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@Abyx I know of the differences between C and C++, but I don't know if I can count them as 2 separate languages when telling someone what I code
I don't code C with classes
C with classes is a horrible language
mumbles something about casting pointers returned by malloc()
Yes, that's true. int* i = malloc(sizeof(int)); is not accepted in modern C++ compilers
Nor should the inverse be done in C, modern or not...
@R.MartinhoFernandes a fork with three execs
awkward silence
confident silence
@ScottW Three times the fun.
totally not awkward
with dicks.
what without an h sounds like someone who visits reddit too often
but how would i know....
@ScottW Awwww yeah.
full disclosure huh :)
@ScottW I wonder when the 8th issue of the comic will come out.
I bought the 7th as soon as it came out, and now I can't wait for the next one.
Sanity check: the length of the half-open interval [0, 6) is 6.
@LucDanton yes, it is.
is that a c++ question? (secret: i know next to nothing of c++)
@Will no
THERE. Changed it you pedantic people ;_;
@Will It's a math question.
so what's up with the [,) syntax?
oh right
Is that not the preferred notation in the Anglo-Saxon world? It's hard to keep track sometimes.
@ScottW [a, b[
[,) syntax is clearly superior
I used [a, b[ because I never saw the usage of [a, b) before
@LucDanton Yes, that's the most common notation, at least in my experience.
I learnt the [a,b[ style as well, but know the [a,b) style from some books.
@ScottW I suspect it's a British Isles vs Continent thing but I don't know for sure.
well, in my defense, i'm a compiler, and i can't help but barf unless you write "range(0, 6)"....
not actually a compiler, just ignorant
But you're a COBOL compiler
Oh I also remember now that when the interval is over integers or naturals you're supposed to use white brackets: ⟦0, 6⟦.
it's ok. i'm color blind when it comes to brackets anyway.
@Will You can edit your messages. Like so. And so!
Thanks! (First time chatter here!)
@LucDanton AFAIK it's the mathematical notation- I've never seen it written any other way.
And so does the English-reading part of the world: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_%28mathematics%29
> Une autre notation (d'origine anglaise mais très répandue également)
It's a foregone conclusion, I would think, that notations converge in our day and age.
French is the Rube Goldberg of languages.
@rubenvb From 92? I blame my teachers!
@rubenvb Is 'English-reading part of the world' a thing?
I like [a,b) a lot more than [a,b[ though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes must be a troll or something. I can't believe such people exists...
@LucDanton I don't know. English wiki has it, people who read english read english wiki :P
@Rapptz (a, b) keeps context that it's an interval though.
I don't follow.
@LucDanton Shouldn't that either be "loses context" or ]a, b[?
@LucDanton and I don't think so.
@Xeo Yes.
[a,b[ is fugly
When you do interval (a, b) it's pretty clear what it is.
But now 'interval [a, b]' is redundant :v
even (1, 10) is easy to understand IMO
not really
@Rapptz That's a tuple to me :(
How does this room usually respond when someone casually mentions he thinks the whole OOP "paradigm" is actually just a bad joke?
Ye. {} for sets, [] for intervals, () for tuples.
@Xeo A tuple can be used with [] or <> too
@Xeo ⟨1, 2⟩ for tuples!
Chevrons ftw.
Don't have those on my keyboard. :P
@Rapptz Your notations suck and you should feel suck!
std::make_tuple() for tuples.
@LucDanton I don't use it -- just saying it's an option.
Jul 12 '11 at 15:09, by Luc Danton
There is something to be said for consistency.
Brackets are used a lot anyway.
std::make_unique for compile error for now ;_;
is [a, b] an interval?
Is it a list? A vector? A matrix?
No, it's a list containing a and b.
Python. \o/
For an interval, I generally prefer 1..10. Nonstandard, but virtually everybody recognizes/understands it quite easily.
Not sure why I said range.
@JerryCoffin Didn't the article describe [a..b] as interval notation for integral numbers?
isn't a vector just a one-dimensional matrix anyway? or am i misremembering again?
@Rapptz Matrices is (), and when they're involved vectors (and tuples) are identified with matrices.
@Xeo Might have -- I didn't look through all of it.
A vector is a 1st-order tensor.
It's an array look at index b in array is
ah right, that.
