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fixed it. Had to set $post->category() to a variable
@ZachSaucier please stop writing javascript in your HTML attributes
Grr. I am trying to condition myself to never use the ! operator in if statements, opting instead for more verbose === comparisons. I haven't had a problem skipping the !, but I seem to now have the habit of leaving off the === false, which thus makes the statement do the opposite of what I intend.
@JoeWatkins =] jalousi
@JoeWatkins I am having to almost physically restrain my anger at a comment like that. My one Achilles Heel for getting trolled is when entitled fucks who would BEG ON THEIR KNEES for help at the slightest hint of a challenge get on the internet and play out their ignorant little An Rand-ian libertarian fantasies.
> specifically you're writing things that someone else already wrote, and you're probably not doing as good of a job as they did, since theirs got popular
^^ I'm surprised you didn't pull out popularity != quality.
Laravel is wonderful and does all things.
@rdlowrey is drunk.
Laravel is wonderful and does all things.
@rdlowrey is a bot.
Laravel is wonderful and does all things.
Laravel is wonderful and does all things.
Room 11 is a clusterfuck of drunken bots.
Laravel is wonderful and does all things.
Non-blocking is the secret in the async sauce.
And back to normal :-) except @bwoebi who's either still drunk, or just trolling.
Everybody knows that Apache applications are slow because they use blocking IO and have context switches.
/me exits bot mode
@rdlowrey You should use your room ownership to add to the room description.
@DanLugg no, it's okay^^
@rdlowrey I don't find Apache under github.com/rdlowrey
I'm a total speed junkie.
Drugs Apache is bad, mmmkay?
3 hours ago, by rdlowrey
I think I might use reactphp/promise in this artax refactor.
@rdlowrey Ah?
nodejs is the most badass rockstar tech to come out since ruby on rails.
ruby on snails?
@rdlowrey only RoR is worse? hmh… maybe.
Did you just say, "Lisp?"
I could've sworn you just said, "Lisp."
Wuby on Wails ^^ ;-)
@DanLugg that wasn't the argument I wanted to make
you go for it
@ircmaxell True, but it's noteworthy that his argument is further flawed by that assertion.
make a reddit account? lol.
@DanLugg yes, but that's a lesser assertion than the "it's not all or nothing"
@ircmaxell Agree, the point you made holds stronger than mine, but there's no harm in shooting a dead horse.
lol :-)
Now I am tempted to make an account; someone talk me out of it.
@DanLugg don't do it.
@rdlowrey chat.stackoverflow.com/… saved me, thank you.
that is fantastic.
> It's a waste of time and idiots gonna idiot.
I lol'd and people at work looked at me funny.
On a different note, I just call_user_func(function () {}) to re-scope something, and am gladly awaiting (function () {})() /thanks @NikiC
function(){}(); should work too (?)
@bwoebi No
@bwoebi not today
Thought this was JavaScript for a moment there :P
I mean with Nikitas RFC
Although it might still apply here as well.
Wait, will PHP be able to parse function () {} () "correctly"?
I thought that (expression)() would've been necessary.
I'm just looking at the patch… wait…
@DanLugg This should work, assuming $x is a callable.
ah, $x()() works, but you need (function(){})()
And the result of $x is an array
@SecondRikudo Oh I know :-)
@bwoebi I think that makes sense.
@bwoebi I think that's a good thing, clarity of intent.
@NikiC that proposal looks really good
@BenjaminGruenbaum He's only saying that because it makes PHP more similar to JS :P
No, it makes it a bit less broken though
The fact you can't do those things right now is weird, it's something I'd expect from Java not from PHP.
> £10,088 raised by 334 people in 1 day.
Really? Java supports arbitrary expression dereferencing/invocation (IIRC)
Hey guys, need some help in LARAVEL with routing using grouping based in domains. It seems like a simple issue but I can't figure it out.
Any help would be appreciated
LARAVEL, the loud Laravel.
@Poncho I doubt you'll find much Laravel love here.
It's worth trying... ;)
True, good luck :-)
Any idea why I'm getting "Source directory ...\vendor\pixelhedron\particle has uncommitted changes."?
Why are all the low paying jobs going to PHP devs and $100k+ jobs going to RoR/ CFML with similar years of experience? I came to ask - is the PHP marker oversaturated?
Most ads that advertise PHP dev positions go for $40k with 2 years experience min
In Southern Ontario
@DanLugg because the checkout has changes
@ircmaxell And it's being treated as a submodule? I'm a bit confused...
did you commit your vendor directory?
Nope, ignored.
I dunno
So yea, it wouldn't be treated as a submodule cause it can't be seen.
But before I ignored it, when I pulled in deps, it did see it as such.
So I ignored, and then commit.
