Pantelis Sopasakis


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Jul 9, 2015 12:10
@nabijaczleweli Could you please give me a short example or a reference?
Jul 9, 2015 12:06
@nabijaczleweli So either a unique_ptr or a shared_ptr would be the best choice to have unambiguous memory management...
Jul 9, 2015 11:52
@nabijaczleweli Alternatively, I can of course do a Q = new Matrix(); and then *Q = QQ; - what do you think?
Jul 9, 2015 11:51
@nabijaczleweli The truth is that I didn't explain it very well before... so, what I'm trying to do is this: Which in C++ for a class, I guess it would look like this:
Jul 9, 2015 11:22
i.e., you define what = stands for, so you can specify that = implies some sort of initialization
Jul 9, 2015 11:21
@LucDanton OK, but in C++ there's also this peculiar thing called an assignment operator, so I thought that initialization in a way could take place therein
Jul 9, 2015 11:19
because it's not pointing anywhere unless you initialize it.
Jul 9, 2015 11:18
@LucDanton Yes, got it... you would need a int *i = new int. Otherwise you cannot assign a value to *i
Jul 9, 2015 11:16
@nabijaczleweli OK, it works. Now, the behaviour of *Q = QQ is determined by the assignment operator, right?
Jul 9, 2015 11:14
@nabijaczleweli Let me try it...
Jul 9, 2015 11:14
@nabijaczleweli And then, should I copy QQ into Q? Or just have Q pointing to a memory address I want...
Jul 9, 2015 11:11
Hi All! I would like to create a class Quadratic with a private member Matrix * Q; which I need to initialize. However, instead of copying data into my Quadratic objects, I would like Q to just point to these data. I tried building a constructor like this: Quadratic::Quadratic(const Matrix& QQ) {*Q = QQ;}, but I'm getting a segmentation fault - and I would like to avoid *Q = new Matrix(QQ) because this would copy QQ into Q...


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Apr 17, 2015 15:14
and I want to remove them from the executor service and stop them as well
Apr 17, 2015 15:13
By the way, what I want to do is execute various jobs each one of which has a different timeout
Apr 17, 2015 15:13
I see...
Apr 17, 2015 15:10
Are there any standard ways to deal with this common problem?
Apr 17, 2015 15:10
Yes, especially if you're working with an executor service that doesn't automagically ressurect dead threads...
Apr 17, 2015 15:08
@Unihedro So, there is absolutely no way to kill that thread?
Apr 17, 2015 15:08
But, what if I cannot access the method call?
Apr 17, 2015 15:07
it merely sets the flag Thead.isInterrupted to true. I would normally have to check whether Thead.currentThread.isInterrupted() inside my Job's call method.
Apr 17, 2015 15:06
Now, I know that future.cancel doesn't really kill the thread
Apr 17, 2015 15:06
public void test() throws Exception {

ExecutorService exe = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
Job j = new Job();
Future<String> future = exe.submit(j);

while (j.getStarted()==null){ /* wait until it starts */ }

assertTrue(future.cancel(true)); // cancel

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 10000) { /* wait here! */}
Apr 17, 2015 15:05
and I want to cancel it, so I wrote this code:
Apr 17, 2015 15:05
Hi All! I have created this Job (which is a `Callable`):
class Job implements Callable<String> {

private volatile Long started = null;

public Long getStarted() {
return started;

public String call() throws Exception {
started = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - started < 10000) { /* wait here! */}
return "OK";
Oct 21, 2014 01:19
@JackOLantern I did some benchmarking and I will now update the question. The block size was the most important tuning parameter. For a block size of 16 there are cases for which the kernel performs really bad.
Oct 19, 2014 21:11
Yes, I did a quick benchmark and I'm getting better (but wrong) results. So, I first need to see what is wrong and come up with a correct implementation first. But, I think it's an excellent idea!
Oct 19, 2014 20:51
This part of the code:
if ((nRows % block_size == 0 && nx % block_size == 0)
|| (m < num_hor_blocks -1 && bid < gridDim.x - 1) ) {
covers cases of total exact tiling (both dimensions of the matrix are multiples of 16), or the tile totally covers the matrix.
Oct 19, 2014 20:49
I'm using a different type of if-else block for inexact tiling. That's what I'm using n_star for
Oct 19, 2014 20:48
Yes, I understand, but then I do for (unsigned int e = 0; e < n_star; ++e) {..., i.e., uninitialized values of x_shared are not used
Oct 19, 2014 20:45
I created a git repository where I've put the latest version of the code:
Oct 19, 2014 20:38
I moved the discussion here following the suggestion of Stackoverflow
Oct 19, 2014 20:37
@JackOLantern Are you using the latest version of the code (in the question)? I've tested it for row and column sizes 1 to 512 and it works fine for all their combinations. I can post the code I used to test it if you like.
Oct 19, 2014 20:37
@JackOLantern You're absolutely right! Actually I should have put a cudaMemset(dev_y_cublas, 0, n_rows_max * sizeof(real_t)); (I updated my question now). I compare with compare_results(dev_y_cublas,dev_y, nrows);
Oct 19, 2014 20:37
@JackOLantern Thanks for the hints! I'm re-running some benchmarks and I will update the question if I see some difference.
Oct 19, 2014 20:37
@RobertCrovella OK, I see. I just didn't want to overload the question.
Oct 19, 2014 20:37
@JackOLantern I updated my question with new benchmarking results and I also posted the new kernel and uploaded all the source code on github (see link in the question). I'm playing with the profiler trying to understand what can be improved in the code.
Oct 19, 2014 20:37
@JackOLantern OK, this is true, but still I'm running cuBLAS on the same platform. I'd like to know whether I can somehow get rid of divergent threads (i.e., to get rid of these if blocks that account for inexact tiling...) Is there some standard practice?
Mar 28, 2013 20:24
Hey Robert, you were absolutely right! The problem was the configuration of CUDA...
Mar 27, 2013 23:36
Thanks a lot!
Mar 27, 2013 23:32
What order of magnitude of execution time should I expect?
Mar 27, 2013 23:32
Version 304.43
Mar 27, 2013 23:31
Just a min
Mar 27, 2013 23:31
4 devices (Tesla C2075)
Mar 27, 2013 23:31
I'm using CUDA 5.0 (nvcc ver 5.0)
Mar 27, 2013 23:29
I thought it's better to move the discussion here.
Mar 27, 2013 23:29
@RobertCrovella Yes, I tried to wrap it in a for loop and execute it 10 consecutive times; All execution times are around 4s.
Mar 27, 2013 23:29
@RobertCrovella OK, the admin enabled persistence mode on all GPUs. Now the execution time is 4.5-5.5s, but isn't it again too high?
Mar 27, 2013 23:29
@RobertCrovella I tried, but I'm getting an "Insufficient Permissions" message (I'm not in sudoers). I sent an email to the admin, but I have to wait. Is there some other way to go?


C Programming Language Board: It's like an answering machine; ...
Jan 23, 2013 22:29
but it turns out that mymatrix and mymatrix2 behave exactly the same - i.e. my matrix[i]=mymatrix2[i] for all i=0,...,15
Jan 23, 2013 22:28
and float* mymatrix2 = *A; (which should be a bit different!)