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4:00 PM
@JohnSmith Usually when there's something that can be written in recursive form, it's often able to be written using a for... loop or a while loop.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wut
@JohnSmith Perhaps you should back up and realize that (other than the default visibility of members) struct and class are virtually synonymous.
@JohnSmith There's no other point to using tail call optimization.
@Rapptz std::next requires forward iterators.
Oh right
Concepts Lite :D
4:01 PM
then it sounds like libc++ is decidedly superior to libstdc++ in this specific regard
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm missing why :s
@LucDanton For input iterators you cannot keep the original iterator, which is the whole point of std::next.
Is it? :( I just like the interface better.
With input iterators you can just ++it.
just gonna ask that q on SO
4:03 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Tell it Jonathan
okay, here's probably a very stupid programming question...
for x in range(1, currentSum+1):
     if currentSum%x==0: numberOfDivisors+=1;
@StackedCrooked MSVC2010:
addsd xmm5, QWORD PTR [rax]
add rax, 8
cmp rax, rcx
jne SHORT $LL69@main
should that return the number of divisors, or did I do something horribly wrong?
@Crowz Yes. :-)
@Crowz No. :)
@JerryCoffin hmm, it seems to return that there are 16 divisors for 499... seems wrong.
@EvgenyPanasyuk Er.. what is that?
@Crowz Try removing "+1" after currentSum.
4:06 PM
@Crowz Both ends of your range look...questionable. You typically only count divisors greater than 1, and the currentSum+1 doesn't seem to make sense at all.
@bamboon Where can I do that? I was thinking of filling a ticket on the bug tracker.
@JerryCoffin Is he counting prime numbers? I thought it's just plain divisors.
@tom_mai78101 well that definitely seems wrong, because it returns this list for triangle(7) (finds the triangle numbers, which is 28 for 7) [1, 2, 4, 7, 14]... 28 should be included.
@tom_mai78101 Yes, that's what I was saying.
@StackedCrooked here is pointers instead of iterators: http://liveworkspace.org/code/goc25$0 , exactly same code:
addsd (%rdx), %xmm0
addq $8, %rdx
cmpq %rdx, %rbx
jne .L522
4:08 PM
@StackedCrooked I like how your diff ouput does not highlight differences
fucking LLVM booleans
why did they have to do such an annoying system
cos it's fun to watch you squirm
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Feel free to contribute that.
@Crowz The basic idea is also open to a fairly trivial optimization: only look for divisors up to the square root of the number, and count each factor less than the square root as two factors.
@StackedCrooked Okay!
4:09 PM
Screw it. I'm pulling the plug on clang at least until I finish all the refactoring.
@StackedCrooked And msvc2010 pointers:
addsd xmm5, QWORD PTR [rcx]
add rcx, 8
cmp rcx, rdx
jne SHORT $LL51@main
exactly same asm to iterator version
[Running: words]
test/segmentation.c++:85: Unexpected exception with message: 'ill-formed Unicode string'
[Finished: 'words' 1 test case failed (1 of 6357 assertions failed)]
@JerryCoffin I tried doing that, but it complains in python for whatever reason when I do math.sqrt(currentSum+1)
@EvgenyPanasyuk Wait, that doesn't look the same.
4:10 PM
Why is someone posting assembly snippets for no reason
@Mysticial, compare msvc2010: pointers vs iterators
@Crowz If you're using that in a range argument it has to be an int
@Crowz I think the cure here is obvious: destroy Python!
@JohnSmith Personally I always avoid runtime recursion, although it's true some trivial examples will be flattened.
Non-trivial ones too.
GCC does more than TCO.
4:12 PM
@JohnSmith You could look at the source for std::list to see if there's any cleverness worth knowing about (inplace allocation for example)
@EvgenyPanasyuk Oh wait, one's Intel and one's AT&T. Fuck AT&T...
@JohnSmith Isn't there like, a math operation that rounds up?
assembly snippets
hmm, yeah this is fun. I can see the attraction.
@Crowz for i in range(1, int(math.sqrt(currentSum))+1) is what I mean, if you're trying to iterate to the sqrt of something
@Mysticial Yup -- just caught that after I sent. Sorry.