Well, I killed the lock file and reinstalled, all is well.
Lock should be under VCS... right?
maybe it's more of a forum discussion question ..
@DanLugg Yes. And there was probably some edit in that file.
This is frustrating.
Seriously, dafuq. Neither the dependent nor the dependency have uncommitted changes, the dependent has vendor/** ignored, and I can't update without getting that error.
I might be a minority (or not), but I pretty much roll my own everything. I look at components from other frameworks for guidance, but at the end of the day I want to be 100% responsible for what is in my project, and I want to know 100% how it all works. The quickest way to accomplish that, in my experience working alone for all these years, is to use stuff I make.
I use a lot of 3pd components, but I wire and assemble it
@Chris I tend to do this too. However, I read and play with 3pd libs that do what I want to do. I find that often my requirements differ, and thus I use the 3pd implementation as inspiration. Sometimes I just end up writing adapters, but more often I end up writing the whole thing.
Which I'm never particularly adverse to, as I find I learn a shit-ton doing that.
But when it's crunch time, 3pd libs + my wiring (as @ircmaxell describes) is the way to go.
It appears reCAPTCHA has finally gone actually insane @Chris ^
Anyone able to help with MySQL problem?
Well MySQL & | php
@DestinyDawn don't ask to ask a question, just ask the question ;-)
@DaveRandom Sorry :P I'm getting the "Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A' for column 'comment'" when sending a emoji over. It works fine on my local computer with, what I think, is the same MySQL configurations
@JoeWatkins 10k+ :) Congrats
@DestinyDawn Sounds like a character set issue, but that's a weird looking byte sequence...
Check the character set of the column/table/db on your local and the live
Just trying to work out if that's a valid UTF-8 sequence
Oh wait, make sure you are using the actual full UTF-8 charset thing as well
The one that's called just "utf8" doesn't support 4-byte sequences
utf8mb4, that's what it's called
@DaveRandom Haha, did you fail that particular Turing test?
@DaveRandom I have them all set to a UTF-8, I'll check again and reply in a second
@DestinyDawn yeh you need utf8mb4 or it won't work
@DaveRandom Arguably, "sixty-two one" is a pair of words, one being compound and the other not. Likewise "six twenty-one". I don't think reCAPTCHA has gone insane, but rather has become aware.
@DaveRandom I have it utf8mb4 - utf8mb4_bin for the table
@DanLugg ...and yet it's OCR still isn't good enough to read that :-P
@DaveRandom and the same for the column
Then it should work I would have thought, have you set the connection character set in the client lib? (not sure if that would be required or not)
How would I do that?
It definitely seems to be complaining because it doesn't think that is a valid byte sequence, which it is
@DestinyDawn Depends, how are you connecting to MySQL from PHP?
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');" that's how I'm setting it
No I mean on the database connection
I'm connecting using a mysli connection
I am
No i'm not
Try setting that to utf8mb4 as well
How would I set that?
Just check out the examples on that manual page, generally you fold it in pretty near the point where you actually connect
Alright, I'll try it
Thank you so much
np :-)
you can't vote on your own post
woah, I didn't even remember I wrote that answer... lol
hey guys I haven't written optimized raw sql in a while. Is there any possible way to optimize a query with an OR on both columns other than just having an index on each (and basically doing an index scan on both columns)?
**an OR on two columns
Damnit I logged on to FB and now I have accomplished nothing all evening
Hi Guys I have an simple and short question about optimize the program as per less memory uses. which is batter solution to store web application global data in file or in database table?
@DaveRandom How is FB a distraction? It's 60% moaning 40% FB games
Can someone answer my question please? which is batter solution to store web application global data in file or in database table?
@user1728565 Here is no direct answer to that question. It depends on a lot of factors.
the easier solution is usually a database (sqlite as an embedded db for example).
@Ultimater example I have a list of bad words in txt file and currently program reads on every page request from file
@user1728565 Depends. You can't store the database password, for example, in the database. You'd put that into a config file. If the data will be needed for each request and won't be changing by anything user-triggered, store it in a config file. Otherwise store it in a database if the user must interact with it.
You can't store the database password, for example, in the database. :-)
@Ultimater example I have a list of bad words in txt file and currently program reads on every page request from file
@ThW Email newsletter subject , body content are also in txt file.
@user1728565 if you program it right the file will need less memory, but more cpu
@ircmaxell The only logical conclusion from that is that you should not use a DB password
@NikiC or store it in a different database
@ircmaxell right, I missed that one!
"Why isn't this page loading?", "because it's connecting through infinity databases to load the next's password"
infinity? that's a lot of databases
@user1728565 what kind of badwords?
