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gonna be so cool to have GPS on my motorbike anyway
stopping and checking directions felt too uncomfy
I'd be awesome to had a hud built into the helmat
@thecoshman mmm
especially if it worked out where you were looking, and could do all fancy shit like
@R.MartinhoFernandes ^
@BartekBanachewicz oh, fancy
look nicely made too
looks a bit heavy for a bicycle wheel though
> Funding Unsuccessful
This project's funding goal was not reached on September 20, 2014.
oh well
@BartekBanachewicz how heavy are they?
@thecoshman 30g or promised 15g if stretch goal was reached
@nabijaczleweli So either a unique_ptr or a shared_ptr would be the best choice to have unambiguous memory management...
> On a motorcycle, our test riders could not notice the effect of CycleAT. On a bicycle, the effect was very minor, but could be slightly felt at very, very high speeds and while turning.
@fredoverflow no and I'm not interested in it.
@PantelisSopasakis shared_ptr, since you are passing it a pointer already
@thecoshman TMPS are quite common already
@thecoshman You can get such DC-DC converters in the form of a box. Dirty 12V in, clean 5V out. The ones that are chips just require some external capacitors.
garmin sells sets for their motorcycle navigation
@BartekBanachewicz lol what? "If we can make more money, we'll magically make it lighter, or stop adding weight for no reason" I'm out
how about "we'll put more time in making it lighter"
I want friday already
it might mean using more expensive components for example
@Potatoswatter ... or just use some cell in series to give me the ~5V I need for servos
@BartekBanachewicz vOv maybe I'm too skeptical
@thecoshman w/e other systems exist
@nabijaczleweli Could you please give me a short example or a reference?
things don't work and I don't know why
and they also don't make sense
@rightfold Why not? Abandon OOP? ;)
@BartekBanachewicz huh... reading through (well, skimming) the Irish rules for single vehicle approval (ie to make scratch built cars road legal) and I think that technically... motor bikes might actually fail the test... as the tank forms a 'wall' with the passenger compartment... but then maybe the lack of 'compartment' negates that rule...
@fredoverflow no idea who the guy is and the talk doesn't look interesting
@Xeo What's your test coverage?
ah you maen gokarts
@rightfold Alan Kay invented object-oriented programming.
I caught a common mynah bird in a garbage bag today ... the birdie went in from a hole to get the food inside but could not get out. I caught it in the bag. Took 2 pictures and released it.
@fredoverflow There's no test coverage for localization working in Development build but not in Shipping build
There is so much hate talk about OOP but yet everybody uses it
@thecoshman why would you want it road legal anyway
@fredoverflow I don't like people who introduce disasters.
buying a trailer for a buggy is less hassle
@khajvah Were you by any chance thinking people are rational?
More like people like to hate-talk
@Ven is it a disaster if the VM doesn't allow some characters to be used in type names?
Such as [ and ;.
@BartekBanachewicz oh, I just curious what the regs were for Irish SVA
@rightfold Why would you want those as part of a type?
@rightfold Java arrays need [ and ; right?
@fredoverflow No idea.
But I need some way to encode type names in module files.
@BartekBanachewicz no I mean on a motor bike, you are more or less sitting on/against the fuel tank... which sort of brakes the rules for SVA
I wish JavaScript were less terrible and had maps with weak values instead of weak keys.
I wish a year had 256 days.
So Programmers Day would be the last day of the year? :D
No, because days would be numbered from 0 to 255 ;-)
@thecoshman motorbikes are under different regulations
@fredoverflow thinking of this scheme: gist.github.com/rightfold/184eacb1669b453ca6bb
> Free Worldwide Shipping (Regular)
wonder about taxes
Also I need to figure out how to use my Myo with google maps :3
gonna be so cool to zoom in and out without reaching for the phone
@BartekBanachewicz well yeah
Jul 5 at 18:56, by milleniumbug
@khajvah It's a cute idea, but it's overused
Using strings to describe type names like that makes comparing types easy.
As well as memoising reified generics.
@PantelisSopasakis example & reference
@milleniumbug Yeah, you gotta choose the right thing for the right job but there are people who just treat OOP like it is a useless shit
like the clojure's creator
@khajvah I'd rather listen to somebody saying that OOP is complete nonsense than to somebody claiming that OOP is the ultimate solution to everything.
@BartekBanachewicz With a price tag of $149, I'm not surprised.
It'd be nice to have, but 150 bucks? Nope.
@fredoverflow your students do the latter all the time!
Java is even worse than OOP ;)
Oh. 200 bucks retail price.
But you teach Java @fredoverflow
omg you're right, I never realized that!
@fredoverflow yeah that was the issue about his talk. The guy rage-quite Java (which is understandable) and his issues were not about conceptual part of OOP but about Java/C++/C# kind of OOP
But don't worry, after 1 year of Java, the students will grow balls and learn a real language: LISP.
Or Prolog. Their decision.
Learn Mercury
Things that don't make sense: This localization problem.
I wanna cry.
cry like a baby
@BartekBanachewicz This one's half the price my-fobo.com/product/fobobike#buy (still too steep a price to put on a bicycle IMO)
@fredoverflow <3
@fredoverflow lies
Aug 23 '11 at 20:40, by DeadMG
because whoever invented PROLOG was too busy jerking off to how logical it was and not busy enough making sure that it was actually useful or helpful to program in
Still one of my favourite Lounge quotes ever :D
I wonder how small I can get a pressure meter IC thingy.
I wish I knew my lecturers back in my uni days, they were probably as awful as you are
@chmod711telkitty Fuck you I'm awesome!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd guess you'd be able to find one maybe only 6mm^2
@fredoverflow So true
I'm considering variadic generics.
