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@rightfold I never really tried to understand path-dependent types. I think the Parser Combinator library uses them for types like MyParser.Success, but I'm not even sure of that.
Ah, I see.
I use them like this:
case class User(emailAddress: String, passwordHash: PasswordHash) {
    case class ID(value: Int)
// now I want to do this, but I get a complaint from the compiler that method-dependent types are not supported:
case class ID_UserPair(id: user.ID, user: User)
This would specify that id’s type depends on user.
I tried to enable the language extension using -Ymethod-dependent-types but then I get an error that I passed in an unknown flag.
10 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
I cannot find much information on method-dependent types either.
The Scala 2.9 spec says in a footnote that they’re not supported, but we’re at Scala 2.11 already.
Oh, it’s called “dependent method types.”
Maybe that’s why I could find little information, lol.
Hello everyone. I was wondering if someone could help me out with F# Discriminated Unions. Specifically, how I can easily extract a value without matching.

type ActorType =
| Static
| Dynamic of Vector2

Assume that I've made sure that the object I'm working with is of the correct union type. From what I've found, the "easiest" solutions without matching seems to be:

let velocity = (fun (Dynamic s) -> s)(actor)
1 hour later…
If I may ask a second question, I'm trying to refactor this piece of code from the same project:

let rec resolveCollisions resolvableActors resolvedActors =
match resolvableActors with
| [] -> resolvedActors
| x::xs ->
let resolvedActor = resolveActorCollision x resolvedActors
resolveCollisions xs (resolvedActor::resolvedActors)

It looks as if I should be able to fold/reduce it, but I can't quite figure out how. I'm emptying one list and filling the other, terminating and returning when the first list is empty.

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