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@Borgleader I CAN'T EVEN
3:20 AM
@ElimGarak this too
@Borgleader Damn. "Your definitions of #YOLO were updated"
@Borgleader :D
3:39 AM
Q: About Downloading In Shop


I see Islam.SE continues to be inundated with high-quality, thought provoking questions.
protip: don't eat at Mickey D's
Yeah, I mean....
3:48 AM
Q: In Islam, are there limits on sex between a married couple?

ZeynebI know that in Islam people who are not permissible each other do not have the right to have sex, but what about married people? Are there any limitations on sexual acts that can be performed between a married couple?

this one is specific
> On the day of resurrection, Allah will not look at a man who had intercourse with his wife in her anus"—Narrated by Ibn Abi Shayba, 3/529; narrated and classed as sahih by Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 1165
alah pls notice
no you had sex with your wife in the ANUS
what what in the butt
so does "not look" mean good or bad
ahahahah, depraved religious bullshit
because a look from my parents was always a bad thing
usually it meant I'd done something stupid
3:50 AM
> Only if transgender have had a male and female sexual organs and his lust tend to men and women in the same time then he can't marry, if else then he can marry.
> if else then he can marry
how do you parse that
they really raised me by sarcasm and logic more than rules
@AlexM. strtok_r
why does this subreddit exist again
or substack or w/e
I don't think they expected it to go that way
Christianity and Jewish one are not as bad
I don't get them
3:53 AM
Me neither but the questions aren't as shit as Islam.SE
it's like their fetish is being oppressed
or having their lives dictated by some third party's rules
I srsly DGI
and it's not like society already imposes enough rules
they actively search for more
@Luc Do you watch Karim Debbache's videos
@AlexM. some people need that
I got addicted to this shit (instrumental is even more hardcore)
they need some pillar to rely on otherwise they feel lost
I'll go get some sleep it's late
it's 6AM wtf
it's early in a bad way
3:56 AM
@ElimGarak no enough techno and naked women what is this
it's 5 am and I really turned the volume up
thank allah for sound isolation
preparing for a gpu battle
which vs which
elim vs new-ish skin rendering approach
4:05 AM
I have an entire pint of hazelnut chocolate chip ice cream
and quite a few blueberries
I am a happy pile of rocks
this seems like some sort of warhammer 40k stuff
I hope I have not mortally offended your sensibilities with this suggestion
"The Minstrel Boy" is an Irish patriotic song written by Thomas Moore (1779–1852) who set it to the melody of The Moreen, an old Irish air.
this seems very metal
Man, why am I not Irish ayy
4:10 AM
@Borgleader I've started some basic benchmarking. Remember this is your fault.
why is ice cream + kahlua so good
I'd say it defies logic but there is clearly some sort of synergistic effect happening
me and cosh gonna sing this on mumble
this would be amaze as a metal song
it's already awesome
@ElimGarak s/mumble/discord?
4:13 AM
keep some strings around, maybe an electric violin or something crazy
this stupid gaem takes a million years to start
sing on discord pls
but swtor guise
@Borgleader what was thee name there, again? :D
lol msvc2005 redist
call your local archaeology club
4:52 AM
this example seems a bit contrived
it does not really explain why in hell you're providing a way of constructing different objects discretely so they can be combined with incompatible systems while not violating type safety
I would understand having a number of related interfaces and ways of accessing parts of a factory-made item to retrieve the interfaces
and I get that you normally would use only one source and I guess that's what they're relying on
because if you're supplying different functionality through an interface, I'm gonna guess the transformation supplied by each implementation isn't going to be interchangeable with another
so they're going to be coupled anyway
you know, the difference between a factory and supplying access to a member doesn't actually make sense in all languages, limited as my repertoire is.
> sol2 76 109 69 128 716
Guess where those numbers go.
in C# the two are almost equivalent, it's just in the case of the interface rather than the factory you're paying to keep something alive while you might not want to
I guess the contract is pretty much "don't be a moron and use two different implementations on the same set of data during the same set of operations" then
I stand by my assertion that that is a contrived and poor example though
@ThePhD up your butt
5:06 AM
@HubertApplebaum No but I know something else that goes there.~~~~~~~~
and with a factory you may decide factors both at the point where the implementation is used, and where the implementation is decided, without slight levels of awkwardness created by forcing all you need into a function call or three when it might help to persist state over those calls
@Borgleader ^ I hope you're fuckin' happy m8 I almost finished optimizing everything /cc @HubertApplebaum
We are literally almost the best everywhere.
> literally almost
what does lua-intf do with the function calls because that shit is cray
5:12 AM
0 means "unsupported"
well then
why is sol2 faster than plain for c function calls
Because we got hard in the paint with templates and we specifically use the functions that do not type check
The benchmark written here for plainC takes code that people use in just about every repo that does do the type checking and what not.
seems like next stop is object member call time
I sort of know why it's like that
5:14 AM
It's just a guess, though, I haven't benched it completely.
Well, in other frameworks when they make the call they let lua's internal index metamethod handler redirect the thing to the right name.
in sol, we override the index metamethod (for various reasons, including to support member variable looking for when someone does table.a = 24)
The way that works is the C++ index metamethod for sol gets called, it looks into a unordered_map, to find the right function, and then pushes that function back onto the lua stack before yielding control back to lua.
all I need to do now is figure out why you need one point of customization for whole modules and another for specific functions on top of the existing module customization
