SO Close Vote Reviewers

This room is for support and discussion about reviewing and co...
Jun 24, 2020 14:04
Thanks for the confirmation :)
Jun 24, 2020 14:04
Hi everyone, is it okay to ask here if a question could be closed?
A seemingly new user asked a question, did not share a stacktrace/enough information, and then was answered by the OP in 2 minutes of asking. So I'm not sure if "Needs details or clarity" is a valid close reason. Here's the question:


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Nov 27, 2018 14:54
Hey, is it possible to estimate a query's execution time using the estimated cost from SQL Server's execution plan?
Dec 9, 2017 20:53
Answer is no. That should explain
Dec 9, 2017 20:53
It's user. So now in the 1:1 will you be able to populate the user's default picture id without a photo?
Dec 9, 2017 20:50
Consider the 1:n relationship. Which one comes first user or the photo?
Dec 9, 2017 20:50
Just thought of a better way to explain why user is the dependent end in the 1:1 relationship.
Dec 9, 2017 20:35
EF supports 1:1 and 1:n relationships. Finding the principal end between 1:n is straightforward. The 1 is the principal and the n is the dependent end. But in case of 1:1 we need to let it know what to use. If there was no need for the DefaultPhotoId you could probably have gotten away with just Data Annotations.
Dec 9, 2017 20:30
I gotta go now so I'll just explain this bit of Fluent API code, feel free to leave a message and I'll get back tomorrow.

.HasOne(u => u.DefaultPhoto)
.WithOne(p => p.Owner)
.HasForeignKey<User>(u => u.DefaultPhotoId);

The Entity<User>() is a way of stating we want to describe a constraint on the User table. The next to functions make it clear what the relationship is (in this case it's a 1:1 relationship). Note how the relationship is between the navigation properties. Finally we call the ForeignKey<User>() where we explicitly state that User is the dependent
Dec 9, 2017 20:22
Sure. Try drawing a dependency graph. It'll make sense.
Dec 9, 2017 20:20
So DefaultPhoto on depends on Photo. Which makes Photo the principal end in the 1:0..1 relationship. Got it? Or am I confusing?
Dec 9, 2017 20:19
To add a Photo a User must exist to satisfy the 1:n relationship where User is the principal. But the DefaultPhotoId is the Photo's primary key
Dec 9, 2017 20:16
Okay wait I made a mistake. In the 1-1 relationship. User has to be the dependent relationship else it'll create a circular dependency. So the existing code is correct. (Sorry for the confusion again 🙈)
Dec 9, 2017 20:13
Sure thing. I don't think the first code will work. I'll check it out tomorrow if there's a way to get it working. But I really doubt it'll work, because the UserId column is a shadow property.
Dec 9, 2017 20:11
(so sorry for the confusion 🙈)
Dec 9, 2017 20:11
Right now User is the Dependent end. So keeping that in mind does that code make sense to you?
Dec 9, 2017 20:10
Yes User should be the principal end. I'll make an edit.
Dec 9, 2017 20:09
Yes, the first example sets User as the dependent end. Photo becomes the principal end. I should clarify that in my answer.
Dec 9, 2017 20:07
Dec 9, 2017 20:06
let me just quickly check it out
Dec 9, 2017 20:06
Oh okay. so in my first example I think I kept User as the dependent end.
Dec 9, 2017 20:05
So what's left is the one to one relationship you need to add between the User. DefaultPhoto navigation property and the Photo.Owner navigation property. What's the principal end in this relationship?
Dec 9, 2017 20:03
(In your question you explicitly added [ForeignKey("DefaultPhoto")] which is also fine)
Dec 9, 2017 20:03
Okay so in the first code, apart from the One-to-One relationship you understand how things work right? The many to many relationship is established by Convention
Dec 9, 2017 20:02
(Let's finish this quick I got to go in sometime)
Dec 9, 2017 19:41
@MohammedNoureldin the one to many relationship is established by EF conventions in the first instance. That code is just for the 1:0..1 relationship. Whenever EF can't figure things out it'll throw an error, which is why you saw the error in the question in the first place.
Dec 9, 2017 19:41
@MohammedNoureldin I've made an update. Let me know if you have questions. This was a major source of frustration when I got started with EF. But once you get this, it's a piece of cake.
Dec 9, 2017 19:41
@MohammedNoureldin managed to get it working or do you want me to update the answer?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Oct 2, 2016 14:58
never got to try .NET core actually
Oct 2, 2016 14:48
Oct 2, 2016 14:48
oh okay!
Oct 2, 2016 14:46
I din't really change the structure, just changed the value. That shouldn't need a migration, right?
Oct 2, 2016 14:44
I manually changed a database entry, but EF still gets the old value somehow. Any idea what the problem could be?
Oct 2, 2016 14:43
has anyone worked with EF on Azure?
Apr 30, 2015 07:46
okay, so I'm using EF 6 and I get the following error:
The model backing the x context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database (
I tried adding a new migration, but that only adds empty Up() and Down() methods
Apr 30, 2015 07:44
is the port being used? try netstat -a -b on the command prompt
Nov 24, 2014 12:23
i'm writing a custom filter in mvc
is it possible to get a list of other filters applied to the current Action Method being executed?

Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Jul 5, 2016 13:52
A sudo gem update fixed it for me
Jul 5, 2016 13:38
@WayneConrad that's alright. Thanks though :)
Jul 5, 2016 13:16
Good morning! Thanks for the welcome :D
Jul 5, 2016 13:04
Hey! I upgraded OSX to El Capitan. `gem list` shows me the list of gems I had previously. But I can't use the gems. For example, typing `jekyll` on the command prompt, it says 'Command not found'.
Anything I'm missing?


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
Sep 21, 2015 18:16
@TristanWiley @cygery @McAdam331 thanks :D
Sep 21, 2015 18:05
I have read and understood the rules


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
May 16, 2015 07:12
something other than just removing the first character
May 16, 2015 07:11
is there a quick way to convert "~/path/to/image.jpg" to "/path/to/image.jpg"?
Apr 30, 2015 08:35
anyone here can help me with a EF problem I'm facing?
Nov 24, 2014 12:44
@CuteChild there's a static method called FilterProviders.Providers.GetFilters() which does the job :D
Nov 24, 2014 12:21
@CuteChild oh okay, no problem
Nov 24, 2014 12:14
i'm writing a custom filter in mvc
is it possible to get a list of other filters applied to the current Action Method being executed?
Nov 24, 2014 12:13