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WUAH! I clicked two times and I am now on the cia homepage... HELP
So Imma send you a mail from another account. Add that to the mailing list
4 messages moved to bin
okay people
nothing to see here
nothing happened.
so anybody else packin' a Google Galaxy Nexus?
what devices does everyone have?
Important: C2DM has been officially deprecated as of June 26, 2012. This means that C2DM has stopped accepting new users and quota requests. No new features will be added to C2DM. However, apps using C2DM will continue to work. Existing C2DM developers are encouraged to migrate to the new version of C2DM, called Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM). See the C2DM-to-GCM Migration document for more information. Developers must use GCM for new development.
<- Google Galaxy Nexus, Motorola Xoom, HTC Droid Incredible, Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, 2 Motorola Droids
<- GN
right on
You have the one straight from google?
or via carrier?
@AamirPathan we do know that :)
Carrier, but no branded shit... my carrier didn't touch the device
@WarrenFaith this is for some one who don't know that
well supposedly they are rolling out updates for us
but I haven't seen anything yet
I guess I have to wait at least a week
apparently the google devices are getting it first...I think the carrier models of Nexus devices should be bone stock like what you have...in the states the carrier stuff is bastardized a bit
according to my build I get the updates from google
then it should come any day now...supposedly they are rolling out since yesterday....go to your settings and manually check
as always I will get the update early in the morning
I'm thinking of doing this: liquipel.com supposedly nano technology that makes your phone water*proof*
does someone now the limit of a get request length?
@GeeksOnHugs nice link
yah looks like an amazing product, checck their videos
It's a bit stupid sending in a phone to get that treatment though
because you'll lose it for a couple of weeks
no a few days and you can pay extra for rush
I agree, I don't think I'll do it because of that, but I would pay twice that if they were local or something.
I think this is better for OEMs though
yah, this should be totally standard by all OEMs
are any doing it yet?
don't think so
Urgh, layout out views in code is painful
does someone know if there is findViewWithTag which gives me not only one view but multiple views with the same tag?
I can't work out how to set a view margin programatically
Jeez! Now that's a long word. Zahlungsanweisungsauftragsbestätigung
I don't think there is such an API @warren
I can even push it some more. Zahlungsanweisungsauftragsbestätigungsabrissblatt
hm I guess you are right, I couldnt find anything
Is is possible to have two views with the same tag name in a View hierarchy?
@OctavianDamiean I can beat you on that: Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaf‌​t
and that shit was REAL!
yes it is
a tag is just an object
you can put there what ever you like
haha awesome!
just a matter of the German language
FIIIINALY got margins working programatically
I don't even know what I changed :/
if we would split the words with - like englisch, it would different :)
My SGSIII power button already sounds like it's about to fail
smamsung plastics :P
it is a pushable button, not a movable one :)
@Reno Why is it that only SGSII owners claim my app drains their battery?
Is there a mistake in the way light sensor power usage is calculated, or is it just a very power hungry sensor. :/
The case on my samsung is a big negative, second only to the WORST sound on any device ever.
SGSII always drains battery... cschulz doesn't even use his, because it lasts only a few hours
Looking for a technical book on GJS (Gnome Javascript) ... amazon returns this
Close enough
I'm not sure that will help, but I'd give it a shot, the reviews are good.
great, now I'm hungry :/
(didn't actually look at the reviews)
needs coffee
btw: how do the desktop notifications of this chat work? I don't seem to get them?
is drinking coffee
@MatF You only get one if the window is unfocused and you get @replied, and you're in Chrome.
ah, now I see :)
Whenever Android comes out with a new version I get hungry for the named treat
when I got my galaxy nexus I was hungry for an ice cream sandwich for days
just ate half a banoffee pie ... feels sick
if anyone has done the "new Master-Detail Activity" wizard in the latest android SDK and can explain what each file does to me briefly I would appreciate it (could pay pal you $20 for your time)
will this parse in c: boolean bool = 1;
@GeeksOnHugs I don't have time to explain, this helped me understand fragments pretty good: mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android/android-sdk_fragments
Looks great @MatF , thank you :-) you earn +20 karma and +1 internets
@Graeme isn't the primitive called bool in C?
