I had a user just install 4.1 (jelly bean), and the ListView onItemClick() stopped working in my app. So I tried in the emulator (even though it is incredibly slow), and got the same issue.
Has anyone noticed a difference in the new OS?
There is nothing focusable in my item's layout, and it w...
There are also ways to force a process to use a different version of a COM interface than what is registered on the machine. You could redo the COM object in C# and update some of your C# applications that you are comfortable with, and leave the ones you may want to keep untouched alone. Look at Registration-Free COM: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms973913.aspx
To explain more, why it's a problem calling from .Net to COM to .Net. The .Net code running as COM exists in another AppDomain, which is why you get invalid cast exception. I've yet to find a good article explaining this for, although I had to have read one on the topic (how else would I have learned it?).
I think your best option is to recompile all C# .Net applications to just use a direct reference. I not sure of another way, unless you want to redo your COM interface in a non-.Net language.
The issue is when you try to use a COM interface from a .Net language that is written in a .Net language. You would never need to do this anyway as you could reference it as a .Net dll. I'm trying to find an article for you on this.
Are you trying to use your new C# COM interface from C#? That will not work, b/c of the way C# COM is implemented. If you want to use your C# COM interface from C#, then you would just reference it as a usual .Net dll. Only way to test it is to call it from C++, VB6, VBScript, etc. I recommend VBScript since it is so easy.
VBScript is really simple, just make a text file with .vbs file extension. You can call CreateObject() and just output to the console to make sure your COM object can be loaded and maybe call a function or two. See here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dcw63t7z(v=vs.85).aspx.aspx)