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9:00 PM
Well, I kinda like java's executors. It's all kinda workey
Actually, omg.
"syntax is kinda crappy"? did you never learn COBOL?
I did learn the very basics of COBOL, and I wrote a video game in it.
Something like Akka would be nice except with real threads.
And fairly easy to implement.
9:03 PM
20 commits over the last 2 days.
am I doing micro-committing wrong
@ItachiUchiha, so.. what do you like about java?
@Jefffrey Almost everything, though I know there are limitations to java coz of the JVM, but still it is a very powerful language and has many API's which help you to built whatever you want to !
It is not a very powerful language.
@ItachiUchiha What other languages have you tried?
It’s very primitive.
9:06 PM
@DeadMG Yes; you do not commit enough.
@Jefffrey C, C++, PHP(though I never liked it)
@ItachiUchiha You should try Haskell.
@ItachiUchiha You should try Scala. You can use the same APIs as with Java but it is much more expressive.
@Jefffrey never heard about it !
@ItachiUchiha Java is one of the least powerful languages out there.
9:08 PM
@rightfold yeah I have heard a lot about it, though never got a chance to dive into it !
@DeadMG yeah, I know, when it comes to performance, java is disliked !
who said anything about performance?
I doubt he is talking about performance
Java's a shitty language and then it's slow.
Indeed; slow developer performance because the language is shitty.
So use a high-level language instead. :v
9:10 PM
@ItachiUchiha, well, if you like beautifully designed languages you should definitely try Haskell.
@Jefffrey And Clojure and Erlang too. :>
@DeadMG why would you say that ?
I just set a small mouse free from our cat :) The cat was just playing with it.
I don't mind, but I know it will be dead and really don't want to find it in the grass tomorrow
@ItachiUchiha You can count Java's language features on one hand.
So, I decided to set the mouse free while it still looked healthy enough to survive
9:11 PM
you can inherit from things, you can throw exceptions, and you can reflect on stuff, and that's about it.
LAMDA EXPRESSIONS being one of them
And the cat earned a "hunters meal" (soft meat)
the generics are shit, the type system is even worse than C++'s, there's no functional support (they might finally get LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS)
@sehe Jij stemde zeker PvdD. :V
many of the APIs are inheritance-abusing jokes because they have no other choice.
9:11 PM
Zeker niet
no deterministic destruction support
Wacht, ik ga raden.
@Jefffrey well I will !
not to mention random shit that's just slowing you down, like checked exceptions
hum...windows file names and paths are/can be wide... but char* argv[] is not...what happens if you get a path with wide crap as an argument? :s
9:12 PM
@sehe D66 :v
@melak47 There's wmain.
@ItachiUchiha and don't think it's a language only for joke/small programs
haskell is serious business
PvdD had nog dommere leuzen dan andere partijen ("weg met 30 miljard landbouw gelden" o.i.d.?! Als we dat doen kunnen we onze boeren helemaal wegdoen. Hoe denken we ooit nog in ons voedsel te voorzien als dat gebeurt? We kunnen niet leven van papier en gebakken lucht)
Die hebben de meeste stemmen in Schiedam na de PVV, dus de grootste kans dat jij erop hebt gestemd. xD
@rightfold idd
9:13 PM
Rucphen weer 40% PVV. xD
@DeadMG hm..ok, I've decided to not care about wide arguments!
Googling for 'Haskell IDE with form designer' returns.. well.. guess.
Is everything an object (as in instance of a class) in java?
you can also use GetCommandLineArgumentsW(), I believe, which is a WinAPI function that gives you the command line as a wide string.
@Jefffrey No.
9:14 PM
In Scala it is!
@Jefffrey Everything except a few basic primitives like int, etc.
@Jefffrey Most of the things are !
Can you create "free functions"?
@DeadMG well, and data types and methods aren’t objects either.
@Jefffrey No. But in Scala you can create package object functions which behave like functions directly in packages!
9:15 PM
@rightfold Nor are they values of any kind. They are both if you access them through reflection, though.
By the way. On the last night of "de avondvierdaagse" we past the house of a definite redditor. Let me upload that
Oh boy.
What is a "definite redditor", dad?
I want to write video game in COBOL too, (yes, I'm drunk).
scala> 42.getClass()
res1: Class[Int] = int
9:18 PM
What's Class?
scala di Milano?
Wait... are we talking about scala or java here?
Same thing.
9:21 PM
definitely not.
good evening rapptz
user image
That's how you know a redditor lives there
@Jefffrey In Scala, type Class[T] = java.lang.Class[T].
I'm going to a mini vacation for 3 days.
9:21 PM
@sehe lol
@sehe lol
@sehe I don't get it.
@sehe upload it to reddit :V
Nobody understood why I stopped to take a picture
9:22 PM
@rightfold I don't have an account
@sehe make one and be a millionaire
@Jefffrey C++ has class if I correctly remember !
@Jefffrey Indeed, there is def ???: Nothing.
that picture will sell like a motherfucker
@ItachiUchiha class and Class are two different things.