... yes! That was a test... Can you do this then bool a = 1;
Welcome to the room @JonathanPeppers
can't see why not
Thanks @Octavian
ohhh he has a pipe! :) very sophisticated
Hey, I had a user just install 4.1 (jelly bean), and the ListView onItemClick() stopped working in my app
has anyone noticed a difference in the new OS? there is nothing focusable in my item's layout
why does this goddamn beagleboard have to be so slow -.-
do you have a jelly bean test device?
my jelly bean emulator is unusably slow for some reason
yeah, the user upgraded their phone, I didn't ask how
galaxy S3
sounds like a question for Stack Overflow
the emulator is really slow
I'll post
what did you compile your app with (target SDK)?
I think it would help to clarify "not working". It doesn't respond to touch? It doesn't perform the action completely? What are you doing in onItemClick? etc.
Also I have 4.1 so I can test it if it's a public app
i subscribe to vergecast! never heard of it before, itsa win
Yuh, what's the stacktrace - also have you checked the Docs for the new API? They sometime have helpful hints like "Calling this now throws a RuntimeException - Love, the Android team"
Used to be the Engadget podcast before they split off into the Verge (which is a much better site now). Gets annoying sometimes when they start talking over each other, but it's funny enough that I can look past it.
yah yah, funny group
It doesn't respond to touch
Q: Android - ListView onItemClick() not firing in 4.1 jellybean

Jonathan.PeppersI had a user just install 4.1 (jelly bean), and the ListView onItemClick() stopped working in my app. So I tried in the emulator (even though it is incredibly slow), and got the same issue. Has anyone noticed a difference in the new OS? There is nothing focusable in my item's layout, and it w...

When you say it's not firing, you've set a breakpoint in onItemClick and it's not reached?
console too, to be sure
I tend to vote to close. You have no code, no layout posted...
He has a pipe dude
Can you edit in your code showing a) where you're setting up your OnItemClickListener, b) where you're setting the listener to your listview
I'm working on it
your only question can be answered with yes/no
I was already in the process
you could also take a look into the sources of 4.1
Probably unnecessary, I doubt it's a bug with Android, likely a logic error somewhere. @JonathanPeppers your layout isn't going to be the problem, can you edit in the code?
Also, I usually use OnItemSelectedListeners for lists, not OnItemClickListeners, unless it's a list with multiple selection ability.
@kcoppock also fun: a video pod cast called "stuff they don't want you to know" like they seriously go over these conspiracy theories. Narrated in a low voice with ominous music hehe
I'm trying ItemSelected, emulator taking a while
Aaaarrrgggggh ... either use a deprecated library or write a new wrapper library in C /gnome-shell-extension-rage
@OctavianDamiean you have mail
I would love to hear your feedback
@WarrenFaith I can't help but hear that in the AOL voice.
You've got mail!
anyone ever try an audio book? I'm wondering if it's a good experience
@WarrenFaith you have mail
ha! that was exactly my thought... except the military... I would never work for them
They pay well, why not? :)
I am a pacifist :)
Welcome to the room @Stephen. Make sure to read the room rules ... or I'll eat your soul. Enjoy your stay. :P
i'm not a pacifist but I do think military adventurism is way outta control
danke schön. :)
prepares his bib
" Define bigger, because thickness doesn't mean you actually have more parallel fibers. Some muscles lie at an angle" Is that how we sound to non-programmers?
also @Reno yes, basically
Haha, I have to imagine we sound something like that.
Q: Markdown in chat "room info"

MerlinGreetings guardians of the unicorns, I noticed that markdown links don't render as expected in the room info. It's only a small thing but thought I would bring it to your attention. Salutations. UPDATE In response to comments: Raw URL's do link however the [description](url) syntax doesn't ...

Placed a bounty on this ... let's see if any dev's will sell their soul for a nifty fifty
Just so you all know, C is the worst thing ever,
and everyone that codes in it should be killed. I know it seems harsh and would also end in my own demise, but I think the world needs it to happen.
goodbye world
hmm I'm still alive
main(){printf('Goodbye World');}
#include <stdio.h>
yes ... oh damnit ... we don't have the world destruction version of stdio lib
@Graeme whassup? why you hatin'?
he a h8r
If you're going to have a low level language that's fine, make a low level language and end the damn thing there.
Don't insist that it's a language that should be doing more than that.
