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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

Hey, there wouldn't be any Java people in here, would there?
Anyway, when the Java people get back: the tag is mostly about Maven goals, excluding 6 questions on other topics, but the tag wiki and excerpt are empty! Here's a relevant recent meta post on the topic, and my comment about it. I was wondering if you guys would want to write up the tag wiki and excerpt.
Does anyone know of a secure method of using passwords in source code? I am going to create HTTPS requests via java code which require basic authentication but I want to make sure that the credentials are not compromised
the HTTPS request will be secured by SSL, so I don't have a problem with the security of the credentials during transit
i was thinking of storing the credentials in a text file and reading from that, but it doesn't seem very secure either
Is it a client side application? I'm not security minded at all, but I assume you could hash the password and store it with a strong hash. If you need to check against it, just hash the given password and see if the hashes match.
That way you avoid storing the password at all and all you'll need to worry about is making sure it stays safe while in transit from memory to disk ;p
@cp101020304 ^
Hey can someone help me with an implementation of priority queue?
3 hours later…
can someone help me with thsis
a method having signature Future<V> can V contain Collection<T>
so is it possible to represent V as Collection<T>?
2 hours later…
@AbhiroopSarkar repeating your question over and over will not help
additionally, just giving it a try will take about 10 seconds which will get results faster than repeating a question for about 10 hours
@AndreaLuciaPolancoMonero what are you looking for?
@AbhiroopSarkar why not?
its not about giving a try
i am trying to grasp the theory behind this
i am trying to undesrtand if this will work V instanceOf Collection<T>
I assume it wont
after type erasure it would be equivalent to saying Object instanceOf Collection<Object>
which is wrong
morn all
2 hours later…
Hey @ItachiUchiha
Greetings @Gemtastic
Hey there joe
How are you today?
@Joe'sMorgue heya!
How are you today?
I'm learning ruby now :P
Who is Ruby?
The Ruby I know is a Chinese restaurant that I love to visit...
The ruby on rails
Not familure with that at all
not sure if you're serious or joking
I remember you mentioning it before, but I'm not clear as to what it is
I know it's a programming language.
Yeah. It's a scripting programming language
morning hans
@Gemtastic What is yours, but is used by everybody else more than by you?
My name :P
uuh puzzles
Technically it's a riddle :P
i know the answer
because I answered it
but i cant help you :p
Where can you find: Rivers without water, forests without trees, cities without buildings, and roads without cars?
On a map
good job
(one that does not use aerial photographs as a basis, of course :P)
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
@Hans1984 a stamp
did you know it already?
mighty easy :P
googled it?
good !
but I think I am the only person that still sends postcards to family and friends :D
yo dawg
Watched the first episode of black jesus
such a hilarious and ridiculous show
Hey Dusty
My wife mails thank you cards.
@ballBreaker I love when he pulls out the cognac
I don't have family and friends, or people I'm thankful for
@wonderb0lt you have us ^_^
^^ What Tavo said
ok heres a new one
What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than twenty-five minutes?
A massive fart
I think the answer is 25 minutes
I'd say his breath but then 25 minutes would be a bit excessive
breath is correct
i know there are some trained divers
is 25 mins some sort of world record?
To be fair, I think a massive fart is also correct, just not the particular correct answer you were looking for..
who can
Stig Åvall Severinsen (born 1973) is a Danish freediver. He is a four-time world freediving champion and holder of multiple Guinness World Records. He wrote Træk Vejret – mere energi, mindre stress (2009), published in English in 2010 as Breatheology – The Art of Conscious Breathing. == BackgroundEdit == Severinsen has a degree in biology and a Ph.D. in medicine. He began experimenting with holding his breath as a child at the bottom of his parents' pool. He started swimming at the age of 6 and was awarded National Champion four years in a row at 9, 10, 11 and 12. In 1993–2003 he played Underwater...
yes ballbreaker
it was the right direction
> In May 2012 he was awarded the record of "Longest time breath held voluntarily (male)" by Guinness World Records for holding his breath for 22 minutes
I don't think I can do a full minute
What has one eye but cannot see?
