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I think you are right, I retracted in the end. Close votes are still new to me.
people are using rtl to position elements
direction: rtl;
@mikedidthis in github's .md how do i link an #anchor that is in the file itself?
@ObiWanWesabi you want to link to a file in the repo?
you can just use relative links iirc.
i want to link the document itself, but a specific point of it, an anchor
just use the hash
can i customize the ID or it can be generated only?
you can customize it iirc.
@SecondRikudo good that you removed the message xD ahahaha
it's ok, people always think i'm a noob and probably i am xD
Sorry, no you can't change the id with plain markdown, its a markdown extra feature.
k, thanks
@ObiWanWesabi If you're writing the MD file locally (and not with GitHub's editor), I think you can only do it with 2 commits.
If you're using GitHub's editor, you might be able to use the preview to your advantage.
thankfully the generated hash is predictable
whitespace is replaced with - and it's lowercased
Also, what is your CSS thing on Github. I saw it when I was sick, but there is nothing in it :(
i'm writing something now, it's the flexbox gui framework
how do i escape html? <b> seems not working
its markdown, not magic :D
escape your own html you lazy man.
-> two of these `
@ObiWanWesabi Yeah? Using `<b>` Doesn't work?
probably it's because i'm mixing html and markdown
indeed ^
don't do that.
i like html, i will use html. xD
@mikedidthis do you make a living with HTML or markdown? xD
@ObiWanWesabi if I could, I would markdown all the things.
@SecondRikudo do you use git via phpstorm?
@ObiWanWesabi Only for commit/pull/push
I like the CLI version better though
i should really learn git. it's about time :D
@ObiWanWesabi me2
i learn things only when i actually need to learn them, otherwise it won't just happen xD but now i have a concrete occasion
so bad that i can't use <![CDATA[ blocks on github
@mikedidthis is there a way to write big blocks of html and avoid to escape entities manually?
like <textarea> or <xmp>
I have a concrete occasion and still having trouble bringing myself up to the task x)
cool :D
great, thanks
My pleasure
@Wes currently listening too: limp bizkit - pimp biscuit.
@mikedidthis downloading :D
I think its fan made, but its all the best collabs.
live songs? unplugged?
I haven't heard some of them. I don't think they are live / unplugged.
I just want to listen to boiler on repeat :D
whats better? black background or white?
@Mr.Alien RACIST!
lol, i don't get why everybody love boiler only :D @mikedidthis do you like the first album? counterfeit, sour, pollution?
@ObiWanWesabi totally. But boiler and counterfeit are so teenage angst!
meh, i listen them for the music mostly. riffs of the first album are epic
I also love the MI:2 song as well.
Was it 2 or 3?
Damn, that is what I am watching tonight. I watched the first last week.
!!youtube limp pollution
i mean listen at that riff!
Dude, no need to preach to me, I love me some biscuit.
Well thats my music sorted for the afternoon, though I should take a nap.
i used to listen metal while sleeping when i was teenage. it didn't go well. aren't you doing that, right? xD
No no. But I did listen to the Chocolate Star Fish for 12 hours solid, when I was travelling. I bought the CD at the bus depot and never stopped listening to it until I arrived.
lol :headbang:
@Mr.Alien anyway, more details?
+1 its a very hard question to answer with out context.
@ObiWanWesabi my blog, so whats better to read
its black right now
i have prepared this before. i'd never thought to use it with you @Mr.Alien
bookmark: imgur.com/…
provide at least a screenshot?
take one with your mind
So... black or white? :D
its not totally black, its black with noise and tinge of white
if the site is focused on reading i'd go with white background and black text, otherwise sites like photo/video galleries, catalogs, corporate sites can use a darker background
I chosed black cuz I generally sit in the dark in front of screen, if you scroll the page and instantly something white hits your face, your eyes will pain
but it's just because average user prefer to have white bg and black text
let me check the white
@mikedidthis what's the best way to create a block of plain text that isn't preformatted in github's mds ?
i meant like a code listing
nvm, i have no idea of what i'm doing
okok, i'll keep it in mind
no worries. I usually do code for anything inline, and pre for anything that is more than one line
unrelated, .DataGrid > table or .datagrid > table or .data-grid > table ?
pick one
(they are equivalent for me, as long they are consistent)
going with white
@ObiWanWesabi I prefer the hypen
Can somebody tell what is the problem with jsfiddle.net/rt5Q9/4 acting differently in firefox and chrome ?
It should be acting like it is acting in chrome
Excuse me if the question is very nood
I don't understand the question.
@wh0 the question is not noob - it's incomprehensible
@easwee Open the fiddle in chrome and firefox check the visual difference
@wh0 a little tip. Don't make use do more work than we need to.
Screenshot it.
Also I think your issue is down to the browsers default CSS. You may need to read up on reset / normalize css.
