@drch expect it to check two sided preferences and add to groups, than one sided and than random students without preferences and add them to groups. it seems like it is overwriting the results and i couldn't setup minimum 5 and max 8 per group rule.
I have two tables in my database
|student | Preferences |
Stud A | Stud B
Stud A | Stud C
Stud B | Stud E
Stud B | Stud A
Stud C | Stud F
Stud F | Stud B
I am trying to solve this problem.
Inserting in SQL Server Table based on Different Table
I used a store Procedure to solve this but it didn't work.
So, i am just wondering if it is possible to do this in C#.
Now, is it Possible to get data from each row of table in an Array.
Assign a number(s...
I am trying to solve this problem.
Inserting in SQL Server Table based on Different Table
I used a store Procedure to solve this but it didn't work.
So, i am just wondering if it is possible to do this in C#.
Now, is it Possible to get data from each row of table in an Array.
Assign a number(s...
I had these two tables in sql server database for C# application.
Item1 | Item2| Item3 | Item4
A | B | C | D
E | F | G | Null
H | I | Null | Null
J | Null | Null | Null
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM Preferences" SelectCommand="SELECT p.preference_id, s.Name FROM Preferences as p join students as s on (p.preference_id = s.student_id) where p.student_id = @student_id">
I have a gridview in .aspx which i dragged and dropped. Created Select command like this SelectCommand="SELECT p.preference_id, s.Name FROM Preferences AS p INNER JOIN students AS s ON p.preference_id = s.student_id WHERE (p.student_id = @student_id)". I have a variable in C# code behind file which i would like to pass to @student_id,
Now how can i just do something like, if student has 4 to 7 entries just enter group id 1 for that student in student table, and all of its preferneces, than count to check if the group id=1 count is between 5-8, than do the same for next student.
This is the structure of tables in my database.
I need to Check Preferences value for each Student in "Preferences Column" and insert a "Group ID" ins "Students Table" for, for example "Stud A" and and all entries in "Preferences column" for "Stud A". I need to generate "group ID" using a Loop or...
guys i am having problem executing sql(mssql) from php. when i execute it on managment studio i get this error "Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 4 There is already an object named '#TempTable' in the database."
In my table i have two columns item_ID, and items. for each item-id i have multiple items. How can i write a query to get for each item_id get all items