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the solution says:
My solution to this problem is based on the observation that since each token can only be used once, a remembered login session actually consists of a series of such tokens. When an attacker successfully steals and uses T_0 he is issued T_1, but the victim is still holding T_0. The database no longer has a copy of T_0 and thus cannot differentiate it from an arbitrary invalid token.
how to create this series identifier... what if he doesnot click on remember me?
Good evening, can some one rephrase this part of text: "Which of the two frameworks is better for general understanding?" for context "Symfony because with this framework it is easy to create new projects from scratch, and you can create your first prototype really quickly and advance from there on.". What's mean "general understanding"? PS sorry my english :(
is "general understanding" = "barrier to entry"
ur gravatar is cool
A: Date Range Validation in BizTalk EDI Schema

HamZa Disclaimer: I'm using PHP, which means I'm using the PCRE regex flavor. The problem It seems that you are unaware of the limits of regular expressions, but that's ok. What the question really comes to is the following solution: check if x =< y and match it. The limit Why ? Well you want t...

@blackbee Then in which case, you don't issue a cookie token, and you invalidate all tokens for that user.
In which case, you only issue a session, and not a cookie
The session expires when the user closes his browser.
@user2112300 What language do you speak natively?
@user2112300 Better for general understanding means that Symfony will help you understand PHP, OOP and MVC better than "other framework here".
How do I grab an image from a local .htaccess protected (only allowing localhost) folder and display it in html?
I can get the file without problem using header image/jpg and then use file_get_contents to get the actual file. But doesn't the header mess with my site since it's not only a picture?
@Alex You can base64_encode() it, and put it in the HTML file as a data URI.
@Alex What about creating a file image.php which generates the image for you ?
That adds about 34% to the file size of the image though, so it's best used for small icons, rather than 10MB images.
I'm not going to use larger images so that won't be a problem
@HamZa's solution is another possible one, possibly better.
How would I go about and actually displaying it? Do you mean that I send a "request" to the image.php and it creates a physical image or using that as a source?
@Danack Russian
@MadaraUchiha thank you
You have index.php
<img src="image.php?id=10">
And in image.php you get the ID and generate a file, and use header() ...
Exactly what I want!
Thank you!
@Alex yw
@HamZa Nice, but why shouldn't he now copy your regex builder as it works now? :-P
(instead of writing his own non-regex parser)
He shouldn't even use this solution since it's too long and is date specific
PHP PCRE regex couldn't even handle a range of 4 months, let alone 10 years. ..
@HamZa why shouldn't it be able to use 10 years? is a big expr, but doable?
A real challenge would be to "improve" the regex, for example instead of writing
01|02|03| ... 29
Directly [0-2][0-9]
1.in the solution nothing is said about destruction of cookies, and also it says:
"If the username and series are present but the token does not match, a theft is assumed. The user receives a strongly worded warning and all of the user's remembered sessions are deleted." then if the exsisting sessions are destroyed.. then the user also gets logged out... but that cannot happen as long as the user stays on the page doing nothing...
2. how is the series getting formed.
@bwoebi It's doable depending on the regex flavor and your configuration. I would think it's possible to boost the length limit
@bwoebi I tried a range of 1 year, and it was about 500KB, which means 10years = 5MB
@blackbee That's right
Assuming the attacker has the cookie,
The user will provide his own token and seriesID, since the seriesID matches, but the token does not, it means that there was a theft.
However, unless the user does something, this check will not occur.
If the user leaves the page, the attacker who gained access to the cookie won't be disturbed until the user attempts to present his.
@HamZa yeah, exactly
That's why, a user who accessed only via cookie, must not be able to do sensitive stuff
Password change, Settings change, Personal information access
To get those you need to submit a successful login form
(Even though you're logged in, you need to prove your identity again to access those features)
So while the attacker will be able to identify as you in case of a successful attack,
He would be limited
then i would need a password, upon entering the password... new tokens will be set and existing cookies will be destroyed or something like that?
@blackbee Yup
Note that you can set it up in a way that you can remember me from multiple computers
A single account can have multiple seriesIDs, each represent a computer he's remembered from.
On theft though, all the series IDs from all computers are cleared.
how is this seriesId generated? any particular logic or just rand numbers
although its said just random numbers from a large space
"watch" is a confusing word (noun and verb)
@blackbee Random, hard-to-guess.
Something similar to sha1(mt_rand(1,999999999))
it also says "The login cookie contains the user's username, a series identifier, and a token. The series and token are unguessable random numbers from a suitably large space. All three are stored together in a database table."
then i assume that the user is logging in from different machine first time , how can, the user from different computer have the same token...
@blackbee He won't have the same token.
Same username, different series ID and token.
One username can have multiple series-token pairs
ow.... but then where does the theft occur... i lost it all... :p
this whole thing feels to me like blast from the past
@tereško i am reading that and discussing
@blackbee Exactly, everything gets wiped immediately once a theft is detected.
Also, the next time the user logs in, he'll be presented with a message that a theft occurred with instructions to how to continue from now on
(Change password, don't log in from unsecured networks, etc)
@tereško Aye
@tereško Wanna earn some rep? :P
i'm kinda sick-ish
head feels like wrapped in cotton wool
this is PHP programers help programers... you can vote each others post... :D
also , i just realized that i cannot remember what was the latvian word for "cotton wool" ... nevermind.. it came back to me
@tereško Wanna make a Q&A pair about this persistent login and how to successfully implement it?
@tereško Sometimes happens to me. I once forgot how to say "Moscow" in Hebrew
yeah , english is turning into type 1 language .. while most of people do not even understand what "type 1 language" is
My connection annoys me to no ends.
then if i log in from my pc (desktop) and then at the same time log in from my laptop. both for the first time... using username and password and Remember me checked. then both of the browsers would have the same username and token but different seriesId or only same username, because making diferent token would make it an intrusion/theft
@HamZa About the question you answered before, I have successfully created the image.php, but since I want the file inaccessible that is in the .htaccess protected (localhost only) folder. In the html how do I - through php - call for that file and display it?
@blackbee Same username, different token, different series ID
userid | seriesid | token
1 | a | A
1 | b | B
After I log in from two locations
Once I use one cookie on one location, this becomes
1 | a | C
1 | b | B
yes... this i understood, but where does the attacker come in?
@blackbee Say attacker stole 1bB
Server issues him a new one, 1bD
Actual user wants to log in, he still has 1bB
Server notices he has the same series ID but not the same token
That's when a theft is assumed
ow then there is a theft.. ok got it... thank you
btw whom are you gonna kill naruto or sasuke!!
@blackbee Hashirama first.
I'm waiting for him right now, I don't give a rat's ass about anyone else.
After that, I can take over the world normally
Q: How do some web services recognize I'm logging in from a new location?