If you hyper ventilate before holding your breath you can hold it longer (usually)
Should be able to get a minute if you do that
i dont think i qould be able to answer it
i think its a though one :o
ok the answer is....
a needle
When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you dont have me. What am I?
this ones easier
@Hans1984 True, I forgot "the eye of a needle" I was thinking camera, but it wasn't clever enough
yes i think it was kinda difficult
i would not have solved it
but im no native speaker
so i dont know that phrase
Ahh, I only know it because of an old bible saying lol
Something like "It's as easy as a rich man to get into heaven, as a camel through the eye of the needle" or something
yes you re right
can you solve the other one?
that's what I was thinking
but you still have some time if you share it
sorry thats not the answer
not if you share it. You are using it, hence you don't have it
try again :)
a life. When you get married, your life is over :P
programming Snake in JavaFX for fun and profit
I bet it's something like patience
hah. Got it. A secret
ahhh clever
and the winner is.. Tavo!
I've always been good at riddles
I've always made jokes out of them
But I envy your being good at them lol I don't have the patience
you didn't grow up during the golden age of videogames
The more there is, the less you see. What is it?
tress/a forest
well i dont like it that much to be honest
i actually think there cant be more or less of it
let me answer it
I said it :D
yes jit
Tavo should be made RO because he's wicked smart!
but i dont think its a good one
is ether dark or not
not more dark or less dark
@wonderb0lt just good at riddles :P
but there's more darkness or less darkness
What has a neck but no head?
a shirt
it does
its not the answer though
a bottle
tavo can solve every riddle
Yeah, it's getting boring :P
not every riddle. It took me literally years to answer a riddle in a videogame
i found a site with over 100 riddles
thats where im taking those from
which game?
Wizardry VII
the riddle was this: I know a thousand faces, and count the tailed heads, feasting bright upon the eyes, of many who have died. Wielding well a mighty power, who hath but humble stature. Masses fall upon their knees, to scarce behold my only side.
and I was still learning English back in the day, so I was 10-12
its already hard to read
cant imagine how hard it is to solve it :D
it was not needed to finish the game
but it never left my mind, so I revisited the game a few years later and thought about it until I solved it
it was damn hard...
What is always coming but never arrives?
thats a difficult one
the future
it was the other choice
you solved it again
lateral thinking
time for some foosball. Afk
@Tavo Ehhhh, I still think the n64 was the best console, so I would disagree, but I'll admit I missed some solid games back in the day
So I just read an article, saying that women who take SSRI antidepressents, are 87% more likely to give birth to a child in the autism spectrum
@ballBreaker I was almost in uni when N64 came out
Ahh I was like 4 or 5
I'm talking about Sierra, Lucasarts and so on
I at least caught the butt end of the golden age
Sierra, what ever happened to them
The SWAT games they released were awesome
Sierra got sold in the mid-90s and then divided
never developed videogames again
Leisure suit larry
Anyone here do much front-end UI Java work with Swing?
I'm trying to obtain the JButtons located on a JPanel, but everytime I try it, the ComponentCount of the JPanel is apparently only 1 (but there are 45 Jbuttons?)
(I'm trying to dynamically change the text of the JButtons during Runtime)
oh i like that one
What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
A river?
@ballBreaker - I'm doing some Swing work
Woop Woop
I'm not very experienced, but I'm working with JButtons and various text spaces on a GUI.
What is greater than God, more evil than the devil - the poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you will die?
@wonderb0lt clever!
@wonderb0lt "Nothing"
i see we re looking at the same sites
@DRich I've worked with swing a bunch, but never had to do this.. just dynamically trying to change the text is tricky, because I'm trying to do it to 45 JButtons at once
I looked up Tavo's riddle because I was curious
and that was the riddle right underneath it ^^
Okay- so is the challenge a matter of the number of buttons you've got to deal with?
Heres one: What's infront of your face but you will never see?
@DRich Yeah and the manner in which I'm trying to change it.. basically lets say I named my buttons: a1s1 (Aisle 1, Step 2) and there are 5 Aisles with 9 Steps...
So I try to do a loop
oc not ;)
 name = getComponent(i).getName()
 switch (name)
    case("a1s1") do stuff
    .... up to "a5s9"
But for some reason, the getComponent(i) returns a null, and only one.. So I'm thinking I need to do it in a different way
Wouldn't you have a nested loop?
I suppose I'm trying to get to the level of the tree where I have ~45 components
@Hans1984 I made the riddle up, I declare that air was not the answer I was looking for
What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?
@ballBreaker so, clearly you have more experience with this than me, but...