A matrix is a 2nd-order tensor.
What's a list?
@LucDanton We can also use []. :>
@LucDanton slow.
@LucDanton I have no idea I just wanted to replace range because it was weird
I don't think I've seen a set with [] though.
Python uses {} for sets and I like that and it should be that way.
I've never used () for vectors
and rarely for matrices :S
I usually use square brackets.
except when you want to have the empty set, then python pretends it's a dictionary...
Binomial coefficients are () though; there's an old notation C(n, k) which I don't think is as influenced by regional factors but the order of parameters is super confusing.
@Will s/an/the/
set({}) :D
I also use <> for vectors..
on paper anyway
but that's just me I think
I never saw that notation before
@rightfold i know, but it's hardly a thing of beauty
I forget what we've used angle brackets for. Unusual things most of the time.
Ya some binary operations like unusual products etc.
In linear algebra, an inner product space is a vector space with an additional structure called an inner product. This additional structure associates each pair of vectors in the space with a scalar quantity known as the inner product of the vectors. Inner products allow the rigorous introduction of intuitive geometrical notions such as the length of a vector or the angle between two vectors. They also provide the means of defining orthogonality between vectors (zero inner product). Inner product spaces generalize Euclidean spaces (in which the inner product is the dot product, also kno...
whenever i look up a math term on wikipedia i just end up with a whole bunch of new terms to look up...
So that's a bit different from intervals, sets, matrices and the like I would say. More of an operator.
@Rapptz Anyway I'm not particular fond of ]a, b[ per se. As long as consistency is maintained then I'm fine.
@Will It's self-descriptive.
@ScottW heyyyyy!!!
^ best brackets
@rightfold you mean wikipedia as a whole? unfortunately though it's not entirely self-consistent.
@Luc that's a catamorfism!
Why yes. For guessing right you get a banana.
A banana is not much use to a robot.
I spent two years doing proofs with that notation.
Proving that it's useless?
It was fun. Eventually.
Whatcha doing in here, robot
chatting, what else?
@Will set({}) syntax.
Or set([]), for that matter.
Moving time forward
Oh, it's only 7pm.
sooo, I got work done today, quite a substantial amount too
@not-sehe Sorry, fixed.
Oh right, also need the ability to save for slices. This is gonna suck.
> Mozilla, Reddit, 4Chan join coalition of 86 groups asking Congress to end NSA surveillance
lol 4chan :D
My reaction was the same
histedit y u no work
cause it sucks?
hmm... maybe I need to set the default editor...
@Telkitty猫咪咪 diagnosis: grandiosity (everything revolves about one's own perception/experience)
@StackedCrooked thanks !
@TonyTheLion ¬_¬
@EtiennedeMartel haha
@LucDanton what's the difference between a set and a tuple?
Ordering and repetition.
ah no maths
@rubenvb sets are mutable I guess
When I see {} to denote sets in maths, I wouldn't know how to differentiate them from programming "tuples"
@ShuklaSannidhya lol
@Rapptz what?
@rubenvb Well 1-tuples over a set identify with the set itself, yes.
I consider everything in mathematics to be immutable.
@Rapptz I thought he was talking about Python. My bad.
More importantly, { 1, 2 } represents the same set as { 2, 1 }. (1, 2) is a different tuple from (2, 1).
We're talking about math.
OK. Got it.
Tuple is an ordered subset of a set.
From Wiki: In set theory, an (ordered) n-tuple is a sequence (or ordered list) of n elements, where n is a non-negative integer.
@rubenvb { 2, 2 } is the same as { 2 }.
@LucDanton yes, what does that have to do with tuples?
∃ n ∈ ℕ: n is even.
^Does this mean "there exists a natural number n which is even"?
You can have a tuple (2, 1, 7, 11, 19) which isn't ordered.
@Ell yes.
@Rapptz but the order of the tuple's elements defines it.
Because (2,1,11,7,19) is a different tuple.
so a tuple has a definite order.
Ah we're using that definition of ordered.
yes, at least I am :P
You were thinking of "sorted".
Yeah which is synonymous with ordered too. It's dumb.
I default with the "sorted" definition due to C++ screwing that up for me
=> unordered_x
Okay wtf. I just had a view of all tabs open, with the ability to search them by name / title.
