of data Z:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\xutility

How seriously useful.
@ThePhD No.
@Fanael :c
4:44 PM
@ThePhD :c++
So Wheel's tuple is better than std::tuple ?
@Xeo Well, I guess he's easy to impress.
Vim has :c.
@ThePhD No.
It is smaller than both libstdc++'s and libc++'s implementations.
It is slower at compile-time, though. (I need to benchmark to see how much)
4:45 PM
@ThePhD An implementation cannot be "better" or "worse" than a spec.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess it's two oranges slower.
And since it fits the spec you can actually make std::tuple do the same thing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, if you're a standard library implementer, you can make it std::tuple.
I think it is probably also smaller than MSVC's implementation.
4:49 PM
You don't want to be an stdlib implementer, though. Just think of the iostream hierarchy... yuck.
@Xeo Grab libc++, replace tuple, release under same license. whistles
hello.. anyone here have experience with std::regex..
I think it not being std::tuple is fine.
I'm using std::regex("[a-z][a-z0-9]*") but I have this error:

> The expression contained mismatched brackets ([ and ])

Is something wrong with the regex syntax?
4:49 PM
@rogcg Are you using GCC?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You forgot "uglify the identifiers" step.
I'm using g++ to build my app
That way, you can go with that for development if you want faster compile time, and switch to the optimized one for release.
Then forget it and use Boost.Regex.
GCC does not come with std::regex fully implemented.
4:50 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes well I've set -std=c++0x
19 secs ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
GCC does not come with std::regex fully implemented.
@rogcg It is not implemented.
@rogcg That doesn't change that std::regex is broken / not fully implemented in libstdc++.
They should not ship it all in its half-assed state, but what can I do.
I dont believe I'll have to use Boost
4:51 PM
That's called growing up :P
What the fuck is with the aversion against Boost with some people.
I used to believe in Santa.
I'll have to build it.. AGHH
@rogcg Unfortunately, you don't.
So that's not a reason.
4:52 PM
@ThePhD For Boost.Regex, you do.
of course I have to build regex lib
@ThePhD Boost.Regex is one of the few that does need building.
OH well then USE IT
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sadly, it's still unimplemented in 4.8.
Don't let them shove Boost down your throat like they did me RUN RUN WITH THAT REASON RUUUN rogcg RUUUN.
4:52 PM
@rogcg Okay, that much I can understand - bjam is seriously "ugh".
@ThePhD The alternative is to build any other regex library.
@ThePhD And what's he gonna use instead?
I hate that bjam thing..
@Xeo ... Uh. I dunno?
I'll have to use boost anyways.. That's what I'm seeing.. =/
4:53 PM
@ThePhD Then don't comment.
@Xeo bjam is so ugh I'd be glad to see Boost switching to GNU Autohell.
I've been looking for alternatives regex libs, but, nooo..
Man up.
Building boost only needs to happen once.
now I'm stuck until I found out how to build that..
Also, my distro has boost in the repos.
4:54 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes On VC11, I get "standard tuple has size 40" :s
@R.MartinhoFernandes sh: Man: command not found
So whatever.,
@Xeo Possibly it uses the straight layout, while GCC uses the reversed one.
Or maybe general suckiness, who knows.
why they dont fully implement regex in GCC?? What's the problem on it?
@rogcg Lack of manpower, presumably.
4:57 PM
@rogcg They will eventually, I guess. The real question is why do they ship it if it is unusable.
indeed. =/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Quick question about ogonek: What's the detail::coded_character<{encoding}> for? It turns up empty when I try to search for uses of it: it just contains a typedef.
@Xeo What do you get if you reverse the order of the types in the tuple? 32?
@ThePhD It's a range of code units for that encoding.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay. It's, uh. Being used as a return type though, and VC++ is complaining it can't take your initializer returns ({ /* stuff */ } ) and turn it into something usable. Is there supposed to be something actually inside it so it can return?
4:59 PM
@Xeo I bet you get 40 on libc++ too.
@ThePhD Who told you that thing works on VC++?
It doesn't.
I know it doesn't.
I'm trying to port it.

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