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@SoulBeaver Matching is really typically the correct way to handle that. You can just match the type you want, and a catchall that throws if there's a problem.
@ReedCopsey Thanks for the advice. Browsing google and StackOverflow led to much of the same answers. I suppose that my code is not idiomatic F# or that I'm a little misguided in attempting to ignore the match operator.
why do you want to avoid matching?
Not necessarily avoid it, I already did the matching in a previous function, but I chose not to pass the matched value with it and instead the whole object
So I have to fetch the value again
That sounds a little silly. I'm modifying code from a tutorial about writing a Platformer in F#. In the collision resolution function I have the following subfunction:

let calculateNewPosition actor collidable =
        match actor.ActorType, collidable.ActorType with
        | Player(_), Obstacle ->
            match actor.BodyType, collidable.BodyType with
            | Dynamic(actorVelocity), Static -> recalculateActorVelocity actor collidable actorVelocity
            | _ -> actor
        | _ -> actor
In the tutorial, the author chose to pass and return a velocity and return a modified actor in that function. I chose to have the actor passed and modified.

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