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yeah - or you could pass in the salt but you need to store the salt and the hash
@programmer1 Why not use a dynamic?
@programmer1 Holy shit your screen name sucks.
@programmer1 At runtime, a different version of the MWArray assembly is being found.. The one you're using as a reference isn't the one that's being loaded at runtime
Hello everyone :)
hey @JLott
man... I actually got my work done last night... now I don't have anything to do
hey, ppl
there is anyway to make `System` point to a specific dll?
@JLott Hi ;)
@sMember System is a namespace, which is separate from the assembly. The System namespace spans many assemblies
I have actually been pretty busy today. Haven't got to chat much today
@sMember In general, it'll only use assemblies you reference
but the mscorlib must be there for the CLR to function properly, so you can't change it
@ReedCopsey Isn't there an option to not reference mscorlib?
I have been put in charge of getting my bosses going away gift.. It sucks when my own co workers are like, I can't afford it.
@KendallFrey I thought mscorlib was apart of the .NET Framework.
@KendallFrey The language requires it, IIRC
@Greg It is.
since it has to be able to map things like int to System.Int32, etc
@JLott I'm sorry.
@JLott Ouch - that's annoying
@ReedCopsey What if you don't use int?
@KendallFrey I thought it was pretty important to it though.
@KendallFrey I'm fairly sure the C# compilers require it
if you do it all in IL, you may be able to avoid it, but not 100% sure about that, either
from what I remember, mscorlib will always be loaded, since the runtime uses it to create AppDomains, etc
@ReedCopsey I've got a question for you.
Uh oh ;)
It is... it makes me feel bad lol
Is it worth making a cipher utility Async? Or will the overhead deviate the performance yield?
@Greg What's it going to be encrypting?
and where is it going to be used?
Well, I was going to build a utility to handle Hashing and Encrypting for data that is being transmitted into a database.
ooo, interesting
object is defined in mscorlib
so there's a way to replace it with your own, then -
I knew you couldn't just remove the reference, but didn't know there was a compiler option for that
For some reason the setting doesn't appear for me
@ReedCopsey well, I can compile without the mscorlib.dll but my IDE still thinking it's there
@drch So my above example, would need an additional item to return.
You'll have to provide a reference that has all of the same types, though
@ReedCopsey It's an implicit reference, so you can't remove it, or even see it.
at least hte core types
@ReedCopsey Oh, sweet. Ima rewrite .NET
@KendallFrey Yeah -without that switch, there'd be no way to remove it
@JLott How have you been.
@ReedCopsey I'm trying to use some crazy stuff here. Cz i'm not happy with the subset of the .NET framework provided for PCL projects
@Greg Good. Pretty busy right now, but it is calming down.
@ReedCopsey so i just referenced the mono implementation of mscorlib and voilá
@sMember mmm - That's not going to help you, though - for a PCL library, the restrictions are in place because of the frameworks where things will (eventually) run
it'll probably build - but fail at runtime on the other platforms
@ReedCopsey yeah, i just give it a try and it already worked on 3 different plattaforms atm
but my IDE goes crazy
Guys please help....Can we create a canvas object in a wpf(Canvas myCanvas = new Canvas();) form and send(mycanvas) it to a class library so I can draw a circle in that canvas....
@Sumukha Yes, but it's not an approach that you'd typically take in WPF
most of the time, the library would return the items that should be drawn, and you'd just put them on a canvas you already have
since WPF is all retained mode graphics
@ReedCopsey Thanks for the response...You mean that the library tells to draw a circle and the circle implementation has to be in the wpf ?
@JLott That is good.
it's often more like a library would have a method like: IEnumerable<UIElement> GetDrawableItems(); instead of passing in the canvas
@JLott Remember that girl I told you about; I found out her intentions.
then the caller could add them to a canvas or whatever
@Greg That sounds ... interesting ... Does your wife know? ;)
@ReedCopsey Yeah she does, this girl basically was being a whore. Even though I'm married she was totally trying to flirt apparently.
@Greg Oh wow
@ReedCopsey My wife and I were both baffled by this
@JLott Yeah, it was quite peculiar.
Well good for you for staying faithful :) I have to get outta here
Class time!
