Hello everyone. I was wondering how to go about a scenario where I need to map through a collection, but I need the previous and current element to perform an operation. Essentially list |> List.mapPairwise (fun prev curr -> operation prev curr)
Hello everyone. I was wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction algorithms-wise.
I have two lists A, B
[][][][][] A [][][][][] B
and each element is a coordinate (x, y). I want to cross-reference the lists, comparing A.x == B.y and B.x == A.y, removing from A or B where true.
Doing a for-for loop takes far too much time and I feel that there is an algorithm or data structure out there that can cut my time by an exponential amount.
Hey guys, I see a lot of love coming out for CoffeeScript, but I'm unsure of its prevalence in the industry. All of my projects preferred JS. Is it any different for you?
In the tutorial, the author chose to pass and return a velocity and return a modified actor in that function. I chose to have the actor passed and modified.
That sounds a little silly. I'm modifying code from a tutorial about writing a Platformer in F#. In the collision resolution function I have the following subfunction:
let calculateNewPosition actor collidable =
match actor.ActorType, collidable.ActorType with
| Player(_), Obstacle ->
match actor.BodyType, collidable.BodyType with
| Dynamic(actorVelocity), Static -> recalculateActorVelocity actor collidable actorVelocity
| _ -> actor
| _ -> actor
Not necessarily avoid it, I already did the matching in a previous function, but I chose not to pass the matched value with it and instead the whole object
@ReedCopsey Thanks for the advice. Browsing google and StackOverflow led to much of the same answers. I suppose that my code is not idiomatic F# or that I'm a little misguided in attempting to ignore the match operator.
If I may ask a second question, I'm trying to refactor this piece of code from the same project:
let rec resolveCollisions resolvableActors resolvedActors = match resolvableActors with | [] -> resolvedActors | x::xs -> let resolvedActor = resolveActorCollision x resolvedActors resolveCollisions xs (resolvedActor::resolvedActors)
It looks as if I should be able to fold/reduce it, but I can't quite figure out how. I'm emptying one list and filling the other, terminating and returning when the first list is empty.
Hello everyone. I was wondering if someone could help me out with F# Discriminated Unions. Specifically, how I can easily extract a value without matching.
type ActorType = | Static | Dynamic of Vector2
Assume that I've made sure that the object I'm working with is of the correct union type. From what I've found, the "easiest" solutions without matching seems to be:
I do think I'm capable of accomplishing what they want, it would just take more time to accomplish than an experienced developer already working in that particular area
I would love to accept, it's a very interesting proposal. But I'm just thinking whether or not I would be doing them a disservice by taking longer to learn; or even worse: I can't really tell what I'm building now will be good software in the long run because I'm new to scalable server architectures
Even though I could accept the job, I don't know if I should. Should I just tell them to find somebody more experienced? What if they say, "Nooo, we can do it like this."
I could get help and learn it as I go. However, I feel that a proper business solution to be done in six months would require at LEAST a senior-level developer.
Thank you. It's about a job requiring and wanting to implement a wide range of features from audio analysis to social media searches with ranking/comparing- a search engine for music, if you will. They want it online in half a year and say that it's no problem for me to start even though I don't know the entire technology stack.