Ok will go through it. Thanks. Nice comic btw
@Mr.Alien jQuery > javascript all day
haha you read that?
crazy users :p
Too many people never read anything that's not spoon fed
@ZachSaucier Wait, what?
@ZachSaucier yup, I don't get why they don't search, for example, this
he means this
^^ Gold badge with 1 rep. Wow
@ZachSaucier Fanatic
I can read :)
crazy to me that he'd login that much for no reason though
Editing easing in dev tools. Awesome. Looking forward to that
@ZachSaucier yeah lol
:D github.com/WesNetmo/neon-css @easwee @mikedidthis
so hard writing it the right way
@ObiWanWesabi what's that?
@ObiWanWesabi ya, what's the result going to look like?
the flexbox gui framework @easwee
ah - nice
@ObiWanWesabi .space ?
i haven't finalized the naming yet, it's supposed to be a flexible space @easwee
.spacer would be better
vertical space or column space/offset?
both :P
if vertical margin-bottom is more correct I guess
than using an empty space element
depending upon the context, it's a vertical spacer or a horizontal spacer
ya, I remember your live video once you told what it was
i have chosen a windows 95 looking gui as a basic theme xD
looks nostalgic :D
@ObiWanWesabi dafuq oldie gtfo
<3 windows 95
@ObiWanWesabi I support
should have used 3.1
anyway i can change theme at any time very easily :D
hmm how would u guys code this ^
it's a form and when u click the buttons above, a few fields change
atm I've made it all in 1 big form, and using hide/show
@DarkAshelin using html and css
but now wondering how I should manage the php side. and if you click Submit, how do I get back to the correct fields shown? since the page will refresh :/
maybe I should save somehow the form specfic in the url, like /contact/brochure
Depends what you want to do with it, you could also after a submit load a new page with the message that the form has been submitted @DarkAshelin
well what about errors?
it'd have to show the same page with the error messages
For errors I'd use html5 or javascript personally, then the user sees before the form is submitted what (s)he's done wrong
of course you still need a php check as well, true
scratches head
@DarkAshelin: using only php for form validation requires the user to post the form, wait for a reply, and only then see he has done something wrong. Mostly there is a javascript check beforehand, this doesn't require the user to submit the form and wait for a repoly of the server
@arbitter not that that reply would be so slow
but you know, graceful degradation
so I need the php check to be there and working
it would be easy to make that as well :D
(and i'd love to)
anyway i picked the win 95 one just because it's simple :P
i once faked the win7 style and added a script in a project at work that poped up the window each time saying bla bla you have virus
@easwee gross
a coworker nearly freaked out
not knowing it was just a css popup
@DarkAshelin kids these days...
it poped each time on one subpage only - he thought he has some bug in the database
or virus in database
@DarkAshelin yeah I know it wouldnt take long, but a javascript check is just a bit more user-friendly! But as for the PHP, what is your exact question
anyway i'm not doing it 1:1 pixel perfect :D just got inspired by it
@arbitter wondering how I should best code this. can't wrap my head around it
I've made it so /contact/brochure/ url will automatically activate the right form (as if you've clicked one of the buttons)
@ZachSaucier No thanks
but should I change the form action with javascript as well then? x.x
I had 21 issues yesterday upon leaving (a crap ton)
today I have 25 new ones...
Better close SO :-(
@ZachSaucier 99 little bugs in the code...
@DarkAshelin: How I've done it in the past, not sure whether this is the 'correct' way but anyhow, I just upon posting put the values the user posted in $_SESSION variables. Then I check the inputs for errors. If there is an error, I add a second get or post parameter, that I check before populating the form. If that get/post parameter is set, I put the values from the $_SESSION back in the input value of the fields, else I leave them empty
@arbitter you can do that without session too
@DarkAshelin What's the question?
toolbars :D
but that's the basics, I'm just confused about the whole 5 form part
@SecondRikudo did you see my screenshot posted above?
@SecondRikudo how to handle a form, I think
no, I know how to do so in general
@DarkAshelin No, I apologize
well: https://i.sstatic.net/GR3zn.jpg
when clicking one of the 5 buttons above, the form changes.
Atm I've made it all 1 big form, and using hide/show upon clicking the buttons
I've also made it that for example /contact/brochure in the url automatically shows the brochure form
but now I'm wondering how I should code the php part. should I change my form's action url with javascript as well?
Why not five forms?
@DarkAshelin If they're different purposes, they should be completely different form elements, with different action= attribute if needed.
@TylerH it's only really 1-2 fields that change every time
imho both solutions are valid since forms are basically the same
posted on July 22, 2014 by Chris Coyier

