Important: C2DM has been officially deprecated as of June 26, 2012. This means that C2DM has stopped accepting new users and quota requests. No new features will be added to C2DM. However, apps using C2DM will continue to work. Existing C2DM developers are encouraged to migrate to the new version of C2DM, called Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM). See the C2DM-to-GCM Migration document for more information. Developers must use GCM for new development.
apparently the google devices are getting it first...I think the carrier models of Nexus devices should be bone stock like what you the states the carrier stuff is bastardized a bit
if anyone has done the "new Master-Detail Activity" wizard in the latest android SDK and can explain what each file does to me briefly I would appreciate it (could pay pal you $20 for your time)
I think it would help to clarify "not working". It doesn't respond to touch? It doesn't perform the action completely? What are you doing in onItemClick? etc.
Also I have 4.1 so I can test it if it's a public app
Yuh, what's the stacktrace - also have you checked the Docs for the new API? They sometime have helpful hints like "Calling this now throws a RuntimeException - Love, the Android team"
Used to be the Engadget podcast before they split off into the Verge (which is a much better site now). Gets annoying sometimes when they start talking over each other, but it's funny enough that I can look past it.
I had a user just install 4.1 (jelly bean), and the ListView onItemClick() stopped working in my app. So I tried in the emulator (even though it is incredibly slow), and got the same issue.
Has anyone noticed a difference in the new OS?
There is nothing focusable in my item's layout, and it w...
Probably unnecessary, I doubt it's a bug with Android, likely a logic error somewhere. @JonathanPeppers your layout isn't going to be the problem, can you edit in the code?
Also, I usually use OnItemSelectedListeners for lists, not OnItemClickListeners, unless it's a list with multiple selection ability.
@kcoppock also fun: a video pod cast called "stuff they don't want you to know" like they seriously go over these conspiracy theories. Narrated in a low voice with ominous music hehe
" Define bigger, because thickness doesn't mean you actually have more parallel fibers. Some muscles lie at an angle" Is that how we sound to non-programmers?
Greetings guardians of the unicorns,
I noticed that markdown links don't render as expected in the room info.
It's only a small thing but thought I would bring it to your attention.
In response to comments:
Raw URL's do link however the [description](url) syntax doesn't ...
Your avatar was my constant, my security blanket, it was the only think I could hold on to as good and true in this God forsaken chat! Now it is gone and we shall all descend into chaos and disorder gnashes teeth
Now I am going to have to make a slideshow tribute with 80s slow pop in the background that will make everyone cry and the worst part is I ONLY HAVE ONE PICTURE FOR THE SLIDESHOW
That's an Inner Shadow you might be able to pull off with a TextPaint. What I do for a similar effect is add a semi-transparent white shadow with a very small radius and offset (like radius:0.8, offsetX:1, offsetY:1)
@Glitch I don't know about the current consumption during usage of the light sensor. But current level issue are treated with on of the highest levels of priority.
@Reno Unfortunately not. I don't own an SGSII. I just keep getting screenshots from disgruntled users showing Lux consuming ridiculous amounts of power.
@Merlin Part of me agrees with the custom-avatar rule. Shows they're at least giving some thought into sticking around for a while and not being a one-off questioner. That said, we have a few regulars here with no avatar.
well there's no question the human race is doomed. by extension, i consider most people incapable of reliably rating an application. i mean they don't even read CAPS in the description warning them it won't work on a list of devices, then they go and rate it 1 anyway when it breaks.
Reminds of me of the people on eBay who will sell a phone "BOX", CLEARLY listed everywhere in the description as "JUST THE BOX NOT THE PHONE", and people will bid it up over $100 then get pissed when it's not the phone.
Sadly, a friend of mine did this. >.> Bought an LG Dare box for $120.