4:13 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit There is a difference at line 122. (Lol, that's just the begin() and end() call which is only used for the vector.)
rounding up you can use ceil()
Why the hell was that flagged?
@StackedCrooked it is not difference within loop
Where is Stepanov now?
4:16 PM
@Mysticial Who flagged what?
@EtiennedeMartel Stop
@Mysticial I didn't, but I can imagine why it was.
Why is everyone posting assembly
@EtiennedeMartel You didn't see it? Someone flagged your Pony link.
@EtiennedeMartel Your amazon link.
@StackedCrooked Stepanov talked about old compilers
4:16 PM
@CatPlusPlus Checking compiler optimisations.
@JohnSmith I know what you mean, but can I take the sqrt and make it an always integer number, if that makes sense? It seems casting it probably wouldn't work
The link is fine stop flagging
Well well.
I see some violent reactions 'round these parts.
@EvgenyPanasyuk ...and worse, running on/compiling for MIPS.
@StackedCrooked All clear now!
4:17 PM
@Crowz if all you are doing is scanning up by integers up to the sqrt, it's okay to cast it to integer
@Mysticial I wasn't looking.
@EvgenyPanasyuk But his presentation is very recent.
@CatPlusPlus My Little Pony books fine. Twitter oneboxes are not okay, though, huh?
Fucking retarded double standard
@StackedCrooked I should look to full presentation. Though at the begin he talked about some past.
tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough tough
4:18 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes hmm, don't know :P. Posting on bugzilla is probably the best, I just thought mailing him directly would somehow be faster. Pinging someone who is not in chat doesn't work right?
@JohnSmith well... that changed things...
A few years back, I played around with several ways to iterate:
1. Index-based.
2. Pointer incrementing.
3. Iterators.
4. Complicated combinations of 1 and 2...
The results were... interesting...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ...like shoe leather, it was.
If he oneboxes three Amazon links one after another I promise to bin them
@EvgenyPanasyuk He was specifically complaining about Microsoft.
4:18 PM
@JerryCoffin yeah! like BOOTS
@EvgenyPanasyuk Perhaps he forgot to turn of the debug iterators, lol.
@StackedCrooked lol! High-larious! Haw!
@StackedCrooked I heard such complain from him earlier. I will try on older compiler, which has debug iterators even in release mode
@bamboon No unless they were here recently.
is @BartekBanachewicz around? I am wondering when to use which`glDraw*` function
4:19 PM
@Ell Other people on the internet may be able to help with that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Not sure if something wrong with me or with you.
@StackedCrooked Ikr
@StackedCrooked The problem, of course, is that for a couple iterations of the compiler, debug iterators were used even when you tried to use full optimization, release-mode, etc. (unless you specifically disabled them by defining their special macro).
@JerryCoffin Yeah, I remember that it required defining two macros even.
And you had to do it the same for all projects.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Can you?
4:21 PM
@StackedCrooked Yeah, probably -- my brain has done a fine job of blocking those painful memories...
Fuck debug iterators.
"Fuck debug" some iterators. Go on.
@JerryCoffin It was enough to make you consider writing your own linked list class damnit!
They're life savers, but making my tests slow as molasses is not cool.
@JerryCoffin Found it: /D _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 /D _SECURE_SCL=0
4:23 PM
@StackedCrooked Trying to decide between a "the goggles do nothing" or a "We don't need no steenking debug iterators." Maybe the latter this time...
@JerryCoffin Those turned out to be a huge bottleneck in my Tetris AI search tree.
@Ell glDrawArrays probably
@StackedCrooked Not surprising -- they were a bottleneck in nearly everything.
another day, Clang declares another function with a totally fucking different signature to the signature it should have.
@StackedCrooked msvc2005: std::accumulate extracts raw pointer intreanlly: // _CHECKED_BASE retrieves the base of a checked iterator.
// The base type of a checked iterator is supposed to be more
// performant, but usually do not perform validation.
4:24 PM
@JerryCoffin I wouldn't mind debug iterators if they were only used in debug builds.
@StackedCrooked It's only one since VS2010.
@DeadMG That's from VS2008 actually.
oh, right, close enough
as I remember it is since vs2010
@JerryCoffin They still are.
