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6:00 PM
Nothing to do with C, basic data structure.
Yeah. Time for insertion is not constant its O(n).
@ShuklaSannidhya np = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node *));, you fail to check if malloc returned null.
@Rapptz except all sane languages allow you to write it better, and of course have something that makes writing it not necessary
Also, I want to get rid of those recursive calls.
6:01 PM
@ShuklaSannidhya Go for C++ man, you don't have to care about implementing these. Lists in C++ are as simple as std::list<int>
Only due to OOP
Of course, I'm not saying it's not important to understand how they work or what they're really doing
Not to mention singly linked lists suck
It's an exercise.
fuck exercises
write code.
6:02 PM
@Rapptz I know they do.
@EtiennedeMartel But I'm lazy.
Very lazy.
if it's useless it's useless, calling it an exercise doesn't change a thing
@Xeo For fuck's sake, you're German. You're surrounded by great beer.
@Magtheridon96 Better to use std::vector<int>
Well, I still have about 30 minutes to decide.
6:02 PM
@Rapptz Yes
@BartekBanachewicz Exercises are good.
@EtiennedeMartel :S
@EtiennedeMartel You do remember I dislike beer?
@Xeo It's an acquired taste.
If you don't like it, it means you did not have enough.
6:03 PM
@Rapptz I say fuck em. Write code that does something. Note how you can still learn a lot this way.
I'm serious.
he's serious. And right.
Look, I did try to get used to beer, but it's just not my thing. I find it to be too bitter for my tastes.
And I'm an owner.
6:04 PM
@Rapptz Though, in cases where we have arrays of data that may not have enough contiguous memory (like, say, 500MB), maybe an std::list would have to be used ;o
@EtiennedeMartel :(
@Xeo You don't have to start with heavy stuff.
I even had a beer once that nearly made me puke from the unexpected bitterness.
I mean, I'm a big fan of IPAs, but I did not start that way.
@EtiennedeMartel Who said anything about "heavy stuff"?
6:04 PM
@Rapptz or multiple vectors, bleh
@EtiennedeMartel he should start with heineken :D
For the first time since the 90s, Pokemon has a new type.
@BartekBanachewicz That tastes like piss.
@Magtheridon96 vector<int> is faster than list<int> in any operation
6:05 PM
prove it.
@BartekBanachewicz Depends on your architecture. And how much data you're playing with.
vector<int> is faster than list<int> in any operation on x86
6:06 PM
But, sure, if your vector stays in cache, of course it's gonna wreck the list.
std::vector is cache-friendly, while std::list is not. std::list can generally be larger than std::vectors, but the who the hell is going to create a 500MB vector anyway?
@BartekBanachewicz Splice?
@GManNickG what?
i mean what do you mean by splice
@BartekBanachewicz Creating a sub array.
Lists have certain operations that are faster like deletion and splicing.
6:07 PM
it's just a memcpy for vector
Concatenate two vectors or remove a subset of elements from a vector
@BartekBanachewicz It's just moving a bunch of pointers around for a list.
wait, but don't you have to copy the part you want?
Splicing is O(1) for lists
6:08 PM
@ShuklaSannidhya For bonus points, call your function mknode
@Rapptz you assume that you have the iterator of the element
It will be consistent with mktime
@BartekBanachewicz No.
Because that's not what splicing is.
Or is it?
I can't remember.
so tell me what it is
6:09 PM
it's a move.
So, you're wrong.
not until you benchmark.
@BartekBanachewicz std::list<int> x, y; /* populate x and y concurrently */; x.splice(x.end(), y);
You're still wrong lol
also it takes an iterator
6:10 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, fuck off. I did not see you benchmark anything.
I can't benchmark, but at least I can ~benchpress~
You made the claim, you prove it.
The burden of proof is on your shoulders.
just gimme timer code for C++11
He would only be proving it for his architecture
or is it C++14? I am not sure
6:11 PM
takes 10 seconds to make
and his compiler's implementation
@Rapptz Depends on which splicing you're talking about
@Xeo The SL's.
time to fold laundry.
@EtiennedeMartel Uhm?
6:13 PM
@Xeo std::list::splice
Standard library
I meant which form of splice
Yea. Some are constant, others are linear.
There's the whole-list version, and the iterator version
The iterator-version is linear unless you're splicing inside the same list, since the size needs to be updated.
@KonradRudolph hey, I remember discussing with you that it's not easily possible to get a student version on github. A friend told me today that he simply wrote two sentences that he needs it in his bachelor thesis and he got it right away. So it shouldn't be a problem for you with your phd and may be worth a try.
6:22 PM
hi @EtiennedeMartel
@Takarakaka Hm.
hello :)
I have a feeling that you have a question.
exactly. :) How are you? :))
I'm fine.