A huge pile of information about SVG. How to Use SVG These are overview articles covering lots of stuff relating to SVG. Why to use it and the basics of how to use it. Mostly: <img>, background-image, <svg>, <iframe>, and <object>/<embed>. Using SVG by me Resolution Independence With SVG by David Bushell SVG on MDN How to Add Scalable Vector Graphic

I guess making it into 5 forms would be easier for the php part...
@DarkAshelin I'm just thinking scalability and maintainability down the road
<div style="display:hidden">
<label><input type="radio" name="formtype" value="1">Form1</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="formtype" value="2">Form2</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="formtype" value="3">Form3</label>
If they ever grow or want to take one of the forms and put it somewhere else you'll have to re-do it
change this via javascript
@ObiWanWesabi taht's what I have right now
in php you check $_POST['formtype']
you didn't read my question did u?
instead of the form's action
i didn't. i apologize too :D
no I misunderstood u, what u said is a valid option
@DarkAshelin Making it 5 different forms is the correct thing to do, it's not a question of what's easier.
but when I submit my form then, the page refreshes and it won't show the correct form again
Ask yourself this: Are all 5 the same form?
@SecondRikudo alright, seems I'll go with that then
@SecondRikudo well yeah, the same except for 1-2 fields
@DarkAshelin Oh, if that's the case, then it isn't 5 different forms.
@DarkAshelin would you want the form to show up after submit?
@Will yes, if there are error messages for example
I would do an ajax submission so the page would not refresh.
@SecondRikudo hmm, there would be UX benefits from having all the same form. If you select another button half-way through filling in, you wouldn't have to fill in your name etc all over again
@DarkAshelin The question you should ask yourself is this:
Do all the forms have the same semantic meaning?
Are all the forms mean the same thing?
There could be 2 different forms which are identical markup wise, but mean two completely different things
x.x I don't follow
they all sorta have the same meaning I guess, you're just sending a contact form to the company.
depending on the button, it's a different "subject"
that's all
@DarkAshelin Then it's the same form.
@ZachSaucier performance is a bit better
I'm all but done with this script for now
@rlemon glad to hear it. My picture should be done by now but it's on my home PC. Have the script on github?
not yet
gonna put a gui on it with better looking reporting
and I still need to solve the image collection issue
randomly selecting from imgur results in a lot of waiting for images
404'd: 4559 used: 1502 unused: 1914
on my current generation
@SecondRikudo so would u also work with ajax submission? or change the form's action through js?
unused are of course valid images that I don't need for the render
Q: Consideration for Removing the Downvote Button from Questions

Jonathan MeeI have noticed that a lot of legitimate questions get downvoted cause they don't use proper nomenclature or are unclear. That's a frustrating user experience for people who are trying to learn but are being punished because of their ignorance. Take my question here as one example: Can I Allocate...

