HTML / CSS / WebDesign

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Aug 6, 2015 14:21
Anyone here been busy with Polymer? I remember to have recently seen a page with some sample layouts, each layout shown on three devices (laptop, tablet and smartphone), but I can't seem to find that page anymore.
Aug 5, 2015 22:37
Yo, has anyone seen a page of the polymer project with some samples of layouts, shown on three different devices at once (phone, tablet & laptop)? I saw it a while ago but can't seem to find it anymore
Jul 22, 2014 13:12
@DarkAshelin: How I've done it in the past, not sure whether this is the 'correct' way but anyhow, I just upon posting put the values the user posted in $_SESSION variables. Then I check the inputs for errors. If there is an error, I add a second get or post parameter, that I check before populating the form. If that get/post parameter is set, I put the values from the $_SESSION back in the input value of the fields, else I leave them empty
Jul 22, 2014 13:05
@DarkAshelin yeah I know it wouldnt take long, but a javascript check is just a bit more user-friendly! But as for the PHP, what is your exact question
Jul 22, 2014 12:57
@DarkAshelin: using only php for form validation requires the user to post the form, wait for a reply, and only then see he has done something wrong. Mostly there is a javascript check beforehand, this doesn't require the user to submit the form and wait for a repoly of the server
Jul 22, 2014 12:53
of course you still need a php check as well, true
Jul 22, 2014 12:53
For errors I'd use html5 or javascript personally, then the user sees before the form is submitted what (s)he's done wrong
Jul 22, 2014 12:52
Depends what you want to do with it, you could also after a submit load a new page with the message that the form has been submitted @DarkAshelin
Apr 18, 2015 17:51
Well t doesn't need to be encrypted necessarily - I just don't see an easy way to connect to the peripheral without having to scan the area
Apr 18, 2015 17:07
Ah I see. Could I ask one more question? It is possible in BLE to pair (bond) devices, right? The app you linked can't manage to bond with my peripheral, could it be that it does not support it?
Apr 18, 2015 14:24
For the write, the charasteristicNotification shouldn't have to be set, right?
Apr 18, 2015 14:23
And it seems to be deleted, hurray!
Apr 18, 2015 14:23
I think it worked! The peripheral contains a .csv that should be deleted after a certain amount of frames is sent
Apr 18, 2015 14:13
The reading works, but I'm not sure how to write to the device yet.. To write I have a different Characteristic UUID than the read, so I set the value of this characteristic to the value I want to send, and then I guess I need to use BluetoothGatt.writeCharacteristic() to send that characteristic to the remote device? Then check the status with the callback and send new data?
Apr 18, 2015 00:22
I seem to have got the android sample from the dev site working - it is now also reading in the data the app you sent delivers
Apr 17, 2015 23:38
And how do I then read the data?
Apr 17, 2015 23:36
and also notes that the properties are NOTIFY, checked that myself as well
Apr 17, 2015 23:36
Using the app you provided doing the RX characteristic it does read in some chars
Apr 17, 2015 23:30
Thanks I'll test that out! This topic… sais if the type of characteristic is different from read the callback won't be called
Apr 17, 2015 23:27
Good catch - it return false. What could cause this?
Apr 17, 2015 23:27
I used this method to run mBluetoothGatt.readCharacteristic(characteristic), but the callback is still not called...
Apr 17, 2015 23:27
Calling readCharacteristic(characteristic), the onCharacteristicRead()-callback is unfortunately not called.


if( awesome ) return "not awesome";
Sep 9, 2013 10:44
I'm sorry I haven't used JQM
Sep 9, 2013 10:40
Yeah I read that, but removing from the source doesn't seem like a good solution
Sep 9, 2013 10:36
Can't recall needing it in a while ago
Sep 9, 2013 10:36
why is it needed for the minimized jquery?
Sep 9, 2013 10:31
I'm getting the " 404 (not found)" error, but what is this map? On other pages I don't need this..


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jun 9, 2013 20:43
If you set values in $_SESSION vars, and later you want to store them in a db, is it necessary to clean those values?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Mar 30, 2013 18:46
Anyone workes with dropzone.js?
Jan 5, 2013 01:20
Thanks mate!
Jan 5, 2013 01:19
Yeah I had forgotten IE does annoying about not setting a doctype, that was my bad :)
Jan 5, 2013 01:14
Yeah thanks a lot! But I think I'll stick with the first solution, it's the cleanest and works as well. But if I find some issues, then I'll know where t look for other approaches!
Jan 5, 2013 01:12
But why would I add an aditional span tag if it works without it? The faint outline of the border when zoomed in is a browser-issue I think, or an image issue
Jan 5, 2013 01:07
here's an example of the current div-stuff
Jan 5, 2013 01:06
Jan 5, 2013 01:06
The divs was just the div with text in it, as it is now with the link with only text in it
Jan 5, 2013 01:02
So that's the code you had and added the negative indent?
Jan 5, 2013 00:59
but that issue is currently also an issue in the current design with div's
Jan 5, 2013 00:59
If you zoom in on the fiddle you can see it as well
Jan 5, 2013 00:59
Well it's only if you're at +150% or something, and it's not even full pixels that are wrong, just a faint outline.
Jan 5, 2013 00:56
But I don't think that's necessary, or do you think the current solution might cause problems?
Jan 5, 2013 00:55
Ah I see
Jan 5, 2013 00:52
Other than the fiddle I'm afraid not. There does seem to be something wrong with my image though, if you zoom in very far, you can see a faint outline of the border. Weird though, since the image is colored pixel per pixel.
Jan 5, 2013 00:52
Seems to work nicely in Chrome & FF, but IE is doing something weird... Not sure due to what it's doing so, perhaps something with the padding.
Jan 5, 2013 00:52
I'm having issues with IE9... But in JSFiddle it doesn't seem to do so, I forgot the <!DOCTYPE> in my local doc :p
Jan 5, 2013 00:52
I'm afraid your updated code moves the whole div and thus the text has to be moved as well. But as mentioned in my comment above, it DOES work in IE9 also. Don't see any problems in any major browsers, so that's good news!