4:25 PM
Hmm, smoked meat.
@EvgenyPanasyuk checked iterator is faster but does not perform validation? That seems like very bad naming.
@StackedCrooked I wouldn't particularly mind, but at least for my code, they rarely do much good either. Most of the time, I'm just using begin() and end(), or iterators returned from algorithms, so the chances of them being invalid aren't much different from the chances of a bug in the code for the debug iterator.
@StackedCrooked The base does not perform validation.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just figured.
@StackedCrooked No. std::accumulate extracts raw pointer from passed iterators with help of _CHECKED_BASE macro (i.e. "base of checked")
4:28 PM
@CatPlusPlus well. I was wondering when it isn't glDrawArrays. I know if you want to use an index buffer you use glDrawElements.
But the others must be there for a reason
@JerryCoffin Yeah, I like to avoid "advanced" iterator usage. So easy to shoot yourself in the foot.
Are those debug iterators still active in release mode?
@StackedCrooked Tell me about it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What do you want to learn more about in particular?
@EvgenyPanasyuk I doubt that it can just extract a raw pointer, but maybe an un-checked iterator (traversing something like my custom tree given just a raw pointer would be a little difficult).
4:30 PM
@StackedCrooked I was being sarcastic. I have been doing torturing myself with advanced iterator usage for the past few months.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
@JerryCoffin I made test on vector. of course other containers may have more complex "unchecked" structs
@bamboon Yes. You need special macros to turn them off.
@StackedCrooked lol, we are talking msvc here right?
4:32 PM
I think MS introduced those checked iterators when they were making Vista and were obsessed with security. Better for a program to abort than to allow buffer underruns etc...
@EvgenyPanasyuk Makes sense there. In fact, specializing some things for vector would make quite a bit of sense (commonly used and noticeable speed ups probably pretty easy to do in a fair number of cases).
@EvgenyPanasyuk Very good.
AOE II HD is fun.
@Zoidberg Ah, I should try it!
@StackedCrooked Wait, really?
4:34 PM
@StackedCrooked indeed!
you need special macros to turn off YOUR FACE
@R.MartinhoFernandes At least that was the case with VS 2008. I needed to do ` /D _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0` and /D _SECURE_SCL=0.
@JerryCoffin yes, locality rulez
@R.MartinhoFernandes In VS 2008 you did. Not in 2012 (or 2010, if memory serves, but you know how reliable that is in my case).
@JerryCoffin remembers VS 1962
4:35 PM
@StackedCrooked I just use boost::container::vector et al. If your project is library, changing macro may break compatability.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit In typical old fart fashion, I probably remember Visual C++ 1.0 better than I do VS 2010.
@R.MartinhoFernandes too much comma abuse
@JerryCoffin :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit There is no punctuation in my message.
4:38 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahahahahaha
@R.MartinhoFernandes in the post
what is the most efficient way to calculate a prime? I think my method is fairly... bad.
> Then, you guys send me checks, and I send you the microscope slides with my spit.
for x in range(2, int(math.sqrt(a))):
        if(a%x==0): return False
return True
@Crowz Do you want to find a prime number, or figure out whether a specified number is prime?
@JerryCoffin whether or not a number is prime
4:40 PM
@Crowz looks good enough to me.
Doesn't work when summing up every prime under 2 million
@Crowz y u no space around operators.
@Zoidberg cause I'm not doing bash shell scripting
if a % x == 0:
y u no using ( )
@Crowz Usually, you start with a test against small primes, but if the number is very large, you don't want to use that exclusively. If a number is big, you usually use a few iterations of Miller-Rabin.
@Crowz For something like that, you almost certainly want to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes (or one of its close relatives).
@JerryCoffin doesn't that involve making an array, iterating through it and setting numbers equal to 0?
@Crowz Yes, something like that (e.g., you can start with them zero and set to 1, though it makes little real difference).
@StackedCrooked Notes on Programming middle of page 11
I should sleep. Good night everyone.
4:45 PM
I had a thought.
@tom_mai78101 Later.
To maintain time, the computers internal clock is always running, right?
@Pawnguy7 Me too.
@Pawnguy7 quick, kill it!
