The reading works, but I'm not sure how to write to the device yet.. To write I have a different Characteristic UUID than the read, so I set the value of this characteristic to the value I want to send, and then I guess I need to use BluetoothGatt.writeCharacteristic() to send that characteristic to the remote device? Then check the status with the callback and send new data?
yes, similarly to the read, you first have to get the BluetoothCharacteristic object and change in it the value to the new value. You can change the write type (write with response or write without response) with "BluetoothCharacteristic #setWriteType(...)".
And at the end you call BluetoothGatt.writeCharacteristic(changedCharacteristic)
no, notifications are intended for e.g. a temperature sensor, in order that the central (your android device) gets a notification with the new temperature as soon as the temperature has changed. This is great to save read requests which you would issue repeatedly...
Ah I see. Could I ask one more question? It is possible in BLE to pair (bond) devices, right? The app you linked can't manage to bond with my peripheral, could it be that it does not support it?
I'm sorry, but I've never worked with bonding/pairing. That's used for encrypted connections, right? I did a fast search and came up with this:…
Idk if that's of any use for you, in general it should be possible (at least iOS supports it)