@RonniSkansing clbuttic
@RonniSkansing Flange
@RonniSkansing like scription,cialis,ambien,levitra,lorazepam,dot com,activefunshop,personals,airbus,(((,vicodin,maxcore,hardcoreporn,youporn, file size is 4 kb
some of those "bad" words seem weird...
So if it find any of the words it throws the text out?
Hi, anyone sure if "fseek()" function also flushes the output buffer or not?
@Absar No it does not
Unless it triggers an error
Thank you Dave,
@NikiC Actually optimizing a porn site. If visitor comments contains any of those words it will not allow to post that commnet.
@user1728565 yeh but... airbus??
@DaveRandom yeah, that was the one I was wondering about as well
Maybe aircraft manufacturers have started spamming porn sites
I don't know. Sometimes you are only doing as per client instruction. Point is which approach is battor, database or file
@DaveRandom I'm observing through fiddler2 for some time. fseek is adding few bytes causing content-length-mismatch, everything works fine without fseek. any idea what could be going wrong?
@user1728565 Fair comment. Well I would say store them in a database table, select them all in a single query and then use strpos as you fetch each result from the wire
Disk IO is slow, if you can do it without buffering the database result set it should keep the memory footprint low
@DaveRandom Thaanks. As of now all 4 kb data is comes at clint end and filters comment at client end. Thinking about will use server side validation.
@user1728565 Yeh if you don't validate on the server it's basically a pointless exercise
I cannot spell that word, like ever
thanks bye.
@Absar It's not going to be anything to do with fseek(). Are you issuing a -Content-Length header manually or is it being automatically added?
enjoy a bit woth 18x.com .LOL
Let's put it this way: by far and away the most common reason for "extra stuff" is that you have leading/trailing whitespace outside the <?php ?> tags
@DaveRandom I'm adding it manually, point is everthing works perfect if I try without fseek.
@Absar Well, what's the extra content you are seeing?
Oh wait, is it null bytes?
There's something funky with ftruncate IIRC where it doesn't set the pointer to the end of the file if you truncate past the current pointer position and then when you write to it again it packs out the remaining space with nulls
Is there a way I can check the extra content as it's a video which I'm streaming through php.
Can you show some code?
pastebin if it's long
sure, one sec
11pm hunger.
This ranks pretty high on unnecessary tutorials
@DaveRandom looking through fiddler I can tell these are not null bytes.
@Absar is there a good reason you aren't using fpassthru()?
All that business with looping and forcing a flush is relatively expensive, fpassthru should do the same thing much more effectively
is fpassthru() recommended for large files?
It's just a lot less work, both for you to write and for the server to do
@DaveRandom videos can be of large size, will fpassthru() satisfy that?
file size isn't relevant, it's just a stream
@DaveRandom Ok, I'll look into it for sure.
for now any hint for extra bytes?
I suspect it's all that complex logic surrounding looking for the end marker
Thinking about it fpassthru won't work for you because of the fact you may not want to read to the end of the file
just a sec
@Absar imho, you really ought to be streaming files from something that is good at streaming files - e.g. nginx with sendfile. I think that works with ranges.
^ this is a very good point
@Danack thank you. It'll be good idea to go with a better approach.
Via wiki.nginx.org/HttpSliceModule - tengine.taobao.org Tengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features.
Fukcing markdown.
Hello, I am Galstaff, sorceror of LIGHT!
I am hungry. nice to meet you
guys I have the most random issue with SVN ever.. Suddenly diffs and blame commands don't work anymore.. The question isn't getting much attention so I was hoping anyone here might be able to take a look and provide some input:
Q: SVN blame - Network connection closed unexpectedly

mmmshuddupI'm suddenly getting a weird error when I try to run svn blame $ svn blame file.txt svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly This worked before and I haven't updated the version of SVN on my machine in a long time. Currently using 1.6.11 $ svn --version svn, version 1.6.11 (r934486) compi...

@mmmshuddup I'd suggest checking that your repository is okay, and that your filesystem is also ok. Probably file system first actually.
@mmmshuddup I see your problem, you accidentally typed "svn" when you meant to type "git" when you were installing your vcs
@Danack Thanks. I verified one external and it was fine. now verifying main project. everything is fine so far, it has a couple thousand more revisions to get through though.
@DaveRandom :P
@DaveRandom Thank you very much, I'm looking into it.
@DaveRandom hah!
thankyou, thankyou, I'm here all week
@Danack svn verified just fine..
@joe I just had an amazing PR silly idea for our side project... Let's discuss tomorrow...
Should have been amazing or silly...
@ircmaxell ping? I could do with your opinion on something
what's up?
So I've been working on this patch to make stream contexts and arrays of context options a bit more interchangable, so most places where you'd use a ctx you can pass an array of opts instead

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