@Sumukha WPF is nothing like GDI+. You don't draw anything. You just place your content and let the GPU draw it for you.
@KendallFrey Actually what I want to achieve is that I will load 3 dlls dynamically and this dlls have to use the canvas present in the the wpf to do anything they want such as drawing an circle....
The DLLs can just return a collection of UIElement items
circles, etc
and you can add them to your canvas
howdy folks
@SpencerRuport you monster
What'd I do now? :(
@SpencerRuport You just didn't read that with glados voice
oh haha
I forget about my avatar sometimes.
@ReedCopsey Is there any info available online so I can read and start doing it...?
@ton.yeung there's a place called The Easy down the street from us, it's a startup hackerspace. They hold meetups there
nah, just space and wifi I think :P
and im back
they do have stuff like that in Detroit though
I have a fairly basic sql query that I'm trying to "convert" to linq-to-sql. It seems like linq is generating a lot of unnecessary sql, unless I'm mistaken.. anybody willing to look at my gist?
I would try to start a hackerspace here if I knew others that were interested
no doubt
im adding waterflow sensors to my brewing system with a duino this week
can someone plz check this
Q: SQL server table to Array and than update different table using the same data using C#

mubiI am trying to solve this problem. Inserting in SQL Server Table based on Different Table I used a store Procedure to solve this but it didn't work. So, i am just wondering if it is possible to do this in C#. Now, is it Possible to get data from each row of table in an Array. Assign a number(s...

@recursive_acronym it looks good to me
you shouldn't need to do the orderby ID if the ID is the primary key - it should already be ordered by that
@ReedCopsey Thanks got to know how to create the circle and other stuff....but I am not able to figure it out how to do it in the library.....I mean that how to access the canvas from the library?
@ton.yeung nice
@Pheonixblade Thank you. It just seems like a lot of wasteful subselects... I think
i should start teaching that stuff, maybe generate some interest
yeah. Welcome to LINQ-SQL :)
maybe try switching the order of the group and join
this is my brewing system, all electronic, semi automated
@Pheonixblade9 interesting though... the estimated query plan is identical
does wine as well, but i only do [make wine] once a year
only a danger of getting drunk
@recursive_acronym Change your avatar. I keep thinking Zirak has invaded this room. :P
ethanol is what is in drinking alchohol
it's methanol that is deadly
@ton.yeung yeah, it makes you go blind
@KendallFrey I don't know what Zirak is :)
Yes. Ninja Echo, unlike a certain other bot, works the same in every room.
Zirak has a mustache. Completely different.
@Pheonixblade9 Not to a glance.
@KendallFrey get glasses.
Not that that would help.
@KendallFrey Thanks for your input
@recursive_acronym you could always change your avatar to Kendall's, but with a mustache, perhaps.
@JoshVarty it would have to be a rather significant moustache to be able to see it in the thumbnail ;)
grr activex i hate you
I think it'd look good on him.
Sorry - was gone for a bit
@ton.yeung No - not really
@Sumukha Just make the circle, and set it's properties. You don't have to access the canvas
@ReedCopsey I am getting an error that the Ellipse namespace is not found in the dll. Should I include any library???
Make sure to reference PresentationFramework.dll - see msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
@ReedCopsey should I have to download it and then refer it?
@Sumukha No - it's part of the .NET Framework - just add a reference in your projects
if you make your DLL a WPF User Control Library, it'll get it automatically
is it worth it to load a 30MB database file into memory before searching?
@JABFreeware yep
@JABFreeware It does depend, a bit, on what you're trying to do
if you're just trying to find one item, and it can be queried off an index, then it'll probably be faster to just query than to load the entire DB
@ReedCopsey I need to search for contacts in the db and then later use the street address etc to build a mail merge
@ReedCopsey Can you please tell me how to make the dll a wpf user control library?