@JerryCoffin I'm a bit concerned about how much space that would take. 2 million integers in an array?
4:46 PM
Sigh. Soon enough I will stop leading with that.
Good idea
@EvgenyPanasyuk Interesting.
What's the rest of your thought?
@Crowz You only need 2 million bits, or about 250KB. Easy to handle even in the DOS days...
@Pawnguy7 I used to have that too.
4:47 PM
Well, the rest of my thought depends on the condition.
@Pawnguy7 Yes.
@JerryCoffin That's more than one third of enough for everyone!
I made some code for the visual studio compiler, but now when i'm trying to port it to g++, I can't get it to work...
Ok. So... I have to assume that takes hardly any power, but... how long, exactly, would that last?
@JerryCoffin and will fit nicely into a small corner of the CPU cache too :)
@Marckvdv you probably need to fix your code
4:48 PM
@jalf Thx for the help :)
A CR2032 battery is a button cell lithium battery rated at 3.0 volts. It is commonly used in computers as a CMOS battery, calculators, scientific instruments, watches, and other small devices. The BR2032 battery has the same dimensions, a slightly lower nominal voltage and capacity, and an extended temperature range compared with the CR2032. It is rated for temperatures as high as 85°C or as low as –30°C, while the CR2032 is specified over the range -20°C to 70°C. BR2032 also has a much lower self-discharge rate. Using a BR2032 in place of a CR2032 will not damage equipment, and in mos...
I made python crash, I must be doing something right!
Wikipedia does not tell how long those things tend to last...
@Crowz If you're still bothered by that, you can use the square root trick, plus leave out the bits for all the even numbers, which gets you down to something like 89 bytes (but trickier code).
@jalf Do you have experience with g++?
4:49 PM
@Crowz but it's not your code style!
@Marckvdv Yes?
@Zoidberg Are you playing online?
But start by reading the compiler error message
@StackedCrooked Not yet; friend's at work.
4:50 PM
@jalf one sec...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Typically around three or four years or so.
I played single player in the train.
Then try to understand it. (This may involve googling and/or looking at your own code)
> Service Life 20 ± 2℃ Initially 940 Hrs. or Longer, after 12 months 910 Hrs. or Longer, Continuous Discharge Under 15 kW Load to 2.0V End-Voltage
No idea what that means.
@jalf /tmp/ccqEtDWT.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x62): undefined reference to `Image::Image(std::string)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
4:51 PM
I tried to parse it, but it is beyond me as well.
@JerryCoffin isn't an integer 32 bytes? Meaning I'd be allocating an array of 61.03515625 Megabytes?
@Marckvdv that is a linker error. You get very similar ones in Visual C++
@jalf except that Visual C++ does the linking for me
@JerryCoffin Then I guess a clock does not cause a 15 kW load to 2.0V End-Voltage... because that gives about five weeks.
@Crowz 32 bytes
4:52 PM
@Crowz A typical integer is 32 bits (4 bytes). But you only need to store one bit to store whether any given number is prime.
@Marckvdv so does g++, as long as you tell it which files to compile and link. :)
Is said battery rechargable?
I had a function that ran in like 3 minutes. Profiling it slowed it down to about 10 minutes. Visual Studio analyzing that took like half an hour. I studied it for half an hour. 94.28% of the time copying iterators. I just profiled a debug build... >.<
most likely you need to pass it the file which defines the symbol it can't find (Image::Image(std::string))
@R.MartinhoFernandes Usage in a computer is intermittent -- typically only used while computer is unplugged.
4:53 PM
Ah. That would make sense, only while unplugged.
@Pawnguy7 No.
Of course, this laptop quite literally lives on the plug, so... I guess I shall never have issues.
@JerryCoffin Still, I'm pretty sure my computer can stay off for five weeks without losing the clock :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes It doesn't take that much power to drain it that fast, don't worry.
@JerryCoffin sorry, a bit lost... wouldn't I have to allocate an array of 2 million -2 integers? What I was thinking was fill an array with every number from 2 to 2 million and then iterate through, setting non-primes to 0
4:56 PM
@jalf Thanks Jalf! I was trying to compile a file with -o whilst I had to compile every file separately with -c.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes -- the battery backed RAM in a computer doesn't draw much power. In a computer, the life span is normally just the shelf life if the battery.