@DarkAshelin Why would you change the form's action?
Sounds like the same controller should be taking the form in all cases.
@SecondRikudo if I submit the form, and my php check returns false, what do u think happens?
the form will be hidden upon page reload
until I click one of the 5 buttons again
@DarkAshelin That's a client issue, not a server one
also how should it know which of the 5 buttons is selected through php?
@DarkAshelin Should the server care?
to submit the right formfields
and subject
@Mr.Alien if you look at his main site question history, it appears he/she is butthurt because someone downvoted their question
+3/-2 on the latest
@DarkAshelin The client is responsible for submission, not the server
@SecondRikudo I don't get it
And the subject is also determined by the client, and not the server
submission is handled by php response, no?
@DarkAshelin Handled, yes. But the client is the one who is responsible for submitting
Think about it this way
you mean clicking the actual button?
@rlemon I assumed cuz he shared a link.. I laughed so hard after reading that post
The server should provide a single uniform API for submitting contact us requests
yes, and that's my plan
The client's job is to, whatever the user's choice, submit a request that will fit with that API that the server provides.
the problem is that after it reaches my controller and checks the input, it should present the same page again to the user (in case of any errors)
The server doesn't care whether you collect the user's full name with one field "Full name" or two fields "First name" and "Last name", do you understand?
so in that case, I need to know which of the 5 buttons the user had selected
I think we're talking about 2 different things
@DarkAshelin Again, no, you don't.
why not?
after the page refreshes, I need to present the user again with the correct form fields, hiding the irrelevant ones
The client should remember which form did the user select, and in case of an error refill the fields that the user had and present to correct form.
Ideally, you can use pushState for this purpose as well
For example
so js / ajax validation?
contact-us/support will be parsed by the client-side as contact-us with the user clicking the support button
^ yes that's what I have atm
@DarkAshelin You could submit by AJAX
But then you have to provide a fallback to nojs/noajax users
the problem is that the form action will still be simply contact-us and not contact-us/support, unless I also change this through js
(If you care about those)
yes I do
which is why I'm wondering about the whole thing x.x
posted on July 22, 2014 by Maximiliano Firtman

    You resize the browser and a smile creeps over your face. You’re happy: You think you are now mobile-friendly, that you have achieved your goals for the website. Let me be a bit forward before getting into the discussion: You are losing users and probably money if responsive web design is your entire goal and your only solution for mobile. The good news is that you can do it r

@DarkAshelin What should happen is this
Use arrives at /contact-us
Clicks the support button
JS uses pushState to change the URL to /contact-us/support
As well as alter the form
You can use hidden inputs to determine the URL to return to, or you could use the subject itself
so the form action is altered by js?
@DarkAshelin It can, but that probably won't scale well
What would happen when you need to add another form type?
You'd need to add another controller
I'm still using the same controller for all
Or even worse, conditions on the same controller, increasing its complexity
not a lot of documentation on pushState :/
var stateObj = { foo: "bar" };
history.pushState(stateObj, "page 2", "bar.html");
what's stateObj supposed to be?
!!mdn pushstate
lemme see
yeah that's the page I got it from lol
@DarkAshelin When the user navigates back to it (via the back/forward buttons), JavaScript will shoot an event with that object in it
why do you need push state for that form?
So you use that object to describe the state you just pushed
@SecondRikudo I don't understand at all D:
what do the values in that stateObj do?
@SecondRikudo why pushState for the form?
@ObiWanWesabi First, to be able to navigate between the forms with the back button
Second, to allow better URLs for it
i see. makes sense
@DarkAshelin With that example, let's assume that that the page ran it, then the user navigated to google.com
Now the user presses the back button
@DarkAshelin basically you change the page location's url without actually reloading the page
yes I get that
What happens is that you'll get the same page you were on (not bar.html), and an event will be fired with that stateObj passed into it
"page 2" would be the title (header) shown, and "bar.html" would be the url shown
you do that with pushState()(adds a new entry in the history) or replaceState()(replaces current entry in the history)
but then what do the values do in stateObj?
the object you pass to the function is used to restore a state
when the window.onpopstate event is fired (which basically means that the user pressed the back button in the browser)
@DarkAshelin When you hit the back button (i.e. restore a previous state), an event will be fired with the stateObj object passed in, so that you can restore the state the user was in.
so what should I fill in for those values?
window.onpopstate = function(ev){
console.log("please restore my ", ev.state, " state");
same as bar.html?
@DarkAshelin The kind of form this is, and the values the user put in the form are good things to remember when navigating away
Ask yourself this "If a user navigates away and presses the back button, what would he expect to see?"
goes back in his cave
He'll expect the form to be the same form he was on last time, and the form fields filled as they were when the user navigated
this just keeps getting more and more complicated Q.Q
my url is a string composed of several php variables
so when I need to give the url in js... I don't have those variables
@DarkAshelin Alright, let's give up on pushState for now then
I'll just quit my job
sounds easier
Use hidden inputs or the subject input to determine which form is being submitted
Or, alternatively, validate client side, and if there's a validation error that the client side didn't catch then too bad.
The user is returned to the original form and no fields are filled. That's also a possibility.

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