@Sumukha Just create a new project in Visual STudio - that's a template option
just seems like it would be slow to have to hit the file repeatedly for that
@JABFreeware If the contact's table is indexed, and you're not pulling out every one, it could be much faster to just hit the DB and pull out what you need in one query
@ReedCopsey okay
like copy what I need into a dataset or something yeah
@JABFreeware How many contacts are you pulling out?
is it 1, 10, 100, thousands, etc?
anyone worked with adding activex controls to wpf? The vendor gave me a 64bit version, but so far I can't get VS to even see that darn thing
@ReedCopsey Have done that but should I use add reference to refer the PresentationFramework assembly?....I am getting an error "Error 2 The type or namespace name 'Ellipse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\Users\sumukha\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\canvas\canvas\Class1.cs 15 37 canvas
@ReedCopsey probably about 1-20 out of few hundred thousand
@Sumukha Do you have using System.Windows.Shapes; at the top of your Class1.cs file?
@JABFreeware You can do a single IN query, then, and pull out everything in one shot
@ReedCopsey yeah
if things are indexed, it's likely much, much faster than loading the data
@ReedCopsey thanks a ton it started working......
okay thanks
mmm - now I need to think of a good topic for a few minute presentation...
anybody have a good C# language feature that could be explained in detail in a few minutes?
@ReedCopsey How about kinect?
@Sumukha would take too long
and I'm not really an expert on it ;)
Talk to your kids, stay in school.
@ReedCopsey How about yield?
I was considering iterators - I need to be able to explain it fully in a few minutes, though
probably 6 minutes or so
I'm thinking maybe object and collection initializers... they're simple enough
@ReedCopsey maybe a few simple Linq queries like first, single, sum?
but it depends on level of explaining, demo is probably a more suitable word
posted on October 09, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

I like gadgets, but my tolerance for price is low. But a friend of mine showed me his Nokia Purity Pro headphones (made by Monster) and I tried them...and bought a pair. I've been using the same Beats by Dre Tour In-Ear Headphones for over a year. I've taken them all over the world and they've worked great. However, on planes they hurt the insides of my ear, and once I got them stuck in my e

@ReedCopsey Auto properties with access modifiers is a nice and small feature
@RyanTernier add Michael Dell to that list
and Rudi!
@ReedCopsey what's the audience?
Hey guys, I've been developing recently and have encountered some 'serious' codeing-style problem. How do you think which implementation is more aesthetic? ideone.com/eGbsNr
@JohanLarsson Yeah - need something that's more of an explanation, not a demo
it's an audition video ;) need to show that I can teach something
@linuxod it's better to return early than to do more work than you need to.
@ton.yeung Trying :)
@ReedCopsey what about a basic overview of MVC?
@linuxod I also prefer the second
@ReedCopsey maybe... (something I like) conditional break points?
if that's not too specific
Conditional breakpoints are insanely slow right?
@JohanLarsson yeah
@linuxod The indentation in the first is odd
@ReedCopsey what do you mean?
@linuxod Many people prefer the first because it prevents multiple return points, though
	private void someMethodA(List<String> someParam)
@ton.yeung That would be more like an hour ;) not a few minutes
@ReedCopsey +=, ++ etc. could probably be explained with nice examples in little time
@ReedCopsey i never understood why that is bad, my feeling is that it comes from C or something.
yeah -
it makes it easier to write code that's too complex
if you always try to have a single return point, you almost always get forced into refactoring and breaking up your methods
multiple return points tend to make it too easy to violate SRP
ah, ty sirs
isn't SRP from manual memory management though? It's not as big of a code smell in C#
@ton.yeung heh, sounds like that's not the problem
Hi all, in sql how do I say "SELECT * FROM table WHERE column1 OR column2 LIKE '%foo%'
or is this possible?
SQL servver is not liking the or
@Skullomania SELECT * FROM table WHERE column1 LIKE '%foo%' OR column2 LIKE '%foo%'
This isn't working as I expect, only thing I can think of is I switched to using Prism but other commands like this are working so I'm not sure what I'm missing:
private ICommand tryAgainCommand;
public ICommand TryAgainCommand
        if (this.tryAgainCommand == null)
            this.tryAgainCommand = new DelegateCommand(
                () => mytest(),
                // CanExecute:
                //() => this.State == UpdateState.Failed); // Not working, cant click button even though State == Failed...
                () => this.TryAgainEnabled); // Not working, cant click button even though TryAgainEnabled == true...