C can do everything ... it's a swiss army knife
i said should, not can.
It can do everything - it just shouldn't
Well it's not C's fault that you guys are deciding to use it
I shouldn't have to make a perl script in order to spit out C files because you can't get the size of a damn hell fuck array god damnit.
what the? int len=sizeof(array)/sizeof(whatever);
apparently that's not a thing.
pls explain yourself
tried that with unsigned char and it said "No, I'm sorry, I'm too archaic, please reboot your technical universe and try again"
isn't unsigned char the same size as char?
I have a feeling @nil is going to show up and be very angry with this conversation.
that seems too verbose of an error message for C
did the same with char, college told me I need to manually put a const size_t in.
lmao @Atlos
you're telling me that sizof(char) doesn't compile or returns wrong value?
that's what I'm telling you yes
do other primitives work
like sizeof(int)
I would give you the console output if that hadn't been cleared when i rebuilt it with perl :P
which? fails to compile or returns wrong value?
failed to compile, it's fine, I fixed it by using a good language.
it's failing for another reason now.
@Graeme oh you
I'm predicting WW3 soon
I'll take my C coded defense system
and you can take your good language defense system :P
oh and I mean WW3 in the channel not out there
Oh my god I want a cig right now
Eat sunflower seeds instead
nah ... sunflower seed are more fiddly
Your avatar was my constant, my security blanket, it was the only think I could hold on to as good and true in this God forsaken chat! Now it is gone and we shall all descend into chaos and disorder gnashes teeth
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
On the bright side, I don't have to mistake it for a skull any more.
Now I am going to have to make a slideshow tribute with 80s slow pop in the background that will make everyone cry and the worst part is I ONLY HAVE ONE PICTURE FOR THE SLIDESHOW
Is it Friday yet?
I really feel like it should be Friday
changes gravatar back to prevent gory mess in @Pyrodante office
@Pyrodante I used to smoke now I don't and I get sick less often, I don't stink, I'm richer, food & drink tastes better etc
And, if I'm lucky, It's made me live longer.
frantically refreshes
if you change your avatar @merlin the terrorists (and @JMRboosties) win.
It takes a little while
Took mine like a day or two
What I'm saying is you might break your F5 key.
That's it ... try now
so happy
sleepy grumpy magic kitty is the very essence of @merlin
Whoa, it changed already. Then WTF did I do wrong?
you can't just change bedrock princibles
also, a skull? really?
Yup. Looks like a skull looking to the left, with a hat on of some sort.
I just don't see it
So, everytime @JMRboosties' computer makes a ping noise he must be like "sigh must be making fun of my rapist avatar again"
Yeah, @JMRboosties probably does think that.
And we probably are making fun of @JMRboosties' avatar whenever he hears a ping.
yea p much
I was going to use this as my avatar but it wouldn't fit
I would have been OK with that
wonders if there are any more vi vids this week
some day @JMRboosties will hire me, and that day he will get his revenge on me
did you watch those ones I sent you last time?
I am subscribed dude, I watch them right away :D
along with sourcefed, Sci show, crash course, VSauce, Smarter every day........
@Pyrodante your office will have pictures of my avatar all around it
ala this:
hopefully I wont be the PR guy... because that would be bad
whatever man spiderman is AWESOME
Anyone know how to achieve the inset text effect iOS has?
What do you mean?
watch out... they'll sue
That's an Inner Shadow you might be able to pull off with a TextPaint. What I do for a similar effect is add a semi-transparent white shadow with a very small radius and offset (like radius:0.8, offsetX:1, offsetY:1)
Not as cool, but this may help : stackoverflow.com/questions/6871301/…
(yes still upset about that)
me too :(
and mine was closed a year ago
sadly, that statement is truer then I would like
I really want to see them fall.
and yes, the cooking SE are wankers. I still haven't figured out what constitutes a good question there
@Reno @Glitch That's a good link, the MagicTextView class should be exactly what you need.
@Reno Nice. There's no licence though. Would it be safe for a commercial app?
@Glitch I don't know about the current consumption during usage of the light sensor. But current level issue are treated with on of the highest levels of priority.
I... I'm not sure if that name is against the rules...
@user refused for having a stupid username
So if you know a proper usecase then let me know, I can ask them to look into it.
