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A: Css background image of link positioning

7thAs far as I know, there's no such thing as "... center right "AND" -1px;" to the background properties. You either use "right" or a number value. What you can do that could work is using a percentage value higher than 100%, but that would be non precise in some cases, and I think it would not sol...

Seems to work nicely in Chrome & FF, but IE is doing something weird... Not sure due to what it's doing so, perhaps something with the padding.
Which version of IE are we talking about? I just edited my answer. Check that on your Fiddle.
I'm having issues with IE9... But in JSFiddle it doesn't seem to do so, I forgot the <!DOCTYPE> in my local doc :p
Well, there you go... =)
I'm afraid your updated code moves the whole div and thus the text has to be moved as well. But as mentioned in my comment above, it DOES work in IE9 also. Don't see any problems in any major browsers, so that's good news!
Do you have a live link so I can see the whole page? Sometimes it's hard to help with only a simple Fiddle like that one.
Other than the fiddle I'm afraid not. There does seem to be something wrong with my image though, if you zoom in very far, you can see a faint outline of the border. Weird though, since the image is colored pixel per pixel.
So, another option would be to create another container (tag) inside the anchor tag to hold the image, and than you could make the anchor position: relative, overflow: visible (so that you can see the imagem outside of the anchor, and position the new tag inside the anchor with display: block and position: absolute;
Ah I see
But I don't think that's necessary, or do you think the current solution might cause problems?
I don't know actually. I haven't seen what you have there. If moving the text to the right is not looking good you have to find another solution
Well it's only if you're at +150% or something, and it's not even full pixels that are wrong, just a faint outline.
If you zoom in on the fiddle you can see it as well
but that issue is currently also an issue in the current design with div's
Ok, you'll have to arrange the code the way you like but check this one:
So that's the code you had and added the negative indent?
I don't know the size of the arrow, so you'll have to correct that (15 and 18px). You also don't need a text inside the span, so you can get rid of that text-indent:-9999px; and you'll have to change a span to .active span (so the span background will only show on active links (or hover if you will)
On this new code I'm using what I was explaining before: a span tag (position: absolute) inside the anchor tag (position: relative). I don't know what you used to have before, with the divs, but this may work even better than before
The divs was just the div with text in it, as it is now with the link with only text in it
here's an example of the current div-stuff
Ah ok, so you're Fiddle is almost what you have on your site. Yep, I'm not sure if you're seeing the same thing I am on this new Fiddle I sent you... but it will work.
Here, try this one:
notice that I'm using a new span tag...
and I left both anchor links with a class of active so you can see that the arrow will look fine anyways
But why would I add an aditional span tag if it works without it? The faint outline of the border when zoomed in is a browser-issue I think, or an image issue
If you're happy with the first solution and it works for you, it's good! I'm just showing you another solution... if the span tag is the problem you can even use a :after to do the same thing...
Yeah thanks a lot! But I think I'll stick with the first solution, it's the cleanest and works as well. But if I find some issues, then I'll know where t look for other approaches!
Here is the same thing using :after
no span tags and should work on IE9 too... I would probably go with this one... but, oh well, you already have what you need (and some more if you find you need to improve it on the near future) ;)
Yeah I had forgotten IE does annoying about not setting a doctype, that was my bad :)
Ok, see ya! ;)
Thanks mate!

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