Lua then re-calls the function with the proper arguments.
We're essentially paying a 2x lua <-> C++ overhead cost.
this smells like a fun time to implement another logger
everyone knows there aren't enough loggers in existence
@ThePhD I see
5:17 AM
@ThePhD that's pretty neat
I tried to optimiize it so that it only got called once, but the thing is lua does NOT push the arguments that triggered the metamethod call until after it figures out WTF the metamethod is for.
So that's why I have to push the member variable / member function back into lua and then let lua figure out what it wants to do with its life.
lua needs to get its life together
preferably in one call
old pc so dirty inside #dissgusted
But yeah
I'm really glad that I like
basically went from being a disgusting pleb in the table chain category
to being the absolute fastest
And all without any hackery, just template.
Hail Bjarne.
praise the compile time
5:28 AM
praise be unto the compile time
5:45 AM
praise be unto thee who praise the compile time
@ThePhD <3 <3
@jaggedSpire <3 <3 <3
5:51 AM
yes we're starting a compile-time cult what of it
that name is up for review though
what do you think @ThePhD ?
I dunno, doesn't gel well with the name of the art itself: Templatomancy.
good point
5:54 AM
Well we clearly need to show appreciation for Bjarne in some way
Happy Bjarnlentine
blasphemy of Bjarne will not be tolerated!
@HubertApplebaum for He is the source of all compile-time love in this world
my phone has been stuck on erasing for way too long... :(
@ThePhD Stroustrupian Templatomancy?
@JABFreeware you should go outside and enjoy the fresh air
5:59 AM
@jaggedSpire at 1am?
all the better
it's refreshingly quiet then
its 40 degrees
even when there are gunshots in the distance they seem nice and muffled
@jaggedSpire yeah the piercing screams are deadened
there's a stillness only occasionally marred by the sirens of a passing police car or ambulance
@JABFreeware heh deadened
6:01 AM
I have a cold... I dare not venture outside my infected bubble
make yourself a warm cup of something or other then
A nice, hot glass of silence.
or liquefied soul
@ThePhD you should try it sometime
@jaggedSpire ... ;;
I'm sure you'd enjoy it :3
6:04 AM
@jaggedSpire I ran out of those... had my mom's this morning I think thats why I'm sick
yeah she probably cursed her stash
I-I'll pass.
nothing some alcohol cant fix...
@ThePhD for now
they are cheaper than coffee...
6:11 AM
you must be striking some killer deals with people then
my average soul is more expensive than coffee, though a surprising number do cost only a cup of coffee
people don't really think very clearly before coffee I've found
@jaggedSpire I harvest from a callcenter..
yeah I suppose quite a few there would just give their souls up to make the emotional pain go away
exactly! Comcast has served me well
@JerryCoffin Hello. How goes the evening?
> C++ 11 Auto: How to use and avoid abuse
No such thing as auto abuse
/cc @Rapptz
let's see what this article has to say
> Error 522
okay well
6:26 AM
>current year<
>C++11 articles
friends please we are in C++232832 by now
Tell that to the people living under a rock
> Why I haven't given up on C++ (josephanders0n.github.io)
disgusting blogposting
> Sure, but NSString is shorter than std::string. NSThread is shorter than boost::thread.
what is this winning argument?
where is it from
6:28 AM
> Tests vs. Types
> fiatjaf 3 hours ago
This is just Idris propaganda.
did I miss some C++ drama
Also, the chances of me getting off my pyjama before end of day look bleaker and bleaker
if you did so did I
> This is an article written in 2013. Things have changed, not a lot, but they have. Every time someone discovers this post via reddit I feel like taking it down – it’s not particularly good, it was written when I was quite upset with my lack of ability to become productive in C++.
thanks for the heads up
get out of them so you can get back in, like a phoenix rising from the ashes to become pyjama-clad
6:30 AM
@Rapptz lol
@Rapptz wow compelling argument
you know what else is shorter than boost::thread
yuh dick
lol this paragraph
> You have header files split from source code. Why? Because in the 70s and 80s it was difficult to have proper metadata in object files. For C, it makes sense: it makes writing a compiler a lot simpler, if you don’t count the number of people that killed themselves after writing the preprocessor of C. But we understand C. C is cool. C is simple. C is meant for other stuff.
I'd feel bad writing this article too tbqh
should have listened to the heads up
glory be
thank you
> Eclipse made me cry
the author is p. emotional
he seems to be going through a bad breakup
this is depressing
6:35 AM
> For C, it makes sense: [the header file/source code split] makes writing a compiler a lot simpler, if you don’t count the number of people that killed themselves after writing the preprocessor of C.
> It’s almost impossible to understand how you keep in standard containers objects created by some libraries.
someone never learned their data structures
> because you never know if you should create containers on the heap or not
what the fuck are you doing
> I want something that I can enumerate, which is what you want most of the times
sounds like a job for trumpets iterators
TBH I think the header/binary redist is a good model but it should be the other way around
i.e the header should be an artifact of compilation
that would actually be p nice
Single source file (à la C# / Java / anything else) cumpile -> .h + .obj
It's tiring to maintain .h and .cpp separately
puh-lease as dandy would say
actually I pretended to move on from his assertion that it's difficult to know when you want to make a container on the heap but I didn't
idg what he means by that
6:42 AM
the follow up article is extra bad
should I read the article
I feel like I wasted some part of my life
I'm really hoping he doesn't mean what I think he means
6:42 AM
> Every time someone discovers this post via reddit I feel like taking it down
you know what to do
where do you think I found it
which is that there are news scattered around his code for some containers for no reason and you know he's not using smart pointers
that's why he made a follow up article on February 13th 2016
saying that C++ still sucks
lemme see
spoiler: new article's conclusion paragraph
> C++ sucks

