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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

A lie?
a coffin
Ahhh Joe should know that one!
Cmon Joe!
What kind of morgue are you running here?!
What did one casket say to the other casket?
time to burn?
Is that you coffin?
It took an hour to bury the cat, it wouldn't hold still
Dead people make screaming sounds when they burn, just like tarantulas, right?
So do live ones
You ruined my joke!
Joke ruiner!
Wanted: 1979 Cadillac Hearse, for body parts.
why was the chat renamed
civil war?
Me and Joe mentioned Civil War, then it was renamed
Then we were kicked for mentioning it
Very weird experience
@Hans1984 you missed a lot :P
yes i wasnt here for almost two weeks
ok thats it for today
bye guys!
OW! My arm!
We'll have to amputate, Joe
I hate that comma...
Would you prefer your whole body be removed, or just your arm?
The Desktop Laptop
hi guys
is JSP covered by this room?
Ni hao!
ni hao
hai @ballBreaker
Eyo, I don't know if JSP is covered by this room
I don't know it
you don't know JSP?
how sad
I'm already dying, wanting to have answers to end my misery.
hahaha I can give you a gun to end it, if you'd like
@WTFZane yea it is in a way
@JoeC no its a server side application. If I hash the password then how would I use it in the HTTPS request? The credentials in HTTPS are either in plain text or base64 encoded (as far as I know)
@JoeC I'm trying to access an API which requires basic auth, if that helps
posted on January 07, 2016 by Artist

The thing I like the most about learning new things is how it widens my knowledge about what i already know. It also gives me new views to bring back to my coding in my "native" language and the other ones I already know. Today I had fun learning more about GitHub pages by learning Jekyll. I also realized there's project pages, and user pages, which makes it immensely easier to make not just o

@Feeds @Gemtastic laerning?
@Gemtastic, I think you meant "Shrek is love, shrek is life"
Laerning, danish! :D
2 hours later…
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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