Actually, perhaps you can help me.
> The battery uses non-aqueous electrolyte so leakage is less of a worry for the user. It can also stand a wide range of temperature and it may last up to 5 years for normal usage.
This was living on the plug, and then the battery was replaced.
@Crowz You only need booleans.
4:57 PM
@Crowz No, you only need one bit for each number, to say whether that number is prime or not. ideone.com/GrwnXW
If it charges, it lasts... say, decently. Hour plus some.
Woot, 55k
However, it never charges past 23%. Ideas?
My housing has a massive fan on the port access side which needs to be disconnected from the motherboard to gain access to the inside. I really dislike opening it. The longer it lasts, the better.
Does it work with a different battery? Does it work with a different charger?
4:58 PM
@Marckvdv you don't have to compile all the files separately (unless you want the .o files). You can jsut pass it all the .cpp files at once and it'll compile and link them
then you return the index of them, and that's the numbers that were prime?
@Crowz Yes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Couldn't say, only have one of each currently. Odd thing is, sometimes it goes up to 100%, seemingly randomly, and other times it doesn't. I want to say the battery "remembers" something incorrectly, not the charger.
@Crowz Ahahahahahah, it's 32 kilobytes. :P
It is always plugged in, not charging. But it must charge, otherwise it would die. So for whatever reason, it thinks %23 percent is... full, maybe? I don't know.
5:02 PM
@Crowz lol bytes
Windows claims it performs normally, but I don't know. I thought I once read cycling it in a certain fashion fixed something of this sort, but I couldn't say for sure.
They should make the words not as close... hah
I always get 'em mixed up because isn't a character 1 byte? So I always get other things as "bytes" then I remember the number associated with them
@Pawnguy7 Not sure what sort of rechargeable battery you're dealing with, but NiCd batteries were rather notorious for "memory effect".
@Crowz tip: "character" has many contradictory meanings. char is 1 byte.
@MooingDuck ya well a char array in C is a byte array, yeah?
5:04 PM
@Crowz yes
@Pawnguy7 IME once your battery starts behaving weirdly there's no going back.
@Crowz but some characters are 4 bytes
@MooingDuck on different encodings, right? Something about UTF-8 or whatever
@Crowz yeah, UTF-8, UTF-7, UTF-32 can all be 4 bytes. Most encodings can be up to 4 bytes per character
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, odd thing is, if I remember correctly, this has happened since the start. (since replace).
@JerryCoffin If this were true, is there a proposed fix?
5:05 PM
You should probably have sent it back then.
If it is the problem.
@Crowz I take it back, I was thinking codepoints. There's no limit to the number of bytes per glyph.
@MooingDuck Well, actually most can't. Most of them are single or double byte ones that cover small character sets.
As I said, I would think it is, but I am not certain.
@R.MartinhoFernandes er, right. Mentally I incorrectly count the codepages as a single encoding :/
5:07 PM
@Pawnguy7 Googling should turn up quite a bit of info. The basic idea is to go through full cycles of full discharge and full charge several times. Note, however, that with other types of batteries this can be counter-productive (e.g., lithium ion generally reacts poorly to being discharged too deeply).
Hey, maybe I could use that for Coliru.
Q: What is the name for this template programming technique, and is this standard C++?

Violet GiraffeMy boss who has written this code calls it a default template parameter, but I'm not sure it's the name. This looks somewhat like partial specialization, but with more intuitive syntax. Is it even standard C++? template<class T, bool auto_delete=true> class ArrayPtr : public Array<T*> { public:...

Not sure if I would want to work for his boss.
Cool that he uses templates, but bad that he reinvents wheels.
And vector, it seems.
That's it.
Oh yeah, and that
FOR(i, Array<T*>::GetSize()) delete (*this); No way this is going to fly, assuming the macro is a for loop.
5:10 PM
Holy - wait.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah I was wondering about that
That function gets called from the destructor. And *this is not a pointer.
I should stop now.
Seems kinda like endless recursion
No wait, Array<T*> must have a conversion to a pointer
delete *this what the fuck.
5:12 PM
Apparently there is a... I don't know the proper name, I will say batch command - called powercfg.