It does. There is a fun subset, it’s fun to have immense power, but as a language it can suck a lot. STL is ultra-verbose, namespaces are useless, you shouldn’t use features that are there to be used, and so on.
6:45 AM
I think I'll go for tea and scones somewhere
So British right
yes it's like there is some sort of backwards-compatibility in a language that has evolved from C-with-classes over the course of several decades
even though there are better options available for much of that old functionality
well as Robert once said, compiler flags to turn off/on some C++ features could lead to progressive improvement of the language
was Scott I think
I forgot
But the idea makes sense
turn off c++
6:50 AM
I'll go to Mandarin Oriental
maybe for this design pattern learning thing I'm doing I'll just implement loggers with every design pattern
only got one so far that isn't a logger
and really it's a text transformation service
text goes in, differently formatted text goes out, can't explain that
@HubertApplebaum Saw you commenting on YT again.
6:58 AM
More like reddit > YT.
6:59 AM
@MarkGarcia lol
what did I say
about that lip reader
7:19 AM
@HubertApplebaum dammit all the hot posts in /r/videos???
8:05 AM
TIL g++4.8 doesn't know about the std=c++14 flag.
Should I just use the std=c++1y flag instead?
I think so.
> Cmake
> Hardcoded absolute paths
Good fucking job you troglodyte build system.
8:27 AM
1 hour later…
9:28 AM
that looks like an angry cat
maybe just cat's lifestyle (grumpy) :p
10:02 AM
@HubertApplebaum allah can suck my dick
you read through the transcripts here, and then a sudden word is a like a punch in the face.
10:19 AM
oh for, someone please break the silence
I imagined a sumo warrior saying that
Need not to. He's a sumo warrior.
10:47 AM
The last bastion...
Sumo fights are awesome, especially live.
> tfw optimized benchmarks show no functions
I forgot the magic I need to make this work...
It's like I need to keep stack pointers or something right?
Use -fno-omit-frame-pointer?
funroll loops
11:02 AM
@ThePhD -fno-inline
... Riight, well, lemme just translate that to VC++ stuff.
@ThePhD /Oy-
> lua_loadstring
There has to be a way to run this without it analyzing the penalty of the string load so much...
11:18 AM
is uint64_t(1) >> 100 defined behavior?
11:51 AM
Hey !

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