@rubenvb So consider the set { 1, 2 } with subsets {}, {1}, {2}, {1,2}. I can build the pair (2, 2) over that set, but it can't be identified to a subset.
You could say that it's a subset of some other magical set which doesn't make you wrong but that wouldn't be a definition for a tuple.
Ah ok I see.
Too strict simple a definition.
As always.
I recommend that you do not try to define all tuples at once. It's enough to define what is an n-tuple; i.e. a tuple of size n.
having buffering issues with my rPi.
Hm. To buy, or not to buy liquid stuffs to drink
The choices are having something to drink and not having something to drink
@Xeo defiantly better than solid ones
Go for it
But you're a heretic and dislike beer.
I like grape draynk
@BartekBanachewicz Hey, as long as he enjoys an alcoholic beverage that isn't a lady drink, I don't care.
@EtiennedeMartel what's a lady drink?
@BartekBanachewicz A drink in which the taste of sugar is stronger than the taste of alcohol.
also new Core C++
I recently drank basil lemonade
it was without alcohol, but I would have hard time saying if the taste of sugar was so strong
Anyway I like trains and Heineken.
@EtiennedeMartel did you see The Division?
That game was cool
@Rapptz Oh yes.
@BartekBanachewicz Heineken? You mean Dutch piss?
@EtiennedeMartel maybe the dutch version is so sucky. Polish heineken is brewed in Poland
@ShuklaSannidhya That's probably older than you, kid.
@BartekBanachewicz Wherever you go, it sucks.
It's almost tasteless.
It's a fucking lager
I remember seeing that image at least 7 years ago
@BartekBanachewicz You do realize that "lager" is an incredibly broad category?
I mean, a bock is a lager.
Ah yeah. 2002.
Fucking old.
@EtiennedeMartel I know. There's a Polish brand that has (a quite amazing) red lager
So, has anybody noticed that the Markdown in SourceForge bug trackers is somehow broken?
but in general, these are, hm, thinner
Out with kittens then.
@wilx have you noticed that Sourceforge is broken?
The usual Markdown constructs sometimes seem to break and do not do what they should.
@EtiennedeMartel TILL: Heineken comes out of my dick.
@BartekBanachewicz: It is not. Stop being a smartass.
@rightfold s/TILL/PISS/
@rightfold Just like Stella Artois is Belgian piss.
@wilx Weren't you the one reporting it fucks up the fonts?
Dunno. Probably not.
@BartekBanachewicz Long time no see man, how's that Lua C++ interface going? :)
Anyway binaries are no longer cool. Source code or GTFO.
@Magtheridon96 I am starting my exams, so not much progress lately. It's defiantly on top of my list to do when the holidays start, tho. You're always welcome to help.
@BartekBanachewicz I will help. Lua is a huge part of my project, so contributions to this are a priority to some extent.
well then, next thing to do, after maybe adding some misc tests
would be to make map and vector work
@Magtheridon96 I can always drink water.
@Xeo ~Health is so overrated~
@Xeo But water is so bland.
@BartekBanachewicz Not sure exactly what you mean. Are you making a totally different version of Lua, or just an interface? :o
@EtiennedeMartel I wrote an implementation of node data structure - codepad.org/8zaBXhxZ
Because if you're planning on implementing vectors in Lua, I'm totally down with that. It's backwards compatible with any prewritten code and it will be awesome
@Magtheridon96 no hell no. It's about making a, say, vector of ints in C++ and making Lundi not choke on it
@EtiennedeMartel Time for adding nodes is not constant.
@ShuklaSannidhya oh so terrible... aaah wait it's C. DOUBLE TERRIBLE
@ShuklaSannidhya Why do you send me this?
@BartekBanachewicz How do I make it constant?
@ShuklaSannidhya first, use C++
after you complete first step go back for more
I don't get it
This is very basic.
His code
That's a linked list
It's kinda hard to read.
Yeah a singly linked list
he means that the node's value should be const prolly
If you want constant insertion in a singly linked list, you need to keep track of the end somewhere.
I think he means that the algorithm for insertion should be O(1)
well not using C is a good way to do it
for insertion, if you maintain a list structure and know the last or the first node, you can get O(1)

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