Madara UchihaLet's take Steam for example. How can Steam know that I'm logging in from a new computer (or a new browser) for that matter? Steam detects the new locations and sends an email to make sure it was me who logged in from that new location. Do they use a cookie? Some other way? How reliable is that?

If anyone has spare time.
what is Steam?
and there is get_browser in php
or may be not
@blackbee steam == valve's online service. it's like chat + itunes for games
you can buy games online via steam and they'll download and set up and all that
@MadaraUchiha i think they use their own geo database, ip ranges, to determine new locations. with 3g sometimes facebook says that i've logged in 1000km far away my actual location (O_O), which is pretty annoying when the IP changes back and recognized near my actual location, because it says that the account could be compromised, as you probably know, so... that's not an exact science
How can I query for data between two time in this script
$now = '00:02:00';
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT username, gender, country FROM online_users WHERE TIMEDIFF(CURTIME(), login_time) < TIME (?)  ORDER BY login_time");
The problem is if CURTIME() - login_time is -00:01:00 it will still show the query.
in case of facebook.... i think they do something with the ua.. with google chrom there is a cookie named lu:
which looks like:
Name: lu
Content: (data)
Domain: .facebook.com
Path: /
Send For: Any kind of connection
Accessible to Script: No (HttpOnly)
Created: Friday, June 9, 2012 8:58:10 PM
Expires: Sunday, August 8, 2012 8:58:10 PM
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ I'd consider WHERE login_time > CURTIME() - TIME(?)
btw, if absolutely necessary, i would use a combination of IP / IP ranges / geolocation / cookie / useragent to detect new locations and false positives (like browser switch on the same machine)
side note: i love how gender is one of those important things you query when getting a list of online users. :P
and again when i login from a different computer i just add the device to facebook ... so it doesnot ask me anymore for further logins...
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ why is that a problem, anyway? login_time should never be in the future
@cHao I guess it should work, but sadly it is not.
again when i took my dongle to my uncle's house in ..(ok its a place in india, lets say in the next state) and tried to login... from the same browser same version. it asked me to add device again.. but when my uncle who previously had logged in with his dongle didnot need to add device so it definitly does somethig with the ip.. may be something like geographic Ip , if such a thing exists
@blackbee That's possible
It does exist
you could say WHERE login_time BETWEEN (CURTIME() - TIME(?)) AND CURTIME(), if login_time can be after CURTIME(), but i'd look at why that happens at all...
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ: what exactly are you trying to do?
Q: Question wrongfully closed and locked?