@Reno Essentially running Lux on dynamic mode will do it. It keeps the light sensor on.
but... what if this is Tron... or worse yet, Reboot?
@user actually refused for having low rep, no answers, and bad grammar.
Do you have any stats.. like 1 hour - x % battery?
... and a stupid username
yes sure
@Glitch from his README: https://github.com/m5/MagicTextView/blob/master/README.markdown

"Realistically, just copy MagicTextView.java & attrs.xml into your project and use them as your own."
Rejected from me due to the walls of code.
although User1 would be kind of cool
It's not an explicit license, but I take that to mean it's public domain. Might not hurt to confirm, though.
@Reno Unfortunately not. I don't own an SGSII. I just keep getting screenshots from disgruntled users showing Lux consuming ridiculous amounts of power.
oh it's SGS2?
I may need to steal a copy of lux again and try it out on my GN
Erm, from the dropbox?
If SGS2 gets JB I'll fix that for you.
I think we should add more rules ... usernames must not start with "user" and standard or dirty-rapist avatars are banned
stealing OK as long as you tell the person first right?
@Pyrodante Wait until I put the copy with JB fixes.
@Merlin the user rule is in there
well ish
Because most of the SGS2 ICS updates have rolled off. Sorry
No problem.
Tell people to finish the kernel stuff so they can release it early. :P
@Merlin Part of me agrees with the custom-avatar rule. Shows they're at least giving some thought into sticking around for a while and not being a one-off questioner. That said, we have a few regulars here with no avatar.
CM10 won't get ported to SGSIII until they get the binaries they need
Those regs could easily change avatar ... doesn't have to be a photo
True enough
what if you just look murderous and creepy like me? lol
Hmm, @Stephen's avatar could be a rapist. I'm removing his write access.
I think he just lurks in the shadows
as I once wrote on my blog, i'm not a serial killer... yet.
plug your RS232 into an high voltage AC socket ... that should do the trick
ba dum tshhh
@Glitch You should keep an apk handy that samples less frequently to satisfy these users. Just tell them it's Samsung's fault or something.
I already tell them that :P
Of course, they then go and 1 star my app
Sons of bitches.
And there's this problem of variants of SGSII, the hardware is not the same everywhere
I'm actually surprised I still manage a 4.5 star rating
well there's no question the human race is doomed. by extension, i consider most people incapable of reliably rating an application. i mean they don't even read CAPS in the description warning them it won't work on a list of devices, then they go and rate it 1 anyway when it breaks.
Reminds of me of the people on eBay who will sell a phone "BOX", CLEARLY listed everywhere in the description as "JUST THE BOX NOT THE PHONE", and people will bid it up over $100 then get pissed when it's not the phone.
Sadly, a friend of mine did this. >.> Bought an LG Dare box for $120.
Who sells boxes anyway
People who know people are stupid.
It's intentionally deceptive, but not against the rules.
Dark gloomy avatar, negative view of humanity, can't be brought to hold the shift key to type 'I', but willing to capitalize "CAPS"...
It used to be very common, I don't know if it is anymore -- I haven't used eBay in quite a while.
I have a negative view of humanity too. :)
He says with a smile...
@Glitch r u there?
i have need ur hepl on topic SSO of fb @Glitch
Oh god.
alksjdlakjsdhasfjhkjsd I WANT TO BAN THIS HUMIN
he even edited it...
@AkashSingh Wut
Why are you asking me?
still didn't fix "hepl"
Or "ur" or "i"
also @Reno, you misspelled "God Damn It"
stifling laughter to avoid stares
@Glitch hash key
not sure if I don't know about the thing he is asking about, or if he just misspelled so terribly that I can't understand it...
@AkashSingh Please tell me you're trolling. finger hovers over "no special access"
What?!?! You generated Hasy Kay?! He's my archenemy!
My fav. part "but i have face problem in .."
@Glitch Sory Hash Key
@AkashSingh ask on SO, preferably using English
If you don't want to use English, I hear they flirt with each other in Hindi poems in other rooms...
So that's a thing
@Pyrodante heh i try to like humanity... i do... :P
as if on cue, i have one of the dumbest people i know hassling me on facebook.
i should sell her a dare box
i can get one from ebay right :P

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