Does that even compile? *this is never a pointer.
@Xeo: I no, rite? He has his own special style :) But you're dodging the topic. — Violet Giraffe 13 secs ago
@Xeo Does that really help?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes? Same as with delete std::cout.
Or do you mean "help" as in "makes it better"?
If that, no, lol
Even worse.
5:13 PM
@Xeo Oh of course LOL.
The code is terrible.
@Zoidberg overload operator delete also might work. (is that even possible? I've never done it)
@Pubby It has to take a pointer as argument.
I'm off now. Later.
I have a bad idea what Array<T*> might do
On every conversion to pointer, it releases that pointer!
Also, "special" as in "special olympics".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good luck, have fun and bye.
5:16 PM
Your boss has a very special taste in code formatting too. — Haroogan 1 min ago
Hm. When browsers try accessing html files located in system32, (or perhaps just in windows altogether), it claims it cannot find it. Interesting. (permission issue)
@Pawnguy7 why are there .html files in system32 ._.
When I opened command prompt as administrator, it is that dir, and the command generated a .html log file.
5:24 PM
@Ell I'm here
@JerryCoffin IT appears to be of LION chemistry, rather than this. Any theories?
XNA is dead, huh?
@Pawnguy7 Oh yeah - so it does. How weird is that? cmd.exe even more crappy than I already thought it was.
5:36 PM
@JohanLarsson I suggest bypassing the issue. Execute all lawyers.
I approve
@Pawnguy7 i have seen many rooms, but this one is...
@JohanLarsson We could patent the atmosphere and licence it to everyone for free, unless in the legal profession.
and executives
5:40 PM
..and bankers
I guess 'executives' would catch the bankers in the net :)
> Since I want excellent performance, and I find that C++11 and many library features (such as smart pointers) obfuscate the program's logic, I end up writing a lot of C-like code, which tends to be verbose, ugly and unsafe. The most irritating example is the fact that I have to use C-like error handling, since C++'s exception system is practically unusable.
Haha an idiot!
@MartinJames I think the executives are the root, I don't blame the engineers and the lawyers they just do what they get paid to do.
@Rapptz Idiomatic C++ programming is different than my programming style therefore C++ sucks.
I went through all the effort of logging in to Reddit just so I could downvote that comment.
5:42 PM
Wots wrong with C++ exception system? I throw one, it gets caught. Is there supposed to be more to it?
I suppose if you're using raw pointers with exceptions you're in for trouble
@MartinJames "Since I want excellent performance [...]" in /r/gamedev was code for "I suck".
@Zoidberg: You changed your avatar :O you must now rename to CatBerg (in honor of Catbert)
What a terrible name.
5:44 PM
@MartinJames You can't throw during stack unwinding (ok, you can). The standard exception classes don't inherit from std::exception virtually. For the rest it's a solid system IMO.
@Pubby I do this. I'm in no more trouble with exceptions if I use raw pointers.
@MartinJames You like writing several deletes before every throw?
Raw pointers must not own resources.
If they do, you are either implementing a smart pointer, the standard library, or badness.
Is there anybody admin here?
5:47 PM
@Zoidberg Meh.
@Servant Yes, me.
@Pubby Hardly ever happens, (in my code, anyway).
I have seen a lot of .htaccess topics got closed.
I own a Minecraft server on which I'm admin. I'm also admin on my own computers.
Hence, I'm an admin.
5:48 PM
@Servant that means they are bad.
Otherwise they wouldn't get closed (duh).
@Rapptz And thus the great cycle of game programming idiocy continues
@Zoidberg So, that means URL rewriting is an off-topic?
@jalf I don't program any games. From what I've seen so far, it's a good choice.
@Servant did I say anything about off-topic?
5:51 PM
Bad doesn't necessarily mean off-topic.
But yes usually .htaccess belongs on Server Fault not Stack Overflow.
@Zoidberg Why I have seen a lot of them get closed for the reason of an off-topic?
1 min ago, by Zoidberg
But yes usually .htaccess belongs on Server Fault not Stack Overflow.
@Zoidberg Thank you!
Another riveting four hours of sleep.
Today is just a ball of fantastic.

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