@Hans1984 :( my riddle though! It's not even hard, cmon, think about it
What I might do is put the JButtons into an ArrayList and cycle through the list
and to get the buttons into the ArrayList, I would use a nested loop
im not that good at solving riddles
im just good at asking them ;)
Yeah I thought about doing that, I have some sloppy ways I could do it, I just wanted to see if I could do it a little more elegantly (all in one shot) as opposed to having to do more loops than necessary (if possible)
I'll take your thoughts into consideration though if I can't find out a way to do it
forget about
You're going to hate me when I give you the answer
it always the obvious you dont think about
Yeah, I'm not experienced enough to give you an elegant answer, but I think I could get you there
why that's returning a null though- couldn't tell you that
@DRich I think this might be my problem actually : stackoverflow.com/questions/18704904/…
I'll try this.. it could be that I'm trying to assume that a component can be treated equally as the Jbutton.. also could just be an issue with my tree hierarchy of components
@Hans1984 hehehe yeah exactly.. it's almost too easy ;)
Tell me when you give up
ah, yeah- I actually had a similar issue recently
i have to work :/
couldn't change the enabled state of a button- that approach worked for me.
well nevermind
tell me the answer :)
@Hans1984 silence
@ballBreaker my nose?
yes silence is correct
hm, you can see it a bit I guess.
Nope, your chin
@ballBreaker Nope, YOU'RE a chin
oh ok
lmao xD
I told you you wouldn't like it
@DRich See I have methods to return each JButton, I just didn't want to have to call them that much.. I was trying to do it as generically as possible
@wonderb0lt My first real try was "money", but it wasn't accurate
@Hans1984 silence
oh, just saw the answer :D
yes silence
Here's one
blank space
What has one face, two sides, 3 greaters, and belongs to four ?
Took me a few minutes to come up with the number scheme there lol sorry
@DRich Ahhhh I found my issue..finally
I was using a SimpleInternalFrame to hold my components, SimpleInternalFrames have two components (the JPanel (holds components) and the JFrame (Border along the top)), so I had to turn it's components into JComponents.. then grab the components from that
Hey, cool
@ballBreaker a bass?
My friend just gave me a link to a pic that MIGHT be politically incorrect, but made me laugh, can I share it?
@Joe'sMorgue I'm always okay with these things
My moral compass doesn't point straight though
@Joe'sMorgue Better off not posting it imho
@Tavo like a bass guitar, or a bass (fish) ?
@ballBreaker so you essentially ended up dealing with the wrong object
bass guitar
I made a pun and got 2 people kicked and 30 messages deleted
@DRich Yeah exactly
not sure what 3 greaters mean
@Tavo Yeah I suppose I could improve the wording of it
but I'm sure I'm not getting the right meaning of it
the "belongs to four" part is hard to word without giving it away
in Spanish notes in Major can be described as greater I think
@Tavo Well you came up with something clever, but it's not the answer I was thinking of
I'll see if I can reword it, otherwise I'll just give you the answer, because it's somewhat hard
I don't think I can reword it
The answer is: a Jack
it only has 3 greaters in certain games though
Yeah some people count the Ace as 1 too.. but I wanted to keep with the number scheme of 1, 2 ,3 ,4
so you're right it wasn't perfect
Maybe I could have done something like
1 face, 2 sides, 3 brothers, 4 houses
But it's almost too obvious (?)
and I don't think they are brothers lol
could be any card though
Yeah exactly
I guess that would make it a bit more simple in a sense, but also difficult because "a card" would be an unexpected answer
If I come up with a better one I'll ask lol, I'm a bit better at thinking up riddles than answering them
(just slightly)
@Tavo Your house plan still holding up?
hey @ballBreaker
has some encounters with receipt printing tasks?
okay bruh, hey Happy New Year everyone! :)
you too!
me walking on the couch
they should have cut of the last second
then you couldnt see the other 2 legs
@ballBreaker hopefully. I've given £36k as a deposit
i still like that one
cat picture?
@Tavo When would the move happen if you get it? Should be soonish?
@ballBreaker before the end of month
Oh that's unreal
not a selfie and not funny, just a kitty cat
omg hahaha
lmao these are jokes
Wow, wtf
Grabbing a component doesn't even give the components name, it's just always null
f diz, gunna have to find a different way to do it lol
I suppose I'll just make an array of button names thats hardcoded :p god dam
The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesnt know they are. What is it?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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