6:25 PM
@EtiennedeMartel hey man. Been thinking. If I send you on my CV (Google doc link do you?) can you send it on to your man. Coming from you will really help me stand out. When he asks you why, be honest, you do not have any real experience of coding skill, but that does not matter, what matters is what you think of me. Do you think that having me as part of your team would a good thing? what say ye?
@thecoshman Unfortunately, there's no position open on my team.
If you get in, it'll be as a game developer on some project.
@EtiennedeMartel yeah, but you know what I mean, be a character reference
@thecoshman Yeah. I know what you mean.
bajtek@bajtek-VirtualBox:~/list_vs_vector$ time ./list

real	0m0.112s
user	0m0.068s
sys	0m0.028s
bajtek@bajtek-VirtualBox:~/list_vs_vector$ time ./vec

real	0m0.028s
user	0m0.008s
sys	0m0.016s
and I thought you where tools? which according to the site has positions open
6:26 PM
but that won't convince you anyway so fuck that
@thecoshman Really.
let's talk about beer
@BartekBanachewicz Example code
How did you spend your day? :)) @EtiennedeMartel
@Takarakaka I'm currently working.
And I will not answer any programming question you send my way, no matter how nice you are.
6:27 PM
@EtiennedeMartel indeed, and is probably the role that best fits my skills
@Rapptz list::splice vs std::copy, nothing fancy
was some guy at your desk minutes ago? :))
@thecoshman I would have to check with my boss, then.
@BartekBanachewicz it's good :) I like stout :)
or maybe I still don't understand how splice works
6:28 PM
@EtiennedeMartel please do :)
@Takarakaka What the fuck?
I have a premonition.
@ScottW Nobody was at my desk minutes ago.
And trolling never works in real life because you can get your teeth punched in easily.
@EtiennedeMartel lol
I like the spirit. :)) @EtiennedeMartel
6:31 PM
@Takarakaka Your guy has a double chin.
note to self: if I get this job and it works out, do not prank @EtiennedeMartel with in arms reach
oh, I failed with the results. I forgot that list is terribly slow when adding elements
@BartekBanachewicz smooth
Do you have a double chin? :))
I added the same init code to both, and just compiled one that actually processes vectors vs lists
0.068 for vector vs 0.080 for list
6:32 PM
No, you don't, soooo ... :))
lol I just did /time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time echo lol
I wonder if I should break my "Never plonk" rule just for that guy.
@EtiennedeMartel he's near enough to mine
It takes a substantial amount of time strangely
6:34 PM
Hm. I just noticed an interesting similarity - command line invocations: myprog foo bar baz. Haskell function invocations: myfun foo bar baz
Acting in danger, whoaa :)) @EtiennedeMartel
@Xeo Child Porn Style
@Xeo inb4 pipes
@Xeo: your variadic template argument expansion trick triggers an "expression result unused" warning in Clang :(
@rubenvb I noticed. Use (void)swallow{ ... };
@BartekBanachewicz wat
6:35 PM
@BartekBanachewicz I wonder... would a compiler be allowed to optimise that to int main(){ return 0;}
Yeah, that was my first plan, wasn't sure it was gonna cut it.
Thanks though.
@thecoshman yes.
@EtiennedeMartel fuck. I just laughed at a MLP image :(
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, wait, was that supposed to allude to CPS - continuation passing style?
Holy shit you're annoying.
6:36 PM
@thecoshman "observable behavior" is an ambiguous term :P
alright, I'm done, plonked
@Xeo i managed to go to the kitchen in the time it took you to get that
Like a little kid on sugar or something.
If only I knew where he lived, I could go and shit on his chest.
6:37 PM
@BartekBanachewicz That shows how stupid that was.
@Xeo i never said it wasn't
Fuck your chin escalation.
Aw, too slow
@EtiennedeMartel :))))))))))))))))))))
@EtiennedeMartel um
6:38 PM
@Rapptz Now that's a caterpillar
@ScottW My vagina is full of sand.
@ScottW like how can you outtroll someone that says he thinks C is good
Close to metal you say?
How does hitting you with this metal rod sound?
swearing on the beloved channel! :D how sexy.... :D
fuck you.
@ScottW hey, that's good.
6:40 PM
How many 10k users we have on here?
Think we can do focused flagging and get him a temp ban?
@EtiennedeMartel FYI you don't need 10k
oh you mean validating?
@BartekBanachewicz Really.
@ScottW ~ I love you ~
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
we could always ask some folks from other rooms
6:40 PM
for what? wanting to be a friend of you? what a silly abuse of mod powers :D
@Takarakaka If your whole reason for being here is to annoy is, please leave right now of your own volition..