I think Prolog would make more sense for embedding.
@fredoverflow peace ... nowadays I have learned that the evil ones tend to have more potential later on ... those young lecturers
It would be amazing.
@chmod711telkitty Evil? Because Java?
Hmm. I'll make a note for possible future projects.
no, because they are evil
I can print a small case in PLA.
@chmod711telkitty What makes you think I'm evil?
@R.MartinhoFernandes can't see specs on size
@R.MartinhoFernandes sure, but fitting it air tight and able to hold pressure...
one of them laughed and told us that young CS students were supposed to suffer & spend hours trying to debug their first/second year assignments
@fredoverflow I mean ... like ... you are not?
@chmod711telkitty I agree
@Xeo What is it? Dragons?
@chmod711telkitty dunno
@thecoshman I assume the small dents on the board are pin-sized.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I presumed so too
@thecoshman Air tight is simple: I print it as a single piece.
oh wait, those cut outs on the edge?
those look like vias to me
yeah ok, tiny
still, not quite the 6mm^2 I had hoped for :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes but you'll need to get at least something through
I'll see if I can find it in non-breakout form.
I hate breakouts.
ffs, is anything size related going to get stared?
Breakouts take soooo much space.
@thecoshman sizeof(pen.is)
@R.MartinhoFernandes but are easier to work with
@thecoshman yes/no/maybe/let's find out
@khajvah Some people in coma also live for 75 years without eating.
@rightfold sigh
I want to order a pizza
but it's not big enough
Gavage FTW.
ah, 6.2*6.4mm
@AlexM. a man hasn't eaten in 75 years, and you can't even not eat a pizza for a day?
@thecoshman I use the tiny breadboards to make dev 'breakouts'.
Then I'd rather solder everything in a single board.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... you make your own break out boards...
@thecoshman Yeah, but they're temporary.
I'd rather prototype properly :P
@FlorianMargaine tbf, the man doesn't know the taste of pizza
> What’s more is that his brain resembles that of a 25 year old man at 83 years of age.
@thecoshman What does that mean?
@khajvah true
use a breakout board like the one from spark fun, then once you know the hard ware works, by a bare chip and make it nice and small
@thecoshman Er, why would I buy two?
huh... there acknowledge +/- 0.2mm for the size, but the solder is exactly 0.2 thick :\
I need an LRU cache.
@fredoverflow Look at all the fuck the cat doesn't give
Granted, I can't breadboard a non-DIP chip.
I might need to acquire some test sockets.
1 message moved to bin
@R.MartinhoFernandes for one, for when they break/get lost/damaged. Secondly, the idea is you use the breakout so you can just test in this project, test the circuit as a hole works, then look to make a nice small system with it all.
@thecoshman The "secondly" doesn't require buying a second chip.
it can stay here :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes but why not do it that way, they are cheap enough, and it's easier
> Digi-Key has discontinued this item; call Digi-Key for more information.
broke-out chips are expensive though
braked out?
Hmm. I'll need to find some other supplier for the bare chips.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah linked it later
I'm sure there's alternatives
@BartekBanachewicz but he linked it latest
@thecoshman DigiKey is great because they often don't have absurd minimum order quantities.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ST makes some really small pressure sensors
(For many ICs you can really order just 1)
sensor isn't the hard part though
bluetooth is :/
so don't bluetooth :P
you'd need to fit a battery, a bluetooth LE device and a chip
I think the power is the hardest part
@thecoshman then you need a separate hardware unit for reception, like zigbee or whatnot
bluetooth is ~reasonable~ simple
@BartekBanachewicz I was joking
Bluetooth LE chips are cheap and small enough.
bluetooth makes it possible to use from mobile phone and that's a killer feature
power is a pita
it's really not
@BartekBanachewicz to be fair, so does wifi
just a watch battery
@BartekBanachewicz Er, it's not a killer feature. It's what makes it a thing.
You can't use wires here. Just can't.
@BartekBanachewicz it is for something like that
@R.MartinhoFernandes compared to proprietary wireless standards
@R.MartinhoFernandes you can... it's really tricky to ado so... but you can
47 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
just a watch battery
@BartekBanachewicz Oh I guess...
how 'LE' is BTLE?
you'd need a SoC with BTLE embedded
@thecoshman very
@Xeo om nom nom
@BartekBanachewicz Why?
@R.MartinhoFernandes because smaller and easier to program most probably
I worked with similar things for ZigBee and they were nice
the SoCs have enough pins for aforementioned pressure sensor
@khajvah so, it turns out that during the experiment, the man went for a walk for a couple of hours every day. Alone.
Pins is not a problem. The sensor above has I2C.
> The CC2541 is a power-optimized true system-on-chip (SoC) solution for both Bluetooth low energy and proprietary 2.4-GHz applications.The CC2541 combines the excellent performance of a leading RF transceiver with an industry-standard enhanced 8051 MCU, in-system programmable flash memory, 8-KB RAM, and many other powerful supporting features and peripherals. The CC2541 is highly suited for systems where ultralow power consumption is required.
sold in kilounits, lol
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, that's the problem with most of these things.
(And why DigiKey is nice)
@khajvah lol, do you really believe that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes SPI I thought...
next thing, someone is going to claim that he has not breathed for 75 years
probably true if he's dead
TI sells them for 1.79-2.03 apiece, so the price sounds acceptable
@BartekBanachewicz But you can't get them apiece from them.
sure. I'd still buy 10
But you have to buy 1000 :(
huh... it's only half the current draw of 'normal' BT
dunno how to mount something like that
1000 on DigiKey costs 2.64001 apiece, so not very different.
@BartekBanachewicz carefully

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