9:23 PM
def ??? = throw new NotImplementedException :)
@Jefffrey I'll see, I should have an old one
you'll receive gold on gold and you'll be able to... well... see the gold you received and stuff.
@DeadMG I am a beginner, so may be I got confused, can you please explain the diff
I should really shave my torso, legs and arms.
you really shouldn't
9:25 PM
Why not?
@ItachiUchiha a Class is a Java run-time reflection type used to represent classes at run-time. a class is just a class.
Also butt hair.
it's not manly, son
also try reading a book.
oh wait
9:25 PM
@Jefffrey good. :v
Also omg Equilibrium thank you YouTube thank you thank you thank you.
my back is hurting a lot
/me fixes Jefffreys back
the fuck did I do yesterday to cause all this mess
9:27 PM
@DeadMG I see, can you suggest one !
@Jefffrey Indeed, the fuck you did do caused all this mess.
lol :3 :*
Rohypnol's fault darling. You just don't remember.
@ItachiUchiha suggest one? of what?
4 mins ago, by DeadMG
also try reading a book.
9:30 PM
Oh god.
on C++?
Cradle of Filth, lol. Thanks YouTube.
the basics !
@Mysticial YouTube is bad and you should feel bad.
@ItachiUchiha search "c++ book" on Stack Overflow
you'll find a question with approximately 4286 votes.
That's the one you want to look at.
@Jefffrey Saying "RTFM" to someone will not teach him to read the FM.
I had already opened the webpage before rightfold posted it !
@Jefffrey like this? reddit.com/r/pics/comments/26bwzk/… NOw make me a millionaire :)
@EtiennedeMartel but it might give him/her a new idea
> worlds
9:34 PM
inb4 comment about spelling fail
> seherdt
I have a quick question, does reading a book really improves your knowledge, or you would suggest learning by doing i.e. write codes, make mistakes and learn !
upvoted by the way
the magic must happen in the first 10 votes
@Jefffrey rdt = energy conserving reddit
@ItachiUchiha both are required
9:35 PM
They are not necessarily required.
For most people they are, though.
I like to read a book first and then dive in.
@rightfold Always blame management. If you are management, you always blame the grunts.
@rightfold both are required. especially for people who think that only one suffices :)
@sehe I think you should remove 2s, in worlds and Redditors
9:37 PM
TBH I really only scan books. I treat them as a sort of "organized blogs" that feed me with ideas (or most importantly, vantage points)
@Jefffrey how? can't find edit stuff. I wanted to fix the spelling...
you can't?
I never like reading books, though I go through online guides ! May be this is the reason, I feel my basics are not very strong !
@ItachiUchiha You don't have a future in this field if you don't like reading, I believe.
@Jefffrey /I/ don't know how to :)
@ItachiUchiha I hate online guides far more than books
@Jefffrey Seriously ???
But I thought may be after college gets over, people ultimately stop referring to books ! :P
Not to bring you down, but learning is a fundamental part of programming (especially considering the ongoing evolution). Unless you are able to hire good teachers, the only way to learn new stuff is by reading books or articles.
Maybe not the only way, but good material is often only found in books.
Jefffrey, you're being trolled. Just saying
Celebrate my 1200th day on SO for me. I'm going to bed!
9:42 PM
night @sehe
(is the unconference still in about a month?)
@Mysticial do you think java is lame language ?
@ItachiUchiha That came out of nowhere. Depends on which part of Java.
37 mins ago, by DeadMG
@ItachiUchiha Java is one of the least powerful languages out there.
10:03 PM
I had a conversation with one of my flatmates last week where I mentioned that the most important thing I've ever learned was how to learn.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right. Because robots need to be taught how to learn.
it is when they learn how to learn it gets dangerous
aw shit.
I hate it when a test compiles but returns false.
then you get the joy of poking through this trying to figure out what's wrong.
That reminds me that I am still not too happy about the tests in nonius.
funny actually cause I saw the bug right away after reading the pastebin...
10:11 PM
It's really annoying when the primary features are so finicky to test.
Though I have a couple things that I can decouple a bit more to increase test coverage.
well I'm up to 111 passes and 17 failures.
and 9-10 of those failures are on features I need to re-design anyway.
All the benchmark registration thing depending on a global is a bit upsetting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have a std::call_once flag called "fuck_llvm", they have a global TargetRegistry and global InitializeTargets() functions.
That's horrible
it's super annoying because if you want to change what CPUs you target, you have to rebuild LLVM.
I don't know why something like llvm::TargetRegistry targets; targets.add(llvm::Createx86Target()); was too much for them.
10:19 PM
I have global registries because I don't want to bother the user with launching the driver manually, and because the end result is always an executable.
I.e. it's not a library; it's a framework.
In a library it's really sinful to have shit like that.
I despise many other behaviours of LLVM.
for example, you either have no input checking at all, or bring-down-the-process. Can't I have "Internal Compiler Error" instead?
