Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Dec 2, 2020 18:17
G'day to all
Mar 11, 2019 19:40
Seems hard to fathom there'd be so little info on the matter.
Mar 11, 2019 19:39
Surely someone here might know something about this:…
May 24, 2016 19:36
@MorganTouvereyQuilling Thanks Morgan. Much appreciated! :)
May 24, 2016 19:33
Would appreciate any help. Thanks!
May 24, 2016 19:33
Q: Catch-all route in Symfony 3

bought777I have a catch-all fallback route in Symfony2 that I couldn't get to work in Symfony3. I tried this exact syntax (a verbatim copy of my Symfony2 route) and that didn't work. fallback: path: /{req} defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Default:catchAll } requirements: req: "....

May 24, 2016 19:33
Hello all. If anyone here is a Symfony buff, I could sure use the help with this small issue.
May 24, 2016 02:27
Q: Catch-all route in Symfony 3

bought777I have a catch-all fallback route in Symfony2 that I couldn't get to work in Symfony3. I tried this exact syntax (a verbatim copy of my Symfony2 route) and that didn't work. fallback: path: /{req} defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Default:catchAll } requirements: page: "...

May 24, 2016 02:27
Hey guys, I have a question regarding Symfony3 routes. Was hoping someone here might be savvy and take a look. Would greatly appreciate any input. Thanks!
Aug 24, 2015 07:15
Can someone please remind me how to make the cv-pls appear like a tag?
Aug 24, 2015 07:14
delv-pls on that same question
Aug 24, 2015 07:10
I don't remember how to do those button things. But asking for close votes on that link. Thanks
Apr 13, 2015 20:33
Has anyone checked out the new Daredevil series? I've been watching, it's quite good
Apr 13, 2015 20:32
I liked the Avengers a lot, but surprisingly I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy even a little more
Apr 13, 2015 20:32
Jul 11, 2014 07:17
good mythical morning
Jul 10, 2014 22:51
@Danack svn verified just fine..
Jul 10, 2014 22:44
@DaveRandom :P
Jul 10, 2014 22:43
@Danack Thanks. I verified one external and it was fine. now verifying main project. everything is fine so far, it has a couple thousand more revisions to get through though.
Jul 10, 2014 22:38
Q: SVN blame - Network connection closed unexpectedly

mmmshuddupI'm suddenly getting a weird error when I try to run svn blame $ svn blame file.txt svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly This worked before and I haven't updated the version of SVN on my machine in a long time. Currently using 1.6.11 $ svn --version svn, version 1.6.11 (r934486) compi...

Jul 10, 2014 22:38
guys I have the most random issue with SVN ever.. Suddenly diffs and blame commands don't work anymore.. The question isn't getting much attention so I was hoping anyone here might be able to take a look and provide some input:


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Aug 7, 2018 21:14
Since when did SO go SJW??
Aug 7, 2018 21:14
did you guys see this:
Nov 18, 2017 17:02
@ShrekOverflow thanks will do
Nov 18, 2017 04:53
any nativescript folks here?
Nov 17, 2017 17:38
Oh dear lord it was so dumb. 10+ hours trying to fix this tweaking events and crap, all I needed was html,body {overflow-x:hidden} in global styles.css instead of just targeting body u.u omg
Nov 17, 2017 17:30
And setting body { overflow-x: hidden; } in the global styles.css doesn't work either. This is an iOS bug btw but I think it also happens on android.
Nov 17, 2017 17:29
Any cordova/angular ppl here? I have a body overflow-x issue and horizontal scroll that I need to get rid of in my angular4/cordova app... Setting = 'hidden'; doesn't work.
Nov 17, 2017 05:56
Nov 16, 2017 19:16
@Mosho elite avatar bro
Nov 16, 2017 19:16
Stamkos on pace for like 120+ pts if he keeps this production up
Nov 16, 2017 19:15
Kucherov and stammer this yr are insane
Nov 16, 2017 19:14
Nice, also a hockey fan here
Nov 16, 2017 19:13
Hello. I read the rules. I know this is JS, but I hoped someone here had cordova exp. I have a nav hamburger which slides the <main> div off the canvas - which is great - only on my actual device that element (<main>), when "open" [using marginLeft) seems to be automatically draggable on my phone. I never set anything to make it draggable. Ideas anyone??

iOS Dev

Here you can discuss problems and share new hacks about code
Nov 17, 2017 05:52
I know ionic offers this functionality even in one of their default app templates, so it must be possible (and no I can't use ionic my company won't pay)
Nov 17, 2017 05:51
Guys, I have an Angular4/Cordova app issue: an offcanvas type nav where the main content slides to the right to reveal the hidden nav using margin-left. Except on iOS when the <main> slides to the right, it's like automatically draggable... Idk if this is body overflow issue or what? It doesn't happen in a desktop browser


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Jul 11, 2014 07:15
@rightfold ok thanks for responding. I'll do that tomorrow it's super late here and I wanna be able to start and finish in the same setting haha
Jul 11, 2014 07:13
they took heed to doc brown's advice not to mess with the past :P
Jul 11, 2014 07:12
@melak47 lol which means we'd already be seeing it because someone else would have thought of that
Jul 11, 2014 07:11
@rightfold I was running that locally. connection works. commits work and updates work. just can't run diffs or blame.. and possibly more I haven't checked
Jul 11, 2014 07:10
@JerryCoffin it's true. some people are even dumb enough to think time travel will eventually happen.. and in our lifetime! D:
Jul 11, 2014 07:04
Q: SVN blame - Network connection closed unexpectedly

mmmshuddupI'm suddenly getting a weird error when I try to run svn blame $ svn blame file.txt svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly This worked before and I haven't updated the version of SVN on my machine in a long time. Currently using 1.6.11 $ svn --version svn, version 1.6.11 (r934486) compi...

Jul 11, 2014 07:04
so anyway. I'll cut to the chase. I know everyone in the web switched to git, but I am more of conventional guy so to speak. and I've got a weird SVN issue.. C++ guys always know what's up haha
Jul 11, 2014 07:02
@Mikhail lol ok gotcha
Jul 11, 2014 07:01
san fran, nice
Jul 11, 2014 07:01
yes it's evening here as well
Jul 11, 2014 07:00
that too :)
Jul 11, 2014 07:00
good evening ( or morning for some of you )