Madara Uchiha This post is regarding the following question: Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms Was this question wrongfully closed and locked? I believe this is a good, on-topic question befitting the site with a great answer. There are fundamental, factual differences ...

so i think.. if i am walking down the road.. and i cross the border of two states then i will have to re-login... so two ways.. the user-agent and geo IP ... then can i add
userID |seriesID | token | ua |
It is a chat website, very much like this. and that script, is supposed to get users who logged in 2 minutes before the current time. But, when subtracting, like if CURTIME is 09:00:00 and login_time was 12:00:00: it would return a negative number and hence becomes a valid login time because 09:00:00 - 12:00:00 is -03:00:00
It works fine with this if there is not negative time
$now = '00:02:00';
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT username, gender, country FROM online_users WHERE TIMEDIFF(CURTIME(), login_time) < TIME (?)  ORDER BY login_time");
So what you care about is the whole datetime, and not just the time.
I HAVE 26 Points !!
@MadaraUchiha if you want i will write a more complete answer (eventually)
cause otherwise, someone who logged in at 12pm on monday would otherwise show up as "logged in" at 12:01pm next monday.
@SuzanBalaa lol, welcome
@cHao that is pretty much what I am saying. So, you got a solution for that?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Check for the date as well, not only time.
thanksss :D
who made the bad stars?
@SuzanBalaa now 36 and please dont shout ....:P:P
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ yeah. stop farting around with TIME(). the whole point of it is to chop off the date part and only hand back the time part.
@SuzanBalaa Welcome :)
@Wes Sure, if you can
i think i did do that @NikiC , i deserve a ban xD
But CURDATE() only returns data, and not time.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ so use NOW().
suzan is a girl.... i am remembered of Sussshhhan in Jhonny English Reborn...
@Wes Write this in your profile description: "I don't know how to star messages properly. I should be banned from the PHP room and Stack Overflow chat in general. I am a disgrace to myself, and my fellow PHP programmers."
@cHao anything simpler?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ its simpler already ... why more simple ?
> You have already voted, but the voting has been cleared by a moderator
woo woo 2k rep :D thank you god of stackoverflow for making my life meaningful :)
> I'm a gangster-thug stuck inside a programmer's head. :P
@SuzanBalaa lol'
madara ... why is no one tryring voting or answering ur question other than me :D
If i want to get users that logged in within the past two minutes, i'd say WHERE login_time BETWEEN (NOW() - INTERVAL 2 MINUTE) AND NOW()
@NullPoiиteя what?! I am!!
@MadaraUchiha i love it, thank you for your suggestion xD
@Wes put a star on her suggestion :p
@Adam Lynch lolzzzzzzz
actually, since you don't even have to worry about future dates unless something's seriously screwy, WHERE login_time >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 2 minute) should work
@MadaraUchiha done xD
fuck .. my mental state is deteriorating
@Wes lol
@tereško Feeling creative yet? :D
i think i have caught cold .. or something: slight fewer, itch in the joints, snot
@cHao thanks, but none of the scripts seemed to have any effect on the query. I will go with with adding date
take a tobacoo soup , like Robinson Crusoe did....
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ are you storing the whole datetime when the user logs in? or just the time?
I am storing it using NOW()
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ What is the datatype of the column?
Why are the stars here disappearing? I thought that there were a few minutes ago more stars?
@bwoebi A room owner is canceling them.
This is the who, but not the why
@MadaraUchiha Actually, that started giving me some problems so I made it VARCHAR(8) Sorry :)
I tried making it, TIME and DATETIME but the time would'nt be submitted for some reason.
And since I have very few knowledge of mysql, I varchared it
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Write this in your profile: "I don't know how to use correct datatypes in MySQL. I should be banned from the PHP room and from chat in general. I am a disgrace to myself and the entire PHP community".
My mysql knowledge is near non-existent.
@MadaraUchiha lol
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Varchar? for dates? at least an unix timestamp in an int... omg
oh wow, I just found out the lead dev on the radio station i'm sysadmin for was testing delay on a buffer by using strlen() on binary data in C. needless to say that buffer data sounded like a chipmunk on a sugar rush.
@Alex huh
@Alex Show the code you have now ...
@MadaraUchiha I remember complaining about that
May 27 at 17:34, by php NoOb
weird, mysql is both the easiest and hardest language to learn.
@MadaraUchiha Have you check this answer of Baba ?
@HamZa The php file that grabs my image file and returns it with a header/jpeg is in a localhost only folder - only php can access it. In my html webpage I want to use php to access the protected image.php file and through there access the images.
How do I use php to display the images?