I love you more than Cat Plus Plus loves hating everything
@Takarakaka that's a strange way to look for friends, if you ask me
@Takarakaka You're like the physical manifestation of nails on chalkboard.
:)) @Magtheridon96 @ScottW love is all round us !!!
6:41 PM
You get easily annoyed lol
@ScottW That better not be your sock puppet.
@Rapptz I'm usually pretty tolerant. I don't why, but this guys manages to get to me really quickly.
@EtiennedeMartel who now?
@thecoshman That Takeashit something.
6:42 PM
@EtiennedeMartel you have to control your temper. :((
@EtiennedeMartel ergh, but I would have unplonk first
@Takarakaka FINALLY! A SAD FACE!
To be honest I don't mind, but there are others here who might...
Maybe if I keep this up...
meh, just plonk all the bastards.
6:43 PM
I don't like plonking.
It feels like I'm just running away.
@Takarakaka no, Etienne is our brony
plonking works
@EtiennedeMartel do you like to read that crap then?
Takarakaka = 宝欠か?
@Abyx I like to fight. FOR THE LOUNGE!
6:43 PM
:)) is analogous to :DD
I don't feel comfortable with that.
@Magtheridon96 Two mouths then.
@EtiennedeMartel battle pony
@StackedCrooked More than likely
@EtiennedeMartel CONCURRENCY.
Scott is our professional troll feeder.
It's like, "let's starve that guy!" and Scott's like "Not on my watch you bitches!"
6:45 PM
what porn do you frequent?
@EtiennedeMartel He's also a VIP on my ignore list, returning again and again.
@Xeo Really?
Also. Can one of you ask Luc if he plonked me? I got this weird feeling...
(I also know why he did if he did)
How about you just ping him?
6:46 PM
@EtiennedeMartel he says that he did
@Xeo doesn't work
@LucDanton Hey Luc, did you plonk me?
@LucDanton did you plonk @EtiennedeMartel he's got sadness
@LucDanton hi
6:47 PM
damn too late.
o_O, I guessed right then
Not surprising.
@EtiennedeMartel <3
@LucDanton really? how come?
@EtiennedeMartel What did you do?
6:47 PM
I don't think anyone has me plonked.
Too many ponies?
was it because of fucking annoying ponies?
@Xeo Shitting on Cat too many times.
@EtiennedeMartel I think he plonked me too
I think I'm bipolar or something...
6:48 PM
@EtiennedeMartel omg wat
@LucDanton did you plonk @BartekBanachewicz too?
@thecoshman Yes.
nailed it.
6:48 PM
great. Clang and GCC handle variadic templates differently.
@bamboon You must misremember something. In fact, I have a student discount. However, it’s true that they didn’t offer new student accounts for some time.
"bully"? double omg
I mean that's kinda fucked up he won't even say a word, but w/e
@LucDanton who else did you plonk o_0
6:49 PM
May 30 at 21:16, by Luc Danton
@EtiennedeMartel You're a fucking bully and you need to stop.
that's like. wat.
I have an array of pointers to pointers!
@thecoshman I don't see much point in interacting anymore.
@rubenvb they'll sort it out eventually
@thecoshman Does it matter?
The joy of implementing hash tables.
6:50 PM
@LucDanton no, but I am curious
@LucDanton with them, or the lounge?
well, I have a pointer to an array of pointers that point to a pointer of pointers pointing to an array of pointers
@thecoshman he will plonk you for asking
@thecoshman Former.
we are calm
To be fair, I fully understand why he plonked me. I deserved it, in a sense.
6:51 PM
@LucDanton huh, suit yourself
@EtiennedeMartel I wouldn't say so
Feb 11 at 14:17, by Cat Plus Plus
Old here? Do us a favour, and don't announce your plonks. Seriously.
@LucDanton and we followed his advice since when?
I always have.
6:55 PM
did you ever stop to think maybe if I told why I thought they where being a dick, they might change for the better?
@thecoshman He did tell me. I didn't change a thing. So he plonked me.
@thecoshman Yes. Although not everyone I put on ignore is 'for being a dick', as you put it.
Ignore everyone but Danton for the best chat experience
define "best". I rather enjoy all the heated arguments.
6:57 PM
@Pubby That way you only get C++-related stuff.
@Pubby It's spelled p-l-o-n-k.
No Lounge, just C++.
@rubenvb I have observed him arguing with himself before
That's old age.
He's atleast a quarter-Jerry old.
6:59 PM
@Xeo How old is Jerry?
@KonradRudolph ah ok, nvm then.
One Jerry old.
You're so helpful.
I think that Jalf's plonk on me had a rather nice effect
6:59 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Jalf plonked you?

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