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Q: Looping through an sql server Table, counting values and inseritng data in another table. C#/SQL Server

user2345661I have two tables in my database (Prefrences_Table) -------------------------- |student | Preferences | -------------------------- Stud A | Stud B Stud A | Stud C Stud B | Stud E Stud B | Stud A Stud C | Stud F Stud F | Stud B -------------------------- (Student_Ta...

@user2345661 you linked that yesterday. The question is still unclear what you're trying to do
@user2345661 this is like 3 days in a row
and youve received many suggestions
just do it at random and lose the marks for that feature
@Pheonixblade9 That is an interesting article, so it sounds like completely random passwords are ideal. IE: Q1w2E3r4T5!@#$%
dat loop:
        foreach (var item in AllStudentsPreferences)
            foreach (var v in item.Value)
                foreach (var perference in AllStudentsPreferences)
                        if (perference.Key == v)
                            for (int i = 0; i < perference.Value.Count; i++)
                                if (item.Key == perference.Value[i])
@Pheonixblade9 @drch i have written some code
@user2345661 it's not a SQL question though. It's an algorithms question
Talk to your professor
what is it doing and what do you expect it to do
@Pheonixblade9 if i get a chance i will shoot him
@ton.yeung not a bad idea - but the same techniques could be applied to other languages.
@ton.yeung Not really, if you look carefully it is a simple pattern on the keyboard.
maybe if you had a cyrillic keyboard laying around...
i use a single character password since i doubt many password dictionaries contian those
@user2345661 I don't understand... it is your professor's job to help you figure these things out. Do you not have office hours? Tutor hours?
@ton.yeung No I didn't.
@ton.yeung it is a good strategy, just not perfect
@ton.yeung How was that password listed bad?
your password is as strong as the server that holds it happened to encrypt it
i kinda wish sites were forced to disclose that
@drch expect it to check two sided preferences and add to groups, than one sided and than random students without preferences and add them to groups. it seems like it is overwriting the results and i couldn't setup minimum 5 and max 8 per group rule.
you should use something to manage your passwords and then create a completely random one for each place you login
eg lastpass
if the site stores it in plaintext, there is no such thing as a 'good' password
What makes this a bad password? Q1w2E3r4T5!@#$%
@drch actually, just using two-factor auth is a much better solution than just picking "better passwords"
i try to use oauth for my web stuff
i dont even want your password
@drch I need to learn OAuth.
heh, I might be asking you for help soon. I'm using OAuth for the SOA layer of this site I'm helping build.
@ton.yeung But how is that bad?
its also easy to guess if someone sees your hands when you type
@ton.yeung What are the odds though?
@Greg - Tons of stuff make that a bad password. The real power comes from length. It is highly suggested that you use a long password that is easy to remember like magneticgenerationfunnel than using something along the lines of D@@yJ7(fd!as56.
I find that weird; that it is so easy to crack randomized keyboard patterns.
Especially when they are often quite long.
@ton - It is not a phrase. It is a collection of random words.
@Greg you can buy a petaflop of computing power for $150 these days.
btw, in that article, they were using md5
not salted
so pretty much the worst combo you can do
@Pheonixblade9 GPU?
@KendallFrey yeah I think the new top-end cards are like 2 teraflops
@Pheonixblade9 So, you can get 500 of them for $150?
lulz, meant teraflop
If you can find the phrase magnetic generation funnel used in an actual piece of literature then I would suggest using a different set of words.
the titan produces over 3 GFLops
I know GPUs are a great way to compute in parallel. BUT MINE NO WORKY
pisses me off every time someone mentions GPGPU
@KendallFrey lulz for you. My new laptop has dual 750M GT's. It's pretty sweet
My laptop has a nice GPU too.
Borderlands 2 can run maxed out at 1920x1080 on a single card, so I just dedicate the 2nd card to physics computations
can't wait to replay metro 2033 on it
@KendallFrey Why won't it work?
@Pheonixblade9 That is nice, but on a laptop it makes them so big and heavy. I'll just keep my desktop for gaming; laptop for portability.
@Greg my laptop is only 6lb
Q: Cuda specific error: %s

Kendall FreyI'm trying to program with Accelerator using a CUDA target, but I get the following exception: Cuda specific error: %s. My code looks like this: float[] input = { 0.5f, 2f, 5f, 0.1f, 4f, 0.4f }; FloatParallelArray fpa = new FloatParallelArray(input); CUDATarget target = new CUDATarget(); f...