I have been trying something like

function SlideShow()
$int = rand(1,5);
$img = './slide/image.php?id=' . $int;
echo '<script>';
echo "document.getElementById('headerIMG').src=($img)";
echo '<\/SCR' . 'IPT>';
the '<\/ script thing was to try and escape html reading the </script> before the actual javascript </script>
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ sure? You think this because it gets rapidly apparent in mysql... But there are also always in other languages edge cases you don't know.
@Alex What did I just read o_O ... Is that a fusion of JavaScript with PHP ?
@HamZa Thanks, I'l have a look
You're Welcome
@HamZa I know that the script gods want to kill me, but I find no other way due to the knowledge I am possessing (pretty much nothing)
@Alex Give me some time ...
@Granted ;)
@HamZa *
@Alex may someone close-vote this code and delete it? my eyes...
@bwoebi hahaha
@bwoebi He's at least trying :p
@bwoebi Sorry, it's a draft
@HamZa You got to at least give me that ;)
@HamZa sometimes I prefer that nothing is tried. It's better than having a heart attack when looking at the code...
@Alex Even my worst drafts are better... :o
@bwoebi Hahaha, I bet you didn't get born with your php knowledge?
I do suck at php in general, but some things seem to work, I got to learn some time ^^
@Alex No, I mean even worse than my PHP codes when I begun coding (they're also a nightmare ;-))
Gotta hand it to Baba, his answers are amazing :o
@bwoebi, oh alright, you might be a natural ^^
@MadaraUchiha haha you say it !
@Alex no; then my code would have been good and no nightmare when I begun coding...
@bwoebi What was your first programming language? Mine was BASIC in the .Net framework, a lot different from php
@Alex PHP.
@HamZa Coming up with something? I know it's pretty much a war that I cannot win :/

@bwoebi That explains some stuff ;)
@Alex writing codez....
If I don't want to rtfm for the xmlparsers docs, what should I use? regex or (strpos etc.)?

(p.s.: no link needed to this famous answer where is stated that regex parsing of html will drive me insane...)
@bwoebi You RTFM for DOMDocument
It's really REALLY not that hard to understand.
Eh? @DaveRandom, why didn't this work? ^
Why wasn't DOMDocument linkified?
@MadaraUchiha What I hate in PHP is that there exist soooooo many different classes and functions :-(
@bwoebi Nooooooooooo, that's what I hate about Java.
What I love about PHP is that it has so many classes and functions and they're all documented nearly perfectly.
@MadaraUchiha I hate it in both
@Alex My MediaFire account is bugging, do you have skype ?
@MadaraUchiha It's good that they're documented, but too much to know them all...
You don't have to know them all in the right from the start
You just need to know that they're there, and be able to access the documentation about them.
Also, you have us here to help you learn :)
How well versed are you in JavaScript DOM?
@HamZa "xAlexGustafsson"
@Alex Ok, just changed from browsers and it works now, here's da link: mediafire.com/?8j8h7brwr3q7txg
@HamZa This will be fun :)
@MadaraUchiha I don't really like DOM, that's why I use jquery (good, I could use document.querySelectorAll, but that's so long :-P)
@Alex If you say so :p
Anyone know a php equivalent to jquery's load for getting the contents of a dom element based on a class or id?
@Stephane take a look at phpQuery :p
@Stephane You're welcome
@bwoebi Solution: $ = document.querySelectorAll ^^
@NikiC haha :-D
@bwoebi Please learn JavaScript DOM, again it's really simple, and very useful for both PHP and JavaScript
@MadaraUchiha what exactly do you mean with DOM? manually accessing via names, getElementByID and getElementsByName?
@bwoebi DOM means Document Object Model
It's the feature of JavaScript taking the page's source, and building a tree of objects out of it
yes… and what to learn about?
@bwoebi That.
@bwoebi It's really not as huge at is sounds
@MadaraUchiha GetElementById, done !
@bwoebi Learn of the process the browser does to do it, learn of the methods used to manipulate the DOM (yes, like getElementById, or createElement and append),
those, I know already...
@bwoebi They are almost exactly the same on PHP
Anyone here's good with Sublime Text?
^ Need moooooooore :p
@MadaraUchiha i'm writing an answer, be confident that it will not be worthless as my star-able messages policy xD
@Wes lol

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