                //() => true); // Works when statically set to true, can click button
what are you trying to do?
the button isn't clickable, ie the CanExecute returns False for the command,
canexecute should be true if this.State == UpdateState.Failed
i have no idea what framework you're talking about
using Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Commands;
using Microsoft.Practices.Prism.ViewModel;
Hello friends
you might have more luck with an SO question
I am not knowledgeable in linux at all but what the hell does -n mean when executing a file in the terminal?
I saw Reed and got excited
@PaulthePirate can you give an example?
like testprogram -n 5
@PaulthePirate it depends on what program you're executing. The program itself determines what flags do.
I'm pretty sure the arguments are program specific
ie testprogram is setting the n parameter to 5
try typing "man testprogram"
You'll find an entry for that -n flag there.
@dirt If you call CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested() does it work properly?
Why can't all the rooms be like the C# room? :(
I think I'm just used to using a different RelayCommand that calls CanExecuteChanged automatically, and I have to do that manually now?.. found this: With delegate commands, you have to raise the CanExecuteChanged explicitly whenever you think it should be updated on UI.
Prism's DelegateCommand, IIRC, redirects the CanExecuteChanged event handler to the CommandManager
so to get CanExecuteChanged to fire, you have to call CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested() (which has the unfortunate side effect of requerying EVERY command :S )
(where should I put that) and I was afraid of that
in the property setter for TryAgainEnabled
There is no setter:

        public bool TryAgainEnabled
            get { return this.State == UpdateState.Failed; }
What I dont get is that this works just fine:
        public bool IsUpToDate
            get { return this.State == UpdateState.Current; }
well I know what to search for now 8-)
@Skullomania email me @hotmail.com sometime
@dirt So you need to add it to the setter for State
because that's the one that impacts the resulting command
Depending on where/how the command is used, the command manager may be requerying - but it really depends a lot on the usage
which is why you often have to be explicit about it
I wrote my own DelegateCommand classes that allow both options (as a constructor param) - so they will either redirect to CommandManager or allow me to explicitly raise CanExecuteChanged via a method
is there no way to avoid querying every command ... or I guess thats the point, unless you know/have 1 command affected by the property it would make sense to manually trigger it but if you have n commands affected or unknown commands affected you would want it to scan/refresh everything
@dirt Yeah, if you make your own ICommand, you can raise CanExecuteChanged on just it - or just the ones that are impacted
instead of all of the commands in the system
I'll need to read up more on the Prism to see if that exists already or if I have to roll my own
@dirt That doesn't exist in prism
So you'd need to roll your own
though you can steal theirs as a good starting point
(it's a fairly small change)
@drch You there dude?
@juanvan done!
how do I compile a program from terminal?
@dirt IIRC that calls CommandManager.Invalidate...
@PaulthePirate csc.exe?
or msbuild
yeah its not working like I expected
Im looking into custom INPC now
I dont know what that means
why doesnt gcc main.c -c work?
@PaulthePirate You told us what it doesn't do. But it would be more helpful if we knew what it does do.
fatal error no input files compilation temrinated
it's so refreshing for someone to review my code immediately instead of waiting a month
@ReedCopsey Do you think I should invest the time in Async for that cipher? Or just run some test; or just leave it synchronous.
ah man
terminal is so hard
how do I got up a level in terminal?
it lost my spot where I was for some reaosn
unrecognized in linux
man cd
how do I open a folder? it is in my direct but ls and cd says the folder is not rezognized
is there special syntax for specifying a folder?
of course
of course when I am in a massive hurry everything doesnt work
nothing can ever work right the first time
if it's an absolute path, use "/" prefix
now I have to trouble shoot linux terminal commands before I can start to program
@Greg It completely depends on how much data you're going to push through it
it's a potential candidate, as the internal streams can all be async
so it'd be easy to wrap
I'm thinking you're no longer in a terminal shell and accidentally got into vim or something
@ReedCopsey Not alot, fairly minimal.
Unless somehow a ton of users simultaneously launch.
@PaulthePirate try pwd
oh ls works differently than I though
it moves the directory I hink
well it was for me
ls is a read-only operation
when I typed ls it would move me up a directory
ok I compiled it how do I run
any way to post screenshots of this strange narnia world of a terminal?
@PaulthePirate ./a.out
Or something like that

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