How thick is it? That is still pretty heavy though- When most laptops average two to four pounds.
@Greg 2-4lb lol
This one's like 12 or something
15.2" x 10.2" x 1.4"
@Pheonixblade9 Forget weights, just strap your laptop to your arm and run down the road.
@KendallFrey Yeah, my Alienware is 10.5 lbs, that is why I'm getting rid of it.
that's too much
@Pheonixblade9 Why so serious!
I like this laptop, build quality seems a lot higher than my HP.
I like my laptop.
@Pheonixblade9 HP has horrible build quality.
I'm keeping the HP for a backup (so I don't have another "oh god my laptop is dead i have no PC" problem)
yeah. their professional models are great, but their consumer models are all based off of cheap chassis.
I'd only get a low-end laptop if I could have a permanent high-speed remote desktop link to a desktop.
@KendallFrey From what you said, the CUDA samples work, so it's not like it's not usable, just not with the Accelerator reference project for some reason?
@ReedCopsey I have no idea, but it did say cuda-specific...
@KendallFrey Well, CUDA isn't the only GPGPU option out there ;)
Got any more ideas?
@ReedCopsey just the cheapest one :)
I don't want to use C++
@KendallFrey why not? C++ has a lot going for it
Unless it's a super simple API
if you want efficiency...
@Pheonixblade9 ...I'll just use my GPU
it's only arcane if you use the arcane libraries. I use C++ like I would use C in most cases (which is probably wrong)
@ton.yeung Right, but if I have a library that does work...
I'm not the kind of guy that takes apart his laptop.
@KendallFrey why not?
you didn't need all those screws in the right spots anyways
hey @ReedCopsey you ever mentor a junior?
@Pheonixblade9 Sometimes - why?
like, not professionally, but as a mentoring relationship
just curious. I think I need a mentor, thought you might have some suggestions on how to find one.
@Pheonixblade9 Depends on what you're after, probably
well, I'd like to move towards management eventually, but I think I need a few years in the salt mines first :P
@Pheonixblade9 - So I guess you did your time in the hash mines already then? :P
@TravisJ lol
Hi all
if I have a control like a droplist and it is being fed by an xml file do I feed it at the .ascx.cs or on the main webform at the aspx.cs?
It's in portuguese @ton
@ton.yeung thanks bro!
ahuhauha @ton.yeung don't pay attention
@ton.yeung it means like "wow" in English
I just want to make it a bit more dynamic so instead of placing tons rows the user should be able to determine.
just trying to be more efficient
the current project works...but I feel its sloppy
becouse currently I do not know MVC
im getting it...its on the way
but my people will suffer until I become educated
I cant have that
whats a matter with spagetti
everyone hates spagetti
@ton.yeung that was geek speak for webforms
@ton.yeung but alfredo fettucini is awsome!
with some chicken!
or chicken parmesan
@ton.yeung nothings better than cooking it yourself!
@ton.yeung the men in my family are infamous for being the best cooks! the wife knows that when dads in the kitchen something magical is taking place...its the only other thing besides web design that I will brag about
*web programming
although she can make some mean cakes and marinades
Anyone remember the syntax to query range of Id?
@ton.yeung but back to programming...webforms are not all that bad...its true that spegetti code stinks...but its still useful
I thought it was Between but I can't fully remember.
the CEO is a pretty cool guy, he's technical, but not really an engineer
Look at that, my memory is correct. It is between- Take that SQL.
@ton.yeung mentors at my local uni? like who?
oh gotcha
hehe, we have my boss, the director of engineering. No CIO/CTO
I just crashed Open Office; haha.
@ton.yeung nope
yeah, except my uni is 3000 miles away :P
I do want to email my old profs and let them know I'm alive and well paid lol
there's one prof, I'm not sure if he'd be happy I found a good job, or disappointed that it's not a hardware job
he was "that one prof"... incredibly hard classes, but I managed a pretty good grade in most of his classes. He even asked me to come represent the dept for an IEEE lunch
lol, cringed that it was too low or too high?
I got to architect the intern projects :D it was a 3+ month project, so that's kinda cool
yeah, sometimes it is worth it
as long as you get to make the jump after
cool :)
@ton.yeung Powershell is awesome.
I do know a bit, want to get better
@ton.yeung Guru on Powershell? Doubtful, when I did IT I used it all the time though.
is plural sight worth it?
like, should I say "hey boss man, wanna pay for me to learn stuffs?
whys that?
@ton.yeung So much money though.
@ton.yeung Better off randomly searching or attending Code Camp / Dev activities in my area.
@ton.yeung Explain?
@ton.yeung hahahaha
@ton.yeung I don't like spending money.
@Greg having a structured approach is actually pretty great.,
@Pheonixblade9 I agree, except I'm poor.
I would really consider doing the UdaCity Georgia tech MSCS program, if I didn't already have student loans
@ton.yeung @ReedCopsey and I are working on that :)
yeah :)
@ton.yeung I thought Microsoft had a huge account for jump starts; with videos and tutorial? So code academy?
@Greg that's for small businesses. BizSpark
beep beep beer beep beep beep beer beep
0 tweets, 3 followers, following 10 users
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@Pheonixblade9 BizSpark? Is that the name of it?
@ton.yeung I actually take a college course each semester to gain access to some of those tools.
@ton.yeung When your a student you become exempt from Jury Duty?
I didn't realize that, I seem to be overlooked often for Jury Duty.
So I haven't bothered with that.
It could be the frequency in which I move.
Anyone here familiar with the ETW EventSource?
How much is a single college course, typically?
I guess in terms of what Greg was taking
a single non-matriculated credit at most universities is between 200 and 600 dollars
that's not that bad at all.
@JoshVarty most classes are 3 credits minimum, though
@JoshVarty Mine are like $23 a credit.
@Greg ...wow, how do you manage that?
@Pheonixblade9 Just take a course at a community college.
@Pheonixblade9 Or an online course.
that takes time :(
I made a script to update the newest tab of stackoverflow without having to click all the time if anyone is interested
it's $107/credit here
=/ Mine were $900/unit
But that was at a university. I think the city college in SB is something like $156/unit
at my school it was $450/credit hour or something like that
450 for a 3c course at the local Community
@ton.yeung whaa
@TravisJ What does it do?
@Kendall - It just replaces the question <div> with a new one once every 15 seconds. meta.stackoverflow.com/a/200322/178816
@ton.yeung That would be more comical if it were Apple.
They program on an Open-Source Platform; but don't give hardly anything back to the community.
@ton.yeung I just noticed that, haha
@Greg "They" who? What open-source platform?
Unix is hardly open-source
There are many proprietary Unix systems
@KendallFrey But Unix is apart of the Open-Group; thus it is essentially Open-Source.

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