I'm sure my users would rather see ICE than crash.
at least if you ICE at a specific location, the user can try to work around it or someshit.
Yeah, right.
But your point is still valid.
well, y'know, I could have other important things I need to do in my process.
like I could be running a VS addin, which is in-process for the whole environment.
My primary THAWing procedure is simply commenting out suspect parts of the code until the culprit is identified.
10:26 PM
It's what you do to get around ICEs.
You can also do it with grenades.
yeah, I inferred that, just curious as to what the acronym stands for.
Just the word "thaw" in capitals like ICE
fair enough.
But I appreciate the fact that you thought I had something more elaborate :)
10:28 PM
oh, by the way, how's this
It's terrible.
I figured I'd design a system for pluggable warnings; i.e. you can extend the compiler with arbitrary warnings or errors.
I'll provide some by default, obviously, but I figure that if users can add their own, it'll be more flexible
Hmm, doesn't that amount to pluggable static analysis?
eh, maybe, depends on how you define the plugin interface I figure.
LLVM has something similar for optimization passes.
as an aside, I could implement optimization passes in such a fashion :P
not that I have a great deal I actually want to optimize right now
mostly just simplifying the IR output so it's easier to debug.
4 beers is a lot appremtly
esp if you just woke up
10:42 PM
hmm, whoops.
apparently, I made it so that when you look up this, it can really be treated as an rvalue.
woop woop i think im drunk
Gotta eat somethin
You are drunk. You would never misspell "I'm" otherwise.
I also almost stabbed myself
i need foo
Act normal you idiot.
Cats don't need to act normal. They don't give a fuck.
10:48 PM
Also handling boiling water while youre drunk leads to bruns
Q: std::vector performance regression when enabling C++11

milianwI have found an interesting performance regression in a small C++ snippet, when I enable C++11: #include <vector> struct Item { int a; int b; }; int main() { const std::size_t num_items = 10000000; std::vector<Item> container; container.reserve(num_items); for (std::size_t i = 0; i <...

(We actually did hit that at work, which resulted in a 3-days-long ban of C++11 two days after it got initially allowed. :D)
oh god
fuck \=
Lets mumble
I need food badly
Riice all over me fuck
Who's on mumble and writhing code nerds
dlofthgir is.
11:02 PM
my tea is too hot
lets mumble
been a while
You guys killed Cat's discussion with himself.
@Griwes 156 upvotes for that? damn
#TW transphobia #is it transphobia if it is against otherkin
11:10 PM
There's a piece of rice in my capslock
and it's my
push voice thing
eating near your keyboard
Get on mubmle
I don't mic on my desktop :(
all I ever say while playing is "gg" and "there should be a rule so that only players in top 50 can buy flashbangs"
friendly flashbangs in CS are the most annoying things, next to a guy good with the AWP
11:20 PM
turns out that I named my LLVM types after the address of a random temporary on the stack.
two temporaries happen to have same address? these two types must be the same!
like, there's always this guy who hangs around a group of teammates, sees them entering a tunnel then goes
New web framework DeadMG on Drugs.
ah well I only got ~6 more test failures to hunt down
then a couple features to rebuild more fundamentally.
then I can move on to the new features I wanted to implement two months ago
@CatPlusPlus bruns suck :(
11:23 PM
actually, they do, I got like 3 drops of boiling oil on my arm and after almost 3 months I've still got marks
they're slowly fading out but damn
@AlexM. AWPing is boring, regardless of whether you're on the same team as the awper.
then again, serious burns leave permanent marks
so I guess it makes sense for burns to heal slowly
@DeadMG AWPing is not that boring, it's just annoying because if it's the enemy doing it I have to change tactics immediately, if he's not some newb
AWPing nights, better days.
happy me going towards bombsite, hear AWP behind the wall
and I go the other way around
I'm hungry.
You should eat then
@Jefffrey Eat with me.
11:30 PM
@rightfold Eat me.
@AlexM. <3
if jeffrey eats with rightfold
@CatPlusPlus You need to learn how to drink, bro.
and rightfold eats me
then that means jeffrey eats me too
I need to eat before drinking
11:32 PM
Also drinking is overrated.
@AlexM. Jefffrey is life. Jefffrey is love.
That.. Shrek... thing.
cat so randeom leol
11:44 PM
Sobering up is painful
life is too short to sober up
@CatPlusPlus that's why I don't get drunk in the first place
I only had one hangover in my whole life
11:47 PM
as long as I also drink some water I can keep on going with the alcohol
but that day, goddamn
I had received a gift and when I woke up it was all torn up on my floor
I had no idea how it's gotten that way
I do remember wanting to sleep some more
but not being able because of headaches and feeling like vomiting
never again
1 glass of water per 1 glass of alcohol
/me eats Alex and goes to sleep.
11:50 PM
just be sure to save something for later too :3
I need a better system for drinking
the internet is so slow today
even though it's friday
nothing happens
nobody posts on any forums

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