MySQL and relational databases

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Mar 22, 2016 09:37
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me with a simple question I have posted:…


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Jan 7, 2016 20:15
@JoeC I'm trying to access an API which requires basic auth, if that helps
Jan 7, 2016 20:05
@JoeC no its a server side application. If I hash the password then how would I use it in the HTTPS request? The credentials in HTTPS are either in plain text or base64 encoded (as far as I know)
Jan 7, 2016 01:58
i was thinking of storing the credentials in a text file and reading from that, but it doesn't seem very secure either
Jan 7, 2016 01:55
the HTTPS request will be secured by SSL, so I don't have a problem with the security of the credentials during transit
Jan 7, 2016 01:55
Does anyone know of a secure method of using passwords in source code? I am going to create HTTPS requests via java code which require basic authentication but I want to make sure that the credentials are not compromised
Sep 30, 2015 22:44
Hi, is anyone here familiar with ffmpeg? I want to achieve something quite complicated
Sep 24, 2015 14:56
Hi guys, can someone help me with binding a Slider to a MediaPlayer's currentTimeProperty in JavaFX?
Sep 19, 2015 09:22
I'm trying to continually rewind a video in MediaPlayer until a button is pressed. However the seek() method only changes back to an earlier time once. Is there any way for me to continually keep rewinding, until a particular button is pressed?
Sep 19, 2015 09:19
@kiheru would you be able to help me with some JavaFX?
Sep 19, 2015 09:19
Sep 18, 2015 15:27
What is the main reason for getting an java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException on the javafx Application Thread?
Sep 18, 2015 15:11
If someone is experienced with JavaFX, and has time I would appreciate some help :)
Sep 18, 2015 15:04
I have a GUI, and a Pane with the MediaView in it, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually play the video in the pane
Sep 18, 2015 15:04
Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to play media in a MediaView (FX) without having to create a separate scene?
Sep 11, 2015 07:00
Gotten a couple of answers, going to try that out
Sep 11, 2015 07:00
Q: piping output into middle of bash command

cp101020304Somewhat related to this question: Convert audio files to mp3 using ffmpeg I want to execute a command in one line using piping in BASH. What I am trying to do is this: echo "Hello" | somecommand | ffmpeg -i _____ -f mp2 output.mp3 Where the _____ is the output of somecommand. Is there any...

Sep 11, 2015 06:58
Sep 11, 2015 06:52
Hi, is anyone here familiar with using Java Processes to execute BASH commands in linux?
Aug 22, 2015 06:55
Aug 22, 2015 06:54
I just can't see the syntactical mistake here
Aug 22, 2015 06:54
yeah, im just testing if what I'm trying to do works and then I'll make the code adhere to coding standards
Aug 22, 2015 06:51
Ok, other than that do you see any issues?
Aug 22, 2015 06:49
I only want two columns
Aug 22, 2015 06:49
Shouldn't it work as it is though?
Aug 22, 2015 06:47
list is an arrayList
Aug 22, 2015 06:46
for (int i = 0;i<Main.list.size();i++){
			Object name = Main.list.get(i).getUsername();
			Object won = Main.list.get(i).getWon();

			scores[i][0] = name;
			scores[i][1] = won;
Aug 22, 2015 06:45
so currently I am doing this
Aug 22, 2015 06:45
yes I want a 2D array
Aug 22, 2015 06:41
but I want to fill the array in a loop
Aug 22, 2015 06:41
i.e Object[] [] = new Object[][] { }
Aug 22, 2015 06:41
@JohnSnow Would you know how to create an array of Objects from String/int?
Aug 22, 2015 06:13
Aug 22, 2015 06:08
@DRich ??
Aug 22, 2015 06:08
Does anyone know how to add a button to a JTable cell and action listeners to these buttons?
Aug 22, 2015 05:10
they dont have zippers!
Aug 22, 2015 05:10
@user3781180 what if you're wearing trackpants though
Aug 22, 2015 05:04
what would I do without google
Aug 22, 2015 04:55
oh my lord, I didn't know that you had to close a printWriter in order for the data to actually be written :/
Aug 22, 2015 04:52
one of my printwriters isn't writing anything to my file :(

Teenage Programmers Chatroom

A chat room for everybody! No age restriction, but be mature. ...
Sep 30, 2015 22:43
is anyone here familiar with ffmpeg commands?
Sep 30, 2015 22:43
Hi guys


It's a bin, for binning things.
Sep 19, 2015 02:36
If anyone can have a look at this question I would appreciate it, It's regarding JavaFX
Sep 19, 2015 02:36


Chat Dustbin (Ignore kar Ignore)
Sep 18, 2015 16:05
I would appreciate any help
Sep 18, 2015 16:05
if anyone has time, could you please have a look at this question…


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Aug 25, 2015 02:41
I have a string array and I want to iterate through all the strings using pointer arithmetic
Aug 25, 2015 02:40
@ElimGarak ?
Aug 25, 2015 02:40
Aug 25, 2015 02:40
how do you increment the index of an array of strings using pointer arithmetic?